I think you should add that we must go back to when MDs were allowed to treat patients as they believed best and what the patient wanted instead of forcing MDs to follow treatment plans written by the government.

MDs in Ontario have lost their medical licenses for treating Covid-19 patients as they believed was best.

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Paul Rand calls for tighter rules against freezing bank accounts and seizing property WITHOUT DUE PROCESS: https://www.forbes.com/sites/nicksibilla/2020/06/30/rand-paul-introduces-bill-to-abolish-nonjudicial-civil-forfeiture/?sh=308dfbbf72db

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As long as the capability exists, it will be abused. This was illegal the minute it was announced, and yet...

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After all, it is the person's money, not the gov!!!

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Are you for real Paul?!

I absolutely disagree with this statement: “The vaccine mandates we think may have been very applicable had the Covid pandemic been extremely severe…”

When has a pandemic ever been ‘extremely severe’? And in that I Include the 1918 pandemic which needs very close revision now.

It’s been known from the beginning that Covid-19 is not a serious threat to most people - how on earth have we ended up with a plan to vaccinate the entire global population - over and over again?!

This is the serious question we must ask now - how did this debacle happen?

What was the process, how was this Covid-19 response evaluated?

It seems to me there’s been a plan to vaccinate the global population for some time, the excuse to implement vaccine passports and digital surveillance and medical interventions on demand. ‘Covid-19’ is the device that has been used this time. Previous failed attempts to get this off the ground include swine flu/H1N1, Ebola and Zika scares, but they’ve gone over the top with Covid-19 now.

The rushed Covid-19 jab rollout has been an unmitigated disaster, a vast global ‘vaccine’ trial that no-one properly consented to be a part of, it’s a travesty against the Helsinki Declaration.

This is a massive political scandal, and it’s not just about ‘The Science’…more about how ‘The Science’ is being used to control us.

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Absolutely correct. If there ever is a virus dangerous enough—and a vaccine safe and effective enough—to justify a mandate, you won’t need a mandate. People will be lining up to get the stuff. Mandates are *NEVER* appropriate. Ever.

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Bill Gates is already talking about the next one.

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Hi Carole, see my recent response about that megalomaniac...

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My suggestion is to delete the part about the possibility of mandates in the future. I know I'm a US citizen, but I don't believe in mandates for anyone in any country.

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Paul, I would NOT leave the door open to later lockdowns with more severe variants, as such qualifying variants will certainly "magically" appear.

It might be illucidating to mention the many places (countries and US states) that have lived the past nearly two years with few or no restrictions, resulting in no worse outcomes than the most heavily locked down.

At least limit govts to only measures that work. I'm not sure any restrictions have borne this out this far. Humans cannot control a virus.

Thank you and good luck! You are a blessing!

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This has never been about the virus the end game has always been the WEF agenda on total and complete enslavement of the proletariat. The virus was the key to lock us up mentally physically and spiritually. Dictators don’t function with rationality their deranged minds are fixated on power and greed. It has been apparent for over two years that facts are irrelevant to the tyrannical dictators.

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Amen. All the scienctific evidence in the world doesn't matter, it's not about a virus.

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And what a tool Trudeau has been  —AND IS.

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The word mandates should should not be used in a consideration of civil liberty.

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Government mandated medicine is NEVER OK. Free people can be trusted to do the right thing. IF the virus was very virulent with an infection fatality rate of 10 percent or more and there was truly an effective sterilizing vaccine produced by private trusted groups, the vast majority of people would have taken it voluntarily. Coercion is not justified. Government public health programs are not justified. Why give these people any credit. They got EVERYTHING wrong. Its not like they just got some things incorrect or wrong and were humble about it. They were cosmically catastrophically wrong about every aspect of this. And they went about their idiotic plans with a smugness and arrogance that was breathtaking.

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Feb 20, 2022·edited Feb 20, 2022

Dr Alexander what really perplexes me is that there were well- prepared Emergency Preparedness Plans (EPP) existing prior to lockdowns being implemented. They had bern worked on for years and each Province had a well organised infrastructure to respond to any pandemic. The point of EPP was NOT to encroach on Charter Rights or Civil Liberties. Instead these EPP's were thrown out and the lockstep lockdowns commenced. Where did this idea come from? Michael P Senger did incredible research into this, wrote a paper that clearly showed that lockdowns were an invention of the CCP and in response to Zero Covid policy. We can see perfectly well how this approach was so harmful to all of us. https://mobile.twitter.com/MichaelPSenger/status/1454830348324380674


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WEF prodigies and cultists followed this plan hardest, it's worth noting. It's why Xiden was installed. CCP ain't working alone.

