Hello Dr Alexander,

I wrote this to you previously and I'm afraid to say all those concerned citizens were - and still remain - a bunch of pussies:

"I'm sorry Dr Alexander, but all the anonymous silent people, who secretly confided in you in hushed conversations over a hurried sandwich, or behind a wall, or during a fast-paced walk down a quiet private passage, and who agreed with your cause, really had no backbone, no balls, and, by failing to speak out, were just as complicit as the rest who were involved in pushing the agenda fast forward. Fucking cowards. Professional scumbags. Their day might or might not come.

As a lawyer, I can tell you there is no justice in this world.

This sadly is a world of weaklings and I have no more sympathy for weaklings - either as drug producers or as consumers or as the tag-along crew".

So yeah - fuck them all - once again.

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Completely agree. How sad that none of those weak losers thought that there's anything in life worth losing their jobs over. I have zero sympathy for any karma that comes their way.

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Don’t knock them - inside job.

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My husband just had a heart attack and will have double bypass surgery at 7 am THIS morning. In 1 1/2 hours. He took 2 Pfizer injections, in order to maintain his business, requiring him to cross the Canadian/US border.

I will NEVER comply and I HATE with every fibre of my being those bastards and bitches who STILL continue to promote, encourage, mandate these injections!!

"Don't knock them."????

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I’m so sorry about your husband’s situation and that he is now suffering and headed to surgery soon. Prayers for a successful surgery and for continued health. And for you as well. I read thru the posts below-i, too, have written so many letters (to VRBPAC cte members, FDA, congressional reps, governor, board of Ed, etc) and submitted comments whenever they were being taken by the fda to speak out against the use of these vaccines. Texted my state senator. Left voicemails for my governor. I want to be able to tell my kids I fought this with every fiber of my being. It just breaks my heart every time I read another post like yours, or read another of the stories on the various jab_injuries pages on Instagram. I share your strong emotions.

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So sad for you and your husband.

As a Canadian Citizen I was imprisoned within my country from November 30th until April 20th, unable to escape. (Vax mandate currently temporarily "suspended" by Lord Goodhair, not abolished.)

Am still restricted: cannot cross the US border, via any means, due to my unvaxxed status.

So bloody awful that your husband is now helplessly vaccine injured, due to these diabolical "health" mandates. ("Lock them UP!")

I sincerely hope for the best outcome for him. ❤

Please do keep us updated.

PS: A mass uprising and class action is necessary. 🇨🇦 🇺🇸

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We are also in Canada.

I have not been working since October of last year. Been on disability for mental stress worsened by workplace mandates.

This is ALL so sickening. AND we had to put our home up for sale because of this. Literally in the middle of packing up. And then last Monday I took my husband to emergency to find out he had had a heart attack... He took the 2 Pfizer jabs last year as soon as he was eligible, to save his business and to maintain our home. I so much regret that he did this without really talking it through with me first. I didn't even know he had gone for the first shot... We have been struggling a bit in our marriage, too, and almost separated over this about a month ago. Ironically, we have now become closer again... remembering how it was when we first came together just over 15 years ago.... 😭😭😭

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Aw Nicoletta, such a complete farce eh?

I lost my small business at the beginning of this clown show, due to lockdowns.

Was hired ONE YEAR LATER, under contract to Interior Health.

When Interior Health (BC) applied undue pressure last August, I got sick and walked 3 weeks later. (No benefits, no EI, no cushion.)

I can feel your anger and pain. I'm angry as hell.

I found a crap job last September, as the "QR code was being rolled into BC: Boss didn't ask for my "status" however it was within a City owned facility so... QR Code Mandate to be allowed entry to facility by order of the provincial Chief Health Officer Ms Fancy Fluevog Footwear.

When I WAS finally asked, 45 days after being hired, I just dropped my apron & walked, with a loud "FU#K YOU". (0n both records.)

Been underemployed & struggling to make ends meet since then. (Worth it? Unfair but YES, it's worth the pain.)

