This COVID-19 situation is one of the worst crimes against humanity. Will there ever be justice for We the People? That's the real question.

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Doubtful, don't you think ?

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Dear Doc. I see your appraisal on the first page of Bryan Ardis' book. Why is no one talking about the snake venom in the jabs? There's a receptor binding domain on the spike protein which is sequence homologus to king cobra venom. The company providing the plasmids for the production of the jab, is litterally called Cobra Biologics. Why is no one talking about this? Is this because Malone is on the patent?

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the very same Freedom Movement tried to destroy Ardis, so he is locked out...I know him, smart guy, decent, good man...family! God...so they tried to suppress and lock him out, invite him nowhere and discredit him. the freedom movement doctors and scientists matched only by the corrupt congress

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Hey Paul. You might want to throw this topic out there for people to digest...

The test valudation requirements for an EUA test are NOT equivalent to those for LDTs and FDA approved tests.

I think it is extremely important for people to understand how an national emergency declaration will allow for EUA diagnostic testing that otherwise would not be allowed by either LDT validation standards or FDA aporoval standards.

"...the FDA has granted EUAs for many COVID-19 tests, based on a determination that they met the statutory criteria for EUA. EUA-authorized tests can continue to be used as long as they are available and not expired and the EUA has not been revoked. "


Thus the EUA "allowed" for the rollout of a non-standardized, non-discriminatory PCR SARSCov2 test that without a plandemic induced national emergency would have NEVER been used for diagnosing anything.

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That's a disaster! We will never know the truth, if this is not discussed. It's mindblowing to see Ardis' documentation of similarity between vax injuries and the effects from snake venom. If this is not the key to understand what the jabs are about, I don't know what. I hope Couey, Yeadon and bhakdi are made aware of this. I assume they would talk openly about it.

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I had long discussions about this topic with subject matter experts when I was "allowed" to be on Linkedin. Problem is that homologous protein motiff doesnt equate with similar physiologic function. It was problematic enough to find credible literature identifying the motiff let alone trying to ascertain potential physiologic effect. One of the numerous COVID mysteries with answers that are known but kept hidden.

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I have no doubt you are right, and know what you are talking about, but when we in the litterature find papers like this from BMJ with the title "Snakebites and COVID-19: Two crises, one research and development opportunity", it sort of smells like there's a connection. In the paper it is stated that "snakebite envenoming and COVID-19 have much in common". When researchers since then on the spikeprotein have found an RBD homologus to a neurotoxin found in snake venom, I would lean towards drawing a certain conclusion.

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PCR CT for SARSCov2 .... Absolute classic example of how a non-standardized and non-discriminatory laboratory "test" can be hard sold by public health as both inclusionary and exclusionary for a clinically significant viral infection (e.g. a positive test means you can make other people sick).

Ive posted this on other substacks but the choice of a PCR testing platform was INTENTIONAL, by design and absolutely necessary to "maintain the plandemic fear" and was THE justification for all the insane mandates, lockdowns, etc.

Without the PCR test, there would have been no plandemic, EUA, or mRNA gene therapeutic shot. Period. End of story.

It was literally the glue that held the plandemic together and was THE greatest laboratory propaganda tool ever used on the public. Ever.

Not science. Not medicine. Not public health.

Pure propaganda.

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No standardized cycles and no pre-testing trials to discover efficacy and you have a PCR process DOA and that means no verifiable cases and that means no covid cases verified. Good work, doc.

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Validation of laboratory testing is not done in this manner. I am involved in validation of many different types of tests; this was different. Totally unique. Not something that would have normally been validated in this manner.

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The problem is scientism and unwavering believe (cult) in experts and such fake science by congress, politicians, and statemen (doing laws, acts, decrets, orders etc.) based on BOGUS science. They listen to "experts" and its "common knowledge" that "scientists do science and they are right", so you cant blame a politician in acting according to "science", no? Metrics, numbers, controlling metrics, reaching KPIs. You are a mere number in Public Health Inc.

The problem is ignorant and plain stupid politicians believing in scientism experts. Its the believe by politicians and business leaders that citizens are generally stupid and must be nudged/coerced/forced etc for their "own best interest". Meanwhile they dont face the consequences of their top-down actions and interventions.

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Kary Mullis tells us, himself ...... " PCR....is just a process....that doesn't tell you that you're sick, or that what 'you are ill with will harm you' "


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