YES, vaccinating mother is as if baby in utero is being vaccinated, the infant even gets the mother's vaccine induced antibodies, we know that vaccine content, spike, mRNA is in breast milk, placenta
Ooooh, how totally evil to encourage breast feeding after the gene jab. It makes total sense that a newborn would have these issues if the mother had the jab. These questions MUST be asked if a newborn is diagnosed with myocarditis: 1) if the mother had the jab during pregnancy or 2) if she was jabbed prior to conception, when, to get a timeline. Many are waking up. "Dear Lord, thank you for showing us the truth. Please protect those seeking to make a difference for good. More and more are waking up and let it rise into a giant wave of action. Let light be shone on the darkness and those that caused harm held accountable. In Your name we pray, Amen."
Why do we keep screwing with Mother Nature? Stop the injections NOW! Save our Children from the injections and the multi over use of vaccines supported by Adam Schiff! Learned that California ALONE is producing over 100,000 autistic children yearly and that is where they mandate 25 vaccines in new borns before they are 7 months old! CRIMINAL! Evaluate Mother to be health condition and supplement with nutrients that help produce a healthy new born. Talk about the role of vitamin D that is ignored by Big Pharma! Tired of hearing about the GREAT HARM being created, and there is little discussion about how to end this mRNA nightmare that will not go away because the MONEY MEN are investing billions and billions. They are happy reducing humanity to lab rat status! WEF medicine man says with glee! HUMANS are now hackable! Let's focus on stopping this madness and call out the current active promoters of these mRNA injections that are being created and pushed without the safe guards to protect humans from dying, maimed for life and becoming a burden on society through no fault of there own! It is unbelievable that not only are we harming our children with vaccines, but we are now compounding it by injecting them with mRNA that reprograms cellular function! We need to stop NIH/FDA/CDC from being agents for Big Pharma and start protecting Americans from harm created by Big Pharma drug and injection pushing! Has everyone become numb to the harm being created?
The lies, corruption, and poisons have been embedded in our society for a long time. The massive use of cancer-causing pesticides and other agricultural chemicals that started in the late 1940s have ruined the food supply. They've even watered down Organic food standards over the years. Then factor in the almost indiscriminate use of x-rays, CT scans, and other diagnostics blithely dismissed as "not harmful in small doses . . . or at all." (Madame Curie's death from her early X-ray experiments is long conveniently forgotten). There are dozens of examples of Orthodox medical treatments, practices, and diagnostics that continued to be used despite evidence of harm, because Money Talks and Nobody Walks.
How convenient. How tragic. How arrogantly stupid.
DR. JAMES THORP: [On recommending the covid "vaccines"] Certainly not for pregnant women and children.
STEVE KIRSCH: So could you then have your medical license revoked for giving your honest opinion like that?
DR. JAMES THORP: Absolutely, yes.
STEVE KIRSCH: So you're caught between your oath [Hippocratic Oath] and your duty to your patients, and losing your license.
DR. JAMES THORP: That's exactly right. There's no such thing— there's no physician or nurse in the entire United States of America that should be believed anymore.
Patients, for those of you listening, you shouldn't believe me, you shouldn't believe your physician or your nurse. We're all under a gag order. Why would you believe us? It's ridiculous. Because if we say what is opposed to the state doctrine, we will be destroyed. Our careers will be destroyed, we'll lose our livelihood, our reputation, and we'll have our families destroyed. So you shouldn't believe them.
And if that weren't bad enough, certainly there's no such thing as fair, honest, informed consent anymore, Steve. I mean, it's all null and void. When you make threats, when we've all been threatened like we have been, all nurses and all physicians, it's outrageous.
Within a six week time the American Board of Medical Specialties, the federation of the state medical boards, the American Board of Medical Specialties, mine is American Board of OB-GYN, and we've had some rather lively debates and some interactions. I've worked with them before formally, I know them all, they're all my contemporaries, I don't them all, I know two of them, Dr Susan Ramin and I know the executive director, Dr. George Wendel, and they're really reasonable people. I don't believe they have the constitution to do this, and to actually extort physicians and threaten them like this.
