If this moron of a mayor Michelle WuHAN of Boston stands by this holiday party only for colored people, then fire this idiot, fire this sicko & it is why we need voter RECALL, referandums, to get rid
of this racist type of trash...this is pure racism & in her wokeness she showed her idiotic racist hand, this is why that Gay idiot at Harvard is still there as President, Bostonians support this crap
‘Boston's mayor Michelle Wu who faced severe backlash for hosting a holiday party exclusively for "electeds of color" on Wednesday night has defended the event claiming that there would be more times for people of all races to come together in the future. Wu's party sparked controversy from the start as invitations were sent to all 13 members of the city council.
However, within 15 minutes, the invitations were rescinded for the seven white councilors. As per a Boston Herald report, seven white council members were not invited to the event, while six people of color were resent the invitations. However, Wu remains unfazed and does not regret her actions.’
IMO, take your Taiwanese bullshit racism elsewhere, you must think you are in China or Taiwan…you idiot…
‘On Wednesday afternoon, just before the party, when asked if she believed the gathering was divisive, Wu responded with a firm "No." She maintained that there would be more opportunities for people of all backgrounds to celebrate together.’
Like we need this racist piece of shit mayor to tell us about inclusionism and when we will ‘all’ get together; IMO get to hell back to the filth you came from that poisoned your racist mind.
I wonder if a white mayor somewhere in America was to send an invite saying ‘only for whites, no blacks or browns invited’ and do not fuss, we will find another time to get together, all of us in the future. Like what this assho*e said…for that is what she is.
This was no mistake. She is the fruit of failed ‘melting pot’ experiments, can never work with the likes of her. This is not the first time she has shown foot and mouth disease. Someone should school this idiot on the role of white people in American history, who did what.
And I am an immigrant with slave ancestry. This by Mayor WUhan is racist, pure.
Appalling racism! Anti-white hate. Disgusting human.
It’s the “progressive” left that wants to return to segregation. All along it’s they who have been the racists.