to go after him when they let democrats free! Yet if Trump says vaccine was a success & lockdowns were success, then he is flat wrong! I disagree fully! I will support him & get him to reverse course
Trump did the best he could with the information he was fed. I'm just sorry that he didn't have more research done regarding the people running the show. Fakesey was a 2 bit md until klinton 'appointed' him in 1984. A useful idiot. AIDs was 1985. The best lab person working on that was Judy Mikovits, (pending a PhD). He destroyed her career put her work on a shelf than later Robert Gallo used parts of it.
Nonsense. All he had to do was to seriously listen to RFK Jr. about Pfauci. Trump was going to appoint RFK Jr. to look into vaccine safety when he took office. What happened? He capitulated and allowed the monster Pfauci to take over.
Tony was a quack from the beginning. A Jesuit trained Pharma employee. With Mikovits, Tony countered with the deadly AZT; aids was not about HIV virus, but about syphilis, 1000 homosexual contacts and a bunch of antibiotics. Homosexuals just recently sorted out Tony's AZT attack. Mikovits was on top of that, but it has been awhile since I went through her and Heckinlively's solid material.
Even a commander in chief can’t wage a war without the consent of congress, so read a few books about history and the US government and come back with a better post. 🥱
It's called delegation. Trump placed Pence in charge of covid. I think he probably volunteered because he worked with Scarf Lady and Fauci on a global hiv/AIDS alliance in the past. That's a fact. Look it up! What planet are you on?
how stupid; PhD my ass. Here's a partial list bureaucrat lies and just a few of Trump's accomplishments completed and ignored by fake CFR controlled media. Also, read Paul's book, Taking Down and Narvarro's book Taking back, excellent material written by two insiders.
Short list of CFR controlled liar mass media, ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, AP, NPR, PBS, WaPo, NYT, etc.
CFR fake lying 'news' examples;
Russia Russia Russia Hoax
Floyd Orchestrated Hoax
Occupy Orchestrated Hoax
Joe and Nancy Kneeling Hoax
Hands Up, Don’t Shoot Hoax
Jussie Smollett Hoax
Covington KKKids Hoax
Very Fine People Hoax
Wave Hoax
BLM hoax
Seven-Hour Gap Hoax
Global Warming Hoax
Impeachment Hoaxes
Russian Bounties Hoax
Trump Trashes Troops Hoax
Monument destruction hoax
Policemen Killed at Mostly Peaceful January 6 Protest Hoax
Rittenhouse Hoax
Eating While Black Hoax
Border Agents Whipping Illegals Hoax
NASCAR Noose Hoax
January 6th peaceful flag waving march upon DC 'insurrection' hoax
The Georgia Jim Crow 2.0 Hoax
Trump Assaulted Secret Service Agents and Grabbed Steering Wheel of Beast Hoax
Frame MAGA for Alleged Paul Pelosi Assault Narrative
Trump Ukraine quid pro quo hoax
Durham Report
Trump's accomplishments:
record low unemployment about 3.4 percent; record low unemployment for disabled, Asian, Vets, and those without HS diplomas
almost zero inflation
rising wages (real) about 6k yearly increase
worked with Kim, Putin and Xi
gained about 7 million new jobs
corrected many wrongs of Nafta Shafta
jobless claims record low
incomes rose in cities and among black, Hispanics
Americans were happy! First time since Abe was elected.
Black home ownership increased
bottom half of American earners increase wages by 40 percent
7 million people shrugged off food stamps
women unemployment lowest in decades
over one million manufacturing new jobs
Controlled unfair trade with Germany and others countries
DOW was over 30k in 2020
SP and Nasdaq had bunch of highs
7 million new jobs, three times more than gov. projection
middle class income increase by $6,000, five times more than Obama's regime
40 months of more job openings than hiring
income rose in all metro areas first time in about 3 decades
His hands were tied. Same old song with the Uniparty. They are really all the same. Trump wanted Section 230 out. But, Republicans said no, because it contained money for the military.
