I've mentioned this before: so-called "Monkey Pox" is very likely just another WHO-instigated fraud. IF there's any truth to it, what you're actually seeing is Herpes Zoster, IOW good old chicken pox, going out of control among The Vaccinated, as their immune systems disintegrate... As to why the WHO is claiming it's a gay-related illness like the AIDS hoax I haven't a clue... And BTW? My brother died of so-called AIDS -- like most of those poor slobs he in fact died of a mixture of multiple drug addictions and AZT poisoning...

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I say yes, I say you are right...you are over the target.

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So why do you continue to write about "Monkey Pox"? You know what kinds of demons these monsters are, moreover that they will sell anything to anyone... 🙄

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HEALTH ALERT: Top Ten Ways to Protect Yourself From Monkeypox

- Don't spank other men's monkeys, abstain from grooming kids, know your risk, wear protection, get tested & vaccinated, always trust experts & media, and other ways to protect yourself from Monkeypox!


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Do you remember how foul Cheese pushed azt? How he persecuted the docs who gave their patients Bactrim? He is evil. Same modus operandi as the vax.

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Read Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s "The Real Anthony Fauci" if you want the fish scales ripped from your eyes. Eternity in The Lake of Fire is too good for Fraudci.

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And I am very sorry for your loss.

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Paul passed January 1996...

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I know it still hurts. I lost my older sister to cancer in 2010. We will always miss them.

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Sorry about that... To me, it sounds like HIV, like all viruses (COVID included), has mutated to a less deadly form over the years for most people BUT that's not good for BIG PHARMA and their bottom line. Hence, drugs like AZT to keep people sick + non-Africans would have no natural immunity to an African disease...

My understanding is that HIV or a predecessor virus was rampant but unnoticed in the Belgian Congo back in the 1920s etc (when millions moved from the countryside to or through the cities there by train or river boat) as there were many other (known and unknown) diseases there that the local people (and not necessarily the white colonists who were not mixing with them...) would get and many may have had some immunity already (as many Africans have for Ebola)... But somehow, apparently a European sailor, was frequently local African prostitutes and then brought the disease to Europe where he later worked as a truck driver - spreading it to the prostitutes there... Then a pilot or air steward got it and spread it throughout the gay community...

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So sorry that your brother died that way. Fauci et al took people who had a diminished immune system from lifestyle and chose to give them further debilitating rounds of what amounts to chemo instead of vitamins. Criminal.

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Yes that too.

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I agree 👍. Sorry to hear about your brother. Perhaps ?? what had happened with his situation has honed your keen awareness with this. His legacy lives on.

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That, and reading things like this: "The Medical Racket" --https://www.ahealedplanet.net/medicine.htm; Not to mention books like "High Treason: The Assassination of JFK and The Case For Conspiracy"; "The Creature from Jeckyll Island"; "The Mighty Wurlitzer: How The CIA Played America" and "Towers of Deception"... 🤔

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Yes, it does all add up.....

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At the time I thought he developed AIDS from HIV infection and that AZT was actually therapeutic, not a slow-acting deadly poison. It's taken me 30 years of patient study to begin to understand the real nature of our civilization. Wade Frazier's "A Healed Planet" is a good place to start (www.ahealedplanet.htm) -- and the books I mention below.

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Such deception for so long.....

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Dr. Paul do you know about the MonkeyPox simulation run last year? The one where they predicted an ‘outbreak’ starting around May 15 2022 🧐 accelerating to 70 MILLION cases by Jan 2023 .. oh yes they did.

Do you think it may be a coincidence also that they started it right before Pride month?

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They set this up & us for failure. Thank you for calling it.

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We're onto them and their convoluted criminal path. 😡

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Crime against humanity on top of crime against humanity ad nauseam.

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Cp - THERE IS NO EXCUSE NOT TO GET VACCINATED FOR MONKEYPOX. As I noted in my post below, the Monkeypox vaccine has conveniently been around a LONG TIME ;)

HEALTH ALERT: Top Ten Ways to Protect Yourself From Monkeypox

- Don't spank other men's monkeys, abstain from grooming kids, know your risk, wear protection, get tested & vaccinated, always trust experts & media, and other ways to protect yourself from Monkeypox!


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Why are you speaking to me as though I advocate the monkeypox vax? Is there anything in my commentary that suggests I support such absurdity?

