The Kenyan is in charge.

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It's ok. Hunter has the launch codes. So does Xi.

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How did I miss that comment, Awake?

You really think XI has the launch codes?

Please take a moment and tell me what makes you think so.


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Xi would want them.

He has the yuan to pay for them, at any price Joe asks.

Jow would want the yuan.

Therefore, Xi has them.

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Okay. Is see your point,and agree with you. I never thought that Joe would be that much of a slezzeball,

But in actually, he is.

Thanks, Awake, !

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Jul 12·edited Jul 12

Let's face it. Biden isn't involved in anything. It's all Jake Sullivan and Antony Blinken and maybe the SECDEF, Lloyd Austin.

P.S. - Kathleen's post just popped up. Yes, Barry Soetoro never left Washington like most "ex"-presidents do. Barry is pulling the strings, too.

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Barry is running things, and I agree, but on surface, if POTUS is the person, this POTUS cannot...for this alone, cannot remain

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Yes remember Mr. O built a skiff in his house in DC…a tad weird!

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he never was fit to be president! uncapitalized on purpose

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The Dummy is in charge of the bubble gum machine in the Black House lobby. That is the extent of his range of function.

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Biden doesn’t have The Military Codes.

President Trump does.

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Absolutely not! Once one or two of our adversary’s launch an attack, our “Commander in Chief” has approximately 7 minutes to make some critical decisions!

First is this attack real?

Second what Kind of attack?

Third communication with said adversarial leaders

Fourth what kind of response?

Simply put, Joe Biden is NOT fit for office! We all know this. So who will decide if an attack occurs?

I won’t expand, America and the American people are in a position we have never been in before!

Obama has been working in concert with other people who “Shine the same Shoes” of the ringleaders! After everything I’ve seen and learned about Obama, “shining shoes” is too good for him! He deserves something far demoralizing coming from his “Temple of Hatred for America”!

Biden couldn’t respond in 7 years let alone 7 minutes! Remember, this man had an “at-a-girl” shout out to a woman killed in a car crash two weeks prior!

He was giving a “shout out” to a dead woman! AYFKM? I despise cursing and have now found myself cursing more than my lifetime!

Thank you Dr Alexander as always.

Keep Biden away from the “Black Book & Football” please!

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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No , he should not have ability to launch nuclear weapons

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I would NOT lend Joe Biden the keys to my car.

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On *paper*, Biden has the launch codes. But I wouldn't bet more than a plugged nickel that he is actually the person with his finger on the launch button. Would *YOU* trust Biden with that capability? I'm sure you wouldn't, and neither would any sane, sober person. Let me put it this way, would let a 3-year-old play with a loaded machine gun, safety off? 'Nuff said.

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A court of law declares a person non compus, if a doctor will not, someone HAS TO USE 25th amendment and declare him unfit, that would force a doctor or court to judge. He would have to undergo doctors examination. And hope doctor stands by “First do no harm” code.

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Just thinking out loud…What about Exec. Order that Pres Trump did? Is there any truth as to who really is the CIC? Are those the papers-info they were looking for when they raided Mar-a-Lago. What is the truth? At this stage of the game it really feels like we’re watching something orchestrated.

I know this sounds silly. Please don’t laugh… but having watched this fiasco over these last few years I can’t help but notice that sometimes Joe Biden‘s ear lobes go from being attached to being unattached. I have a zoomed in on his stupid earlobes. I know it sounds silly and I know I have now given you your Saturday morning laugh, but I swear I have seen this, and not just me, other people. I’m going back quite awhile and all things put together, anyone watching this s.show knows something is amiss… Is there more than one person playing “The Biden“? As I write this I know it sounds stupid but something is radically wrong and you’re right Dr. Alexander we can’t afford as a country to look so incompetent on the world stage, and most importantly the security of our country is 1000% at risk. Thanks for listening.

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In addition to my last post I wrote regarding this topic, I failed to mention, “Blinkin & Austin”! Neither of these people should be anywhere near or allowed next to the

“Black Book & Football” guide to “nuclear war”! I think I’d rather “flip a coin” than to give these “madmen” any codes and or keys for planet earth’s annihilation! This obviously includes Biden.