STEVE KIRCH: But that's what they're doing, right?
DR. JAMES THORP: That's exactly what they're doing. I held them in extremely high esteem for forty-plus years. I've worked with them formally for at least a year, I did examinations.
STEVE KIRSCH: So you've never seen anything like this before, and you've been doing this for 45 years?
DR. JAMES THORP: Forty-two years.
STEVE KIRSCH: Forty-two years. And you've never seen this kind of thing before, where you have to go and compromise your oath? So these are extraordinary times.
DR. JAMES THORP: These are bizarre times. I've never seen anything— this kind of behavior— as I ??— I served in the United States Air Force, so I a oath that I carry to my death. And I fought for freedom of this country. And I will die on this hill. I will not tolerate this. This kind of horse manure belongs over in Pyongyang, Shanghai, Moscow or Tehran. It doesn't belong in the United States of America.
STEVE KIRSCH: How many of your associates would agree with your point of view that you just expressed with me, privately. You know, where it's not for attribution, but just, you know, of your colleagues, and you asked them, hey, totally off the record, totally anonymously, can't get in trouble, how many of them are pissed off?
DR. JAMES THORP: That's a great question. I think most of them are upset with the threats. Many of them are just so busy, Steve, that they really don't, they really, I don't know where are they. In fact, many of whom I've raised their attention, they're like, "no way!" But when I show them the document and show them the threat, it's extraordinarily concerning. I have a lot of mentees, I've trained a lot of residents, medical students, ob gyn docs, and maternal field of medicine physicians around the country, and many of them have contacted me, extraordinarily upset and concerned about the American Board of OB-GYN.
And that's why I went in to them. I've been trying to communicate with them on LinkedIn for several months, and I guess some of my posts finally got to them. And I tried calling Dr. Wendel and he never returned my call, but he did send me a rather threatening email that I think I forwarded to you.
STEVE KIRCH: So I take it these guys aren't open to, like, a pubic debate between you and representatives from the board.
STEVE KIRSCH: Don't want to talk about it.
DR. JAMES THORP: I'll debate anybody in the world. Bring them on. I'll debate anybody in the world.
STEVE KIRSCH: See, I always thought it was just me, that nobody wanted to debate me. So you have the same problem. We have something in common, that nobody wants to debate us.
DR. JULIA WILKENS: My name is Dr. Julia Wilkens and I'm consultant in obstetrics and gynecology. In the UK the MHRA* is tasked with the monitoring of adverse evens related to the use of medicines or devices in healthcare. As a regulator, they are supposed to take action when significant safety signals are recognized. The MHRA has regularly published summaries of Yellow Card reports submitted by people who have experienced adverse events after a covid 19 vaccine.
The summary published on the 1st of December 2022 indicates almost half a million reports, which is about 1 in 114 people who have received the vaccine. This includes 2,362 deaths. It also includes over 30,000 acute cardiac events and almost 300,000 nervous system disorders as well as many more serious and potentially life-threatening conditions. Whilst this report obviously cannot be taken as proof of causality, these numbers are huge and as such unprecedented, and also reflected in the adverse events reporting systems in the US, in Europe, and by the WHO.
Meanwhile it has become clear that covid 19 vaccines do not prevent infection or transmission. They are meant to reduce hospitalization and death but even compared to the first year of the pandemic a significant increase in excess mortality has been observed in the last two years. This increase across all age groups has occurred at least in Scotland in temporal association with the covid 19 vaccine roll out.
There has also been a significant increase in cardiac morbidity and now several studies indicating covid 19 vaccines to increase the risks of myocarditis.
Unprecedented numbers of sudden death in all age groups including children have been reported. Also including many athletes suddenly collapsing in training or on the playing field.
Post-marketing surveillance is essential when a new pharmaceutical product is given to the majority of populations without robust and long-term safety data, as even the regulatory trials were ended prematurely.
If this was taken as seriously as we have always assumed it would be, these numerous and alarming safety signals should have led to a thorough investigation whilst halting any further administrations.
It is inconceivable that to date this has not been pursued. And so in the interest of the safety of our population we must call for an immediate and comprehensive evaluation of all the available data and whilst this investigation is ongoing we must stop the shots.