The shame is on THEM Nicoletta. Not me.

And? BC "health" is not hiring back unvaxxed staff even though Interior Health is blaming the current crisis on "staff shortage issues" due to "illness".

How retarded are Bonnie Henry & Dix? (A: Very.)

Canadian companies and provincial "health AUTHORITIES" are now importing foreign workers, (Ukrainians have an abundance of opportunities) at great (taxpayer) expense, to fill empty slots vacated by terminated or "uncooperative" unvaccinated workers.

That is a TRUE story.

Hang in there is all I can say.

On the bright side: your husband's health crisis may have saved your struggling marriage. (Small consolation, I know.)

My son succumbed to work & peer pressure last year, unbeknownst to me (1st jab) and even though I red pilled him until he gagged, acquiesced to the 2nd in order to be allowed into the gym, bars, concerts & movie theaters. (He's young... but am so gutted.)

My entire extended family in Canada and Italy are caught within the grip of this worldwide mass hysteria.

Nothing more I can say so? I simply say nothing now.

Just plotting my imminent escape. Not easy.

Might be stupid to say this to you, today of all days, but, might this situation be a blessing in disguise?

Get him through this surgery, help him recover and get strong, and maybe, just maybe, it's time to exit, stage left?

Just saying.

As for me? I'm certainly not waiting around for Pierre Poilievre to (perhaps) save the day for us in 2024.

No faith left. Cutting my losses.

Cheers girl.

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I’m sorry. Sorry I upset you.I only meant it was good thing to have anyone giving inside information. I only want this atrocity to stop. I will think again.

Sending you my love💕

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A neighbor who underwent surgery for prostatectomy in early 2020 and has been OK this last 2 years. No reoccurence. Hospital mandates the jab for all staff, patients and visitors so he has had 4 shots now. Yesterday diagnosed with bone cancer in his pelvic area ONE MONTH after the 4th shot. I keep recalling Ryan Cole warning about recurring cancers that had been in remission.

Could be coincidence, it's hard to know, but this is the second person I know that this has happened to. The first person died within 3 months of the third shot from rapidly spreading cancer. And in all the time from 2020, I knew no-one who died either from or with the CCP virus.

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NOT a "coincidence" as a Peter Falk aficionado would concur.

So far: 1 dead in Edmonton. "Sudden and Aggresive" Stage 4 cancer. "Survived" for 3 months. Diagnosed in September 2021. Dead by Christmas.

1 in Revelstoke. "Sudden and Aggressive" cancer. (In treatment but "elderly" so... You know the tune.)

1 in Kelowna. "Sudden cancer" diagnosis.

1 in Hope. "Stage 3 Multiple Myeloma". (FYI: There is no "Stage 4.")

Multiple cases of debilitating Shingles, hypertension, "mini strokes", sudden heart disease, sudden kidney disease, sudden "dis-ease, sudden cancer recurrence after years of remission, sudden unexplained death "in their sleep".

Etc etc etc.

All this being posted by a person with VERY few friends... Imagine what the TRUE numbers are.

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I don't think it's coincidence. Not after all the evidence coming out.

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"Don’t knock them."???

What's the alternative?

Accept, tolerate, enable???

Silence IS compliance!

Compliance IS complicity to CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY!!!

"Don't knock them."???!!!???

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I totally hear what you say. However, at this stage, the more rats leaving the sinking ship the better. Whatever it takes to stop this. “Many paths lead to Rome”. This is a numbers game right now.

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Yep, if there would have been one time in their lives for them (those fully aware) to stand up and damn the consequences, that would have been it. I'm not normally one to judge, but I can tell you that the nation's "Eddys" take hits just as impactfull on their jobs, reputations, marriages and mortgages standing up on principle in ways that never make news. Where's the inner "fuck you, not on MY watch" among America's professional class? Dr. Alexander is a welcome exception.

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Exactly brother Jimychanga.