We have three, extremely insane and very dangerous people next to and around America’s codes of

“Nuclear Annihilation”! Or a hand in something called “MAD”. “Mutually Assured Destruction”!

How much worse can it be? Or how much more do Americans need to see, that these United States of America, our America is absolutely being driven to collapse?

I am not a military expert or an expert regarding anything other than understanding my “instinctive instincts” abilities to deduce from and calculate my internal understandings of a given situation with certain aspects which are obvious and relevant and some are not.

There’s an inherent danger with the likes of most, not all, “left leaning” views of what society should look like and function. Freedoms and individualisms, patriotism and capitalism are most definitely not part of their value system and certainly not part of their optics.

“Tribalism” is! Yes “Tribalism”! This is exactly opposite Americanism. Tribalism is NOT America! Obama has ratcheted up, this “tribal culture” of sorts, boxing all of us into corners and then forcing one corner to believe they’ve been “oppressed” by the other corner, the “oppressors”! This ultimately ends with violence and unnecessary bloodshed! Why?

Because this as those who survive a tribal conflict, will finally come around and accept whatever is left and divided up! All who survive this internal conflict brought on by the likes of an Obama and Biden amongst others, as I’ve explained is “Tribalism” will and has always failed miserably! People and cultures have unique values independent of each other’s own beliefs. When these beliefs and values meet typically a conflict occurs. This is a rudimentary explanation, though very applicable to today’s “culture wars” being played out across America! It wouldn’t shock me if Vegas is laying odds for and against. What a sick thought!

Especially when America’s a “melting pot” of individuals, and has an overwhelming convergence of varying ethnicities and economic status are thrust into our already overwhelming society. Within our societal system only so many people can fit. Can be cared for. Can be lifted upwards. When the division of intersecting groups is enflamed, all hell breaks loose! This is happening now and will continue to escalate. That’s the idea, this is the effect, we’re seeing this play out all across America in real time and across the Western World.

Any country with a diverse culture can either thrive and grow, if assimilation is enforced and encouraged by those in power making laws to sustain such diversity!

No “DEI” IS NOT WHAT I’M SAYING Whatsoever. When assimilation seizes to exist and blatantly not imposed, but rather blatantly looked the other way causes and acceptance of such and ultimately force by default a “cease and desist” attitude. No longer are those leaders we supposedly elected have our backs! So there s negative chance for the emergence, of a diverse and accepting society.

A “Mad Max Type of Society”!

“We the People” are not only being “slow boiled” and its happening in such a way as to “silence Us” while completely “distorting” the truth, the facts with an absolute complicit MSM.

Combine all the cultural bias’s with the illegal invasion and add to this a racist narrative and what we’re seeing is a “Cultural Pressure Cooker” waiting to “EXPLODE”! Yes a metaphorically speaking “culture bomb”!

We must all pray in our own unique praying way. And I mean all religions and all cultures, for peace and prosperity amongst all religions, for we were all lied to and betrayed! The more of us who understand this the better for all of us. We are all being played in hopes, we will extinguish ourselves while the “Globalist Elites” drink cognac and smoke stogies, laughing at us all!

This is how sick and twisted and corrupt and demented these people are!

Remember, these “narcissistic psychopaths” always have someone else,do their dirty work. What I’ve have explained above is happening so “We the People” vs “Those Not the People” collide and collapse our owns!

While Obama and his band of “Useful Idiots” watch from ringside in laughter!

Thank you Dr Alexander. Thank you always and again.

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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Heck no. This man can’t even find his way off a stage, soils his clothes, can’t walk up steps without falling, thinks Trump is his VP, told a woman that she is a dog faced pony soldier, and he is supposed to hold the Nuclear codes??!!

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Is there anybody out there? There's only one hour of daylight left, better get started. Is it not safe to travel at night? It will be less safe to stay here your father will pick up your trail before long. Can Lorca ride? He'll have to ride. Lorca time to go! Chengra, thank you for everything. Let's go. Goodbye Chengra, goodbye Missy! I'll be back some day.

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