# # #
*The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency, UK.
DR. KIMBERLY BISS: Kimberly Biss. I'm an OB-GYN that practices in St. Pete, Florida. I can definitely say since the vaccine rollout started we have seen in our practice a decrease in new ob numbers which would be infertility by about 50%. We've also seen an increase in miscarriage rate by about 50%. And I would say there's probably about a 25% increase in abnormal pap smears as well as cervical malignancies in our area.
Yes, yes and yes. The problem is, when will the damaged and huddled masses, find a tiny bit of BALLS, and burn DC, Ottawa, Canberra and the City of London to the ground? How many sticks can you have stuck in your eyes, how many of your women can you see raped by Tyrone, how many leering jews sitting around the Biden Admin table, can you allow before you recall your ancestors used to routinely kill these tyrannical fucks? How many bit and bytes can you type, with frozen pizza crumbs on your keyboards, you weak Western men?
You're all talk, just like the ones you complain about. More violent rhetoric and bluster, which the enemy can and will use against you. How about you stepping out and showing some real leadership?
You appear to have deleted another nasty comment, but it is still in my e-mail:
"Well, whats holding YOU back, AntiCommunist? Show everyone how it's done, O Invincible Keyboard Warrior....."
It is yappy, likely ugly and fat women like you, who lack male direction. I will assume you are unmarried, gay and perpetually trying to lose 33 pounds. My wife would kick your ass for being such a bitch, and if you had any men in your life, I would love to see the whimpering turds say any of this to my face.
Your extreme presumptuousness and belligerence will never make up for your impotence. Your hate filled diatribe says a great deal more about YOU than it does about me or about anyone else.
Yappy cur. It calls me "presumptuous," as it goes on a hate filled, ad hominem rant about my male potency (my children and my beautiful wife would each disagree).
Or, perhaps the "impotency" is a reference to my singular inability to end the tyranny ruining the world. That, I accept. Wish I could reverse it, and would gladly offer my life if it meant "our greatest ally" was no more.
What have you done, Your Most Esteemed and Honorable Catherine, to fix the world, except take pot shots way above your pay grade?
You are blind to YOUR hatred, though......aren't you? You refuse to recognize it in yourself (even when you are in the process of vomiting it forth) and That is why you see it in someone else......
And you just got furious when I called you out. Because deep down you know that what I said is true.......and you dont want to admit it to your self
I embrace and adore my hatred of being replaced, as a white man, in nations my ancestors built. You are just another jew apologist, easily purchased by the Tribe that owns our money supply.
Nothing you said is true, I have placed my life on the line repeatedly and in public, to defend truth, honor and the great cultures given to us by men of European origins.
I only told the truth, which you hate. You ARE a keyboard warrior covering up your IMPOTENCE at doing something constructive with BELLIGERENCE. Like I said, try to show some positive leadership. Are you incapable of that? It doesnt have to be earth shaking......something small will do. But your anger and fury is getting in the way of that.
Your vicious comment to me WAS a hate filled
diatribe filled with untrue PRESUMPTION.....
what else would you call it?
....Because you dont know anything about me, really, do you?
Yet you were trying to come up with the ugliest, most virulent things to say that you
find to throw at me to try and insult me. Nothing TRUTHFUL or REAL.
The widely distributed statistic that injection with the mRNA "vaccines" caused miscarriage in 83% of the pregnant women in the study disappeared without a trace as quickly as it had appeared.
Our current world leaders are baby killers. Let them know instead of letting them use kids for election props ( or in Biden's case, hair sniffing and miscellaneous inappropriate shit)
#1) there IS No SARS-CoV2 ‘ virus’.... look at countries FOIA-ed... nope..... #2) any woman pregnant, vaccinated / BIOWEAPONED will most likely harm the baby via placental crossage.... that is flu shot, any shot...3) ACOG ( American college of OB/GYN took $$$Millions to be bought out shown in FOIA by Attorney Maggie Thorpe.
... We The People are responsible to get off our asses and ACT....
And just exactly what do you propose to do? What are YOU DOING is more to the point? ACT just HOW?
