Great work, you are relentless, keep going but don't forget to stop and smell the roses once in a while!

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I think these past 3 years in the “Plandemic” era have shown us who has the Courage along with the Character to be true leaders -- no matter what the field they represent. Silence from our “leaders” has promoted false narratives and fear which has proved disastrous for so many.

Yes -- regardless of culpability I agree with you Dr. Alexander -- we need answers to the questions you pose 🙏💚

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Kennedy has disclosed this is a bioweapon.

Malone said "MRNA Vax was never meant to be used in humans".

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sounds like you missed dr martins exposing of the guilty bio warefare jabs since the 1960s = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GaD8qEWJglY

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I am not sure about his motives and actions, but I actually began to distrust him for suing Peter Breggin and Jane Ruby...just for asking questions. Something is not adding up in my mind.

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These two for sure should answer the important mRNA questions. They tweaked the tech over time. Unless Dr. Malone was continually working on this tech until present then his hands were not the last to touch this and therefore is not responsible. “The global impact and recognition of Weissman and Karikó’s work has its roots in their years of research together at the University of Pennsylvania investigating mRNA as a potential therapeutic. Their groundbreaking study published in 2005 found that their concept—which brought fresh hope to a field beset by skepticism and false starts—could be a reality: that mRNA could be altered and then delivered effectively into the body to initiate a protective immune response.

Their method to turn cells into factories that can temporarily produce proteins that serve as therapeutic compounds or stimulate the body’s immune system to attack a specific pathogen also minimizes harmful inflammatory responses.”

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What possessed anyone to think that a cell pumping out 'non-self' proteins like Spike, in response to being hijacked by the mRNA inoculation, would not be treated by one's immune system in a similar matter to a virus infected cell pumping out Spike and other viral components? How were 'harmful inflammatory responses' to be minimized?

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Exactly! They said the spike stayed in the deltoid muscle and the mRNA would quickly degrade from the injections but they either lied intentionally or perhaps unintentionally. I believe intentionally because they did not stop these very dangerous infections when they knew the truth early on. The emails show they knew and instead of protecting people they protected profits and doubled down pushing this crap into our babies. Totally disgusting.

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Jun 24, 2023·edited Jun 24, 2023

Yes, they had to know, at a minimum, that the mRNA they were using would persist because they specifically designed it with pseudoUracil because normal mRNA with Uracil nucleic acid is degraded too quickly for their purposes.

The Japanese biodistribution study showed early in 2020 that components of the jab were not staying in the injection site.

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And Canadian Dr Byram Bridle relayed that most important information to us immediately upon learning of it in early 2020. I remember him warning he was about to say something very frightening. He continued to alert us and joined Dr.Alexander standing outside atop a flat bed truck in Ottawa in 25 degree below zero weather in solidarity with thousands of Canadians asking for a choice based on their findings.

We are ever grateful for their honesty and integrity in a time of deep deception.

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Inventing the MRNA technology is pretty far removed from the development of the actual covid vaccines.

How would they know anything about them and the effects? It is the spike protein that cases the damage, is it not?

The spike is not part of the injection. It is made by the patient's own cells after the MNRA does its job.

Do I have any of this wrong?

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I think everyone in our Medical community & Big Pharma & Gates & Fauci & ALL should be answering serious questions about the Bioweapon Vaccine that is injuring & killing millions & eventually billions?!?

I don’t think Malone knew how harmful the vaccine was or he wouldn’t have taken 2 of the shots & was injured himself from it?

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I dont think he really took it

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Billions it will be, and we have yet to see the long term effects that will show up as deadly cancers and autoimmune disorders. I agree, Malone did not know how deadly/harmful they would be. The original idea was a very bright idea to have mRNA produce a protein to help activate the immune system. But Malone had no role in the spike protein strategy. We can "award" Fauci, and the other goons for that accomplishment that is tantamount to genocide. And they knew all along that or at least nearly from day 1 that these were deadly/harmful.

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Never! Do not stop asking questions.

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I do not trust him at all. (Robert Malone) He is suing Peter and Ginger Breggin and Jane Ruby. Should be on the same team with them. He is known to me as the man who could have saved the world, but chose not to

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Malone's initial effort to develop mRNA gene-therapies was a bright idea. However, it has turned out to be a deadly and/or harmful agent. Malone did not test it on humans and we have no reason to believe that he had forthcoming knowledge about how harmful/deadly they can be. Why do you want to blame him for all of harm and deaths that followed.

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I think his vendetta on Malone is unhinged. I want to unsubscribe.

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Yvonne, it will help if you stay on and make these comments and hopefully in time he will reduce/shift his attacks on Malone. Please stay.

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When he attacked Dr. Peter McCullough, I knew Malone was bad news and could never be trusted.

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What did he attack McCullough on?

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very careless of him. He boast that he invented it...he should know all about it...not guess work, and risk it on peoples' health

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Laura, while Malone played an early role in the development of the mRNA jabs, he never tested them on humans, and that became the responsibility of Pfizer and Moderna. The latter two failed to do decent clinical trials with the products that they developed, which were also contaminated with other products. In fact., Big Pharma knew of the harms and dangers and ignored them for the sake of money and authority. That cannot be blamed on Malone. Blame Pfizer, Modern, the FDA, CDC, and NIH.

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Molone never trusted this Cunt..

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I wish you would stop constantly tying Robert and malone to all the problems with the vaccine.

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