No one tied his hands he was the Commander In Chief. He deployed a known bioweapon termed a 'counter measure' via the U.S. Department of Defense on the world, murdering our own military and the world!! He is still supporting it! He locked down the United States bankrupting 51% of businesses, causing suicides, divorces, children so depressed they are jumping from windows, masking a child is serious child abuse, I know I am a teacher and a licensed mandated reporter, I should report Trump for blocking the airways of a child. Childrnen's IQ's have gone down 26% speech has been delayed. Immunity destroyed. We are in the midst of a satanic depopulation agenda that rolled out on Trumps watch, he did not have the courage to fight them, to risk his life, and now has caused the genocide of Planet Earth. NO NO HE DOES NOT GET ANOTHER CHANCE, THIS IS NOT A GAME SHOW, MY GRANDKIDS NEED TO LIVE , AND IN CA THEY WANT TO CUT OFF THEIR PENISES. I do not hear Trump addressing that! Kennedy has an entire foundation fighting all harmes to children . If you do not support Kennedy then you are going to suffer and only Kennedy has the courage, the GUTTS to speak truth. ALL Vaccines are dangerous as NONE have been safety tested! Americans have been brainwashed to injure their amazing immune systems with mercury and dead abortion cells and horrible horribel things that cause autism as Trump knew and hired Kennedy to head a vaccine committee, then took a bribe from Pfizer and the committee never happened.
You are totally confused about the difference between a monarchy and a constitutional republic. Are you suggesting that we need a change in the type of government that we have, or are you suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome?
Then don't take any vaccines. Thank goodness people who lived in Red States weren't mandated to take the JAB. I don't know about BLUE States. You are way off base. You
apparently, don't like Trump and find fault in anything he does. SAD....
Then vote for Democrat Communist Climate Change, Bobby.....Why isn't he running
on a different party? MANDATES ARE NOT LAWS....Go after JOE ....He made the
Military take the JAB. Now, the Military are suffering. Go after the Doctors, Nurses,
and Healthcare Workers that killed Covid patients.
That money was paid to the RNC and the DNC got the same.A president in the USA cannot lock down states or mandated anything. That's the Governors and state legislatures.He only signed the ban on travel from other countries and to release funds.The HHS secretary is the only one who can do a National Health Emergency.A president cannot. My state never shut down or mandated anything. BUISNESS in 2021 did it and states did.South Dakota never shut down or mandated anything either.Dr.Birx admits in her book she lied about deaths and cases to get the travel bans.She admitted they knew the jab would not work.But this plan has been decades in the making and was not their first try.John's Hopskins has plenty of proof of that.Warp Speed was in process long before Trump came in office.
Trump is a complete failure. During his term spending exploded. There were lockdowns, he did not cut spending . The is responsible for warp speed . He wont repudiate it
Sounds like you are on the wrong platform. He had nothing to do with lockdowns. He left it up to the Governors. Complete failure. You don't know what you are talking about.
100 disaster. If he had any understanding of what freedom meant he would have been doing everything he could to keep the federal government completely out of the way when the Covid pandemic hit. He should’ve actively spoken out against lockdowns and school closures. He should’ve actively repeatedly spoken out against vaccine mandates.
But by far the worst of all with his spending. If he had served the second term, he would’ve increased the debt more than any other president in the history of the United States. For him to claim that he is some kind of financial wizard, and then to run the country, deeper and deeper into debt shows a complete disregard for basic sound financial principles.
And of course he surround himself with neocon assholes
You are so off base. What planet are you on? So, JOE's inflation, food prices, gas prices, and most importantly the open border doesn't bother you at all. You must be independently wealthy. Tell me how you handle living expenses. JOE and his Commies are destroying the middle class. He's destroying everything good about our Country. I didn't see Trump have his kids living in the White House on taxpayers dime. Hunter should be on the sex offenders list.