I’m well aware how long MonkeyPox has been around , the new Jyannos (however its spelled, I dont care to look it up right now) as well as the fact we have never had more than 1000 cases worldwide in nearly 60 years, as I podcasted about Bill gates dire ‘warnings’ last July, thats right July 2021 …

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Boy, does satire go over some people's heads these days...........................

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Do better next time, & maybe it wont

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Wow – Something is Wrong in Highly Vaxxed Australia https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-11045527/Covid-hospital-admissions-reach-record-high-Australia-country-battles-twindemic-flu.html Hint – it’s not the lockdowns .. it’s… V A I D S.

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If the dust ever settles on this scandal? The real truth ever gets out? It will make Thalidomide look like a joke, the medical profession will be utterly wreaked. As it is, I personally will never darken a doctor's door again, if I can by any means avoid it.

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I have made that same choice. Feels guided to me.👍

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Homosexuality is A PATHOLOGY. NOT NORMAL.

Full of compulsion, mania, lack of discipline (i. e., will not use condoms), huge promiscuity, anonymous multi-partner sex ... EVERYTHING must take a back seat to the sexual pleasure of the moment. Trust me, I lived in San Francisco for several years, and worked in a profession with lots of flaming queens.

We normies have been telling people that these aberrant sexual practices are going to KILL PEOPLE, and here we are. Unreal.

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Ha ha ha. If people permit themselves to be swindled then they we must turn to psychology.. Agamben writes on men and lemmings. Dr. Alexander on men and scientism grabbing them by the balls because they have no brain. The Journal of Lingering Sanity laughs out loud and mocks with avuncular wit the folly of featherless bipeds believers in invisible demons called viruses scything them down like tall heads of wheat. Get a grip people. Stop playing the game. If the pox don't kill ya then the good doctors will. You are all actors in the Theater of Cruelty. Except this time it's real so stop acting crazy. Do not let the Ignorant Hirelings trample your God given humanity. Remember you have the human face beneath the mask of fear, not an apes grimace.

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So are the sores on the MPOXX rectums invisible demons or visible?

Are the fevers , chills and aches invisible?

If not invisible demons as you say it,

What are they caused by & how are they spread?

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It's likely Herpes Zoster, Sweetie, as the immune systems of The Vaccinated disintegrate.. 😳 Why do you, like Dr. Alexander, after 2+ years of this appalling fraud, continue to accept at face value the words of a vicious cadre of proven pathological, avaricious liars?

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Herpes zooster in the rectum? Tell me more, please do. Since that is pretty unprecedented. Is herpes zoster contagious in the bootyhole?

Any case studies ?

Btw I’m not your sweetie so dont patronize me.

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Sorry Darling, I couldn't resist 😘. But think about it: We pretty much all had chicken pox (Herpes Zoster) as kids. We ALL have the dreaded Herpes Simplex (1 AND 2). The bugs remain quiescent and embedded. But as immune systems fail from AIDS -- or VAIDS in this case -- of course all these bugs will go crazy, manifest in all kinds of unlikely places in unlikely fashions: I gather the dimwits foolish enough to take the J&J injection now suffer from Hepatitis -- caused by Adenovirus -- which normally makes its home in the upper respiratory tract...

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You are incorrect in your assertion that

#1 - we ALL have had chicken pox as kids. Most who have had the varicella vaccine have not.

#2 - we ALL have Herpes Simplex 1 & 2 . Negative titers can prove that, & I've seen many.

How can you dare call others dimwits when your statements are full of blanket assumptions & mis statements?

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Here's where I'm lately getting much of my information from:

Health Ranger Report - July 26, 22 - https://www.brighteon.com/0dd64396-3794-4661-9977-3b1304eb6c01

Steve Kirsch's Substack: https://stevekirsch.substack.com/

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Ahem: I said "We pretty much all", not, "we all." It seems to me 95% at least of the people around me had chicken pox as kids. OTOH I was born in 1959. From what I've read Herpes Simplex is ubiquitous in the human genome: If you're human and alive, you have herpes... assuming viruses actually exist, which like so many things we're told by the media and physicians I'm beginning to doubt. And considering the transparently obvious fraud of everything about "Covid-19"? The fools who bought into this snake-oil patent medicine show without even giving what they were told, the due diligence you'd do buying a used car? Instead willingly getting injected with an experimental slow-acting deadly poison that sabotages their immune system and corrupts their DNA? Calling them "dimwits" is polite and restrained. They’re "morons", they’re "imbeciles": They're so fucking stupid they deserve what's going to happen to them. 5.2 billion people on Earth, have taken these injections. All these people will be dead, in the next 2-5 years. Finally, this is chatter on a social media site. Not my formal defence of a Masters or PhD Thesis.

