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One third of the population comes to mind Doc. It will be found that the genetic offspring of Jacob are the target. We are the Western world, politically speaking, greater Israel actually, and Biblically speaking the Commonwealth of Israel. (I am NOT referring to the country/real estate in the Middle East). All who love God and accept Je…
© 2025 Paul
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One third of the population comes to mind Doc. It will be found that the genetic offspring of Jacob are the target. We are the Western world, politically speaking, greater Israel actually, and Biblically speaking the Commonwealth of Israel. (I am NOT referring to the country/real estate in the Middle East). All who love God and accept Jesus are the children of the promise made to Abraham...his line through Isaac and Jacob are the target of the genocide. It is not only ethnic Jews who are targeted, but in fact all their brethren from the other tribes of Israel, scattered worldwide, all are in danger. Time to wake up folks and return to your Creator, who also is your King. Jesus is the King of Israel...not just our brothers and sisters from the tribe of Judah. Satan has been very clever in obfuscating this FACT. Most people conflate the terms "Israel and "Jewish". Yes, genetic Jews are Israeli, but not all "religious" Jews are Israeli. Most genetic Israelis are NOT Jewish, ethnically or religiously. However, the millions of ethnic Israelis in many nations are known of their Creator, by their continued worship of Him as Christians, as they were called, by him to do. We await the return of Jesus, for the fullness of the Gentiles to come into the commonwealth of Israel, graffed in by their acceptance of Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour...literally the Saviour of His people Israel, and those that fear God and accept Jesus, as He destroys the entire world at His coming, but saving us and those that died believing they would see life after death. Many pastors do not understand this basic Bible truth and have been captured in their lack of understanding. The "rapture" of the remaining living follows the resurrection of deceased believers. The resurrection happens when Jesus comes back. Jesus comes back after the sun is darkened, and the moon as blood, which happens AFTER THE TRIBULATION. Pre-tribbers are confused because they are too lazy to study to show themselves approved by God. Stop reading books about the Bible, and read the Bible for yourself. God made you just as smart or smarter than those who pose as your superiors. And get ready so that day does not take you unawares. Jesus is coming soon. Merry Christmas and a happy New Year.