Those who prey on their flock must answer in this world before they answer in the next.

My grandfather (who was a staunch Catholic) who immigrated from Poland, used to say not to blame God for what the priests or church does. If they pervert the word it is up to us to learn the meaning through study of it. When they pervert the flock people need to stand behind those that are abused, and call them out and demand change, same when they pervert the word.

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The papacy has long been part of the deep state/ cabal - whatever name you want to give , part of the antichrist. Just look at the direction our current globalist black pope is leading

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Call out other Religions also. This just didn't happen in the Catholic Church. Is this going to cause

the Catholic Church to allow transgenders and homos to adorn the Church. Bet the Catholic Church won't be in business long. All these Religions unfortunately, are cults. My own Catholic Church is allowing their Youth Group to watch a Black homosexual woman on video telling her story of

being attracted to the same-sex. Inviting Families to watch this most disgusting program.

That's not what I was taught in the Bible. I heard a Podcast from Ben Armstrong,

www.thenewamerican.com. He said in a society the last thing to fall is the church and

religion. We are at the crossroads now. JOE proclaims to be a Catholic and tells Crow Garland (who will never get over not getting that seat on the Supreme Court) to go after Catholics

who attend Latin Mass. JOE is a FRAUD and LIAR. He even threw out the Priests from

administering to the Veterans at Walter Reed during Holy Week of Easter.

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BINGO. MANY institutions have been infiltrated and the name used as a COVER by EVIL for EVIL purposes. Only respect for the TRUTH by PEOPLE survives this. And it's why TRUTH is constantly under attack.

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I was raised Catholic, and ran like the wind once I was able to get away. Never had a place raise the hairs on the back of my neck like I did entering their dens of evil.

I am not a fan of any organized religion, never was never will be.

What we need are gatherings of like minded believers learning and hearing God’s word, his statutes and laws. We need an intimate relationship with our Father and Son and savior Lord Jesus Christ.

It does not need to be a complicated affair, God’s yoke is easy and once we get our heads around this the greater our flock will grow.

In fact it’s already growing in leaps and bounds today.

God’s church is not a place or a building or a set of stupid man made rules and rituals, it’s simply the belief that Jesus died on the cross for our sins and was raised from the dead at the right hand of our Father, opening the doors to all who believe an everlasting life and relationship with Him.

We can worship God and talk to Him anywhere! A gathering of like minded believers around a fire pit on a nice Saturday evening, standing in line at the grocery store, in our car on our commute to work, in the shower, you get the gist of it.

In other words, God’s church is all of us together worshiping Him, giving thanks and praying unceasingly.

I believe it’s really that simple.

In fact He’s here right now helping me write this!

As for all the harms and damage that has been done by the clergy, God sees everything, if they don’t pay in this world they definitely will in the next, no one will escape His wrath.

Prayer for all those who were abused.

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Indeed corruption in the churches has led us to stray from god. And because of that we have fake pandemics and climate scams allowing the demons of lucifer to flourish. But it’s breaking down now and it won’t be to much longer and we can have a turn. Been a few hundred years of suppression of the people by the evil,

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This is so true! These people need to be held accountable. And many still have not been held accountable. They have been covering up for these people for centuries. So many people have told me they were molested or one of their family members was. It really hurts and affects the entire family and friends etc. some people never report the incident due to being ashamed even though they were only a child and they were abused by an adult/ priest. Some people never told their mom and dad and now their parents are gone. This has got to stop. These people need to face the music. Otherwise it will just continue. I totally agree with you! Thank you for bringing up the subject. I know so many men who experienced this abuse as a child by Catholic priests. 😫

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Absolutely 👍

ALL must be held Fully Accountable!! 😤

No Exceptions !! 😠

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Faith in man can be disappointing but God never fails.

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For those angry at the institution of the Church. God always begins his redemption by first cleaning out the temple. Only then can the Church again be that place where the flock is able to shelter from the inevitable coming storms of evil and strife.

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I Agree ! sexual or physical abuse should never happen by any person with authority, especially in a church or school 🙏 religious or not !

