March 2020, I thought, let’s just see how bad this really is before experimenting with drugs. Prior to that….My Mom was hospitalized August 2019. She lived another month, after being intubated, drugged with what I don’t know. Getting her off the tube was harrowing at 91. They would have called it Covid just a few months later. I was very suspicious that something was going around way before. I became a voracious researcher. I believe it was Joel Hay at UC SanDiego that said getting blood or sewer samples from 2018-2019 would give clues. Bio-weapons never crossed my mind…..until of course David Martin, Bret Weinstein and more. Had I even had the cursory knowledge of nebulizing hydrogen peroxide or using ivermectin, my Mom may be alive. Because of the way humans were treated at hospitals, shutting out family, they lost me way early on. For scaring my Aunt to death literally, I will not comply. Because they tried to scare my Grandchildren into believing they had the power to kill me by a hug, I will not comply. Because I probably cannot be hypnotized, I did not comply. Because so many did not need to die, I refuse to comply. To have the audacity to say on national TV, get the shot, win an ice-cream cone, you lost soul of a “leader”???…..we supposedly elected, REALLY! Way over done, creamated narrative, who’s left to consume this garbage? Resistance may be the next virus.
Simple. I figured out covid was a global fraud in late March 2020.
People with strong immune systems weren’t dying yet no one in authority was telling people how to strengthen them. Then I looked up the PCR test and it’s inventor and realized the test they were using to generate case numbers was incapable of differentiating between flu and corona viruses and was not a diagnostic tool. My skepticism was confirmed in every other issue related to covid. Everything they said was a lie so by the time the “vaccines” rolled out I knew what their purpose was. Death.
I got fired from my 20 year fun job as a coach because I refused to mask or force them on my players and lost most of my family because I didn’t join the cult. I am a business owner so my work wasn’t effected and I have an incredible wife and two kids who stayed with me. All of us pure blood baby!
Initially my husband and I didn’t take the jabs because we generally don’t take any medicines unnecessarily. We don’t take the flu shot. We are healthy and reticent to take any medicine unless justified. Plus we were very dubious of the propaganda being pushed about the dangers of COVID with all the public health theater that we witnessed. Our skepticism of COVID gave us pause and pushed us to carefully examine claims re the vaccines. And we are both heavy news consumers of alternative news sites outside of the MSM outlets. The more we looked and learned, the more skeptical we became and felt justified in refusing the vaccine. Plus all the silencing of critics pushed our innate skepticism and drove our confirmation that rejection of the vaccine was the best action. As we learned more about the adverse reactions we became horrified at what was happening to society both in the US and abroad. The “othering” and the vaccine passports was and still is dystopian.
I fell for the psyops and got the two Moderna shots. When my Pilates instructor/friend who was also fully vaxxed got seriously ill with Covid pneumonia I thought, something is not right. She’s 12 years younger and much fitter than I am. That began my journey for the truth six months ago. Some relationships are stronger, but sadly some have ended or are struggling. The is the most difficult time in my 63 years of life.
Please know there are hundreds of thousands going through the same difficult time, for the same reason. As I explain to younger people, characters come and go in our lives; most are not meant to stay. Losing one friend opens up an opportunity to make new a new one. This has been true in my life and is true for everyone's as well.
I could have written your first sentence. Being over 60 (with a spouse having comorbidities) overcame my reluctance. So grateful for Substack to read how I was not alone - sadly.
Because you don’t get to claim there’s so much you don’t know about this ‘novel disease’ but claim to be absolutely sure on this ‘novel vaccine.’ You don’t get to decide what the answers are to questions you won’t allow to be asked. You don’t get to label people that you haven’t even met. The minute you confused everything is the minute it became clear. Because you’re darkness and greed isn’t stronger than truth and righteousness. Because you are temporary and I live forever with my choices. Because you don’t get to pretend to care so much about everybody and ignore all the ones you’ve hurt so terribly. I guess you are transparent though. A lot of us see right through you.