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my thoughts on it too.

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You have zero idea what I accept as you barely know my thoughts one the matter.

Get over yourself.

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... whatever ... 🙄

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Post-Hoc Fallacy. Your explanation assumes the virus exists and then is causation.

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For the time being it's as good an explanation as any other... 🤔 And isn't the reality likely a mixture of the "Terrain" and "Germ" notions? (They're scarcely theories, really...🙄 )

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Demons were banished and germs walked in.

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What explains the symptoms? The patterns and clusters among patients?

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Grabbing them by the balls... therein lies the problem!

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True. Castration should be mandatory.

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...to some. I cherish mine...

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From my view mandatory or nudged injections against the Covid 19 bogeyman castrated many millions of men. Devotees of the Goddess Dulness never had it in their mind to think over consequences until now.

This proving to my satisfaction Rhinoceros by Ionescu was not Absurdist theater but Clairvoyance.

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Answer: the gay community is untouchable by law, just like the illegals who flood across the border unvaxxed.

Fauci, Birx and Boula are orchestrating Scamdemic II. They and the WEF need a pretext for installing the Great Reset NOW, and have decided on a false construct they are calling “Monkeypox.” There’s a world to subjugate - a world that’s quickly awakening to the Covid scam - thus the 2030 agenda must be accelerated.

It remains to be seen who’ll win the race: the globalists or the awakening world.

We are doomed unless the world remembers, “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, SHAME ON ME!”

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Sharing, hoping it helps.

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Sharing where, exactly?

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Gettr & Truth Social

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Mind you, I have no idea what those are...

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social media sites. Truth Social is President Trumps answer to twitter. What rock do you live under......she says, meaning no disrespect.

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I spend too much time with my electronic mistress already... 🙄

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We made a societal mistake when we normalized deviancy.

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It is pronounced Pride Month-y Pox.

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From the article:

"So we know the foci of infection, then why is there silence on telling the GAY community what is best to protect them and the low-risk society, so that the infection can be contained and not breached into the heterosexual community?"

The medical community had the same problem communicating the same message about AIDS. The gay community has been about liberated sex almost forever. What cis-heterosexual males and females call promiscuity. Ever since AIDS was first defined (before the virus was identified and named) to anyone who thinks about it, promiscuity means death.

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There's no aerosol component, unless he means feces odor particles.

There has never in his been such an outbreak, not until after the mRNA vax began causing VAIDS. Monkeybutt Pox prior to 2020 was only in Africa and the male homosexual community and infected those who had depleted & exhausted their immune system via repetitive frequent exposure to toxins & pathogen filled feces from a variety of others like them. Turns out putting things where they don't belong, sucking on chocolate covered bananas and sleeping in fouled sheets will make you sick. Heck, just the thought of it all is sickening. WTH is wrong with those people?

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"Depravity"? "Degeneracy"? Then think of Richard "Rachel" Levine and pooch-importuner extraordinaire Sam Brinton... and weep for our fate..

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"No gay butt sex for two weeks to flatten the curve."

Sounds reasonable.

Wanna bet 95%+ of those infected are also mega-vaxxxxed?

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Don't have to...

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Many insisted on continuing to have unprotected anal sex when they were HIV positive. Does anyone actually think they’re going to stop now???

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Don't hang out where you poop and wash your hands after you poop. That's a health issue. This fear in the medical community to address symptom management and disease prevention is getting out of hand. Young old and those in between are not being served. Anal sex is not birth control. It is dangerous. It's meant to expel waste and is not a good entry point. There are dangers to oral sex also that we fear to address. This administration is turning us into fear mongers afraid to speak truth.

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I found it interesting to note how Provincetown's "Bear" week was being handled by state and local health authorities in Massachusetts.

Authorities were promoting the experimental "vaccines" rather than educating the community (and visitors) how to avoid transmission.

The attitude seemed to be: Come to Provincetown, enjoy 'Bear" week and seek out "vaccinations".

Curious no restrictions or mandates as was the case with covid.


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Male or female, "damaged goods" are "damaged goods."

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