One good thing in all of this. Everyone was revealed for who they really are. No hiding. Trimmed away a lot of superficial relationships.

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I do like this comment.

A simple, crude aspect of this as relates to trying to get someone out of their Covid coma is that if they come to realize that they have been conned on something of this magnitude after having invested so much mental and emotional energy into that thing they will by default have to realize/admit that they are in fact pretty stupid.

Think of all of the things that have come with these Covid lies, the masking, the shutting down of parks, the anti-social distancing, the clapping like seals and on and on- culminating in repeatedly imbibing in a cancerous injection and for many doing all of this to their children as well.

Very few are EVER going to go down this road even if it means their own mortal demise.

And the majority of those who were and are the loudest Covid maniacs have been the "educated" classes who are not predisposed to moments of self-reflection or humility to say the least.

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Remember when they filled skateparks with sand???

Could they have been more ridiculous and spiteful??

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The demographic that uses skate parks (i.e "yutes") is and always was at virtually zero risk of being harmed or killed by Covid. The 2 in a million infected who die are always frail, sickly kids with some chronic condition like cystic fibrosis. Those kids are not generally the athletic type who go to skate parks.

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And worthy of our retribution.

Arise, sane Americans.

Prepare pikes and stakes.

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The prospect of the guillotine will cause a bit of self-reflection.

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And it will prune away a lot of evil, harmful termites.

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I may forgive on personal level, but still there needs to be justice served. Moreover the trust is broken forever.

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Justice, I love the word.

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'Forever' is another good word you used.

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There is no court that could deliver full justice. We’d have to bankrupt the world (again) to partially make up for what was lost.

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You can never get "justice" for the murdered and injured.

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Justice = Execution.

Noose; Firing Squad; Guillotine; Rack; Stake.

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What has happened and is ongoing due to the entirety of the Covid Con is wholesale slaughter- literally millions of people killed and being killed. Add to this the numeorus ways in which young lives were and are forever ruined.

Problem-Reaction-Solution- a time honored strategy.

Without the fear-mongering propaganda campaign no one would’ve noticed anything unusual about the last two flu seasons because there was nothing unusual, except for the criminal, murderous, and utterly unscientific lockdown policies and "health protocols" in response to the non- existent threat.

"Covid-19" deaths follow the same age/risk stratification and seasonal curve of flu/pneumonia at the same time that flu inexplicably vanished from the face of the earth while all pneumonia deaths were suddenly called “Covid” using mass death certification fraud.

I cut my teeth on the massive amount of corruption and profiteering and Pharma con jobs back in 2004 with the Avian Flu hoax. They tried the same con, with mostly the same cast of characters, in 2009/10 with the Swine Flu hoax.

I spent a lot of time in both instances trying to alert people throughout the community to the realities of these frauds. Each time there was tremendous push back followed by acknowledgement that these were indeed scams. However it seems that there is a bizarre psychotic thirst for this hysteria in our present culture as after each fraud was proven it only needed a few years passing for these very same folks to become ready to accept a new fraud.

Once you have explored the details of these frauds it is easy to identify the scam as it is happening.

The playbook is pretty much the same, they simply refine the techniques. Not so easy to convince others of the scam as they are bombarded with fear porn 24/7.

I have to say that the "messaging" is far more comprehensive, insidious and sophisticated with Operation Covidius than all others before by quantum leaps.

That and they produced the cadavers this time through an array of medical democides (remdesivir, neglect, midazolam, ventilators, etc.) which solidified the fear mechanisms in the masses.

It's breathtaking really to witness the grip of fear this had and still has on millions and a vast number of these people will be damaged for life. The shadow of this psychosis will follow them to their graves. This is particularly true among the "educated" classes who now have a warped sense of purpose beyond the dull, aimless wanderings of Academia.

As for the Covid™ fable of 2020 itself, it was and is a nasty lie- all of it from top to bottom. All of the exaggerated and repeated fear-based messages from the media and government agencies this past year were just part of the advertising campaign for the pharmaceutical industry’s newest lucrative product- mRNA “vaccines” which they plan to roll out as new medical “miracle cures” for a variety of “ailments”, e.g. new line of “cancer vaccines.”

Every single one of the media bullhorns that were blasting the Covid fiction for the past year have direct financial ties to Pharma Inc. It’s not exactly accurate to say Pharma uses its power to influence the news- more to the point it is Pharma that writes the script. Pharma and it’s investors own “the news” and you will speak the Pharma gospel if you wish to maintain your position of privilege- it goes without saying.

