
they stand there and pee and shit right in front of you...

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I don't think we all know the depth of this invasion. You mean this is New York?

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this is NYC today. just a tip

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and no, what is coming will be monstrous...life is a numbers game...too many, too fast, too many rapists and killers among them, cant help themselves, these are bad people

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Just by their looks, you know it!

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Read Newsweek: New York City to Double Debit Card payments for Illegals in the coming months. Where is this money coming from?

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The tax payer. That is why every legal citizen must STOP PAYING “TAXES”. I understand that will not stop their printing press but we as Americans MUST send a STRONG MESSAGE! If congress won’t do their job and defund this radical government THEN it is up to us to do their job!!!!!!!!


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Right! Including the illegals. The politicians have really shown their true colors.

They don't give a damn about the US Citizens.

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New Yorkers and some Federal Aid.

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Probably stealing it out of the VA's budget.

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That's what the Leftists do. They get all this money from all these Bills passed.

That's where the money comes from to steal elections, too.

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Yes, it is New York.

Here is a more detailed article from today's NY Post.


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I saw that, and they are "housing" thousands in hundreds of "bomb shelters" in the five NYC borroughs.

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...and all the expensive hotels.

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After my long writing about the connection between Beau Biden and Chinese Military Age Men invading America I read this post.

I think without any doubt in my mind, America is facing such dire challenges presently! What’s so important to include here is, what’s also been premeditated upon America’s demise.

There are two, very different invasions happening here. The first is, the feral animals beasts, along with the rapist and murders, criminals, etc entering our southern borders.

The second, more dangerous situation, IMO, are the Chinese invaders, particularly the overwhelming number of Chinese Military Age Men.

If you haven’t watched Tucker Carlson interview with Bret Weinstein a few months back, then you probably should. Bret literally unlocks the reality as to why, in his opinion, so many Chinese Militants are heading for America, our homeland!

It’s quite shocking. Starting with Covid lockdowns and racing through the past few years we find, or should I say, I’ve found, President Biden is simply a “front-man” a deflection or a distraction, for a very “clear & present” danger, happening quickly approaching even faster.

There’s multiple issues occurring at the same time. Both groups of migrants have a particular interest in coming to America. One group, the migrants, are seeking a better life. Yea there nefarious people included. Those of which this article is based on.

The other group, I’ll call the “Chinese Militant Group”. These men have a much different agenda. An agenda which I believe, is quite different. In which one of two things may be their reasons.

First, takedown America! Yes I agree, as difficult as this may seem, think about this for a moment.

Second and a more likely scenario is this. There’s a plan to basically “hand-over-America” to the CCP. There’s many factors which align with this strategy.

They’ve bought acres and acres of land, near our military bases and without push back for the most part. Those infamous spy balloons. What’s was up with that? Connected or Coincident? To add insult to injury, take a look at the giant bridge being built to connect Panama to the Darian Gap. Connected or Coincidence?

Yes this bridge will allow military vehicles and equipment and everything else they wont tell us about, to cross.

I believe connected to this Chinese militant group.

Add to this America is completely dependent on China for many things, medicine is key! If Xi Jinping said, we do this or you don’t get that, what would happen? Many Americans would die! Did without their meds!

“Pay me now or Pay me later” analogy. America hasn’t much choice now do we? This is why I say, starting with Covid lockdowns, forcing masks and vaccines, limiting who stays open and who gets to work. All these measures we all know were completely ignorant. But was there a reason for this? Yes. The answer is YES! Comply or DIE!

A very simple but effective strategy. This is why I believe the Chinese militants are coming and eventually Americans will hand over the “Keys to Washington” to the CCP!

Think about it. It makes perfect sense. China’s one baby policy, males live females die, was initiated for exactly this reason.

Even Congressman Dick Durban when asked about the amount of “Military Age Men” replied, well Americans are signing up for our military. Recruitment is down! Yeah OK Dicky Boy! Ok! Right!