The wrong platform? Is this a Trump platform then? " He had everything to do with lockdowns, what planet are you on? He was the Commander In Chief one of the most powerful people on Earth! " He left what up to Governors? " What are you talking about. He issued unConstitutional Mandates, bankrupted 51% of U.S. businesses, caused massive suicides, divorce, child abuse, and he rolled out a bioweapon via a contract he approved via his Department of Defense- Operation Warp Speed. To inject a dangerous bioweapon into as many humans as fast as possible- a massive world wide depopulation agenda. If you do not understand this fact, then you have not been here the last three years. I lost my best friend and Uncle to the third jab. People are shaking to death, dying suddenly, babies born dead each nite, it detroys fertility. I do not hear Trump talking about this do you? No! So get on board Team Kennedy Please as he is talking about it. IF Trumps unhealthy ego did not control him and Big Pharma, he did take a million dollar bribe from Pfizer he would step down and get behind Kennedy. Only Kennedy has the courage, he'd of never locked down or mandated anything. He knows the score. Please get on Team Kennedy and let Trump do the same! That would give Kennedy the votes and support. If Trump did that Americans would love it !!! But his ego rules him, That is the difference betweeen him and Robert Kennedy, Kennedy does not have that kind of ego, He is the real deal for us. Speaking the U.S Goverment ' has been captured" . It has. Knowing that yes!! all vaccines are dangerous. It will surprise you to know not one vaccine on the childhood schedule of 87 jabs have been tested for safety. I jabbed about 10 in my kids falling for the lies, and have applogized to them. I am a person who learns. Trump should go to prison for the mandates, the bioweapon and lying to the world about the virus. It was his job to know exactly what was going on. Kennedy never would have put away ivermectin or hydroxiclouriquin or lied . Trump lied to us and the world. He is also a 911 cover up criminal he and Guilinni.
Hardly, Trump did everything excellent BUT he had no clue of the bureaucrat deep state power structure. Not political . He didn't know what a RINO was! lol. Well, he knows now. :)
Trump it too arrogant to get elected and will not shut up long enough to say he’s sorry. He was played by big pharma and the media to go along with the lockdowns. He’s also involved in the vaccine mandates and massive government funding of this untested experimental gene therapy. He’s not even remotely qualified at this point to run a company let alone a country. We need massive infrastructure reform and new regulations on the medical industry.
Trump handled the fake corona perfectly, but Deep State Bureaucrats rigged 2020. Paul was there, right in the middle. Did you read his book? no, because you're one of the stupid democrats. I'm also a Democrat, but not an idiot. :)
The sad thing is that probably less than 10% of the population understands how bogus many, most(?), or all(?) vaccines are. I suspect that most opposition to the mRNA vaccines was due to the way they were apparently rushed to market. That was actually a sound reason to avoid them. However, there were other important reasons to ignore them, and I doubt most people understand that.
Not one vaccine is tested for safety . not one. Kennedy knows has the proof and is saying so. Anti vax is good . Pro vax is stupid. Look at the Amish, no vaccines, no illness, no covid, no distancing, just went about life as normal and no one died or got sick. Only those who are vaccinated get sick. It IS a depopulatio agenda. You must face that clear fact now.
yes, but the fake mRNAs are far far worse and set up by our DOD. Cheri, below, gets this point correctly. RFK did the material early on concerning Tony; a good read. A ton of material out there
Trump has his loyal cult followers. If he could have admitted he blew it by printing trillions starting the inflation spiral & providing cash for states to be able to lock down. Plus his disastrous vax which he can't admit just like his loyal cult followers cant admit what a train wreck his last year was. . No chance in hell he will get elected as too many will never vote for him due to his covid response. Time for some new blood but they need to be vetted as the last thing we need is a big bus/govt/pharma/WEF/military industrial complex fascist
Stupid again. He was NOT Rigged Pedo; Trump was trapped between Collins, Redfield, Tony, Birx, and Caputo with Paul, and Trilateral asses planned out that he would run out of time by withholding the fake mRNA vaccines AS that leverage was needed to cover up dominion-leonardo rigged numbers; meaning, critical mass of Americans, all unknowingly, would think that many did NOT vote for Trump because he failed to bring out the WARP vax.
And the numbers as they tallied showed the rigged election was quite real.
He still pushes he saved a 100 million with his rushed vax. He has what 20% that won't touch him due to him still being on the vax train. He also printed trillions with Mnuchin giving cover for states to lock down. No cash no lockdown, he was mad the whole time the fed quit Quantitative easing throughout his presidency making harder for domestic growth. When he got his chance to print money he jumped at it which was a disaster. It doesn't matter that he won the election because he wasn't able to stop the fraud You could see it coming with all the mail in ballots changes. Look he got screwed throughout with the Russian collision as he lost congress in the midterms as 40% thought he literally colluded with Russians. He needs to come clean on the vax as yea he got played by fauci and the vax coming out a week after the election. He just cant admit he got played on the vax as well as a good chunk of the 20% that hate the vax would forgive him but not when he is still making a victory lap on them. He is tone death on the vax.
