By the same token why don't we just wipe out anything and everything to do with the Americans having access to nuclear technology maybe then they wouldn't wage war on the rest of the world.
Fully agree. I thought Dr. Alexander was completely free of influence from the dark forces of this planet. He wants them to swing high with respect of perpetrators of covid genocide but doesn't see there are the same creatures behind the curtain who make the orders with respect to Palestinian genocide.
I felt a bit awkward having to point this out, and I expected a rain of hate to fall.
I am a foreigner too, but my country went full psycho in the Plandemonium, just like USA, UK, Kanada, NZ, etc. Democide, everywhere.
What strikes me here is the brainwashing.
Such similarities, in the length of time (decades at least) and intensity.
Vaccines as unquestionable good.
And Israel as unquestionably virtuous/pure/whatever.
Israel has been behaving as a totalitarian state against millions, literally bombing neighbors regularly, and never gets any condemnation for their global crimes such as assassinations.
In that sense, like a mini version of another powerful nation.
I don't hate any people or any faith. Or any country. But I have no illusions that any one group is any more special than any other.
I have not kept up with this latest atrocity, or series thereof.
The innocent fallen are the true victims, as ever. Those killed or broken as targets or collateral damage, by a dark force that long ago seized Power virtually everywhere.
Those in Power care not for any such victims, on any side.
There is no crime they won't commit to further their Agenda.
And there is nothing their Organs won't do to shield and shepherd the Agenda to completion.
Governments serve to animate the Evil, to give it Power.
Bringing down the governments will disempower Evil.
Paul, who stole their enriched uranium from NUMEC in Apollo, Pennsylvania?
Do you know who that was? Same folks who murderously attacked the USS Liberty. Have you read about that? Read what Israel did to our ship?
You can tell who killed JFK by studying JFK’s policies towards Israel and how those policies were reversed under LBJ - who was literally sleeping with Israeli spy, in the Whitehouse, Mathilde Krim, wife of DNC finance chair Arthur Krim.
Israel agents offered to put JFK in the Whitehouse in 1960 and JFK asked what they wanted in return. They said control of foreign policy, which shocked Kennedy. And of course Nov. 22nd was what happens when you say no to the Machiavellian Scoundrels.
Zionism is a perfect storm of heresy & treason. It is the greatest deception in Christendom and the most dangerous and corrupting influence on politics in the western world.
“Israeli spies have done more harm and have damaged the United States more than the intelligence agents of all other countries on earth combined... They are the gravest threat to our national security.”
"Never before in the history of the United States Navy has a Navy Board of Inquiry ignored the testimony of American military eyewitnesses and taken, on faith, the word of their attackers." — Captain Richard F. Kiepfer, Medical Corps, US Navy (retired), USS Liberty Survivor
"I've never seen a President — I don't care who he is — stand up to them. It just boggles the mind. They always get what they want. The Israelis know what is going on all the time. I got to the point where I wasn't writing anything down. If the American people understood what a grip these people have got on our government, they would RISE UP IN ARMS. Our citizens certainly don't have any idea what goes on." - Thomas H. Moorer (1912 - 2004) Admiral, US Navy & Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff during interview on 24 August 1983
Paul Alexander you have gone off the deep end. With covid you recognized who are enemy was. With Israel and Palestine you are clueless. Please stop Israel praising and Palestine bashing or I will resign from your SubStack. I appreciate much of what you focus on and speak of but on Palestine - please keep that to yourself!
Please note that it is Iran's money. This is comparable to freezing the Canadian Trucker's bank accounts becuase people didn't like their message. It is their money and they should have access to it. Should we freeze Israel's money now too since many Israelis are calling for the indiscriminate bombing of innocent Palestinians?
I’d love to see Patriots get more solution orientated.
Thanks for a great and really substantive morning lineup.
How we, the people, can get ahead of the Great Reset has been on my mind lately. It’s great to report daily events but how do we promote change? How do we save ourselves?
I must urge everyone to read Alexander Durgin’s book “The Great Awakening vs. The Great Reset.” This brave Russian philosopher intimately understands the situation the world is in and his solution is to spread awareness of the Great Awakening. He argues many people across the world are against the Great Reset and progressive liberalism, and our best chance to defeat our elite masters is to make the Great Awakening a serious movement. He makes many profound points and presents an interesting history of liberalism. The book takes an hour or so to read.
The book is only available from the publisher in both print and digital form for $4.95. It has been banned elsewhere, of course.
It is not merely enough to oppose the Great Reset. We must, with great passion, unite together and find common ground to defeat our enemies with others in the world. Time is running short, however. Spreading the word is imperative.
By the same token why don't we just wipe out anything and everything to do with the Americans having access to nuclear technology maybe then they wouldn't wage war on the rest of the world.
Checkfire, Dr. Paul.
The Monster Organs are manipulating you.
Please take a breath.
Whatever curated content you are consuming is being pushed in coherent unrelenting waves to achieve an objective.
There is an Agenda.
You are falling for their latest efforts.
To trust any single thing that is beamed in uniform patterns from Power is beyond reckless at this point in the endgame.
To regain equilibrium, just think about the spike in ACM, everywhere DeathVaxx was used. Legislators literally voted to not investigate.
Huge numbers of 'our' people, dead. Not foreigners in some far away place.
