Appalling racism! Anti-white hate. Disgusting human.

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It’s the “progressive” left that wants to return to segregation. All along it’s they who have been the racists.

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Boston is definitely decaying faster under Mikhail WuHan's incompetent reign of error.

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She needs to resign, immediately, and we the people need to demand it.

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CHICOM infiltrator another like the evil Dick Durban!

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Another day, another reason to punt out why multiculturalism is a lie and a failure. People of different values, history, language and ideals can not exist peacefully in a society. Multiculturalism is not a strength it is a purposeful cancer forced into America to destroy it.

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My sentiments exactly, Dr Alexander. These “inclusion” people are ALL about division. Makes me wonder if they’ve been hypnotized and programmed by demonic forces. No rational adult human being could ever believe such nonsense.

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And! Why aren’t whites protesting?? Adopt a white flag and do the BLM routine?

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Dr alexander..you are the real american. Whatever you are. This wu person is a pandering ninny and needs to be recalled. She is a racist and doesnt deserve to hold any office..not even dogcatcher. The fact shekhar will get away with this is a serious warning how far under tyranny and total injustice this country is.

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Hang them all. Simple.

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It's the new liberal thing. Segregation, safe spaces and anti-white racism.

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Dr. Alexander, i'm so glad you mentioned your slave ancestry without using it to claim special victim status. you are what you've made of yourself. my grandmother, who died before my parents even met each other, was sold into marriage at 16 by her uncle in a rural mountain village in Greece. which makes her a slave in my book and me the descendant of an enslaved person.

she ran away and made it back to her village on foot, followed a few days later by her disgruntled and much older bridegroom. in the meantime, her parents had contacted relatives in the new world and got her passage to america. when the groom showed up to collect his property, my great grandmother met him at the door with a loaded shot gun.

my grandmother arrived in america with a place to live and job arranged in a cigar factory. when she met my grandfather, she did not want to marry him as she was already married. but that was far away and there were no records to prove anything.

i had never heard this story until my father told it to me in the few years before his death at 95 in 2019. so now i get to belatedly claim oppressed victim status. where do i apply for reparations? can i demand that the rest of the world tip toe around me because of something i never actually experienced?

this insanity has got to stop before we lose everything.

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Oddly enough she is married to a white man

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It's a gross violation of the civil rights act. It's also gobsmackingly stupid.

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So true ! She needs to go!

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