As long as Trump keeps insisting that he “saved hundreds of millions of lives” with the vaccines, the mortality rate will continue to increase. By now he should be speaking out against the vaccines after all we know about them. But why does he double down? Maybe he believes an apology is a sign of weakness and it will hurt his chances with the electorate. It is too late for that. Reverse course! Tell the truth. We no longer have time for political gamesmanship!
This is more nutsy commentary. Trump supported G-o-F research in Wuhan and you think he didn't know what it was about? He also supported finding the pharma industry here without any concern. Nor did he try to rein in the FDA or CDC. And he lined up for the shots, which is way more than simply financing this mess. Clean the swamp? HaHAHA! He is the swamp.
No, how stupid. Bureaucrats are still in denial about gaining a bug from a bat in Wuhan. Entire mRNA operation was fake cover to vax everyone idiot on the planet, like yourself, with hydrogel and nanos to run a forced study to produce a ton of dead and a few autistic savants that will be employed as compute AI slaves. I'm serous. Read McRoy's book on autism epidemic. If you do not read, you mind turns into autistic trash.
Trump is personally responsible for millions of deaths and injuries. Even now he is sticking to the evil plan that he backed and pushed. He is a mass killer, a criminal who if tribunals are held, should be convicted of genocide and executed without mercy.
Just read how stupid what you write sounds. What about the Communist Democrats destroying our Country? JOE kept the EUA going and even tried to get employers to
mandate the JAB. It had to go to the SC to be decided.
I am not excusing the monster mummy biden. He is also guilty of mass genocide and should be executed after conviction from a tribunal. There are no innocent monsters here. They know what they have done, Trump, biden etc... we cannot play favorites hoping for a savior. Trump was a wolf in sheep's clothing, he appointed Chris Wray the current corrupt FBI director, Alex Azar the evil head of HHS under him and on and on. It is a hard pill to swallow but Trump is a criminal just like the others. He does not have the courage or decency to admit he made a tragic error that killed millions and ask for forgiveness. He is rotten to the core.
It took some time for many of us to sort out at the very beginning… Wise counsel was deluding him along with the rest of us! Many of us figured it out pretty quickly… Some not… he’s not a god, a role model in ethics or a palatable orator… But he’s the best option we have to try and straighten out this Obama/Biden mess… and he’s the only one who’s proven that he will stand up for the American people and Our Constitution
He needs to understand they lied to him and the American people. I understand why he did what he did. He needs to go after big Pharma for the children vaccines
Trump did the best he could with the information he was fed. I'm just sorry that he didn't have more research done regarding the people running the show. Fakesey was a 2 bit md until klinton 'appointed' him in 1984. A useful idiot. AIDs was 1985. The best lab person working on that was Judy Mikovits, (pending a PhD). He destroyed her career put her work on a shelf than later Robert Gallo used parts of it.
That's too bad for Judy. He was ruthless then as he is now. Remember, it was Traitor Pence who Trump placed in charge.
Tony, I think is the right word. :) Jared appears NOT on the WH list, same with the beautiful Ivanka. Trump is out only option.
Nonsense. All he had to do was to seriously listen to RFK Jr. about Pfauci. Trump was going to appoint RFK Jr. to look into vaccine safety when he took office. What happened? He capitulated and allowed the monster Pfauci to take over.
Yep, hard to get good research when the researchers are biased against freedom and the constitution!
Good point that is forgotten.
Tony was a quack from the beginning. A Jesuit trained Pharma employee. With Mikovits, Tony countered with the deadly AZT; aids was not about HIV virus, but about syphilis, 1000 homosexual contacts and a bunch of antibiotics. Homosexuals just recently sorted out Tony's AZT attack. Mikovits was on top of that, but it has been awhile since I went through her and Heckinlively's solid material.