Not to mention our Military has been “gutted” by forced covid vaccination, which caused an “exit stage right” exodus from our military!

“America We Have A Problem”! Yes we sure do. And it’s 100% man-made collapse / takedown / takeover! Whatever you want to call it! All of our largest companies are “WOKE”! All of our government agencies “WOKE” and so on.

This is their plan and they’re executing without blocking! Can’t get any better than that? Imagine is American military age men were trying to cross into China? LOL! Exactly.

The first group of migrants; Including the feral animals haven’t any clue about the big picture. They’re here for a buck, a butt, or even our kids! All of the above! Sick right? Absolutely sick but true Dr!

The second group of migrants; They know exactly why they’re coming! And they also have everything paid for!

I don’t know when or how quickly America will descend into chaos. I do know, chaos is inevitable! At a level we’ve never seen before. Especially when it’s been so well planned.

Evidence is all around us. Videos are so important to dissect and discuss. America is under attack no doubt. And by our own government! Yes our handful of select politicians have turned the weapons inwards!

“It isn’t a question of if anymore, it’s a question of when”!

Please watch Tuckers interview with Bret Weinstein, you won’t regret and it might save you life!

Thank you again Dr Alexander. Americans are facing some serious issues and I know, myself included, appreciate all your hard work!

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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You're right! Chicago has been invaded just like New York with illegals brought in by Governor Pritzker (no we sure didn't vote for him). They've destroyed downtown Chicago's Magnificent Mile. Now Pritzker brought in Gotion Chinese EV Battery Plant to Manteno, IL even though the residents have been fighting it tooth and nail...to no avail. The residents said before the factory turned one shovel of dirt to build it many, many young Chinese men (think fighting age) have been roaming around the area and town. They are very concerned about all these men and they should be. Pritzker doesn't care. He made Illinois a sanctuary state and we continue to see several buses per day taking loads of illegals to Chicago and surrounding suburbs. Our fuel tax went up .47/gallon July 1st, property taxes are raising all over the state and Pritzker is focused on destroying Illinois and becoming the next President or Vice President. He is also a WEF member. He was selected, not elected.

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Thank you Judy, your input helps me understand as I hope my input helps you. Reality is, there isn’t much of us can do except help each other. That’s exactly why I’m here.

It’s completely obvious what is happening to America. I watched another video called: see below. This is a 5 minute video where Lisa McClain, a republican from Michigan, was questioning why Governor Gretchen Whitmer, the “Covid lockdown Nazi” if you remember, is allowing the same CCP and giving this company $800 million dollars! This is absolutely absurd. Whether you or anyone else likes or dislikes Trump, personally I didn’t like his character, but he loves America! Our lives were so much better when he was president. One thing Trump said was the “MSM” is the enemy of the people! How true this statement is!

So I learned from you today Judy, Chicago is doing the same thing! Unbelievable! There’s a concerted effort to destroy America by allowing the CCP to literally takeover our great nation!

Watch Tucker Carlson’s video interview with Bret Weinstein about the “CCP INVASION! It’s called:

“How China and the UN are Funneling the Invasion of America”!

You can watch it on YouTube, provided YouTube doesn’t ban it!

Also Judy, the short video name for the Michigan debacle is below.

Thank you again Judy, I appreciate your input.


'It Baffles Me': Lisa McClain Blasts Funding For Chinese Company To Build Next To US Military Base.

During a House Oversight Committee hearing prior to the Congressional recess, Rep. Lisa McClain (R-MI) questioned witnesses about CCP political interference, and intelligence gathering.