Democide. Covered up. In plain sight.
Iran has a right to exist. Just like China does. Just like Russia does.
Fully agree. I thought Dr. Alexander was completely free of influence from the dark forces of this planet. He wants them to swing high with respect of perpetrators of covid genocide but doesn't see there are the same creatures behind the curtain who make the orders with respect to Palestinian genocide.
Yes. Thank you, Andia.
I felt a bit awkward having to point this out, and I expected a rain of hate to fall.
I am a foreigner too, but my country went full psycho in the Plandemonium, just like USA, UK, Kanada, NZ, etc. Democide, everywhere.
What strikes me here is the brainwashing.
Such similarities, in the length of time (decades at least) and intensity.
Vaccines as unquestionable good.
And Israel as unquestionably virtuous/pure/whatever.
Israel has been behaving as a totalitarian state against millions, literally bombing neighbors regularly, and never gets any condemnation for their global crimes such as assassinations.
In that sense, like a mini version of another powerful nation.
I don't hate any people or any faith. Or any country. But I have no illusions that any one group is any more special than any other.
I have not kept up with this latest atrocity, or series thereof.
The innocent fallen are the true victims, as ever. Those killed or broken as targets or collateral damage, by a dark force that long ago seized Power virtually everywhere.
Those in Power care not for any such victims, on any side.
There is no crime they won't commit to further their Agenda.
And there is nothing their Organs won't do to shield and shepherd the Agenda to completion.
Governments serve to animate the Evil, to give it Power.
Bringing down the governments will disempower Evil.
Governments are not there for us.
They serve to enslave us all.
Paul, who stole their enriched uranium from NUMEC in Apollo, Pennsylvania?
Do you know who that was? Same folks who murderously attacked the USS Liberty. Have you read about that? Read what Israel did to our ship?
You can tell who killed JFK by studying JFK’s policies towards Israel and how those policies were reversed under LBJ - who was literally sleeping with Israeli spy, in the Whitehouse, Mathilde Krim, wife of DNC finance chair Arthur Krim.
Israel agents offered to put JFK in the Whitehouse in 1960 and JFK asked what they wanted in return. They said control of foreign policy, which shocked Kennedy. And of course Nov. 22nd was what happens when you say no to the Machiavellian Scoundrels.
Zionism is a perfect storm of heresy & treason. It is the greatest deception in Christendom and the most dangerous and corrupting influence on politics in the western world.
“Israeli spies have done more harm and have damaged the United States more than the intelligence agents of all other countries on earth combined... They are the gravest threat to our national security.”
— Admiral Bobby Ray Inman
Former Deputy Director of the CIA
Good quote. Thanks!
"Never before in the history of the United States Navy has a Navy Board of Inquiry ignored the testimony of American military eyewitnesses and taken, on faith, the word of their attackers." — Captain Richard F. Kiepfer, Medical Corps, US Navy (retired), USS Liberty Survivor
"I've never seen a President — I don't care who he is — stand up to them. It just boggles the mind. They always get what they want. The Israelis know what is going on all the time. I got to the point where I wasn't writing anything down. If the American people understood what a grip these people have got on our government, they would RISE UP IN ARMS. Our citizens certainly don't have any idea what goes on." - Thomas H. Moorer (1912 - 2004) Admiral, US Navy & Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff during interview on 24 August 1983
Think you might be reading a little too much Max Boot, Doc. Your scorched earth postings of late are concerning…
Paul Alexander you have gone off the deep end. With covid you recognized who are enemy was. With Israel and Palestine you are clueless. Please stop Israel praising and Palestine bashing or I will resign from your SubStack. I appreciate much of what you focus on and speak of but on Palestine - please keep that to yourself!
Please note that it is Iran's money. This is comparable to freezing the Canadian Trucker's bank accounts becuase people didn't like their message. It is their money and they should have access to it. Should we freeze Israel's money now too since many Israelis are calling for the indiscriminate bombing of innocent Palestinians?
That money is now in an account in Qatar. It is gone, gone!
Qatar is the bank and basket of the bad people, that's why we have a base there!
They don't give a fuck what we do, but, don't mess with our money.
I’d love to see Patriots get more solution orientated.
Thanks for a great and really substantive morning lineup.
How we, the people, can get ahead of the Great Reset has been on my mind lately. It’s great to report daily events but how do we promote change? How do we save ourselves?
I must urge everyone to read Alexander Durgin’s book “The Great Awakening vs. The Great Reset.” This brave Russian philosopher intimately understands the situation the world is in and his solution is to spread awareness of the Great Awakening. He argues many people across the world are against the Great Reset and progressive liberalism, and our best chance to defeat our elite masters is to make the Great Awakening a serious movement. He makes many profound points and presents an interesting history of liberalism. The book takes an hour or so to read.
The book is only available from the publisher in both print and digital form for $4.95. It has been banned elsewhere, of course.
It is not merely enough to oppose the Great Reset. We must, with great passion, unite together and find common ground to defeat our enemies with others in the world. Time is running short, however. Spreading the word is imperative.
Here is the link to purchase the book.
I read somewhere today the freeze is off now.
Did we get the hostages.
If yes
What does that say ?
About future negotiations?
About Iranian negotiations ?
About Obiden negotiations skills?