Probably true, but secondary. You are still overlooking the primary and immediate cause of all sorts of damage and that is the primary mechanism of action common to all the viral RNA products.

Here’s an easy way to understand what’s going on.

Imagine an infection by the actual C19 virus or any of the other 200 or so viruses that cause what is collectively called the “common cold.”

It takes place in a specific place: the respiratory tract.

It involves a specific subset of cell types: whichever has the cell surface receptor that particular virus fiddles with to gain entry to the cell.

It involves a fairly small number of viruses.

All those viruses can be spotted before they infect the cell by non-specific secretory antibodies.

Once any does infect a cell and hijack the cell to produce viral proteins for viral replication, that cell’s cytosolic sensors of viral mRNA and viral protein will spot both inside the cell and signal the innate immune system to launch an inflammatory attack to kill the virally-compromised cell. This happens at the earliest points of the infection and serves to contain and limit viral spread using the minimum necessary innate immune inflammatory responses. This helps prevent damage to healthy tissue that can ensue from too robust an innate immune response, either because there was too great an initial bolus of virus, or because there was something unique about the virus, like the 1918 flu virus, that provokes extreme innate immune response.

So with all these viruses, the innate immune system spots them early, contains, and takes them out early with the help of specific antibodies and T cell one already has against any viral proteins that any viruses have in common.

And that’s why the common cold IS the common cold. The only way you’re going to die from it is if your health is already severely compromised; otherwise, you’re just miserable for a while, if that.

NOW imagine a new virus comes along with these properties:

1. It can’t be spotted by non-specific secretory antibodies in the respiratory tract.

2. It cannot be spotted by the innate immune system while traveling around the body.

3. There are no specific antibodies or T cells that can spot it and either destroy, immobilize, or tag it for pickup and disposal.

4. There is nothing about it that the adaptive immune system can use to design specific antibodies and T cells.

5. It is not limited to a specific cell type and cell surface receptor to gain entry but can enter any cell it comes into contact with anywhere in the body.

6. Its initial bolus, compared to any other respiratory viruses, is very large.

7. Like the cuckoo lays its eggs in the nests of other birds and uses those birds to feed the hatchlings that generally toss the other chicks out of the nest, this virus contains the genes of other viruses.

8. The very first time the innate immune system has any clue about what’s going on is after the cytosolic sensors in the compromised cells detect viral mRNA and viral protein inside the cell.

What would be the result of this kind of viral infection?

From the innate immune system’s point of view, it suddenly appears inside cells in multiple organ systems throughout the body in the middle of the viral replication phase. This will trigger the most extreme innate immune responses possible.

During the very large and widespread innate immune inflammatory attacks, a lot of the cuckoo viral protein will be released into the extracellular fluid compartment and trigger further much more extreme immune responses because A. there’s so much of it, and B. It’s in multiple organ systems.

If the cuckoo viral protein happens to be one against which one already has circulating specific antibodies and T cells, then, because of the sheer quantity of the viral protein and the volume throughout which it is distributed, the innate immune response to the greatly increased adaptive immune activity will be far more extreme than what it would have been to a normal cold virus.

And if the cuckoo viral protein has any special abilities, such as being able to cause the formation of giant multinucleated cells or to embed itself in the membrane of otherwise normal cells, then it will trigger even more extreme innate immune inflammatory attacks.

So, for a novel virus with these characteristics, just how fucked would you be right off the bat? Very fucked.

And since you can never develop specific antibodies and T cells against it, then EVERY time you encounter it you’re going to go through all that trouble all over again. And if you’re still suffering the effects of the previous time, then just how fucked are you going to be the fourth of fifth time around with compounding levels of damage? You’re going to be super-fucked by that super virus.

“Oh, God!” someone may say. “What kinds of things could we expect to see? And how would we know who had gotten infected with this indiscriminate, stealth, super-virus?”

You could expect to see whatever would happen from multiple and extreme levels of inflammatory attacks.

And how would you know who was affected?

Look at the over 5.61 billion people who have already been infected between 1 and 5 times by that super-virus.

“Hey,” someone may say. “What funny coincidence that that’s the same number of people for the same number of times who’ve been vaccinated against C19.”

No coincidence at all.

The viral RNA products being peddled as vaccines designed to keep you from being infected by the C19 virus are that super-virus designed to infect you with C19 genes.

It is from this, the primary mechanism of action common to all viral RNA products, that all the rest of the problems flows.

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Very well stated. From what I can see, if you're infected by this virus, you're fucked. "COVID-19" is pretty much chickenshit, for most people at least. It's just a prodrome. But it ain't no mild respiratory virus like a common cold. It just masquerades as one. But this shit is worse than HIV on steroids. The prodrome is typically mild, but it's during the chronic course of the illness that you're fucked, in the case of most people. You don't know it but 7 points have been shaved off your IQ after just one mild infection. Your gall bladder is starting to become gangrenous, but you usually don't know it, etc. If you're infected a second time, you're doubly fucked. Soon the effects become mutiplicative. You're coming down repatedly with opportunistic infections. If you're infected multiple times, you're multiply fucked. Pretty much the same thing happens with the shots and if you're both multiply infected and transfected, you're exponentially fucked.

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I realize Dr. A & pretty much everyone here understands the dark reality of things, e.g. that the injections lead to several very unhappy consequences. In fact, injection of the spike-inducing witches brew brings about even worse/greater harm than what follows from infection alone. After all, that was the objective all along, was it not?

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I heard part of recent docuseries called

The End of Covid where doc scientists explain how “viruses” have never been isolated and so called computer sequencing is sketchy and easily manipulated.. therefore no spike and no Gof exists either; molecular scientist explained how bogus PCR test is

Exosomes look very similar to so called viruses

Dr Mark Bailey who wrote Virus Mania has combed thru all the covid documents and says

Must keep virologists accountable

My guess is they are creating bioweapons that can be aerosolized and covid symptoms very similar to hydrogen cyanide symptoms

Dr Steven Hatfield who worked in bio labs prior to them being shut down under Nixon even describes how difficult to impossible “ transmission” is ..Karen Kingston describes Moderna patent info in extreme detail

That real culprits are hydrogel and lipid nanoparticles , not “ spike”

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DNA damaged is one thing, but irreversibly CHANGED is quite another.

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If? Sure thing, the mRNA injections are for your good health.

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Safe and effective is what I hear. lol

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