the lower is Bolsonaro, the top was winner of the Brazil election...point is how could the top person win when the lower person had millions, millions in his rallies...
Thank you for the explanation, Dr. Alexander. Yes we’ve seen this before haven’t we. No one’s buying it anymore, worldwide. Without cheating and censorship they wouldn’t win dog-catcher.
And where is the GOP, Dr Alexander? Where is the GOP on any of the global events. Why have the not even made mention of the WEF Young Global Leaders installed in nations globally? It isn’t a secret. Schwab has been quite vocal. Boasting. Gabbard has been the most vocal. She has named the WEF. Has been boldly warning.
I’m also disgusted by the candidates she’s been campaigning with. Not one of them has thanked her or even made mention. Not Kari Lake, Don Bolduc,Yesli Vega, all who’s numbers rose immediately when they didn’t seem to stand a chance. Tonight Bolduc was on one of the fox show and thanked Ronna McDaniels, the RNC, Matt and Mercedes Schlapp- no mention of Tulsi. It wasn’t Ronna, the Shlapps of RNC who boosted them. Might have even damaged his chances. Lowered my respect for him.She should have saved it for Joe Kent, Leora Levy, Lavern Spicer, Joe Collins and Jeremy Hunt. They’d have welcomed her and her messaging crosses all party lines. She’s very attractive and direct in her very popular stances. Won over my husband daughters, son in law, black, Latino, Jewish, Indian, veteran friends. She has a calming quality and doesn’t mince words, nor has she veered from her core beliefs, no matter which side of the aisle,
Thank you. It’s a curse. I can’t let anything go unanswered. There is always a pattern. Everything in life and beyond is pattern.
Even when things appear random. There is a cause and reaction . When nothing seems to make sense,that is the biggest clue.
The pattern we’re embroiled in is distraction.When people begin to emerge from a coma, I.e. Covid and become restless, start asking questions, demanding answers, a new catastrophe emerges-Jan 6 Inquisition, mass shooting, climate event, Ukraine/Russia, overturning R v. W, a “ White Supremacist” plans a synagogue shooting”, an unarmed “ innocent” black man is killed by a cop, the Queen has a two week funeral covered 24/7 on every media outlet- the latest of the imbecilic and very questionable “ events”- Paul Pelosi’s attack. The entire story is insane. And the 82 yr old victim of a hammer attack has already been released from the hospital. I’m not ashamed to admit not giving a damn about Paul Pelosi. Why does he deserve special treatment? How many innocent people have been violently assaulted, raped, murdered prior to and since Pelosi’s questionable attack? At least 200. And the supposed “ White Supremacist” attacker”? He has no history of violence, is nuts, but leftwing, no history of racism, antisemitism, espousing violent rhetoric, his supposed rants appeared on the 28th on a fake website that was taken down on the 28th. He was a nudist who wove hemp bracelets, fathered one of the crazy Gypsy Whatever’s children, was the best man at her nudist wedding in front of SF’s City Hall and lived in a bus emblazoned with BLM, Gay Pride and Love Not Hate placards.Fourteen miles from Pelosi’s home. Does that seem as though he was the victim of a set up? Was the plan for Pelosi to hit him and make it appear as a defensive tactic? Create a narrative to blame “ MAGA and White Supremacy driving him to attack Nancy? She wasn’t there, the cops weren’t watching, the window was shattered but no alarm was triggered, Pelosi’s phone was in the bathroom and the attacker let him go to the bathroom unescorted? He was equipped with zip ties, duct tape, 2 hammers and called out “ where’s Nancy?” And yelled that he was going to smash her kneecaps? How absolutely ridiculous does that sound. Did you see the poor guy? Isn’t it odd he was shuffled from Pelosi’s home to prison, has already been before a judge who has made a public statement attributing his action as a “ right wing politically motivated attack” and confessed? Confessed to what? If he confessed, he was coerced and likely in a drug induced state of psychosis. But not violent psychosis. Likely tripping. He was well known, not quite right, but nobody described him as aggressive, threatening or violent, just nuts of the same variety of his group of loons. He’s here illegally. Overstayed his visa.Canadian. Odd that with all the hoopla, we’ve not seen him, his hearing was private, nothing will be released publicly and he’s being deported back to Canada. Please tell me if anything about this seems on the up and up. The poor guy seems like a perfect patsy, likely led to Pelosi’s home and fed a narrative.I’m even wondering whether he was given some sort of psychedelic that he often partakes in. Maybe mescaline or psilocybin.