Like my late dad used to say to me as a kid (usually after he told me to stop cursing), when he'd heard someone say: "If this had happened, or if that had happened" -

'If granny had testicles, she'd have been called grandpa'.

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Evil exist because pussies allow

The monster to escape from

Wicked bioweapon labs

Evil exist because good men

Remain silent

They spare their own kids

Cover their own asses


Evil exist because money screams

Evil exist because good men talk

But do nothing

Fuck them all Catma Karma

Eventually will have the last word

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"We are faced with a breakdown of general social order and human values that threatens stability [and survival] throughout the world. Existing knowledge cannot meet this challenge. Something much deeper is needed, a completely new approach. I am suggesting that the very means by which we try to solve our problems is the problem. The source of our problems is within the structure of thought itself."

~ David Bohm (1981)


NOTHING will change fundamentally, until we fundamentally change the way we perceive and treat children. Until then, we will continue to see childhood adversity re-enacted upon EVERY aspect of society.

Furthermore, childhood adversity more often than not consists of imposing utterly INSANE societal standards of "normalcy" on children, to which they MUST conform, in order to survive, at a time when they are too young to understand and reject the madness being imposed on them.

The "masses" are essentially clueless and unaware of their own conditioning...


“The total neglect or trivialization of the childhood factor operative in the context of violence and the way it evolves in early infancy sometimes leads to explanations that are not only unconvincing and abortive but actively deflect attention away from the genuine roots of violence."

~ Alice Miller

Full article 👇🏼




"What kind of a society is it, that does NOT place the Children's Fire at the very centre of its institutions of power?

It's an INSANE society!"

~ Tim "Mac" Macartney


Please Watch this Video presentation:







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All of this ^

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Bravo. Well stated!

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They are can'ts

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Stick with it Paul. We are all with you. Our story is still being written, but even if it ends In a shipwreck we must all do our best. If we win we will look back on these days as glory days.

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For all those who have resigned and spoken out on these issues, and been persecuted for it, their glory days are here, whether or not we win in the end. Those parents who spoke out on injured children, Maddie's mother for example, too. Everyone one of them.

The few.

Well done, the heroic few.

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Enough with Doctors are not allowed. If they all walked out en mass & told the truth, this would end very quickly. It’s is their fear of speaking out that’s keeping this going. ITS ON THEM.

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It's not just on doctors, but any person approving, recommending, manufacturing, distributing, administering, treating, or requiring the injections that know or suspect they are harmful and who remain silent, even those who learn afterwards, and still keep it to themselves.

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Thank you...do not stop....humanity depends on you.....they know...and now so do we.....you are one of the chosen ones.....this is your mission........

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"I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear." - Nelson Mandela

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Maybe Mandela said that but in reality he was a Marxist.

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I sent a PDF of this in my own name to a key person of influence, 2 emails, and didn't even get an acknowledgement, crickets, a silence I can only take as complicity. I'm not surprised at all, but they can't say they didn't know.

Autoimmune disorders: COVID-19, spike protein & homologous epitopes

A literature review


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Send them a certified letter and record the reciept (or signed rejection). Let them know they were informed and it's on record.

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Good tip! Silence is complicity, they are going to have pick which side they are on soon, especially with mandates back on the table. Remaining quiet is no longer an option.

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I sent over 40 emails to my employer.


Not a single response or acknowledgement. Exactly ZERO questions answered!.

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Can't say anything? Really? It is more like they are too cowardly to speak up. They put their job before human life. All they have to do is stick together and START TALKING. Please STOP making excuses for these people because they are every bit a guilty as the ones they are silently accusing. They need to pull up their big girl/boy panties and grow a spine. Those that know the truth but refuse to speak out in order to save their career are WORSE than those pulling the strings. WHY don't all of these people get together with Senator Johnson or Senator Rand Paul and spill the damn beans. People are DYING and now they are going to murder our babies. Enough is enough. Dr. Alexander.......you need to start naming names of these people. Force them to stand up. This is the very existence of humanity we are talking about here.