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Trump from day 1!!! He can be a little abrasive but I worked in manufacturing as a purchasing manager so I understand Trump's style. I felt he needed to tone down some tweets a little but the main thing I'd he loves America and exposed the very deep swamp. Washington state is going to allow non residents to vote, Portland, Oregon is as bad af Chitcago, add California, Minnesota, Michigan, Wisconsin, New York are all packing in illegals. I call it deliberate placement of illegals to take over America. I follow Peggy Traeger Tierney (substack & her free emails). She left Minneapolis, Minnesota iver a year ago and sold her family home to get out. She said they're issuing driver's licenses to illegals and have hired some as police! I read a few years ago that there's a Muslim community in a part of Murfreesboro, TN and they live under Sharia law.... so bad the city police won't set foot to respond to calls. I'm guessing it's still that way. We're in scary times as born here, conservative, Americans. Lock and load.

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Certain sayings, similar to a song that sticks in your head, keeps me repeating them.

Your name, Judy, is an example. Because I’ve been saying it repeatedly since you first replied to me I haven’t been able to stop.

Judy, Judy, Judy, I thought was coined by Cary Grant but I was wrong. It was Larry Storch. See below.

It’s amazing how many things in life we think we know until we know. LOL.

Thank you Judy for helping me clear my mind.


Larry Storch inadvertently set in motion the Cary Grant line—- “Judy, Judy, Judy”—-—during one of his nightclub performances. Legend has it that Storch was in the middle of his Cary Grant impersonation when—-—Judy Garland———walked in. This is how he acknowledged the star.

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Honestly Judy, everything you’ve said is all great, very informative and useful information. I agree Trump is quite base. It never bothered me one bit.

I always put myself in someone else’s shoes, in an effort to understand what they are feeling. If I was Trump, I would react the same way. What most people don’t understand is, Trump dealt with contractor’s his entire life.

So who cares if he’s base or crass, as long as he’s protecting Americans, keeping America first and working for all Americans, his dialect is irrelevant.

Before he announced his decision to run for president, when, Rush Limbaugh was alive, the MSM started to attack him! From there the rest is history. What’s so shocking and absolutely shameful is, back in the 80’s President Trump was the most sort after celebrity all the daytime shows wanted on their show.

You can watch a video from his appearance on Oprah today and Trump has not changed his tune one bit today! He’s the same man thought process man then as he is today! It’s amazing to compare.

But, half of Americans have been completely brainwashed that “Orange Man Bad”! They can’t say way, they won’t compare then vs now and they parrot MSNBC or CNN “WACKADOS”verbatim.

It’s pure nonsense. But some people will never have an open mind. Why? I’ll never understand!

Thank you Judy for your commitment to understanding and sharing such important information, I am grateful. You’ve helped me better understand.


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Every American needs to be locked, loaded and stockpiled! Our military men will back us and we will back our military. Our military are the millions that took an honest oath to America and they are willing and waiting!

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I agree Karla, there is no doubt “We The People” are on our own, sort of speak. The government has turned their weapons at America and all Americans! Not the other way around!

I appreciate your input and absolute understanding how dire this situation is today!


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It's just been revealed that they have used over 100 bomb shelters in all the locations of NYC to house these illegals, and the poor in these NYC borroughs are being ignored.


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every one last bit of them.

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Yes Paul, we have that here in Canada too. I would never live close to the city because thats where they all flow through.

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boom, Canada is in trouble

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What you expect from a leader who smoke dope all his life, he as bad as Biden mentally.

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Nope. biDUMB is far better

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we sure are, Theo Fleury thinks they have something big coming for us here and in the US, he thinks there wont be an election in either country, I sure hope he's wrong.

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You mean Canuckistan under the turdo slime minister and his rag tag bunch of ASSministration losers.

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yes and poopy pants Biden in the US comiestan.

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But turdope walks along the Ottawa river shoreline and looks for dead seagulls with maggot bloat to extract flatulant gasses from and has it down to an art by being able to strain the maggots twixt his teeth without swallowing any. His understudy is guilbeault.

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Amazing. What did you guys in America voted for? President who is clearly insane, flooding your country with more illegals than the whole population of Czech Republic, (former communist Czechoslovakia I escaped from). Even the communists made more sense than todays modern democratic party, America hating Obama wants to transfer in to something in to his evil imaginations. Glad America is still armed. Glad you still have the Second Amendment. Trump seems to be the next president , but the freaky woke democratic party will not vanish at the end of Trump term.