What's happening now is too big for any person to handle. They have turned away from God The Most High thinking they can continue to handle it themselves in spite of visible proof that they cannot
Without God they will not be able to. Ever.
A mortal man, a superhero will be coming that will hate God, The Creator and Sustainer, will proclaim HIMSELF AS GOD promise the Moon, Stars and galaxy, to everyone. He will promise to solve all the worlds problems and grievances. Fools throughout the earth will follow after this Beast. All who worship him and accept his mark as a sign of loyalty will experience a time of flying high on their escalating evil before the epogee is reached and complete destruction ensues of the earth, this ANTICHRIST and his followers. This has been prophesied in the Bible and will come to pass just like the other prophecies have.
People are growing panicky and many will clutch onto anything at all. They are looking for something........anything....that promises a quick fix.......anything so they don't have to humble themselves and turn back to God upon receiving His kindness, grace and mercy available to those who will through His Resurrected and Sanctified Son, Jesus Christ
So they will make the final fatal mistake of looking to the ANTICHRIST as their Supreme Leader.......once again they will be betrayed by a traitor, this time, fatally
The shortage of baby formula begins to make sense. Encourage breast feeding. MRNA transfers via breast milk to infant.
Ooooh, how totally evil to encourage breast feeding after the gene jab. It makes total sense that a newborn would have these issues if the mother had the jab. These questions MUST be asked if a newborn is diagnosed with myocarditis: 1) if the mother had the jab during pregnancy or 2) if she was jabbed prior to conception, when, to get a timeline. Many are waking up. "Dear Lord, thank you for showing us the truth. Please protect those seeking to make a difference for good. More and more are waking up and let it rise into a giant wave of action. Let light be shone on the darkness and those that caused harm held accountable. In Your name we pray, Amen."
The mRNA envelope breaks down quickly after refrigeration ends.
Open season on the promoters. Well said.
God didn't make the snakes to serve us?
Why are you commingling drugs with venom with shots without it?
Is that why you are shouting?
Why do we keep screwing with Mother Nature? Stop the injections NOW! Save our Children from the injections and the multi over use of vaccines supported by Adam Schiff! Learned that California ALONE is producing over 100,000 autistic children yearly and that is where they mandate 25 vaccines in new borns before they are 7 months old! CRIMINAL! Evaluate Mother to be health condition and supplement with nutrients that help produce a healthy new born. Talk about the role of vitamin D that is ignored by Big Pharma! Tired of hearing about the GREAT HARM being created, and there is little discussion about how to end this mRNA nightmare that will not go away because the MONEY MEN are investing billions and billions. They are happy reducing humanity to lab rat status! WEF medicine man says with glee! HUMANS are now hackable! Let's focus on stopping this madness and call out the current active promoters of these mRNA injections that are being created and pushed without the safe guards to protect humans from dying, maimed for life and becoming a burden on society through no fault of there own! It is unbelievable that not only are we harming our children with vaccines, but we are now compounding it by injecting them with mRNA that reprograms cellular function! We need to stop NIH/FDA/CDC from being agents for Big Pharma and start protecting Americans from harm created by Big Pharma drug and injection pushing! Has everyone become numb to the harm being created?
The lies, corruption, and poisons have been embedded in our society for a long time. The massive use of cancer-causing pesticides and other agricultural chemicals that started in the late 1940s have ruined the food supply. They've even watered down Organic food standards over the years. Then factor in the almost indiscriminate use of x-rays, CT scans, and other diagnostics blithely dismissed as "not harmful in small doses . . . or at all." (Madame Curie's death from her early X-ray experiments is long conveniently forgotten). There are dozens of examples of Orthodox medical treatments, practices, and diagnostics that continued to be used despite evidence of harm, because Money Talks and Nobody Walks.
How convenient. How tragic. How arrogantly stupid.
Yep! And as long as the clowns in DC are in the pocket of speciel interests nothing will change until we sink into a third world status.
Dr. James Thorp (OB-GYN) on medical censorship
Interviewed by Steve Kirsch January 3, 2022
DR. JAMES THORP: [On recommending the covid "vaccines"] Certainly not for pregnant women and children.