Thanks for the additional info. It's like being at the bottom of a mud slide. The more you shovel, the more the mud comes down.
Trump was the Commander In Chief and Totally running the show. What planet are you on?
Even a commander in chief can’t wage a war without the consent of congress, so read a few books about history and the US government and come back with a better post. 🥱
It's called delegation. Trump placed Pence in charge of covid. I think he probably volunteered because he worked with Scarf Lady and Fauci on a global hiv/AIDS alliance in the past. That's a fact. Look it up! What planet are you on?
The Commander-in-Chief has way less power than what you think.
Trump had 4 years and increased the budget of the CIA and military swamp. So much for draining the swamp.
how stupid; PhD my ass. Here's a partial list bureaucrat lies and just a few of Trump's accomplishments completed and ignored by fake CFR controlled media. Also, read Paul's book, Taking Down and Narvarro's book Taking back, excellent material written by two insiders.
Short list of CFR controlled liar mass media, ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, AP, NPR, PBS, WaPo, NYT, etc.
CFR fake lying 'news' examples;
Russia Russia Russia Hoax
Floyd Orchestrated Hoax
Occupy Orchestrated Hoax
Joe and Nancy Kneeling Hoax
Hands Up, Don’t Shoot Hoax
Jussie Smollett Hoax
Covington KKKids Hoax
Very Fine People Hoax
Wave Hoax
BLM hoax
Seven-Hour Gap Hoax
Global Warming Hoax
Impeachment Hoaxes
Russian Bounties Hoax
Trump Trashes Troops Hoax
Monument destruction hoax
Policemen Killed at Mostly Peaceful January 6 Protest Hoax
Rittenhouse Hoax
Eating While Black Hoax
Border Agents Whipping Illegals Hoax
NASCAR Noose Hoax
January 6th peaceful flag waving march upon DC 'insurrection' hoax
The Georgia Jim Crow 2.0 Hoax
Trump Assaulted Secret Service Agents and Grabbed Steering Wheel of Beast Hoax
Frame MAGA for Alleged Paul Pelosi Assault Narrative
Trump Ukraine quid pro quo hoax
Durham Report
Trump's accomplishments:
record low unemployment about 3.4 percent; record low unemployment for disabled, Asian, Vets, and those without HS diplomas
almost zero inflation
rising wages (real) about 6k yearly increase
worked with Kim, Putin and Xi
gained about 7 million new jobs
corrected many wrongs of Nafta Shafta
jobless claims record low
incomes rose in cities and among black, Hispanics
Americans were happy! First time since Abe was elected.
Black home ownership increased
bottom half of American earners increase wages by 40 percent
7 million people shrugged off food stamps
women unemployment lowest in decades
over one million manufacturing new jobs
Controlled unfair trade with Germany and others countries
DOW was over 30k in 2020
SP and Nasdaq had bunch of highs
7 million new jobs, three times more than gov. projection
middle class income increase by $6,000, five times more than Obama's regime
40 months of more job openings than hiring
income rose in all metro areas first time in about 3 decades
plus much more!
Explain again how you drain the swamp by adding more money?
Don't get me wrong I hate Biden just as much, I have an equal opportunities policy when it comes to my hatred of all politicians.
Point being if you think Trump is your saviour, you're FUBAR.
what a waste
His hands were tied. Same old song with the Uniparty. They are really all the same. Trump wanted Section 230 out. But, Republicans said no, because it contained money for the military.
No one tied his hands he was the Commander In Chief. He deployed a known bioweapon termed a 'counter measure' via the U.S. Department of Defense on the world, murdering our own military and the world!! He is still supporting it! He locked down the United States bankrupting 51% of businesses, causing suicides, divorces, children so depressed they are jumping from windows, masking a child is serious child abuse, I know I am a teacher and a licensed mandated reporter, I should report Trump for blocking the airways of a child. Childrnen's IQ's have gone down 26% speech has been delayed. Immunity destroyed. We are in the midst of a satanic depopulation agenda that rolled out on Trumps watch, he did not have the courage to fight them, to risk his life, and now has caused the genocide of Planet Earth. NO NO HE DOES NOT GET ANOTHER CHANCE, THIS IS NOT A GAME SHOW, MY GRANDKIDS NEED TO LIVE , AND IN CA THEY WANT TO CUT OFF THEIR PENISES. I do not hear Trump addressing that! Kennedy has an entire foundation fighting all harmes to children . If you do not support Kennedy then you are going to suffer and only Kennedy has the courage, the GUTTS to speak truth. ALL Vaccines are dangerous as NONE have been safety tested! Americans have been brainwashed to injure their amazing immune systems with mercury and dead abortion cells and horrible horribel things that cause autism as Trump knew and hired Kennedy to head a vaccine committee, then took a bribe from Pfizer and the committee never happened.