All of the reasons you gave apply except that I do not have any kind of scientific background. From the beginning of the "plandemic", something just didn't seem right. Additionally, I've always had a bad reaction to the flu shot and was not in any hurry to try out an experiment that was rushed through. It made no sense to me that they were claiming that the shots were safe and could they know?!!! The brave American Frontline Doctors were a huge help. I listened to them, read their articles, purchased their books. The more I heard, the more I read, the more I became convinced that this was a terrible evil. I felt an obligation to share my knowledge and discovered, to my grave concern, that most didn't want to hear the truth because "it made them nervous" or they insisted "there was another side". This country truly did, and continues to some degree, to have "mass psychosis". My own internist told me that he had more knowledge because he pays for expensive journals and "I just pull up random information on the internet". He has never given me any reason to believe that he has read the retractions from JAMA and The Lancet. I have now left his practice. In my lifetime I have been on several Boards. More than once I have been the "odd person out". I have been told: "Judy, we want a 100% consensus". I told them that I was sorry, but could not oblige. It wasn't easy to do. It has not been easy to take the stance that I would not get jabbed. I live in a community that has shunned those who refuse to comply. Finally, some are admitting to being in the same camp and thus, I have some wonderful new friends and have realized that some of my previous friends, just weren't really very good friends at all. These past 2 years have been very enlightening on many levels. My heart breaks every time I hear about another "Covid death". When I tell people that the death didn't need to happen they look at me like I have no idea what I'm talking about. The willing ignorance of so many is shocking! So many almost seem proud of being brave in their disappointing that our society has declined in it's ability to become informed and stand up for the truth. Thank you for this excellent post. We in this country have been blessed by those, who, like you, have stood up, have done exhaustive research and are willing to endure whatever personal losses they have had to sustain. Dr. David Martin, Dr. and Ginger Breggin, Dr. Richard Fleming, Simone Gold and FLCCC and AFL doctors, Dr. Paul Alexander, Dr. Malone, Dr. Pierre Kory, Dr. Ardis, Stew Peters, Brighteon, Children's Defense Network, etc. etc. etc. have been amazing and are my heros. ( There are so many worth mentioning that I just cannot pull up in my mind right now.) Ron Johnson has been super, he has enough information to put away all of the criminals, yet nothing is happening to them. Rand Paul refused to name the grants that would have refuted fauci's claims...WHY? Please address this in future posts. Thank you
I have worked in healthcare PR for 20 years and I know that everything you put in your body has risks and (maybe) benefits. Not enough time has passed. Also, I had already had COVID, believed in natural immunity, knew I wasn’t going to die from it anyway and there was plenty of data showing my kids were at zero risk from COVID. The gray area for me was my parents who are in their mid-70s but they were adamantly against it. (My dad is a professor and even though he was going to be teaching remotely, his university was requiring it — so stupid.) They did ultimately get COVID and my mom was hospitalized for several days where they tried to get her to take the jab (unsuccessful). I am amazed by how many of my friends unthinkingly vaccinated their kids but they live in California and it was hard to resist. One’s teen daughter was just hospitalized at Stanford for myocarditis where my friend was told it “may” be vaccine-related.
I was suspicious of all of it from the beginning — we’ve been here before. I have a research background and strong instincts. I also have an opinion on everything, and no television, so I started looking at information available online.
From the outset, I thought we were dealing with the flu — a weird flu, but flu nonetheless. I saw no difference in deaths from any other year, but I did see numbers being published and a huge increase in “cases” defined by an unreliable test not designed for that purpose — the CDC itself said the PCR test couldn’t distinguish between SARS-CoV-2 and the common cold (I believe the PCR test was calibrated to the common cold). I saw the lies behind the lockdowns, masks, gloves and all the other preventative nonsense — I knew these measures were not about public health but about control.
I spent a lot of time (too much, probably) listening to dissenting voices, watching the numbers, and seeing the mismanagement (malpractice) occurring in NYC, from contraindicated hospital procedures to forcing sick people into nursing homes where they infected many others. I watched the political maneuvers that, along with inappropriate medical care caused the majority of deaths. It was, to me, a culling.