Pelosi was in a drunk driving collision in Napa just a few months ago hit a truck in the oncoming lave at 100 mph. He wasn’t given a breathy liver test until nearly 3 hours after. The other driver and passenger were injured Pelosi had a passenger who left the scene. The victims ofc crash remain unarmed, a friendly DA was brought in, replacing the DA who would have handled the prosecution. Pelosi gets a slap on the wrist. Leads one to believe the victims were illegal and likely pickers in one of the vineyards, paid off.
Pelosi killed his brother in a separate DUI.
And the GOP, as per usual, capitulated an fell over themselves with well wishes and moral indignation. McConnell upped the ante, lavishing praise on the “ outstanding” Capitol Police.
The Architect is DEAD WRONG. We will never stop these people until we stop having anarcho-tyrrany and a two-tired justice system.
Do you think the Mafia would just call it quits because they realized they were the bad guys?
We don't need new laws, we need to enforce the laws that are already on the books. These people all deserve to be fried/hung/shot/lethal injected for what they have done, after a fair trial. It's as simple as that.
Now, if the judicial system is as corrupt and criminal as these people are, then he has a point. Then the judiciary get "the treatment" as well.
Judges need to be elected not appointed! In Canada even our senate is appointed by PM. These are the people who are supposed to be approving Bills for Royal assention. This is ridiculous! They need to be elected!
The only way to take them out is garnering a massive movement of people across the partisan spectrum who are putting personal ideology aside. Uniting in the realization this is bigger than politics. It is existential and nobody is exempt.
The most bizarre group is forming. People who would never have considered so much as engaging with one another have found a common bond. We are not each other’s enemy. We are people and with an open mind, exchange of thoughts, understanding each other, we can come to terms. And fight a common enemy.
The time for peaceful overthrow of governments was two years ago. I was advocating for peaceful resistance (Ghandi style) back then. Now it's up to the judiciary. If they can't do the do then yes, Sri Lanka it is.
And yes, all these people deserve death, it just needs to be done in a fair and legalistic fashion.
You are also not factoring in the fact that this has already been war-gamed. Herr Schwab predicted "a lot of anger", which leads me to think that many/most world leaders are selected due to some terminal illness and therefore are pure ideologues who care nothing for their mortality.
This is just a lazy hypothesis of course, but would explain a lot.
I take issue with the one showing the "living on welfare" refrigerator.
Every time I am in a checkout with someone buying groceries using government assistance they are buying already cooked, processed, unhealthy crap. They aren't buying things like soy/almond milk or a dozens of eggs they would actually have to put in the effort to cook themselves.
The freak atop the scaffolding shouting into a bullhorn on Jan. 6 has been identified. He’s an outspoken leftwing journalist, well known and extensively covered the Bernie Sanders campaign
2-In the works; A treaty creating a single reunited American continent , removing the Mexican/US:/Canadian borders
The migrant invasion is NOT solely a “ Cartel” operation. The US taxpayer is funding it, unbeknownst to American citizens. The money is being funneled through the UN, distributed through NGOs, including Soros Open Society, Catholic Charities,the Archbishop of the Church Of Jesus, a fraudulent Jewish organization, USAID among them. The goal is to allow 100, 000, 000 undocumented immigrants entry.
Why are so many claiming “hardship”? Tucker exposed the fraudulent Brazilian election “ won” by convicted felon , Marxist former President Lula.
