Go to Dr. Nagase’s Substack. He had spoken about this and had tried to stop the government in Japan from being the first to use this and on his own people! What a corrupt traitor the Prime Minister of Japan is to allow this. The fact that it is self-replicating is tge worst part because it makes it unstoppable unless you can totally isolate the ones that have it and treat them in isolation ( if I remember correctly) but once it spreads to others, how do you stop it?

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I do not believe there is a way to stop a self-amplifying RNA "vaccine" from shedding person-to-person.

I believe that is the intention and purpose behind this devious new "vaccine's" form and function. To make non-compliance impossible.

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Yes it was covid shedding that got me not the vaxx back in 2021 after working 99% of time and not getting sick. Family gets vaxxed I'm sick a few days later.

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Correction, typo: Dr. Nagase,not Bagase.

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Indeed, that was Dr. Bagase’s fear. I was going by recollection on what he stated that once it sheds, you don’t know who’s got it or not.

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A “self-replicating” viral mRNA product is just another name for a “virus.”

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Almost sounds like another plandemic coming in the Trump administration. Just like covid was. Seems once injected it multiplies in the cells. Maybe is the planned disease X that's been talked about

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Will Trump stop this? How many ties does Gates have with the new Trump admin? Do you care? Or does any republican care?

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I guess you just have to stop the FDA in approving any new drug applications from mRNA or similar pharma companies. You just stop. Ban the whole industry. The other option would be to let people decide for themselves if they want such experimental products (under the condition that the product or some harmful parts of it wont spread to other humans who dont want the product). It would be similar to the topic where you let people decide for themselves if they want a new cancer drug etc. I think people should have the choice but also get informed in advance. I also think that you should NEVER MANDATE such new experimental products.

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The problem might be of course that such "opening" , foot in the door, not extinguishing this "thing" completely could lead to a "revival" of these niche-used mRNA products for mass vaccinations and mandates again when the politicial environment changes.

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Two questions: Is there an off switch? If there is an “off-switch”, WHO owns the rights to the “off-switch”????

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I have not heard of an, "off switch" for this crap they want to put in us. I think, even in death, that stuff continues to multiply. It's driven by emf and the like.

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The Gates of Hell should not let Bill out ! He should remain inside and away from this planet

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Someone needs to take that goul bill gates out by injecting him with all the so called vacinations he's pushed onto the world!

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Oh my gosh. How very tragic that men can evolve to such evil.

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These scumbag evil pricks are going to push mrna vaxxes until they get one with a much higher and faster death rate.

Current excess deaths are not high enough for the evil bastards.

Remember the projecions of the West losing much of its population in 2025? Was that real and a warning?

Folks head to the hills, learn to live off grid and find like minded folks.

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Oh, No!

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I hope this is his last hoorah. Evil man still trying to push his agenda through with the evil FDA going right along with it! It’s going to be a long 60 something days!!

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As I understand there is no vaccine needed. Dr. Meryl Nass said bird flu was pink eye. IMO mrna s not a vaccine anyway. I haven't taken a vaccine since a small child and don't plan to. Gates, Moderna, Pfizer...all them need to be stopped and face tribunals along with whoever approved this formula meant to depopulate.

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But who was it who, from the standpoint of someone whose doctoral thesis was in molecular neurobiology, was describing in great detail

1. exactly what the primary mechanism of action was common to all viral mRNA products (infection of individual cells with viral genes)

2. the means by which it was achieved (the use of over 40 year old standard cell transfection reagents to introduce the viral genes),

3. the historical origins of those means in molecular biology (the origins of what became cell transfection reagents after their failure as selective delivery vehicles of pharmacological agents, their invaluable role in molecular biology, a somewhat abortive use in vivo as a means of transient therapeutic expression either of normal gene products to supply a lack due to a mutated gene or an attempt to block expression of disease-causing mutated gene products by silencing the translation of mutant mRNA into dangerous mutated proteins),

4. the indiscriminate nature of the viral mRNA products infection of healthy cells in multiple organ systems (less so for the AstraZeneca version, and why that was so) and why,

5. the unavoidable immunological consequences of number 1, starting with the individual cell signaling to the innate immune system, then complications caused by this happening simultaneously in multiple organ systems, then the consequences of free-floating spike proteins in

A. the extracellular fluid compartment,

B. the lymphatic system,

C. the circulatory system,

D. whether in conjunction with the innate or the adaptive immune systems and why based on the nature and function of the two immune systems,

6. What to expect and why in terms of conditions, how those conditions could be mistaken for other types of diseases (that is, the rapid rise in all-cause mortality exclusively in those who have received viral mRNA products, the ways those conditions could manifest differentially depending on an individual’s state of development and/or state of health, the ways all these things could easily be tracked across populations in different countries by mandated groups of recipients by age and profession, and

7. how these outcomes were known by the companies before they ever whipped up the first batch simply by first principles of molecular biology, virology, and immunology, and

8. how this dangerous off-label use to deliver exogenous genes into human cells in vivo was the single greatest advance even in biowarfare and bioterrorism, why, and exactly what kinds of things it could be used to do,

9. how both the producers of the viral mRNA products and two different groups of critics (the more normal scientists and MDs or the complete opportunistic whack jobs) were all talking incessantly about everything BUT the primary mechanism of action common to ALL the viral mRNA products and asking questions about how there could be such weird degrees of confluence, and

10. how the understanding of the primary mechanism of action in the context of the innate and later adaptive immune response, depending on age, state of development, state of health, and repeated exposure was the Occam’s razor capable of explaining virtually all the adverse events?

That was I, starting well over two years ago and in hundreds of posts in Facebook, substack, and emails to a variety of writers in different news groups. And I knew it because of my own extensive work with these very cell transfection reagents in my doctoral and post-doctoral research combined with coursework in mechanisms of disease, molecular biology and cell biology classes, and interest in related subjects going back into the late 1960s.

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