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This all speaks of the pervasive evil that has taken over much of the world. Perhaps this is the “end times” and the second coming. I don’t see how it can become less evil or it would have never gotten to this point to begin with. The planners of this all had it figured out with 24-7 fear propaganda and then most become complicit. Either by being a part of the pushed jab narrative or more innocently being jabbed resulting in fear they will get sick in the future by having went along with the manipulations thereby not wanting to know the truth but avoid it. Terrorizing the world is pure evil and I am sure GOD is not pleased. Never liked the idea of Satan/Devil, but it is making more sense than ever!!!

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I’ve always said PhRMA is all about profits over people, and what came to mind when I read Dr. Alexander’s post and your comment is…these professionals are all about pensions over people. Great idea to encourage them to get together with Senator Johnson.

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This literally makes me cry! How many miscarriages are happening to your friends and family? Too many, way too many!

And the precious children who got the jab? How many are now sterile? How many will give birth in the next decade to babies with deformities?

I’m still crying…..

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Same here Seeking - in my little village in Northern Italy, some people have enthusiastically jabbed their 5 year olds - I know them, as they are in class with my grandchildren. I am so distraught by this. I just want to scream and cry. These poor little poppets have stupid parents. Breaks my heart. We've had a few sudden deaths in Italy of children as young as 6/7/8 years old. This has never happened before.


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All my relatives in northern Italy drank the koolaide too, even the parent of a vaccine injured child who has struggled for well over 20 years.

I had to stop communicating with them after an aunt who SURVIVED Covid in a "care facility" died in her sleep shortly after the 1st jab in January 2021.

There's just no REASONING with any of them so I stopped arguing.

"Never argue with an idiot. They'll only drag you down to their level and beat you with experience."

I wanted to escape Canada, thinking if I got dual Citizenship (born in Italy, mum still an Italian citizen with passport) then I could live and work in the EU.

Hope it's true that Draghi resigned & there's cheering in the streets, however Italy has always been about political shit shows, since before the Partigiani rebellion of '43, so I don't hold out hope of getting an Italian passport any time soon.

Both our governments are beyond repair. In my lifetime at any rate.

"In bocca al lupo" Partigiano (Partigiana?) Puffin.

We are the New Resistance.

"Una mattina mi sono alzatto

O Bella ciao Bella ciao Bella ciao ciao ciao

Una mattina mi son alzatto

E ho trovato l'invasor.

O partigiano, portami via

O bella ciao bella ciao bella ciao ciao ciao

Partigiano, portami via

Ché mi sento di morir..."



Cheers from Canada. 🇮🇹 🇨🇦

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Thank you so much Unjabbed Gypsy - your story about yr aunt so sad. My father in law is in a care home but we aren't allowed to visit as we are unjabbed. He is 98 😌 I'm not actually Italian, I married my Italian hubby and have been here many years.😊

I wake up every day with a horrid feeling in my stomach and I live in hope that things must improve. Many are now waking up, also because there are SO many people here just dropping dead, that it can't possibly be ignored any longer. It has been very hard on us unjabbed - especially regarding mental health, but we are strong and we WILL come out of this nightmare. Sending greetings from Il Bel Paese 😕 I sincerely hope that things in Canada improve.

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I hope so too Puffin.

I lived in "Il Bel Paese" more than once. Scusami, pero mi ha fatto schiffo.

All my relatives are frightened.

Not a SINGLE Covid death. (There are HUNDREDS. Dozens well into their NINETIES.)

Death from LONELINESS & LOSS OF WILL TO LIVE due to segregation mandates is preferable....

"Disumano", no? Correct me if I'm wrong.

Another aunt (she will be 94 tomorrow) "fell off a chair" a few weeks ago, breaking her femur.

Her 70 year old (single, gay son ssshhhh no one knows... 😉) aka "il bastone della sua vecchiaia" is "fully vaxxed" but unable to see her due to "hospital lockdown". (Castelfranco Veneto, P. Treviso.)

