Another false flag with real victims so that they can start pushing gun confiscation. Another crime against humanity. What else is new under the sun?

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The problem is that Biden et al do not care when it is white people killed by black nationalist as in Wisconsin and NYC subway, or killed by islamist as in Colorado store shooting last year that killed just as many! Why do they only care when the murderer is white!!!

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Divide,distract,conquer the reasoned mind...and g-u-n grab likely....

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With 'et al' I hope you're referring to both sides of the aisle. Carlin said it well. https://youtu.be/AtgfzzwoyK4 (language warning) It's a big club and we ain't in it.

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Brain ded bye den has never given a rat's arse about anyone but himself. Certain Blacks may be ok, some Whites may be ok. In his pecking order, only butt kissers can apply for his circle.

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Agree largely, but it cannot be dismissed that the CIA/FBI has been tracking, steering, and creating these useful mass murdering idiots since at least MK Ultra. I have a lawyer friend who saw this first hand on the Detroit Christmas bomber flight from France and gave up on the US after whistleblowing to deaf ears realizing the clandestine services were all in on it. Then it was "terrorism is immediate threat that means you should give up rights". Now it's "white supremecy is rampant so you non commies should give up rights, guns, and political power".

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The right denounces violence; hate crimes in particular, ALL THE TIME. Please don’t infer that we’re sympathetic to any form of violence, especially with what happened in Buffalo. Also, Biden went to Buffalo to score political points, he cares not one iota for those victims.

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Glenn Greenwald's article on this is excellent: https://greenwald.substack.com/p/the-demented-and-selective-game-of

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Greenwald's title is: The Demented - and Selective - Game of Instantly Blaming Political Opponents For Mass Shootings

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I already read that article. It is excellent.

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A family just discovered that the FBI was grooming their mentally ill kid to become a murderer. It's was thought that only crazy people stated this. But now that the FBI is accused in the plot to kidnap the Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer it's not so far fetched.

Are mass shootings the result of mental people on pharmas drugs or are these people being selected and groomed to do these evil acts? You can't discount anything now. Anything is possible.

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What is never brought up is anti depressants and anti psychotics. He was in a mental hospital for evaluation for 2 days, you tell me he walked out with no meds? All these horrific shootings have one thing in common. Pharma.

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He would have been barred from buying a gun under the red flag laws in New York, but his insane rantings were ignored. The entire story is available and many of your assumptions are wrong. The bottom line is that the killer was insane and it was known he was insane early on, but inept authorities along the way did what they do best: they screwed up.

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This kid was being psyco groomed and targeted for release for such an act when gun control anti-2nd Ammendment group were in need of his services.

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Dr Alexander please apply the lessons you learned from the COVID scam to all the other mainstream narratives. It’s all the same. Thanks for all you do.

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Parts of Buffalo have are 85% black. If he shoots randomly, most victims would be black. We need to know more before making a judgement

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What an awful video!!! Remember the Freedom Ottawa convoy? How about the elderly lady with the walker who was trampled by the horse of a policeman? the guy never looked back. Aren't policemen supposed to protect us and arrest the "hit and run" perpetrators?? This world is getting so sick, or maybe I'm getting too old to accept the lack of humanity in our society?

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Wasn't this fellow pro Ukrainian Azov influenced? It is best not to make a lot of statements until more facts come out. There are a lot of murders in the US and more than half are committed by blacks. No concern over that. There are mass murders every day.

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This event was a black op utilizing a state actor mercenary. They’ve done it before. They’ll do it again. It creates further division. And it’s ultimate aim is to disarm the public. The tip off is that he was known & had a manifesto. These are all signatures of intel agency involvement. Where do you think the missing trillions go?

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You may be over target,who can rule it out?

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I would love to know why you believe he didn't act alone. Was he recruited, encouraged, directed by outsiders? Even if not, my stomach turns when I think of his parents, particularly his mother who helped him bury a cat he killed in their garage. If I had a son with an interest in animal torture and murder, I'd consider it my duty to stop him from hurting another living being. Yet they purchased him a gun. Mental illness runs in families. Are the parents abnormal or deficient in ways we haven't heard? Did they abuse this young man while he was growing up? Something is off, if even only in that family.

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Thank you. I appreciate your measured response. And you compassion for all, not just one side.

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You said it yourself, the person was “twisted and deranged”. The POTUS only inflamed the situation if you listened to his press conference. It was full of hate and venom and many lies. I lived through the 60’s and know what racial strife is. Many today only know what history books say which does not capture the truth. The teacher unions have only made everything worse with teachers trying to elevate one race while putting down another. The lies from the media and the crazy policies of the left wing (carried out by Pres Biden) has caused a mental health crisis. The people who need an outlet to show the world how much they are hurting will find a way. People who are screaming racism are only furthering this kind of hate. I can’t read the hearts of every person in the US, but the insane policies of the left and the constant blame of individual murders is one thing wrong with the country. There are many more black on black and black on white murders daily that get no attention. When black leaders push this narrative of being victimized, they only divide the country more. Everyone has a story -- we have many of being discriminated because we are white in my family but life isn’t always fair. Blacks fall back on it is because of their color. We are discriminated heavily for being conservative in a state where many unhappy northerners have moved to and have continued to vote liberal. The world is in a time of tremendous change. I can’t begin to tell you how much I dislike anyone who believes all the lies out of Washington and those wanting to push the progressive narrative but I believe that violence is never the answer. Yelling racism is as almost as harmful as being racist. Lying damages us all. Having a President who hates anyone who doesn’t like his policies is pushing even good people to be miserable. I don’t know all the answers but accusing Republicans for this mess is wrong. We have to reach a point where everyone feels heard. In my 70 years, this is the worst I have ever seen. It isn’t a time to be pointing fingers. With millions of illegal aliens coming in, a political party who wants to pull my granddaughters into registering for the draft, a war on the brink that may include grandchildren, a school system that is driving families to homeschool, a government who is spending out of control, a government that lies and lies more about anything and everything, a black man who tried to con the world into believing maga tied a noose around his neck, on and on. The growing insanity has unleashed many people with mental illness. I don’t know if it does that equally across races but I do know the damage it has done to people is enormous. Putting blame where it doesn’t belong only erodes confidence and further deteriorates harmony. Many will commit suicide rather than a mass murder but it stems from the same place, a soul that is hurting.

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