There is a tidal wave of blood on the hands of those who smeared heroic doctors saving lives with early treatment and denied that treatment to the public while killing off others with Remdesivir and ventilators. These were crimes against humanity that history shall never forget. Those responsible must be held accountable.

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Add Gates, Schwab, and Tedros to the list.

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No ‘party’ is complete without those three.

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There have to be consequences. When the bankers set up the housing bubble, got rich on the front end and then richer in the ruinous aftermath, we might have changed the trajectory of America by making examples of a few of the biggest players. That is all it would have taken, to scare the bejesus out of the rest of the players.

Instead, Obama, and by extension America, gave them the keys to the kingdom.

It will be infinitely worse for us than the Great Recession, if Covid mal-leadership is not held accountable. Infinitely worse.

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Yes. There was no punishment for the bankers. They all bought massive homes and got richer and richer. No one was punished.

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As soon as Covid hit I started telling anyone I could talk too, watch, this will be the greatest transfer of wealth up the social pyramid in the history of the world, much greater than the Great Recession. Crickets, from most. And so it goes.

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As I said back in March of 2021

FEAR - by The Aging Viking - Just an Observer


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The shits about to hit the fan this fall and winter and the health system is already collapsing. We’ve all suffered.

Personally my young nephew is dead from a drug overdose and my mom died this past March from a brain tumour diagnosed much too late due to physicians not seeing patients. My mom was ostracized in her building and her landlord went so far as to call me and the hospital to find out if my mom had covid. The unvaccinated are treated horribly. My mom was deliberately put in a room with covid positive patients because she wasn’t vaccinated. The nurses told me this was a fact. I took my mom home and cared for her until she passed because I could not be with her in the hospital as I am not vaccinated. Even though as a nurse prior to going on sick leave I cared for covid positive patients before these experimental drugs were even offered. I watched my mom take her last breaths. I watched her life slip away. All from covid lockdowns. I miss my mom.

My family will never be the same and the trauma continues. My daughters step children are vaccinated. My heart is breaking .

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Condolences on the passing of your mother, at least she wasn't alone at the end.

So many others were not so fortunate, many locked in their rooms in hospitals or care facilities, too many never getting to see their families again.

This is the true evil which has been visited on us, that we could turn on our own, the most vulnerable and the most in need of help and we as a society approved of their slaughter and still approve of it when it comes to the next most vulnerable group, children.

In a way I'm glad my parents passed before any of this happened, my mother in 2016, I don't know how I would've handled watching all of this unfold and not being able to do anything about it as the whole healthcare system suffered collective insanity.

This period in history will be written about, just as people in the present question the mindset of the citizens of Germany in the 1925-1939 period when they listened to and put a monster like Hitler and is Nazi party into power and then carried out mass genocide on a scale never before seen in the modern world.

Those in the future will ask, "what were they thinking?!" when an obviously experimental shot was given to millions and when the deaths from side effects piled up and the citizens continued to ignore the issue.

I do believe this winter will decide the future of our civilization and I hope enough people wake up in time before its too late.

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It was announced today that Quebec is offering the 5th clot shot to those over 60. Even though everything is being exposed Canada continues to offer the poison.

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Quebec has a fascist provincial government who imposed even harsher restrictions and lockdowns/curfews than Trudeau did during the height of the covid scare.

The government of that province has a long history of corruption no matter which party is in charge.

It was rumoured that the police thugs who broke up the freedom convoy in Ottawa were mostly Sûreté du Québec (who have a well known history of overuse of force) and not RCMP or local Ottawa or Ontario prov. Police.

Very few people I think believe the shots are effective though Trudeau has apparently bought 400 million doses, or 11 shots for every person in Canada.

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As a nurse of thirty years I was lucky enough to have Orthopaedic issues which required me to leave work just in time for when the experimental gene therapy was rolling out. I was ostracized at work by colleagues and friends for calling the jabs bio weapons. Uncomfortable is a huge understatement. Til today so many of my friends will not concede they were duped. Many doctors also believe the BS. It’s refreshing to read your emails and to know there are still honest , decent physicians who still honour their oath to do no harm. I cannot believe how many gullible health officials there were and how many remained complicit in the murder of thousands if not millions. Sickening.

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Aug 18, 2022·edited Aug 19, 2022

How many of your former colleagues will still be alive and working in 2,3,4 years time?

They all took the jabs, they all obeyed without question.

6+ young doctors are dead in Ontario Canada already from the jabs and the news is covered up.

The stats are mounting to the point of where everyone is starting to notice and are seeing the effects.

The purebloods and the ones who stopped at a single jab and changed their minds will be the ones to ‘inherit the earth’, the truth is coming out and it’s why some health authorities are backpedaling including the CDC and WHO on their covid guidance.

Although it doesn’t look like it the tide is rapidly shifting and I can detect a sense of panic from those who instigated this genocide. They’re trying to complete their mission before things are completely uncovered but they’ll pay a price for their actions.

So will every willing accomplice as they did in 1945/46 at Nuremberg.

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All the medical gurus in DC are just the TOOLS of Big Pharma. The Puppet Masters are the Big Pharma mammoths that will go extinct if they don't push the injections! Explained here:


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Aug 17, 2022·edited Aug 17, 2022

Dr. Fleming has the way - watch and act. Go to his website to get the documents and send to AGs in your state. It is all here - the crimes and fraud - all laid out along with treaties and laws broken.


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I love this man. Smart smart thinker.

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Are you sure the car crash was an accident? Watch your 6

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Time to build new jails, the old ones are full. I wouldn’t inflict them on the already existing jail population, although some criminals might like the opportunity to deal with them!

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Agree. Let them prove their own words wrong.

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Yes, yes and YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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You are awesome sir!

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I have ALWAYS felt this way! Right from the beginning I could tell this was a big lie in that they didn’t have treatments and refused them for an “emergency mRNA experiment” !!!crimes against humanity

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As much as it pains me to say Trump also belongs on the list as he owns and continues to support warp speed which continues to kill Americans. He is the one that could stop it, tell Americans the truth about the current second Holocaust

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He was manipulated to go along. Big Pharma didn't want vaccine and autism to be investigated.

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Maybe true but I am asking why Trump is not speaking out now to end it. So disappointed!

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As time go on and Americans realize they are victims and have been lied to Trump’s base will evaporate and I don’t want to see that happen he needs to address the peoples of the world about the truth of this murdering of Humans of all races.

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It all about timing and perceptions. I think he will when the majority of voters realize the fraud involved and no longer embrace the Covid BS narrative! Read my article: https://thomasabraunrph.substack.com/p/vitamin-d-part-iii

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There are so many especially doctors who crushed and discarded their Hippocratic oath, " First do no harm." I realize a lot of them were trying to protect their licenses but there had to be a better way, like suing the hospital, like not killing people when you realize the hospitals plan was NOT working and it was killing people all over the place. Stand up for what you believe and they NONE of them did! I'm a nurse and I retired about 10 years ago and I felt for the professionals that had to take the jab??? DID THEY??? I didn't and won't, no one has a right to tell me or order me to take a drug that 1- wasn't tested properly (admitted by Pfizer) 2- Was and still is Experimental, the CDC and Pharma tried to pull a fast bait and switch there. Had people read the letter they would have seen it was bait and switch, Pfizer never ever got full approval! 3- A drug that everyone refused to tell you ALL the side effects (1291 of them according to FOIA put out on Pfizer! They knew about all of them and never stated anything!!) I could go on and on, just realize there is a statute that states, any EUA whether it is masks or vaccines cannot be mandated!! So, the whole thing was a sham!! You never had to be forced to mask it or jab it!!

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