Quoting "heidi" in a comment on "Vigilant Fox" November 10, 2023.

"Now have RFK jr explain why abortions/planned parenthood slush fund for Dimokkkrats is a sacred cow that he fully supports. then move on to our hideous indoctrination system damaging children for a lifetime know as 'govt education' , a slush fund for dimokkkrats that he fully supports. then move on to reparations, another divisive boondoggle for dimokkkrats to buy votes & launder $$ which he fully endorses & supports. then ask him about the "Climate Emergency" fueled by 21st Century Marxism, a coercive land/resources grab that he fully participates in. I could go on, but his current mission is to destroy DJT's next election chances, thereby making US lifetime slaves of the dimokkkrats. I'm sure he'll be handsomely compensated."

Quoting "heidi" comment on "Vigilant Fox" November 10, 2023.

I would personally add his wavering on support for the 2nd Amendment and his failure to outright condemn covid shots when given the opportunity in a nationally televised interview on the PBS News Hour on November 7, 2023.

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Why on earth would you want a New England progressive democrat as your VP?

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Nov 12, 2023·edited Nov 12, 2023

Bobby is just a CIA vote splitter to steal votes from Trump.

Democrats will use Bobby votes to adjudicate them to use for democrat candidates when needed. Bobby will be paid to be silent.

They will also use Bobby to beat up Trump about Covid at the debates even though Bobby liked the lockdowns and remains silent about ivermectin/hcq. He’s a big farce and people are falling for it.

A vote for Bobby is a vote for China.

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I like his activism especially in terms of the vaccines! I do not personally like his political stance. I feel like his decision to run as an independent is more sinister than anyone thinks. I saw polling that shows he’s taking votes for Trump, more than Biden! He said he would never become Trump’s VP! It’s hard to trust anyone of these people.

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RFKjrs stance supporting the murder in Palestine has soured him in the eyes of voters.

He has revealed himself to be a Manchurian candidate.

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I was really rooting for RFK Jr. until I saw his over-the-top support to Israel and pledge to give Israel "unconditional" support, and his Pro-war stance as it relates to Israel vs. the rest of the Muslim world, including Iran. I suspect that if RFK Jr. were to become president that the US would get dragged into a war with Iran. And, I suspect that Russia would join in to get Iran's back, and that China would ultimately join in as well, and that these countries together would likely give the US and Israel an a$$ whopping.

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Nope. Only HHS. He’s pro-death, a climate nut job and basically a democrat. C’mon man, there are better people and possibilities than a democrat.

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DJT has my vote regardless of who he selects as VP. If he is not on your ballot due to criminal and malicious intent by bad actors of the deep state, write his name in.

Vivek can be bought. His law degree paid for by Paul Soros, brother of George Soros. He said he’d “be crazy not to take it.” That’s “bought and paid for” any way you slice it. The elitist billionaires can buy anyone off... if they can’t, they’ll destroy you.

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I agree! Kennedy understands the depth of the corruption happening, and he knows how to fight it.

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Other than his stand on vaccines, I do not care for him one bit.

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If Trump doesn't admit that he was dead wrong on the so-called " vaccine", then I'm not voting for him.

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Why on earth would we believe the POTUS who sold out to Pfizer, bowed down to Fauci and brought us the kill shot at warp speed do an about face and bring “Justice to all” for this most massive crime against humanity if he were once again to become POTUS?

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What do you guys think about Trump picking Tucker for VP if elected?

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Sorry, with the exception of vaccines, hes wayyyyyyyyyy too left....

Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

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Spit the fixed voting? Don’t think so! Heaven forbid this leftist Camelot radical gets anywhere near the presidency!

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