The extreme measures taken to prevent early treatment was in part to force the use of remdesivir (nurses call it “run-death-is-near”) and to make sure no effective treatment would impede the Emergency Use Authorization needed for the “vaccines,” and the profits, royalties, and power that would follow. The gene therapy shots (“vaccines”) were a horror show from the outset. At the beginning, manufacturers stated they would neither stop infection nor transmission, but might lessen the severity of the disease. Which would happen anyway as viruses mutate to become more contagious and less virulent. So why on earth would anyone take an experimental, potentially DNA-altering treatment that has poor efficacy, incomplete testing and a completely unknown safety profile?
I listened to various highly credentialed people talk about the horrific side effects, reproductive issues, and death that would come with the shots, yet people were so conditioned by the fear porn and the “experts,” some of whom have no medical training, that they lined up for the shots, somehow believing they would be saved. I listened to a father, sitting beside his “vaccinated” teenaged son who was comatose, lying in a hospital bed on a ventilator, saying that he was so glad his son had been “vaccinated” otherwise his situation would be so much worse, and I despaired of our future. This is not an uncommon occurrence. “I’m deathly ill with COVID-19, but thank goodness I’m “vaccinated,” and as soon as I’m better, I’m getting the booster.” Insanity.
Two recent, highly powered studies are the first we have on vaccinated vs un-vaccinated (standard childhood schedule, excluding the EUA shots) children and adults — the results are staggering. The vaxxed are much sicker than the unvaxxed in both populations. The unvaxxed have virtually no arthritis or other chronic conditions, no cancer, no autism, no illness at all. We need to take a harder look at vaccines in general — our current “research” has been conducted by the manufacturers — draw your own conclusions.
And on that aside, I’ll quit, having gone on too long as it is. Thanks for your post, and thanks for the forum!
Because you don’t inoculate yourself from something that’s not dangerous with some chemicals (MRNA) that we have no way of knowing how dangerous they are.
From the outset this didn’t seem to be about health as there were no recommendations on how to stay healthy and what treatments/strategies worked. Also the data was never that scary if you looked at it in context and considered absolute risk. The singular focus on the vaccine as the only possible salvation was suspect from the beginning, too. There has never been another time or illness where people were told to stay home until they couldn’t breathe and then come to the hospital. Things just didn’t add up.
That is literally what I was told Dec.23, 2020 when I went to doc for a stomach issue! He could've cared less! Said all symptoms were possible covid symptoms. Didn't take my temp, didn't take BP, only tested me for covid and sent me into isolation until results came back Dec. 28th, nearly a week later! No family Christmas for me.
My reason for not taking the vaccine is that it was quite clear for the reasons that you listed that the 'experts' were lying. They can't possibly have know that they were safe and effective. Fully stop. Also, the more that I saw the reaction to HCQ, and later Ivermectin and the flat refusal to even discuss Vit. D supplementation, convinced my the this was clearly NOT about public health. Our Governments, media and public health authorities were clearly not interested in public health and so I lost all faith in their having my or anyone else's health as their primary concern. Obviously, this whole pandemic have turned all of them into sales reps for the Pharmaceutical Industrial Complex.
I generally don't trust "authority" figures. I have had a few experiences with the medical community that were wrong-headed on their side, nothing particularly serious, but diagnoses that made no sense. So when the vaccines were rolled out, I was not inclined to take it. I thought: best to wait and see. And part of waiting and seeing was to begin reading everything I could about them.... on both sides. And by late spring of 2020, I was certain I would never be vaccinated, no matter what the consequence. Specific things that bothered me: why were people told to wait until their lips were blue before going to the hospital?; why were people not told what they could do to improve their immune systems; why was there no early treatment available. In the end, I found the FLCCC Alliance, Alex Berenson, excellent writers on Substack, and RFK, Jr. My trust in the medicine has now completely collapsed.
