I would rather a PM who is honest and admits their weaknesses and mistakes than the serial marxist liar we are inflicted with in Australia.

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Well at least she will admit she has no business being a leader of a brownie group, much less a country.

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True. But all those Scandinavian leaders seem to be the same. They're like AOC crossed with Angela Merckel on steroids. They would love to have an open border with Mexico. Their prioritiy is access to BBC. Check out the recently defeated Finnish leader. P.S As stated by a New York Post reader in the comments: "Hot girl summer = getting railed by multiple men."


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It's no accident either, and this is the point: they are a product. A product of the globalist political machine. They do their job so they get paid. We're the roadkill.

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That’s what that means? Hot girl...Omg. I am sooo out of it.

Ok. Eww

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Do you know any "hot girle" Alicia. Here's one:

Lauren Boebert’s Date Fondled Her Breasts While She Grabbed His Crotch, Surveillance Video Shows


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Stop! Lol. It’s so gross.

I don’t understand how it’s not crystal clear to literally everyone they if you’re in public, you’re most likely being filmed.

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A gross invasion of their privacy IMO. So Lauren Boebert is human. Big deal. As one commenter said about her after this happened: "I like her even more now!"

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It’s stunning the marxists get so bent out of shape when just a month ago the lot of them were naked and gyrating in front of children and they had no problem with that behavior. Ugh!

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Thank you!

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Such rare honesty from a politician is disarming.

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The potential 47th president appears to be pivoting too, maybe as he gears up to kick DeSantis' ass more, on the national stage. He sees the polls showing unelectable DeSantis with support in single digits at the same time 46 is facing an impeachment inquiry and 45 is burdened with inductments and perhaps is preparing to step in.

"We Would’ve Done Everything Differently”: Gavin Newsom Disowns California’s Extreme Covid Policies


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This is a stunning admission, self-serving and lukewarm though it is.

Thanks for the link.

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The unwinding of the narrative in action. At the very least we must admit what the PM of Norway has just admitted was an act of contrition and rightly so .We are waiting for so many others ,with heads in the sand , that are even pushing for the boosters this coming Fall season in spite of all that has been disclosed .We can only take encouragement that slowly , for now ,the tide is changing .

Many thanks to Dr.Paul Elias Alexander for bringing us the news of glimmers of light in this darkness we have been living in since the plandemic was implemented .

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I noticed that this article referred to was from 2020. Interesting. I wonder what the comparisons between them and Sweden would be for each year from 2020-2023 for total dead due to Covid? Of course, the real question is how many died from Covid vs. with Covid?

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Thank you. Didn't notice the dates on the article but certainly seemed like nonsense. What's the real numbers? We'll never know for sure.

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. Every public policy maker should be required to read CHICKEN LITTLE at the beginning of each month.

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It's more important IMO to know which measures she ordered after this date of the 31st, 2020 and if she panicked more or less during the times of Covid.

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Panicked about the freaking flu

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Of course! Because when you deny people actual treatments and send them home people can die. At least from the original 2-3 variants.

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if only others who made catastrophic errors would do the same

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So they think they did better on deatg numbers than Sweden in that story. It all depends how they declared a covid death. I'd like verification on the real numbers versus the fake ones.

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She shut down schools because she's a globalist lackey, her position and pay depend on her obeying globalist orders, and this is why she implemented totalitarianism against citizens. It was all done in cold blood. She had made her decisions a long time ago.

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Governmemt leaders were gaslighted by unelected corrupt bureaucrats globally.

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Gavin's a Trilateral insider. Cuomo appears same but CFR fake news went rogue on this guy. That translates into he pissed off Bilderberg shot callers on some important issue. Nixon's Watergate was a Rockefeller set-up; point being, both toppled. The other retaliatory arm is the NSA's classified 'security' nodes that cover all aspects of Jesuit controlled CIA and their MKULTRA victimized prostitutes. Meaning, send their mind controlled victims to victimize pols in key positions, just once, and these weak little punks take the bait. Look at all these guys: a bunch of weak girlie boys that have zero ability to win attract any decent lady. Weak looks makes weak spirit and an idiot mind: typical anti-Christ world view, all the while viewing their pol success as of their own doing.

Point to all the above is that DC corruption is so typical of the environs surrounding an Imperial city that uses fiat money (off gold standard, meaning deficit allowed, etc). The moment dork Wilson structure the fed and the moment FDR closed the fed deal, Rome howled in glee. They've seen it several times for thousands of years.

With this lady, if anything even near the wife that trusts everything taught by controlled material, she's a vaccine bot by mind control. For my great grandparents, when asked about the vaccine grip upon the mind of the wife, among other things, grandpa offered the truth and very simply. 'It began with that damn movie 'old yeller.' Disney attacked early on: here's the link.


The golden lab was the protagonist. Much loved, even at present, by that generation of boomers. He came down with rabies. That, right there, is pure mind control.

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Wow! So the deaths from "covid" were 10 times higher in neighboring Sweden? What the hell were they doing in migrant BBC loving feminazi Sweden? How incompetent are the Swedes! They ain't vikings in either Norway or Sweden. Looks like all the viking genes got left behind in Scotland. Here's how the Scottish reacted to covid policies and WEF puppets:



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Absolutely. Praise!

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Sweden down the street stayed open, never locked down, never closed schools and no mask mandates

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