STEVE KIRSCH: So could you then have your medical license revoked for giving your honest opinion like that?
DR. JAMES THORP: Absolutely, yes.
STEVE KIRSCH: So you're caught between your oath [Hippocratic Oath] and your duty to your patients, and losing your license.
DR. JAMES THORP: That's exactly right. There's no such thing— there's no physician or nurse in the entire United States of America that should be believed anymore.
Patients, for those of you listening, you shouldn't believe me, you shouldn't believe your physician or your nurse. We're all under a gag order. Why would you believe us? It's ridiculous. Because if we say what is opposed to the state doctrine, we will be destroyed. Our careers will be destroyed, we'll lose our livelihood, our reputation, and we'll have our families destroyed. So you shouldn't believe them.
And if that weren't bad enough, certainly there's no such thing as fair, honest, informed consent anymore, Steve. I mean, it's all null and void. When you make threats, when we've all been threatened like we have been, all nurses and all physicians, it's outrageous.
Within a six week time the American Board of Medical Specialties, the federation of the state medical boards, the American Board of Medical Specialties, mine is American Board of OB-GYN, and we've had some rather lively debates and some interactions. I've worked with them before formally, I know them all, they're all my contemporaries, I don't them all, I know two of them, Dr Susan Ramin and I know the executive director, Dr. George Wendel, and they're really reasonable people. I don't believe they have the constitution to do this, and to actually extort physicians and threaten them like this.
STEVE KIRCH: But that's what they're doing, right?
DR. JAMES THORP: That's exactly what they're doing. I held them in extremely high esteem for forty-plus years. I've worked with them formally for at least a year, I did examinations.
STEVE KIRSCH: So you've never seen anything like this before, and you've been doing this for 45 years?
DR. JAMES THORP: Forty-two years.
STEVE KIRSCH: Forty-two years. And you've never seen this kind of thing before, where you have to go and compromise your oath? So these are extraordinary times.
DR. JAMES THORP: These are bizarre times. I've never seen anything— this kind of behavior— as I ??— I served in the United States Air Force, so I a oath that I carry to my death. And I fought for freedom of this country. And I will die on this hill. I will not tolerate this. This kind of horse manure belongs over in Pyongyang, Shanghai, Moscow or Tehran. It doesn't belong in the United States of America.
STEVE KIRSCH: How many of your associates would agree with your point of view that you just expressed with me, privately. You know, where it's not for attribution, but just, you know, of your colleagues, and you asked them, hey, totally off the record, totally anonymously, can't get in trouble, how many of them are pissed off?
DR. JAMES THORP: That's a great question. I think most of them are upset with the threats. Many of them are just so busy, Steve, that they really don't, they really, I don't know where are they. In fact, many of whom I've raised their attention, they're like, "no way!" But when I show them the document and show them the threat, it's extraordinarily concerning. I have a lot of mentees, I've trained a lot of residents, medical students, ob gyn docs, and maternal field of medicine physicians around the country, and many of them have contacted me, extraordinarily upset and concerned about the American Board of OB-GYN.
And that's why I went in to them. I've been trying to communicate with them on LinkedIn for several months, and I guess some of my posts finally got to them. And I tried calling Dr. Wendel and he never returned my call, but he did send me a rather threatening email that I think I forwarded to you.
STEVE KIRCH: So I take it these guys aren't open to, like, a pubic debate between you and representatives from the board.
STEVE KIRSCH: Don't want to talk about it.
DR. JAMES THORP: I'll debate anybody in the world. Bring them on. I'll debate anybody in the world.
STEVE KIRSCH: See, I always thought it was just me, that nobody wanted to debate me. So you have the same problem. We have something in common, that nobody wants to debate us.