PhD Clinical Psychologist here, trained in the 80' training in science and 35 years of clinical experience has made me a critical thinker, along with my observations over the past decade or so of the increasing amount of lying and manipulation our government and the media does to impact the public at large. Most importantly, my faith and the Holy Spirit who is welcome and present in my soul helped me see that there is overwhelming evil and spiritual warfare ongoing that has been more and more revealed in the past decade, for those who are watching and praying. Things have been "upside down" --right is portrayed as wrong and wrong as right--the Bible, the Word of God, warns us of these times.
I walked out of that psycho training in the early 90’s…..way too many psychotropics…..way too easy to get hooked….way too easy to be labeled for life….systems theory and talking to people to help instead with their “Problems”…..what a concept. Many good helpers also caught up in the drug trade.
Anything deemed “warped speed” caused me to pause. No mRNA technology had ever been approved in the past. I decided to wait, started researching, tuned in to alternate media, & as soon as I recognized that there were questions, investigated more. Then, the “push” to get a shot in every arm made me even more hesitant. Follow the money & my decision was made. Such conflicts of interest! Other than childhood vaccines, I have never received any vax, not flu, shingles, pneumonia. So why would I get an unproven jab with no honest clinical trials? How can they say it’s safe & effective? Now, we know it’s not. I have lost all faith & trust in the CDC & FDA. We have been lied to & the general public has been manipulated. I will NEVER receive ANY vaccine. Just can’t trust anything we’re being told by the so called experts. These people need to be held responsible for the damage they’ve caused.
My mother spoke often about the thalidomide disaster. I eventually watched a documentary about the drug! I am skeptical about any new drug with unknown risks!
I was afraid when the virus first broke out, but my faith in God’s providence eventually allowed the fear to subside and I could look at the situation objectively. A family member worked 40 hours a week at a local grocery store and none of the employees were dropping dead! The evidence right in front of our eyes was strong.
In the very begining I saw Kary Mullis' video saying that PCR cannot diagnose and anything over 24 cycles is meaningless. Then Dr Fauci saying (before he changed his mind) that peole without symptoms cannot transmit the virus.
These 2 videos made me realise there was a problem and I started looking for supporting information.
March 2020, I thought, let’s just see how bad this really is before experimenting with drugs. Prior to that….My Mom was hospitalized August 2019. She lived another month, after being intubated, drugged with what I don’t know. Getting her off the tube was harrowing at 91. They would have called it Covid just a few months later. I was very suspicious that something was going around way before. I became a voracious researcher. I believe it was Joel Hay at UC SanDiego that said getting blood or sewer samples from 2018-2019 would give clues. Bio-weapons never crossed my mind…..until of course David Martin, Bret Weinstein and more. Had I even had the cursory knowledge of nebulizing hydrogen peroxide or using ivermectin, my Mom may be alive. Because of the way humans were treated at hospitals, shutting out family, they lost me way early on. For scaring my Aunt to death literally, I will not comply. Because they tried to scare my Grandchildren into believing they had the power to kill me by a hug, I will not comply. Because I probably cannot be hypnotized, I did not comply. Because so many did not need to die, I refuse to comply. To have the audacity to say on national TV, get the shot, win an ice-cream cone, you lost soul of a “leader”???…..we supposedly elected, REALLY! Way over done, creamated narrative, who’s left to consume this garbage? Resistance may be the next virus.
I’m so terribly sorry for the loss of your mother.
Thank you so much. She was the beginning of me seeing firsthand just exactly How badly we must have an advocate with us at all times.
Simple. I figured out covid was a global fraud in late March 2020.
People with strong immune systems weren’t dying yet no one in authority was telling people how to strengthen them. Then I looked up the PCR test and it’s inventor and realized the test they were using to generate case numbers was incapable of differentiating between flu and corona viruses and was not a diagnostic tool. My skepticism was confirmed in every other issue related to covid. Everything they said was a lie so by the time the “vaccines” rolled out I knew what their purpose was. Death.
I got fired from my 20 year fun job as a coach because I refused to mask or force them on my players and lost most of my family because I didn’t join the cult. I am a business owner so my work wasn’t effected and I have an incredible wife and two kids who stayed with me. All of us pure blood baby!