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No mandates ever. Period.

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Dr. Paul: Just when you thought things might be getting better because of the ending of provincial mandates, there's scary new information: I've run into a fascinating website today that seems legit to me. It points out a Government of Canada announcement https://www.canada.ca/en/employment-social-development/news/2021/12/government-of-canada-will-require-employees-in-all-federally-regulated-workplaces-to-be-vaccinated-against-covid-19.html back in December imposing a federal vaccine mandate in all workplaces, to take effect early 2022, after legislative approval. https://www.canada.ca/en/employment-social-development/programs/laws-regulations/labour/forward-regulatory/plan.html#h2.1 It is apparently getting a hurry-up legislative treatment, and should be voted on soon.

Please check out this article and take action with your MPs if you conclude this is legitimate.


Especially focus on the video at the bottom, which speaks about ending constitutional protections. If true, this is a very big deal...

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Mandates have shown to cause too much damage

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The mandates have literally reduced vaccine uptake. Even if maximum vaccine acceptance were a worthy goal, mandates have done nothing but hinder it.

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Vaccines have been long oversold and overrated as a solution for the crisis. Epidemiologists have to do a better job in the future at pointing alternative solutions out. Mandates are only a sign that convincing rationale to take the vaccines is lacking.

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In paragraph 3 change "reconsider mandates" to "reconsider interventions" .

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A very good analysis re: civil liberties and bank account closures: https://bariweiss.substack.com/p/a-social-credit-system-arrives-in?utm_source=url

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Thank you, Mr. Peckford. To recap in part: ". . these EPP's were thrown out and the lockstep lockdowns commenced. Where did this idea come from? Michael P Senger did incredible research into this, wrote a paper that clearly showed that lockdowns were an invention of the CCP and in response to Zero Covid policy. We can see perfectly well how this approach was so harmful to all of us. https://mobile.twitter.com/MichaelPSenger/status/1454830348324380674


Bingo ! Xi's snake oil. We SO want to be made to feel good, that we automatically forget that

Communists, Maoists, and now Klaus Schwab's "Reset" Globalists are ATHEISTS! As such they

are incapable of telling the truth . . USING IT for their own purposes, but NEVER TELLING IT!

Former Moscow's Newspaper title, Pravda, means "Truth" . . meaning manipulated to their own

criminal goals.

The fog of lingering Canadian naivety simply has to be blown away, so that the clarity and

thoroughness of Canada's Constitution and Bill of Rights —and signer Brian Peckford's solid reminders and explanations —tands immoveable before Trudeau's & the Globalists' "BLACKENED FACE AND TREACHERY"!

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The lockdowns were also influenced by the ‘modelling’ of Neil Ferguson et al’s infamous Imperial College Report 9, which recommended ‘suppression’ of the virus “until a vaccine becomes available”: https://www.imperial.ac.uk/mrc-global-infectious-disease-analysis/covid-19/report-9-impact-of-npis-on-covid-19/

Ferguson et al’s Report 9 was published in the UK on 16 March 2020. Just a few days earlier, Patrick Vallance, the UK’s chief scientific adviser, had announced the UK was going ahead with a natural immunity response: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/health/coronavirus-herd-immunity-uk-nhs-outbreak-pandemic-government-a9399101.html

It seems the natural immunity response was knocked on the head by Ferguson et al’s report.

It wasn’t disclosed in Ferguson et al’s report that Neil Ferguson was funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, an organisation which has had extraordinary influence over international vaccination policy for more than 20 years.


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Please read Michael P Senger's paper re: covid lockdowns and sites how Imperial College are in the pocket of the CCP. Just a footnote re: CCP- at last WEF grouphug, Chairman dictator Xi was a keynote speaker (little turd). They are certainly all in it together.

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Thanks Simone, I haven't read Michael Senger's paper, will get onto it.

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And blackened eyes who oppose the treachery

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