# # #
TRANSCRIBER'S NOTES: Steve Kirsch is the founder of the Vaccine Safety Foundation. He blogs at Dr James Thorp See also: "Why Dr. James Thorp is a Hero, But Will Soon Lose His License to Practice Medicine Forever" by Steve Kirsch January 4, 2022
Also relatedly:
Press Release 21.12.22 - Doctors For Patients UK
DR. JULIA WILKENS: My name is Dr. Julia Wilkens and I'm consultant in obstetrics and gynecology. In the UK the MHRA* is tasked with the monitoring of adverse evens related to the use of medicines or devices in healthcare. As a regulator, they are supposed to take action when significant safety signals are recognized. The MHRA has regularly published summaries of Yellow Card reports submitted by people who have experienced adverse events after a covid 19 vaccine.
The summary published on the 1st of December 2022 indicates almost half a million reports, which is about 1 in 114 people who have received the vaccine. This includes 2,362 deaths. It also includes over 30,000 acute cardiac events and almost 300,000 nervous system disorders as well as many more serious and potentially life-threatening conditions. Whilst this report obviously cannot be taken as proof of causality, these numbers are huge and as such unprecedented, and also reflected in the adverse events reporting systems in the US, in Europe, and by the WHO.
Meanwhile it has become clear that covid 19 vaccines do not prevent infection or transmission. They are meant to reduce hospitalization and death but even compared to the first year of the pandemic a significant increase in excess mortality has been observed in the last two years. This increase across all age groups has occurred at least in Scotland in temporal association with the covid 19 vaccine roll out.
There has also been a significant increase in cardiac morbidity and now several studies indicating covid 19 vaccines to increase the risks of myocarditis.
Unprecedented numbers of sudden death in all age groups including children have been reported. Also including many athletes suddenly collapsing in training or on the playing field.
Post-marketing surveillance is essential when a new pharmaceutical product is given to the majority of populations without robust and long-term safety data, as even the regulatory trials were ended prematurely.
If this was taken as seriously as we have always assumed it would be, these numerous and alarming safety signals should have led to a thorough investigation whilst halting any further administrations.
It is inconceivable that to date this has not been pursued. And so in the interest of the safety of our population we must call for an immediate and comprehensive evaluation of all the available data and whilst this investigation is ongoing we must stop the shots.
# # #
*The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency, UK.
One more:
Clip posted Oct 16, 2022
DR. KIMBERLY BISS: Kimberly Biss. I'm an OB-GYN that practices in St. Pete, Florida. I can definitely say since the vaccine rollout started we have seen in our practice a decrease in new ob numbers which would be infertility by about 50%. We've also seen an increase in miscarriage rate by about 50%. And I would say there's probably about a 25% increase in abnormal pap smears as well as cervical malignancies in our area.
Dr. Biss's website is
Yes, yes and yes. The problem is, when will the damaged and huddled masses, find a tiny bit of BALLS, and burn DC, Ottawa, Canberra and the City of London to the ground? How many sticks can you have stuck in your eyes, how many of your women can you see raped by Tyrone, how many leering jews sitting around the Biden Admin table, can you allow before you recall your ancestors used to routinely kill these tyrannical fucks? How many bit and bytes can you type, with frozen pizza crumbs on your keyboards, you weak Western men?
You're all talk, just like the ones you complain about. More violent rhetoric and bluster, which the enemy can and will use against you. How about you stepping out and showing some real leadership?
You appear to have deleted another nasty comment, but it is still in my e-mail:
"Well, whats holding YOU back, AntiCommunist? Show everyone how it's done, O Invincible Keyboard Warrior....."
It is yappy, likely ugly and fat women like you, who lack male direction. I will assume you are unmarried, gay and perpetually trying to lose 33 pounds. My wife would kick your ass for being such a bitch, and if you had any men in your life, I would love to see the whimpering turds say any of this to my face.
Your extreme presumptuousness and belligerence will never make up for your impotence. Your hate filled diatribe says a great deal more about YOU than it does about me or about anyone else.
Yappy cur. It calls me "presumptuous," as it goes on a hate filled, ad hominem rant about my male potency (my children and my beautiful wife would each disagree).
Or, perhaps the "impotency" is a reference to my singular inability to end the tyranny ruining the world. That, I accept. Wish I could reverse it, and would gladly offer my life if it meant "our greatest ally" was no more.
What have you done, Your Most Esteemed and Honorable Catherine, to fix the world, except take pot shots way above your pay grade?