Initially my husband and I didn’t take the jabs because we generally don’t take any medicines unnecessarily. We don’t take the flu shot. We are healthy and reticent to take any medicine unless justified. Plus we were very dubious of the propaganda being pushed about the dangers of COVID with all the public health theater that we witnessed. Our skepticism of COVID gave us pause and pushed us to carefully examine claims re the vaccines. And we are both heavy news consumers of alternative news sites outside of the MSM outlets. The more we looked and learned, the more skeptical we became and felt justified in refusing the vaccine. Plus all the silencing of critics pushed our innate skepticism and drove our confirmation that rejection of the vaccine was the best action. As we learned more about the adverse reactions we became horrified at what was happening to society both in the US and abroad. The “othering” and the vaccine passports was and still is dystopian.
I fell for the psyops and got the two Moderna shots. When my Pilates instructor/friend who was also fully vaxxed got seriously ill with Covid pneumonia I thought, something is not right. She’s 12 years younger and much fitter than I am. That began my journey for the truth six months ago. Some relationships are stronger, but sadly some have ended or are struggling. The is the most difficult time in my 63 years of life.
Please know there are hundreds of thousands going through the same difficult time, for the same reason. As I explain to younger people, characters come and go in our lives; most are not meant to stay. Losing one friend opens up an opportunity to make new a new one. This has been true in my life and is true for everyone's as well.
I could have written your first sentence. Being over 60 (with a spouse having comorbidities) overcame my reluctance. So grateful for Substack to read how I was not alone - sadly.
Because you don’t get to claim there’s so much you don’t know about this ‘novel disease’ but claim to be absolutely sure on this ‘novel vaccine.’ You don’t get to decide what the answers are to questions you won’t allow to be asked. You don’t get to label people that you haven’t even met. The minute you confused everything is the minute it became clear. Because you’re darkness and greed isn’t stronger than truth and righteousness. Because you are temporary and I live forever with my choices. Because you don’t get to pretend to care so much about everybody and ignore all the ones you’ve hurt so terribly. I guess you are transparent though. A lot of us see right through you.
All of the reasons you gave apply except that I do not have any kind of scientific background. From the beginning of the "plandemic", something just didn't seem right. Additionally, I've always had a bad reaction to the flu shot and was not in any hurry to try out an experiment that was rushed through. It made no sense to me that they were claiming that the shots were safe and could they know?!!! The brave American Frontline Doctors were a huge help. I listened to them, read their articles, purchased their books. The more I heard, the more I read, the more I became convinced that this was a terrible evil. I felt an obligation to share my knowledge and discovered, to my grave concern, that most didn't want to hear the truth because "it made them nervous" or they insisted "there was another side". This country truly did, and continues to some degree, to have "mass psychosis". My own internist told me that he had more knowledge because he pays for expensive journals and "I just pull up random information on the internet". He has never given me any reason to believe that he has read the retractions from JAMA and The Lancet. I have now left his practice. In my lifetime I have been on several Boards. More than once I have been the "odd person out". I have been told: "Judy, we want a 100% consensus". I told them that I was sorry, but could not oblige. It wasn't easy to do. It has not been easy to take the stance that I would not get jabbed. I live in a community that has shunned those who refuse to comply. Finally, some are admitting to being in the same camp and thus, I have some wonderful new friends and have realized that some of my previous friends, just weren't really very good friends at all. These past 2 years have been very enlightening on many levels. My heart breaks every time I hear about another "Covid death". When I tell people that the death didn't need to happen they look at me like I have no idea what I'm talking about. The willing ignorance of so many is shocking! So many almost seem proud of being brave in their disappointing that our society has declined in it's ability to become informed and stand up for the truth. Thank you for this excellent post. We in this country have been blessed by those, who, like you, have stood up, have done exhaustive research and are willing to endure whatever personal losses they have had to sustain. Dr. David Martin, Dr. and Ginger Breggin, Dr. Richard Fleming, Simone Gold and FLCCC and AFL doctors, Dr. Paul Alexander, Dr. Malone, Dr. Pierre Kory, Dr. Ardis, Stew Peters, Brighteon, Children's Defense Network, etc. etc. etc. have been amazing and are my heros. ( There are so many worth mentioning that I just cannot pull up in my mind right now.) Ron Johnson has been super, he has enough information to put away all of the criminals, yet nothing is happening to them. Rand Paul refused to name the grants that would have refuted fauci's claims...WHY? Please address this in future posts. Thank you
I have worked in healthcare PR for 20 years and I know that everything you put in your body has risks and (maybe) benefits. Not enough time has passed. Also, I had already had COVID, believed in natural immunity, knew I wasn’t going to die from it anyway and there was plenty of data showing my kids were at zero risk from COVID. The gray area for me was my parents who are in their mid-70s but they were adamantly against it. (My dad is a professor and even though he was going to be teaching remotely, his university was requiring it — so stupid.) They did ultimately get COVID and my mom was hospitalized for several days where they tried to get her to take the jab (unsuccessful). I am amazed by how many of my friends unthinkingly vaccinated their kids but they live in California and it was hard to resist. One’s teen daughter was just hospitalized at Stanford for myocarditis where my friend was told it “may” be vaccine-related.