You are totally confused about the difference between a monarchy and a constitutional republic. Are you suggesting that we need a change in the type of government that we have, or are you suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome?
Then don't take any vaccines. Thank goodness people who lived in Red States weren't mandated to take the JAB. I don't know about BLUE States. You are way off base. You
apparently, don't like Trump and find fault in anything he does. SAD....
Then vote for Democrat Communist Climate Change, Bobby.....Why isn't he running
on a different party? MANDATES ARE NOT LAWS....Go after JOE ....He made the
Military take the JAB. Now, the Military are suffering. Go after the Doctors, Nurses,
and Healthcare Workers that killed Covid patients.
That money was paid to the RNC and the DNC got the same.A president in the USA cannot lock down states or mandated anything. That's the Governors and state legislatures.He only signed the ban on travel from other countries and to release funds.The HHS secretary is the only one who can do a National Health Emergency.A president cannot. My state never shut down or mandated anything. BUISNESS in 2021 did it and states did.South Dakota never shut down or mandated anything either.Dr.Birx admits in her book she lied about deaths and cases to get the travel bans.She admitted they knew the jab would not work.But this plan has been decades in the making and was not their first try.John's Hopskins has plenty of proof of that.Warp Speed was in process long before Trump came in office.
you have no understanding of what you are talking about. Trump is our only option. He never was political, but now he learned political.
Trump is a complete failure. During his term spending exploded. There were lockdowns, he did not cut spending . The is responsible for warp speed . He wont repudiate it
Hes a bloviating narcissist
Sounds like you are on the wrong platform. He had nothing to do with lockdowns. He left it up to the Governors. Complete failure. You don't know what you are talking about.
100 disaster. If he had any understanding of what freedom meant he would have been doing everything he could to keep the federal government completely out of the way when the Covid pandemic hit. He should’ve actively spoken out against lockdowns and school closures. He should’ve actively repeatedly spoken out against vaccine mandates.
But by far the worst of all with his spending. If he had served the second term, he would’ve increased the debt more than any other president in the history of the United States. For him to claim that he is some kind of financial wizard, and then to run the country, deeper and deeper into debt shows a complete disregard for basic sound financial principles.
And of course he surround himself with neocon assholes
You are so off base. What planet are you on? So, JOE's inflation, food prices, gas prices, and most importantly the open border doesn't bother you at all. You must be independently wealthy. Tell me how you handle living expenses. JOE and his Commies are destroying the middle class. He's destroying everything good about our Country. I didn't see Trump have his kids living in the White House on taxpayers dime. Hunter should be on the sex offenders list.
All wrong, you love my Nancy of SF. next
The wrong platform? Is this a Trump platform then? " He had everything to do with lockdowns, what planet are you on? He was the Commander In Chief one of the most powerful people on Earth! " He left what up to Governors? " What are you talking about. He issued unConstitutional Mandates, bankrupted 51% of U.S. businesses, caused massive suicides, divorce, child abuse, and he rolled out a bioweapon via a contract he approved via his Department of Defense- Operation Warp Speed. To inject a dangerous bioweapon into as many humans as fast as possible- a massive world wide depopulation agenda. If you do not understand this fact, then you have not been here the last three years. I lost my best friend and Uncle to the third jab. People are shaking to death, dying suddenly, babies born dead each nite, it detroys fertility. I do not hear Trump talking about this do you? No! So get on board Team Kennedy Please as he is talking about it. IF Trumps unhealthy ego did not control him and Big Pharma, he did take a million dollar bribe from Pfizer he would step down and get behind Kennedy. Only Kennedy has the courage, he'd of never locked down or mandated anything. He knows the score. Please get on Team Kennedy and let Trump do the same! That would give Kennedy the votes and support. If Trump did that Americans would love it !!! But his ego rules him, That is the difference betweeen him and Robert Kennedy, Kennedy does not have that kind of ego, He is the real deal for us. Speaking the U.S Goverment ' has been captured" . It has. Knowing that yes!! all vaccines are dangerous. It will surprise you to know not one vaccine on the childhood schedule of 87 jabs have been tested for safety. I jabbed about 10 in my kids falling for the lies, and have applogized to them. I am a person who learns. Trump should go to prison for the mandates, the bioweapon and lying to the world about the virus. It was his job to know exactly what was going on. Kennedy never would have put away ivermectin or hydroxiclouriquin or lied . Trump lied to us and the world. He is also a 911 cover up criminal he and Guilinni.