You are blind to YOUR hatred, though......aren't you? You refuse to recognize it in yourself (even when you are in the process of vomiting it forth) and That is why you see it in someone else......
And you just got furious when I called you out. Because deep down you know that what I said is true.......and you dont want to admit it to your self
I embrace and adore my hatred of being replaced, as a white man, in nations my ancestors built. You are just another jew apologist, easily purchased by the Tribe that owns our money supply.
Nothing you said is true, I have placed my life on the line repeatedly and in public, to defend truth, honor and the great cultures given to us by men of European origins.
I only told the truth, which you hate. You ARE a keyboard warrior covering up your IMPOTENCE at doing something constructive with BELLIGERENCE. Like I said, try to show some positive leadership. Are you incapable of that? It doesnt have to be earth shaking......something small will do. But your anger and fury is getting in the way of that.
Your vicious comment to me WAS a hate filled
diatribe filled with untrue PRESUMPTION.....
what else would you call it?
....Because you dont know anything about me, really, do you?
Yet you were trying to come up with the ugliest, most virulent things to say that you
find to throw at me to try and insult me. Nothing TRUTHFUL or REAL.
You're correct. I blame it on my knitting addiction. 20 more sweaters, and you watch...
The widely distributed statistic that injection with the mRNA "vaccines" caused miscarriage in 83% of the pregnant women in the study disappeared without a trace as quickly as it had appeared.
Our current world leaders are baby killers. Let them know instead of letting them use kids for election props ( or in Biden's case, hair sniffing and miscellaneous inappropriate shit)
That's what these government invented death injections are designed to accomplish among other murderous results.
#1) there IS No SARS-CoV2 ‘ virus’.... look at countries FOIA-ed... nope..... #2) any woman pregnant, vaccinated / BIOWEAPONED will most likely harm the baby via placental crossage.... that is flu shot, any shot...3) ACOG ( American college of OB/GYN took $$$Millions to be bought out shown in FOIA by Attorney Maggie Thorpe.
... We The People are responsible to get off our asses and ACT....
And just exactly what do you propose to do? What are YOU DOING is more to the point? ACT just HOW?
What's happening now is too big for any person to handle. They have turned away from God The Most High thinking they can continue to handle it themselves in spite of visible proof that they cannot
Without God they will not be able to. Ever.
A mortal man, a superhero will be coming that will hate God, The Creator and Sustainer, will proclaim HIMSELF AS GOD promise the Moon, Stars and galaxy, to everyone. He will promise to solve all the worlds problems and grievances. Fools throughout the earth will follow after this Beast. All who worship him and accept his mark as a sign of loyalty will experience a time of flying high on their escalating evil before the epogee is reached and complete destruction ensues of the earth, this ANTICHRIST and his followers. This has been prophesied in the Bible and will come to pass just like the other prophecies have.
People are growing panicky and many will clutch onto anything at all. They are looking for something........anything....that promises a quick fix.......anything so they don't have to humble themselves and turn back to God upon receiving His kindness, grace and mercy available to those who will through His Resurrected and Sanctified Son, Jesus Christ
So they will make the final fatal mistake of looking to the ANTICHRIST as their Supreme Leader.......once again they will be betrayed by a traitor, this time, fatally
Medics baffled again, have absolutely nooooooooooooooooo idea what's causing it.
Obviously #WEFgenocide.
All this could have been prevented if they had only listened . . .
Take a look at Onpattro the first approved RNA Drug.
Onpattro uses the same LNP tech as Pfizer-Biontech made by Acuitas.
Onpattro is clasified as Gene therapy.
Onpattro RNAi, adverse reactions from package insert;
Ingredients of Onpattro may pass into breast milk. Talk to your doctor about stopping breast-feeding
or treatment with Onpattro.
Four serious adverse reactions of atrioventricular (AV) heart block (2.7%) occurred in ONPATTRO-treated patients,
including 3 cases of complete AV block. No serious adverse reactions of AV block were reported in placebo-treated
Leakage of the drug into the surrounding tissue at the site of infusion, which may cause swelling
or redness
Children and adolescents
Onpattro is not recommended in children and adolescents under 18 years of age.