Another cousin (the one with the vax injured child) has clearly gone insane. I spoke to him at Christmas. He had "Covid". (Sounded like a slight cold. "Recovering", while isolated from everyone, at home, during Natale .)

He said he can't WAIT to be "cleared" as he's been notified that he's eligible for his 2nd booster...

Cannot make this sh!t up Puffin. Wish I could say naw, made it up.

I had to block him on Messenger. No desire to communicate further.

Finito! BASTA!! Ho chiuso!!!

Ciao Bella, ciao. 💔


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PS: Mi dispiace re: FIL. I sincerely hope that he doesn't suffer the same fate as my Zia who died 2 weeks before her 92nd birthday.

Her children were unable to see her for a year, since they initially locked her down,vand them OUT, in her "care" facility in February of 2020, during the madness in Lombardy.

(Which, I know, for a fact, was terribly misrepresented on the RAI here in Canada as well as Mainstream Media news. I know the son of the largest funeral home in Lombardia. It was ALL ITALIAN OPERA. )

Zia suffered with dementia, from a fall at home. She surely did NOT understand what was going on re: LOCKDOWN but I know this for a FACT: She died feeling alone & abandoned by her loved ones.

Che tragedia.


I hate the bullshit. Can't get through

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(Continued from above.)

... anyone, not even HER daughters...

So I now leave them be.

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I'm so sorry - it's just so awful the whole thing. I read a great book by Laura Dodsworth (English journalist), called A State of Fear. She goes into the tactics used by the British government to make everyone comply and the use of nudge units. She mentions Bergamo in her book - very interesting. I also read The Real Anthony Fauci - made me so angry I want to see him hang.

I can only say that I hope your Zia is finally in peace. 🙏

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“People are getting bad advice and we can’t say anything.”

Can not say anything? Bullshit.

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There’s a hole in the boat.

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There’s a hole in the bucket Oh phuck it Oh phuck it, there’s a hole in the bucket Oh phuck it Oh PHUCK!

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Too bad. I don't give them a pass as, literally lives were on the line and people died. They put money in front of lives. I lost my income and as far as I am concerned they had a moral obligation to speak up. That's the same line Germans used...I was just doing my job.

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There is something wrong with mankind if educated men and women preferred to stay silent instead of making a stand. As I watched the interview last night with Dr Malarky, there was no outrage or urgency. Tucker should have done an hour on just the dangers but it almost seems like they are starting a drip in order to feign innocence like this is all new information. I know I am not in their shoes and can’t understand what some of them are having to go through in order to release small bits of info, but if all these doctors, scientists, media, are really concerned, they would be having breakdowns and committing suicide with information they know is killing and injuring innocent people. How can they look into the eyes of a parent who has lost a child or talk to someone whose heart may be literally a ticking time bomb knowing they kept their own child away from the shots and didn’t take it themselves? I wouldn’t want to walk along with any of these people for one second. Do they not feel any pain from what the nation has been through? Families are in chaos fighting for their spouses, parents, siblings to wake up before it’s too late! I’m a vaccine injured person from decades ago and still no one will listen to me. The silence has been deafening. When the world wakes up, what are these people who have stayed silent until now going to do? I hope to never meet one on the street or have one as my doctor. They are all the lowest of the low in my eyes. I know there is a way to forgiveness and redemption but that will be difficult after 2 yrs of silence. I pray this wall comes crumbling down sooner rather than later. I have wondered what I will say or do to all those who will look at me and tell me they were just listening to the government..... my sympathy is waning. I have a lot to learn through all this myself. But those lessons will only come after we stop allowing the weak to garner any sympathy. They all need to unite and say no more! We have to hold them accountable because they can’t do it for themselves.

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Unbelievable. Sharing!

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thank you so much, did not see and I have now updated the stack. see it now.

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I am sharing far and wide. Thank you.

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Marty Makary says the same...... https://www.foxnews.com/person/c/tucker-carlson

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If they had all banded together and come forward they might have made a difference. If they would all come out now it might make a difference.

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