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Quoting your post:

"He (Trump) was repeatedly asked during the campaign who he’d like as his running mate and repeatedly stated he’d like to have a woman, a woman of color as his running mate." I never heard Trump make such a statement.

As for your superficial comments about Vance's appearance, he's not my "type" either but I'm more interested in his policy stances and his decency -- both lacking in his Dem political opponents.

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Many would argue with you about his "decency" whether their points are real or imagined. He's a Yale graduate. He is under a different kind of "oath" that supersedes any other oaths he made or makes before or after. He's a tool like every other Yale graduate in politics. People don't have to believe the words that are coming out of their mouths. That is a common error decent people make in believing others. Trust me, Vance is going to find out soon enough that that shit rolls both ways.

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Yep, bought & paid for.

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Exactly Kathleen - What I remember Trump saying was that the VP candidate would NOT make a real difference in the outcome of the election. I have learned over the recent years that Trump knows what he's doing, even when it does not appear so on the surface.

And I knew next to nothing about Vance, and the one thing I CAN relate to is his down to earth upbringing, and his connection with real poverty and real people. He was never one of the elite. I knew folks like his "mamaw".

We must remember that this is not just another four-year election, it is do or die for the American Republic. Vance will absolutely destroy any Dem candidate in a debate.

But again, Trump has already won. The threat from the Dems is blatant election fraud, ballot fraud and illegal voters on dirty voter rolls.

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Love the way you posed your question, btw. Thank you for asking.

While this is all very amusing (and I hope Vance continues to ignore it since we really don't know for sure it's him), I wouldn't call a silly, poorly conceived Halloween costume "drag."

This just looks like a real guy awkwardly, uncomfortably dressed in a joking way rather than glamorously attempting to stylize himself as a woman in the manner of a Cher impersonator, z.B.

I wouldn't have been inspired to talk to whoever that was at that party. I'd guess a silly girlfriend put the guy up to it. He doesn't look happy about it. More like a poor kitty in a costume its cat lady owner foisted upon it.

Whoever it is in the photo, I'm sure he regretted it then as now.

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If Walz is smart, when he brings up Vance's alleged transvestism during the debate with him, he'll say to Vance that he doesn't condemn him for it and that he doesn't condem others like him who may still be in the closet. I wonder what Vance would say in reply. If Vance denies he's a transvestite then it will probably have the same effect as the newsprint headlines "Nixon: 'I'm not a crook!' " Vance could say he's not going to dignify Walz's statement with a response but I suspect it will have the same effect.

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Yes. That's the trap they've set for him. If I come up with a good way to diffuse this I'll let you know. I'm certain there are more clever political minds working on a solution at the moment.

Do you have an alternative to the two options you mentioned?

If it is him in the photos, I think I'd ask the girlfriend I suggested earlier to admit her role in the matter, take the blame, and handle it all in a good-natured way. Hopefully she's a typical pretty Republican, married, with children.

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Well just a few weeks ago I had to decline an invitation to a social function at a craft brewery and restaurant as I unfortunately had other commitments. I was then told that I am expected to attend the next one, no excuses, and that everyone is to come in drag. Considering that almost everyone else is female, I was a bit taken aback.A few years ago there was a function where everyone was instructed to "come as your favorite sports star." I went as Mike Tyson. Almost all of the women went as Tiger Woods, except one who went as his wife, beating him with a golf club. I'd just say it was for a costume party and everyone was expected to come in drag. I actually didn't think there was anything wrong with Trudeau or Ralph Northam dressing in blackface or KKK robes or Prince Harry dressing in a Nazi SS costume for a costume party. It doesn't mean they're racist or approve of tbe KKK or Nazis. The problem is that Walz is going to potentially paint Vance as a transvestite in front of a very large audience of voters.

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As usual, the simplest response is best.

Trying to picture you as Mike Tyson, strangely enough, since you're a mystery to me.

How do you plan to RSVP to the next event?

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Happy to oblige!

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