I am not going to even finish reading this nonsense. Blah Blah.....
He's one of Pedo' drag queens or one of Milley's dress makers.
Hardly, Trump did everything excellent BUT he had no clue of the bureaucrat deep state power structure. Not political . He didn't know what a RINO was! lol. Well, he knows now. :)
Trump it too arrogant to get elected and will not shut up long enough to say he’s sorry. He was played by big pharma and the media to go along with the lockdowns. He’s also involved in the vaccine mandates and massive government funding of this untested experimental gene therapy. He’s not even remotely qualified at this point to run a company let alone a country. We need massive infrastructure reform and new regulations on the medical industry.
Trump didn’t mandate any vaxxes. Waste of time reading the rest after that.
Are you paid from DeRino camp? You are spreading misinformation.
I like what you have to say. I like your name, too :-)
Total rot, you're a twitter Jack bot on the loose
On the money!
He should regret how he handled the Covid situation. He must own up to his failing to do what was right.
Go after Frauchi, Birx, Redfield and the rest. How about all the Doctors, Nurses, and
Healthcare workers. Trump is NOT a Doctor. We researched and never took the JAB.
Trump handled the fake corona perfectly, but Deep State Bureaucrats rigged 2020. Paul was there, right in the middle. Did you read his book? no, because you're one of the stupid democrats. I'm also a Democrat, but not an idiot. :)
The sad thing is that probably less than 10% of the population understands how bogus many, most(?), or all(?) vaccines are. I suspect that most opposition to the mRNA vaccines was due to the way they were apparently rushed to market. That was actually a sound reason to avoid them. However, there were other important reasons to ignore them, and I doubt most people understand that.
Not one vaccine is tested for safety . not one. Kennedy knows has the proof and is saying so. Anti vax is good . Pro vax is stupid. Look at the Amish, no vaccines, no illness, no covid, no distancing, just went about life as normal and no one died or got sick. Only those who are vaccinated get sick. It IS a depopulatio agenda. You must face that clear fact now.
yes, but the fake mRNAs are far far worse and set up by our DOD. Cheri, below, gets this point correctly. RFK did the material early on concerning Tony; a good read. A ton of material out there
I am still learning about vaccines, and RFK Jr has been a good source of info for me.
I stand with TRUMP! Biden is a sicko pervert he needs to be Impeached!
Trump has his loyal cult followers. If he could have admitted he blew it by printing trillions starting the inflation spiral & providing cash for states to be able to lock down. Plus his disastrous vax which he can't admit just like his loyal cult followers cant admit what a train wreck his last year was. . No chance in hell he will get elected as too many will never vote for him due to his covid response. Time for some new blood but they need to be vetted as the last thing we need is a big bus/govt/pharma/WEF/military industrial complex fascist
Stupid again. He was NOT Rigged Pedo; Trump was trapped between Collins, Redfield, Tony, Birx, and Caputo with Paul, and Trilateral asses planned out that he would run out of time by withholding the fake mRNA vaccines AS that leverage was needed to cover up dominion-leonardo rigged numbers; meaning, critical mass of Americans, all unknowingly, would think that many did NOT vote for Trump because he failed to bring out the WARP vax.
And the numbers as they tallied showed the rigged election was quite real.
Shut up and read up.