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I have heard about the Royal Family in England, including Queen Elizabeth, Prince Charles and many others who would have little children brought into mansions for their Satanic rituals and they would sacrifice the babies and children and actually eat them. I have watched videos of young children who have talked about their experiences being sold by their own parents or grandparents to these Satanists and the current pope who has been performing these horrific Sacrifices. It has been going on in Hollywood since Walt Disney, a 33° Free Mason, which is the highest ranking member of The Illuminati, began controlling Hollywood. The directors, producers and big agents controlled the entertainment industry and they have been heavily involved with Satanic rituals and sacrifices of little children. There have been many actors and celebrities who have been found dead by hanging from alleged suicides, such as Chester Bennington who was trying to expose these evil people. I also remember watching Sally Jesse Rafael, a daytime talk show, during the 1980’s, where three young women were guests. These three young women shared horrific experiences as little children who were born into families who were Satanists. Their stories opened my eyes to the evils that are prevalent throughout our society today. I remember one of the guests saying that there are Satanists who are involved with child-sacrifices or child-trafficking and they are in every city throughout America and the people who are involved with these atrocities are high ranking officials in our police forces, government officials, and prominent politicians. I would have never imagined such evil happening in today’s society. I began my own diligent research on this because it just seemed unbelievable & I couldn’t comprehend what could possibly influence a person, to become so evil?

The Illuminati is a secret society that is very powerful. It was founded by a man named Adam Weishaupt in 1776. He was a Satanist who dabbled in Black Magic. He had an idealistic approach towards a One World Order, one government that would someday control every country. The first Illuminati’ meeting was with a Rockefeller and four other members who were bankers and politicians. Now there is a new secret society which is The World Economic Forum. These cult members consist of the world’s most wealthiest people; the most influential families; the most powerful people; the most politically connected people and some are the descendants of the thirteen original tribes who worshipped BAAL, an ancient God of ‘Fertility’ in ancient Palestine, known as The Canaanite territory. Child sacrifices were a common ritualistic practice with BAAL and it became widespread throughout Canaanite & Phoenician territories. The Illuminati & The WEF, & other secret societies that are prevalent now, are very involved with child-trafficking and Satanic rituals.

Joe Biden, Barack Hussain Obama and many world government leaders are members of the WEF. Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, The Rockefeller’s and The Rothschild’s are just a few, who are members. Bill Gates is a euthenist. He has bragged about developing vaccines for depopulating the world. Fauci played a huge part of enforcing the mandates of the so-called Covid19 vaccines as well as the masks, lockdowns and restrictions that changed our life and stripped us from our Constitutional rights and liberties. If you don’t know how evil these people are, I suggest that you look at WEF founder, Klaus Schwab & his main speaker, Yuval Harari who is talking about, “humans are now hackable animals” and his speech about “Transhumanism.”

(Dig Deep) These people created a Biological Weapon of mass destruction in their attempt to inject humans with Graphene Oxide and Nanotubes of Electro-magnetic material along with microchips to control Humanity. Klaus Schwab has bragged about “all humans will be microchipped within eight years.” Their plan is to use Bill Gates’ patented Digital Monetary System. International Patent Scope Patent #WO2020060606 [Mark of The Beast 666]

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We are truly in difficult times. The church is filled with the smoke of Satan and the terrible abuse of children by the clergy is incomprehensible. The years of shifting priests from parish to parish to cover their tracks is a blight on the faith and, I am sure, has driven many away from the church. I am not a fan of the current Pope whose words and actions do not line up with the tradition of the faith in my opinion. I decided long ago that I go to mass to receive the blessed sacrament and to spend quiet time with God, not necessarily to listen to sermons that are irrelevant to the times or to what is going on in my life. In spite of the imperfections in the Catholic religion and the influence of liberal thinking in the church, the church will survive because we have Christ's promise that it will endure to the end of time. It will go thru a terrible time and be pushed to the edge of extinction but will not fade into the sunset and vanish. I cling to the ancient traditions of the church that I grew up with in the 50's and 60's where most of my instruction was with the Ursuline nuns and some clergy. I truly love the prayers, the rosary, the novenas, the stations at Easter, the quiet moments before the blessed sacrament. And it is for these opportunities of grace that I cling to the faith. In the end a priest is just a man like you and me. In spite of his vows, he is no more or no less likely to be tempted and fall into sin. I will not let a fallen priest be the reason to stop receiving the blessings and graces afforded by the sacraments. This is just my way of dealing with the imperfections in the church. I won't toss out the whole barrel of apples because some are spoiled. I will not cut off my nose to spite my face.

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Sorry Dr.Alexander , Screw the jail time PARA HERE > Better a Millstone HUNG around their Neck and TOSSED INTO THE SEA, THAN TO HARM CHILDREN. PERIOD pedophiles deserve NOTHING LESS IMHO

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Apr 24, 2023·edited Apr 24, 2023


Unfortunately wherever you have hierarchies and bureaucracies you will have corruption.

In some other religions there is no intermediary (church or priest) needed between the religious person and God. A church or some formal institution is not really needed. Of course, established religious hierarchies do not like that model, and they'll fight to retain their power.

But you really don't need them.

Perhaps a move in that direction for churchgoers is something to consider.

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