If I’m not mistaken, “I do recall Fauci” himself stated, he has concerns about ADE or “Antibody Dependent Enhancement” from these Bioweapons”? I’m not a doctor nor would I claim to be one, though I am honest, I have learned a tremendous amount of knowledge these past years and IMO, what this entire “Worldwide Covid Scam” has done is shined a blinding spot light onto the utter “dishonest” and utter “manipulating” and “murderous”criminals such as “I don’t recall Fauci” are! I’m certain as more and more doctors and scientists dissect these “WMD’s” known to be a Bioweapon, the world will learn greatly, how sinister and murderous, their once trusted doctors and medical experts have been! This didn’t happen overnight, the length of time and coordinating required, then to execute such a massive depopulating and or elimination of, all the deplorable “bottom feeders” and the helpless “elderly population” from humanity, takes years and that alone, known as “premeditated planning”, should play a huge role if an honest judiciary venue is ever established! Then those venues can decide if the overwhelming evidence presented, has enough staying power to eradicate all those involved! The “Horseman” as Dr Alexander so infamously describes them. Thankfully a big chunk of the world has awakened. Now it’s time passed far, we should dust off, bring back the “gallows’s” and the “neck-snapper’s”! Justice MUST BE FORTHCOMING!! Thank you Dr Alexander for keeping the spotlight on and for exposing the criminals for who they truly are, “murdering criminals”! May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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I’m going to be a nerd. If any of your readers have never watched “1776” the musical, I suggest they do. Wanna talk about relentlessness. If John Adams wasn’t such a relentless pain in the ass, there would be no USA !!!!!

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I think it’s my favorite quality in a human being.

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I so admire your relentlessness!!!

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Health freedom warriors, Please act on this call to action. Let's support SG Ladapo's call for a HALT to jabs. Gov DeSantis, it is time to act and pull these injections! https://standforhealthfreedom.com/actions/pull-the-shots/

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ACTION!!! Health freedom warriors, Let's support SG Ladapo's call for a HALT to COVID jabs. Gov DeSantis, it is time to act. https://standforhealthfreedom.com/actions/pull-the-shots/ STAND FOR HEALTH FREEDOM MAKES IT SUPER EASY TO MAKE AN IMPACT.

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Hold on! We all have to be greatful for those who share their knowledge and be ready for dis-ease x that is being talked about coming down the pike for humanity. Stick together and stay vigilant.🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

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Immunity lasts for many years but because of IMMUNE MEMORY it can persist for DECADES.


SARS-COV-2 Antibody Testing Explained



PDF ⬇️


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Yes, yes, yes, igG4 is a concern. One wonders what the level of igG4 is today in the German dude who had 90 mRNA shots, two years ago. But is it any wonder people appear to get addicted to these jabs? Let's not forget what Paul Offit and others told the public about how good jabs are, back in November 2020:

"Only 11 people who received two doses of the [Moderna] vaccine developed COVID-19 symptoms after being infected with the pandemic coronavirus, versus 185 symptomatic cases in a placebo group. That is an efficacy of 94.1%, the company says, far above what many vaccine scientists were expecting just a few weeks ago.

More impressive still, Moderna's candidate had 100% efficacy against severe disease. There were zero such COVID-19 cases among those vaccinated, but 30 in the placebo group, including one death from the disease. There were zero such COVID-19 cases among those vaccinated, but 30 in the placebo group." 

" ... what we've seen so far is absolutely remarkable," says Paul Offit, a vaccine researcher at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia who is a member of an independent committee of vaccine experts that advises FDA."

"Pfizer and BioNTech have developed a similar mRNA vaccine against COVID-19 and also reported excellent results, with an efficacy of 95%, in the final analysis of their 45,000-person trial. In that study, which ended after 170 cases of COVID-19 were identified, only 10 severe cases occurred, and just one was in the vaccinated group."

‘Absolutely remarkable': No one who got Moderna's vaccine in trial developed severe COVID-19 | Science | AAAS


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