I was suspicious of all of it from the beginning — we’ve been here before. I have a research background and strong instincts. I also have an opinion on everything, and no television, so I started looking at information available online.
From the outset, I thought we were dealing with the flu — a weird flu, but flu nonetheless. I saw no difference in deaths from any other year, but I did see numbers being published and a huge increase in “cases” defined by an unreliable test not designed for that purpose — the CDC itself said the PCR test couldn’t distinguish between SARS-CoV-2 and the common cold (I believe the PCR test was calibrated to the common cold). I saw the lies behind the lockdowns, masks, gloves and all the other preventative nonsense — I knew these measures were not about public health but about control.
I spent a lot of time (too much, probably) listening to dissenting voices, watching the numbers, and seeing the mismanagement (malpractice) occurring in NYC, from contraindicated hospital procedures to forcing sick people into nursing homes where they infected many others. I watched the political maneuvers that, along with inappropriate medical care caused the majority of deaths. It was, to me, a culling.
The extreme measures taken to prevent early treatment was in part to force the use of remdesivir (nurses call it “run-death-is-near”) and to make sure no effective treatment would impede the Emergency Use Authorization needed for the “vaccines,” and the profits, royalties, and power that would follow. The gene therapy shots (“vaccines”) were a horror show from the outset. At the beginning, manufacturers stated they would neither stop infection nor transmission, but might lessen the severity of the disease. Which would happen anyway as viruses mutate to become more contagious and less virulent. So why on earth would anyone take an experimental, potentially DNA-altering treatment that has poor efficacy, incomplete testing and a completely unknown safety profile?
I listened to various highly credentialed people talk about the horrific side effects, reproductive issues, and death that would come with the shots, yet people were so conditioned by the fear porn and the “experts,” some of whom have no medical training, that they lined up for the shots, somehow believing they would be saved. I listened to a father, sitting beside his “vaccinated” teenaged son who was comatose, lying in a hospital bed on a ventilator, saying that he was so glad his son had been “vaccinated” otherwise his situation would be so much worse, and I despaired of our future. This is not an uncommon occurrence. “I’m deathly ill with COVID-19, but thank goodness I’m “vaccinated,” and as soon as I’m better, I’m getting the booster.” Insanity.
Two recent, highly powered studies are the first we have on vaccinated vs un-vaccinated (standard childhood schedule, excluding the EUA shots) children and adults — the results are staggering. The vaxxed are much sicker than the unvaxxed in both populations. The unvaxxed have virtually no arthritis or other chronic conditions, no cancer, no autism, no illness at all. We need to take a harder look at vaccines in general — our current “research” has been conducted by the manufacturers — draw your own conclusions.
And on that aside, I’ll quit, having gone on too long as it is. Thanks for your post, and thanks for the forum!
Because you don’t inoculate yourself from something that’s not dangerous with some chemicals (MRNA) that we have no way of knowing how dangerous they are.
