I wonder what the real % of deaths was in March-April 2020 due to the virus and what due to the panic response. Probably an insignificant amount from COVID.

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Honestly Dr. Paul you lost me in the medical tall grass on this one. I thought it was hospitals using the Fauci 1-2 punch of remdesivir then ventilation - with some not taking care of essential parental needs while denying off label therapeutics - killing so many ill seniors. I will avoid going to a hospital at all costs.

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NYC Spring 2020 doctors saw ventilation as not working (Dr. Cameron Kyle-Sidell, not sure if he removed videos on free will, through pressure and via censorship on YouTube that are available elsewhere anyhow): https://nypost.com/2020/04/06/nyc-doctor-says-coronavirus-ventilator-settings-are-too-high/

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Doctor Alexander, would you please publish this story to your wide net? It's gut-wrenching story of a healthy young mother who went to the hospital during her pregnancy with some complications and ended up dying on a vent. It's absolutely criminal.


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