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we need it, we need to protect the 2nd and use it from time to time when needed legally...thank you Paul for being here, hugs

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We didn’t “vote” for this! They are stealing or buying elections!!!! Who in their right mind would vote this shit?

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So your heritage explains why you know what is going on...as do Hungarians and Serbs and Polish people etc

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The dream of the folks that started this mess,is to oust all of the American citizens and replace us with baboons.

They almost have what they want .

The newcomers bring too many new gangs into the mix. No respect for turff,

Many are gangs from the Middle East,and Haiti.

These are the Army of the democrats and traitors.

With "Big Daddy Biden" out of the picture

Kamala will continue to give them whatever they want.

These folks are waiting for the signal

To do their work.

I hope you f folks are getting ready for the coming storm.

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Civil war is nigh.

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Silver tongued Barry was raised and trained by Marxists. He is apparently a Marxist bent on the take down of the USA. He will have ended up imploding the USA corp. We still have to see if the states decide to go their own way or rebuild a republic. We wont have to wiat long for the answer.

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They are not all Latinos. There are millions of Muslims here, seeking to grow their population here and force a Sharia system in their adopted location. Five wives (preferably 2 Caucasian) and 19 children. All paid by the government (see Europe for confirmation). White girls brutalized. Churches become mosques. No-go zones flourish. Coming to a town near you.

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Unemployable, unskilled, net security risks to boot as rapists, and murders and human traffickers. We need no more snaggle toothed taxi drivers.

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Look at downtown Chicago. Illegals have destroyed the former beautiful Magnificent Mile. I no longer go to Chicago to see my specialist at Northwestern because it's not safe anymore. Add that Governor Pritzker made Illinois a sanctuary state and is bringing in several bus loads of illegals from the border daily. He just raised our fuel tax .47/gallon, property taxes are going up again and he's issuing regular driver's licenses to them instead of temporary because he said it stigmatized them to have the word temporary on the license. BS, they'll be allowed to vote. He and dirty Dick Durbin are pushing to hire illegals as police officers complete with the power to arrest and carry a weapon. Chicago is already too dangerous but arm the illegals as sworn police officers? Hell to the no! Hellinois aka Illinois will be the first communist state. He brought in the Chinese factory, Gotion, to manufacture EV batteries. The factory is to be built in Manteno, IL. The residents of Manteno have held meetings, protested and nothing has helped. Worse yet, residents started seeing young Chinese men filtering in to Manteno in large numbers and the factory hasn't been built but the contracts have been let. Residents said these young Chinese men roam around, look to be around 30 years old and they feel they're here to help take over Illinois as Chinese soldiers. Pritzker's focus as a member of the WEF is to bring in all the illegals and destroy the state all while he kissing the azz of the WEF and democrats hoping he'll be the next President or Vice President. Trust me, downstate Illinois didn't vote for the POS and many in the Chicago area didn't vote for him. Illinois is a corrupt state still being run by the Chicago Machine. Pritzker and the AG have been slowly writing unconstitutional laws to eliminate guns one at a time. We want out of Illinois but can't find affordable housing in a free state yet. God save us.

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You mean Shitcago. The blacks have wrecked parts of it. Not safe to go through their zones at night.

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What is LADA care?

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I heard that illegals are getting social security. I won't be surprised if it is true.

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would not surprise me either

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Under certain circumstances the illegals may be eligible for SSI (Supplemental Security Income) https://www.ssa.gov/ssi/spotlights/spot-non-citizens.htm

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Signed Up On Arrival @ The Darien-Gap !!!

Majorkis May Even Have Enabled “Meet-&-Greet, Himself ! If Not, Certainly Via The United Nations” !!

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yes, he is one we have to hold accountable.

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executive order may protect Bien, but 100% not Mayorkas

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