From the outset this didn’t seem to be about health as there were no recommendations on how to stay healthy and what treatments/strategies worked. Also the data was never that scary if you looked at it in context and considered absolute risk. The singular focus on the vaccine as the only possible salvation was suspect from the beginning, too. There has never been another time or illness where people were told to stay home until they couldn’t breathe and then come to the hospital. Things just didn’t add up.
That is literally what I was told Dec.23, 2020 when I went to doc for a stomach issue! He could've cared less! Said all symptoms were possible covid symptoms. Didn't take my temp, didn't take BP, only tested me for covid and sent me into isolation until results came back Dec. 28th, nearly a week later! No family Christmas for me.
My reason for not taking the vaccine is that it was quite clear for the reasons that you listed that the 'experts' were lying. They can't possibly have know that they were safe and effective. Fully stop. Also, the more that I saw the reaction to HCQ, and later Ivermectin and the flat refusal to even discuss Vit. D supplementation, convinced my the this was clearly NOT about public health. Our Governments, media and public health authorities were clearly not interested in public health and so I lost all faith in their having my or anyone else's health as their primary concern. Obviously, this whole pandemic have turned all of them into sales reps for the Pharmaceutical Industrial Complex.
I generally don't trust "authority" figures. I have had a few experiences with the medical community that were wrong-headed on their side, nothing particularly serious, but diagnoses that made no sense. So when the vaccines were rolled out, I was not inclined to take it. I thought: best to wait and see. And part of waiting and seeing was to begin reading everything I could about them.... on both sides. And by late spring of 2020, I was certain I would never be vaccinated, no matter what the consequence. Specific things that bothered me: why were people told to wait until their lips were blue before going to the hospital?; why were people not told what they could do to improve their immune systems; why was there no early treatment available. In the end, I found the FLCCC Alliance, Alex Berenson, excellent writers on Substack, and RFK, Jr. My trust in the medicine has now completely collapsed.
PhD Clinical Psychologist here, trained in the 80' training in science and 35 years of clinical experience has made me a critical thinker, along with my observations over the past decade or so of the increasing amount of lying and manipulation our government and the media does to impact the public at large. Most importantly, my faith and the Holy Spirit who is welcome and present in my soul helped me see that there is overwhelming evil and spiritual warfare ongoing that has been more and more revealed in the past decade, for those who are watching and praying. Things have been "upside down" --right is portrayed as wrong and wrong as right--the Bible, the Word of God, warns us of these times.
I walked out of that psycho training in the early 90’s…..way too many psychotropics…..way too easy to get hooked….way too easy to be labeled for life….systems theory and talking to people to help instead with their “Problems”…..what a concept. Many good helpers also caught up in the drug trade.
Anything deemed “warped speed” caused me to pause. No mRNA technology had ever been approved in the past. I decided to wait, started researching, tuned in to alternate media, & as soon as I recognized that there were questions, investigated more. Then, the “push” to get a shot in every arm made me even more hesitant. Follow the money & my decision was made. Such conflicts of interest! Other than childhood vaccines, I have never received any vax, not flu, shingles, pneumonia. So why would I get an unproven jab with no honest clinical trials? How can they say it’s safe & effective? Now, we know it’s not. I have lost all faith & trust in the CDC & FDA. We have been lied to & the general public has been manipulated. I will NEVER receive ANY vaccine. Just can’t trust anything we’re being told by the so called experts. These people need to be held responsible for the damage they’ve caused.
My mother spoke often about the thalidomide disaster. I eventually watched a documentary about the drug! I am skeptical about any new drug with unknown risks!
I was afraid when the virus first broke out, but my faith in God’s providence eventually allowed the fear to subside and I could look at the situation objectively. A family member worked 40 hours a week at a local grocery store and none of the employees were dropping dead! The evidence right in front of our eyes was strong.
In the very begining I saw Kary Mullis' video saying that PCR cannot diagnose and anything over 24 cycles is meaningless. Then Dr Fauci saying (before he changed his mind) that peole without symptoms cannot transmit the virus.
These 2 videos made me realise there was a problem and I started looking for supporting information.