And when we speak about Pharma this cannot be separated out from the investor class who rakes in oceans of taxpayer wealth through numerous Pandemic Ponzi Schemes with Pharma as it’s “offering” and its Trojan Horse.

"Covid-19" is a business plan not a medical emergency. Now more than ever it’s important to understand the economics of vaccines. Traditional systems of vaccine procurement and distribution are rapidly giving way to vast public–private supply chains. Despite annual revenues approaching US$1 trillion, the industry has been unable to reverse a declining rate of profit and finds itself in a perpetual state of crisis.

In Fall/Winter of 2019 all stocks of Big Pharma companies were in steep decline. This changed dramatically in Spring 2020 as we now know. The experimental gene therapy mRNA drugs are set to become the most lucrative drugs in medical history. Pharma depends on its “blockbuster drugs” to remain profitable and appealing to investors. It is not an exaggeration to say that without these “blockbuster drugs” the Pharma industry implodes.

What happened in 2020 was simply that the flu was re-branded and repurposed- the term "Covid-19" was invented to turn the seasonal virus into the equivalent of the mythical “Al-Qaeda” meaning to terrorize the population with the false construct of a boogeyman.

This was done as the Western economies were in total free fall in late 2019 and the plan to digitize the economies of The West had to be rushed through lest the collapse be seen for what it was- the by-product of decades of Ponzi schemes by the Wall St. parasites and their allies.

The Virus™ is superfluous, just like the Swine Flu scamdemic of 2009. All they needed to do was create the perception of a pandemic/mass panic with staged Hollywood productions, doomsday models, and the fraudulent PCR test to manufacture the cases/falsely attributed as “Covid deaths.”

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You convey a tremendous amount of eloquent truth, however, there’s something unique about the physical damage via the Spike Protein and other assorted poisons in both the ClotShot and “the virus.”

We’ve never before seen bizarre non- hematologic clots run rampant in the bodies of the deceased, let alone the other types of horrific brain, heart, nervous system, reproductive system, etc., damages as we now face.

Clearly they’ve engineered something new capable of causing such terrible injury and death. Whatever it is, it’s not a mere Flu Virus.

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The volume of lies is staggering isn't it.

And these corrupt bureaucrats and media parrots do it all with a straight face.

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We will never forget!!!

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Vengeance is mine sayeth the Lord.....I pray he does not wait too long....and gives the PEOPLE...the justice they deserve!

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God also gave us the Law. We have a legal system which should hold those who’re responsible fully accountable and deliver the correct punishment for their Capital Crimes.

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As long as the law is ruled by the Woke lefties of the world we are greatly disadvantaged!

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One phrase marred a great piece.

Why should an unhealthy, or elderly person (the most vulnerable!) be subjected to harmful, ineffective injections?

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Kind of wondered that myself. Perhaps he meant that before the jab was known to be less than worthless, it was known that the germ posed no threat whatsoever to healthy people under 70. So, assuming a vaccine actually worked, you still would not give it to that demographic which didn't need it. If that is what he meant, he could have worded it better.

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However remember that there were effective early treatments for all people, a year before the "vaccine" was introduced. Docs just weren't "allowed" to prescribe them.

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HCQ and AZM and zinc and then ivermectin! Those who punched this ban deserve to be charged with MURDER!

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Not the first time I've seen this caveat in otherwise sensible articles. As you suggest, it's probably a relic of the "risk/benefit" consideration before the high risk, negative benefit became so obvious.

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I only hope I live to see all of them behind bars and broke, we need this to heal. The lies have destroyed so many good people and killed more. I cry when I read about a new born who's died because its mother was told to get vaxxed. Yes Paul we need justice and to know this can never ever happen again.

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A coworker of mine has a baby (her first) who suddenly got very sick a couple of days ago. She's in the hospital. I dare not ask, but I can't help but wonder.

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Those who lie for a living, by which I mean politicians, are all too ready, willing & eager to line their pockets while facilitating, enabling, and empowering those who kill for a living, by which I mean the entirety of the medical pharmaceutical complex.