He still pushes he saved a 100 million with his rushed vax. He has what 20% that won't touch him due to him still being on the vax train. He also printed trillions with Mnuchin giving cover for states to lock down. No cash no lockdown, he was mad the whole time the fed quit Quantitative easing throughout his presidency making harder for domestic growth. When he got his chance to print money he jumped at it which was a disaster. It doesn't matter that he won the election because he wasn't able to stop the fraud You could see it coming with all the mail in ballots changes. Look he got screwed throughout with the Russian collision as he lost congress in the midterms as 40% thought he literally colluded with Russians. He needs to come clean on the vax as yea he got played by fauci and the vax coming out a week after the election. He just cant admit he got played on the vax as well as a good chunk of the 20% that hate the vax would forgive him but not when he is still making a victory lap on them. He is tone death on the vax.
As long as Trump keeps insisting that he “saved hundreds of millions of lives” with the vaccines, the mortality rate will continue to increase. By now he should be speaking out against the vaccines after all we know about them. But why does he double down? Maybe he believes an apology is a sign of weakness and it will hurt his chances with the electorate. It is too late for that. Reverse course! Tell the truth. We no longer have time for political gamesmanship!
Poor reading comprehension?
Trump already addressed issues in Newsweek article ages ago.
He has never retracted his conviction in the efficacy of the clotshots!
Go read what he said.
Goodbye and stop wasting my time.
Paul , you continue to be delusional about Trump !
Yes , he was ill served by the people he chose .
Yes, didn’t recognize he was another pharma puppet on a string .
Yes, he has many good, even great traits .
Yes , he has rare and excellent instincts
But bottom line, it was under his leadership that the US had arguably the worst pandemic response and results in the whole world .
Yes, He screwed up the most consequential event for most people’s lives
Yes, He can’t be trusted .
Yes, Paul , you’ve lost 90 % of your credibility because you continue to defend an unrepentant Trump yet continuously pillory Malone .
Not addressing covid is a hard no for me, it can happen again
Giving democrats and Rinos more power means more shutdowns.
Even RFK jr thought the shutdown was good. Even for climate change.
You can’t be a one issue voter.
This is more nutsy commentary. Trump supported G-o-F research in Wuhan and you think he didn't know what it was about? He also supported finding the pharma industry here without any concern. Nor did he try to rein in the FDA or CDC. And he lined up for the shots, which is way more than simply financing this mess. Clean the swamp? HaHAHA! He is the swamp.
No, how stupid. Bureaucrats are still in denial about gaining a bug from a bat in Wuhan. Entire mRNA operation was fake cover to vax everyone idiot on the planet, like yourself, with hydrogel and nanos to run a forced study to produce a ton of dead and a few autistic savants that will be employed as compute AI slaves. I'm serous. Read McRoy's book on autism epidemic. If you do not read, you mind turns into autistic trash.
Trump is personally responsible for millions of deaths and injuries. Even now he is sticking to the evil plan that he backed and pushed. He is a mass killer, a criminal who if tribunals are held, should be convicted of genocide and executed without mercy.
Just read how stupid what you write sounds. What about the Communist Democrats destroying our Country? JOE kept the EUA going and even tried to get employers to
mandate the JAB. It had to go to the SC to be decided.
I am not excusing the monster mummy biden. He is also guilty of mass genocide and should be executed after conviction from a tribunal. There are no innocent monsters here. They know what they have done, Trump, biden etc... we cannot play favorites hoping for a savior. Trump was a wolf in sheep's clothing, he appointed Chris Wray the current corrupt FBI director, Alex Azar the evil head of HHS under him and on and on. It is a hard pill to swallow but Trump is a criminal just like the others. He does not have the courage or decency to admit he made a tragic error that killed millions and ask for forgiveness. He is rotten to the core.
It took some time for many of us to sort out at the very beginning… Wise counsel was deluding him along with the rest of us! Many of us figured it out pretty quickly… Some not… he’s not a god, a role model in ethics or a palatable orator… But he’s the best option we have to try and straighten out this Obama/Biden mess… and he’s the only one who’s proven that he will stand up for the American people and Our Constitution
He needs to understand they lied to him and the American people. I understand why he did what he did. He needs to go after big Pharma for the children vaccines