The billionaires are all part of the same club. Or clubs. I think we all know what that means by now.

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Yes, but the assassination attempt was real, which is what they do to Billionaires that aren't with them. It is still doubtful that Trump will reach the Oval office again. And if Russia is hit with US precision missiles, none of us may reach the election.

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I disagree with your assessment of the likelihood that Trump will be POTUS again after the 2020 Shitshow result. We ALL know what happened in 2020. It was NOT the will of the American People.

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I think if that attempt was real they would have succeeded by now. They have all the resources in the world. Literally. I hope I’m wrong. I want so badly to be wrong. I think the bigger threat is the direct energy weapons they’ve already used. I wonder how long they’ve had those?

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Nobody fakes being shot.

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We're NOT in it.

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Trump is not allowed to talk bad about the vaccine.

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he cannot continue and must stand clear against OWS, the lockdowns and Malone mRNA vaccine. he knows that. He is a good man. He will do the right thing. I know too we are in an election season but there must be no silence on this...Trump will right this, I am confident. I trust...I do.

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He won't. If he does his chances of becoming president are nil.

Besides Trump still thinks vaccines are safe and effective. Or he has not publicly denounce them.

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He may have a reason to have second thoughts on OWS as Florida are not recommending the new boosters and give reasons. You are right Dr. Alexander in recommending that he admit he was lied to and mislead by people he trusted. If he comes clean on this it would open the flood gates and make the MSM talk about it.


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Ooh. If he does not then will you finally put him on your list?

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All who we're watching know Trump got dumped by the deep state on the OWS program. Medicine is absolutely outside of Trump's wheelhouse. To think otherwise with all we know is what democRATs do. GTFOH.

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Sep 15·edited Sep 15

Ooh. A sheep who plays identity politics. I get that you want to defend your leader, but you have to open your eyes. If any other leader has their people murdered, you would want justice. I mean, lo, ok at the head of the secret service. Reps wanted her to be fired. I wanted her to be charged with 2nd degree murder, but eh.

Oh, learn not to get butt hurt over comments on the internet—one reason why the majority of people are easily manipulated.

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Cancer clinic near where I live in Ontario Canada is seeing 100 additional cancer Patients a week since vaccines rolled out. This death count is just going to keep climbing. The kicker is all the police and military got the same jabs and they’re still go along with the criminals.

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correct, thank you for sharing.

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Not for long as we ALL know how the story ends depending on which BATCH they got. People that I talk to who got jabbed, lost their card, never heard of the website, www.HowBadIsMyBatch.com and they sure as fuck don't want to kmow if they got Batch No. 5. I tell them, I read that many got PLACEBO so there's that. Most don't want to know. It Sucks to be them. #AvengeCrimesAgainstHumanity

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Shedding hasn’t ceased. It’s all criminal.

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it is

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They are gagged by the bolts and nuts leave out 70% of the in round about ways.

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But fraud mates with leftist lunacy to render the brain vulnerable to FITH disease.

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Still beating the dead horse.

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Biden tried to take the credit for OWS. Kamala is Biden so maybe she could take the credit now. Could Kamala substitute for Trump and Malone substitute for Fauci in this game for android devices that KarlM Alias was developing late last year? (Google Drive Link to video):


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Malone is maneuvering to mutate as Fauci Ver.2.0

Trump is either bought off, silenced with threats or an educated doofus. Don't look for help from The Son of the Man who Killed Marilyn.

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love you, love your writing, the white spaces too, could be silenced via threats or really trusted...in no way would I ever believe he was bad, bought off etc. not from all I know. He isa good man.

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His continued silence on The Covid-Con (along with the part he played personally) look bad, as you have often pointed out.

Using the inherent goodness of a victim as a weapon is older than time.

These times call for a leader who crosses the river under hostile fire, and takes his men into the dark forest to root out the enemy.

Holding back/being over-careful to not make a mistake can get you killed ... In war, there is no room for regret.

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I think he is too. Maskull does present logic though that may be accurate.

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