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Bygones be bygones??? Nothing about this is "bygone" It continues, despite under-reported VAERS, people dropping dead, turbo-charged cancers, reproductive issues, a whole pleomorphic array of illnesses and immune dysfunction, it [expletives deleted] goes on and on. Every attempt to stop it, testify against it, bring corrective resources to it, brings silence, crickets, teflon bounces. It has to end before anyone whatsoever can even consider what stance to take macroscosmically or personally. It has to end. Any of these placating minimizing statements or philosophical or psychological musings have no bearing on anything until IT ENDS!!!!! And it must be utterly public and transparent before it will end. Not one more baby. Not one more child in an ICU with myocarditis at 5 years old like Milo in Chicago. Not one more devastated family from a sudden death. It must END!!!!!!

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It isn't going to end. It's going to get worse. Half the human race is carrying this poison, and the "cold and flu season" is coming up.

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it's what bill gates and his ilk desire!

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THANK YOU Cynthia!!

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It will not end (and it will be repeated in different forms) unless and until the worst million china-virus-fascists suffer the warm, red embrace of Justice.

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It was the greatest crime in world history. Jail these criminals ASAP.

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Jail, try fairly and execute those convicted of Mass Murder.

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Given that they commited their crimes against us without the benefit of trials, I propose a more efficient form of trial: Let each sane, good citizen be a fair juror, based on sufficient information, before rendering his or her judgement.

Act locally. Act individually.

Never Forget!

Never Forgive!

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It was, and is, the greatest crime ever. The cleansing force of our Justice must sweep across OUR country with the relentess force of Attila the Hun.

May we inspire similar cleansing hordes to arise around the world.

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The only way to stop this Mary go around of fraud and death is accountability. Otherwise it will and has been happening over and over and over. While we are at it, what causes sudden infant death syndrome. How many babies have died from SIDS over the past 30-40 years?

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deletedOct 25, 2022·edited Oct 25, 2022
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SIDS follows DPT vaccine given at routine "well baby visits." Japan banned all vaccines below the age of 2 and the SIDS spike disappeared.

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In 2019, my mom endured hospital/chemo/isolation for Leukemia. 2020- it was in remission and she was back at home after months and months of illness and isolation. Then coronamania hit. March of ‘21 she got the Moderna jab. She immediately fell ill and after a few weeks,? (my timeline here is fuzzy) she was back in the hospital, told the cancer was back. She passed June 4. Why didn’t anyone warn her that the shot might not the safe for someone already so immunocompromised from chemo? I doubt that this was ever reported to vaers. It is just a gut feeling I have that the jab was responsible. I will never know. But I try to release all anger, guilt because it’s a fool’s errand. Thanks for reading. 💗

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You, if you're able, can release your anger. We, the Army of Justice, represent you and all of Civilization.

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I can NEVER forgive! Everyday I watch my husband struggle from the Pfizer poison injuries and our 10yr old son struggle loosing the father he once knew and watch him struggle. I carry so much hate and anger I can’t see anything else except revenge.

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I'm so very sorry. My heart goes out to you.

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Sixty million of us.

One million of them.

Not revenge, but Justice. Sweet Justice.

Act locally. Act individually.

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Accountability is vital. Transparency is a must. The wrongs will never be fully righted but we must have full acknowledgment that this must never happen again!!

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Never forgive, never forget. It's their turn to suffer now.

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Oct 25, 2022·edited Oct 25, 2022

It’s their turn to face Justice. We have a moral responsibility to make sure they do this, it’s not optional.

Justice demands rewards for the injured and killed and punishments for their attackers.

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In light of what is currently happening with the E.U. commission parliament members, and their mounting anger and distrust of Pfizer C.E.O. Albert Bouria, for not showing up to talk with their panel who, finally, have many questions and suspicions, that they wanted to go over with Bouria. But he was to cowardly to come and speak with them.Instead he sent a woman who was his cover, and she basically blew the lid off Pfizers initial lies and calculated misinformation! So where will this go from there? "If no wrong is found, then so be it" Come on Paul! You know they have acted out their corruption and destroyed millions of lives on many levels, from death, to life long physical health problems, to financial ruin of how many individuals and families, around the globe? There should be no mercy for all these greedy manipulators and psychopaths!

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Mercy will be shown to all those who are convicted, but who are not among the very worst. Those to whom we show mercy shall be allowed to choose among the noose, the firing squad, or the guillotine.

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I agree. Let those who deprived much of the world of their choice make their own last one. Let’s teach them by example. A swift death means there’s no danger they’ll forget it.

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We Own The Night!

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