The same “ elections” ousting duly elected right of center leaders who stabilized their nations include Peru, Bolivia,Colombia,Honduras, Chile,Panama,Belize,Guatemala El SalvadorGreece, Italy’s Malvini,Greece,Great Britain,Czech Republic,Macedonia, Austria, Israel,Ukraine,Egypt
Italy just elected an outsider, Netanyahu just won back Israel,Al-Sisi ousted Morsi, Orban won in Hungary despite every foreign complicit effort to flip Hungary. I’ve no doubt the French election was bogus and perhaps Canada giving Trudeau a second term.
What do NZ, France,Scotland,Denmark,Norway, Germany, the Netherlands,Wales, , GB,Australia,Luxembourg, Brussels, Malaysia, Indonesia,Ukraine,Ireland, Canada, France, US,Cyprus, Spain, Portugal, Austria,Djbuti and all of the aforementioned have in common?
They are all “ graduates” of the WEF “ YOUNG GLOBAL LEADERS”
Biden’s entire admin is connected to the WEF and it’s affiliates- Carlyle, Bilderberg, Atlantic Council, Aspen,Institute,Quincy Foundation, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Bloomberg Philantropies, Clinton Foundation, Ford Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation, Soros Open Society, Carnegie Institute, Council of Foreign Affairs, Brookings Institute, Lincoln ,McKinsey,Teneo, Media Matters, JP Morgan and of course, BlackRock/Vanguard/StateStreet which own EVERYTHING, including every industry, pseudo competitor, the entire political establishment and each other. Who are they beholden to? CHINA!
3- Biden’s Transhumanist Executive Order, ceding our very being as humans to genetic engineering, including our food, land, energy resources to the UN/WEF conglomerate.
We will not only own nothing, have no privacy and be happy, but we will have no freedom, no privacy,no autonomy and will no longer be fully human. We may not even have the capacity to realize it.
AND NARY A PEEP! Nothing. Nothing from any of the political class left, right or unaffiliated. Nary a mention from the MSM, Fox or Newsmax. And not a fucking peep from our vaunted messiah, Trump Almighty!
However, Lara Logan has the chutzpah and integrity to call it out.Ditto Gateway Pundit, Epoch Times, Sharyl Atkisson, Rich Swier, Daniel Greenfield,Mark Steyn, Naomi Wolf, Lew Rockwell, the cancelled doctors,Kim Iversen Bret Weinstein, Neil Oliver and my gut instinct says Tulsi Gabbard is absolutely begging for the right opportunity to shout it from the hilltops. She’s got the powers that be very, very frightened. Both sides of the establishment elite UniParty Duopoly
I’ve listened to him. Father Dolan...St. Gertrude. I thought I recognized that name! I listened to this, and he is right. I’m a “recovered” Catholic, but I adore God. I had Catholic school for 12 years. I’m very nostalgic about Catholicism. I had beautiful memories of Catholic school, all jokes aside. It gave me a basis for my FAITH IN GOD, which IS the world for me. I can do nothing without God my Father. God bless you John!
Dr. Alexander, you can make excuses for Trump. I can’t. I did so for too long. He still continues to deny any responsibility and there’s no way he’s still unaware.
will pray.. I am sorry I have a huge house and I have to deal with it now.. so.. enjoy I will pray and vote. ttyl on the other side of the election. yeah. furnace issues. real life. ya know
That tweet with Liz Truss isn’t true. Bother to read before spreading or it discredits you.
As a Brit I was intrigued to have missed this. Turns out I missed it because it is BS. The article doesn’t mention the text and some research shows her phone was hacked before the Nordstrom attack.
Please be more careful and maybe quit pounding out this many posts per day and focus on quality not quantity.
An amazing compilation. So many are spot on. But can someone please explain the very last one to me please?
the lower is Bolsonaro, the top was winner of the Brazil election...point is how could the top person win when the lower person had millions, millions in his rallies...
Thank you for the explanation, Dr. Alexander. Yes we’ve seen this before haven’t we. No one’s buying it anymore, worldwide. Without cheating and censorship they wouldn’t win dog-catcher.
Where have we seen that one before. What a travesty! How do you fix this?
Arrest and jail the perpetrators.
Thank you.
so top person Lula won with 50% while bottom won with 49%, how is it possible.
And where is the GOP, Dr Alexander? Where is the GOP on any of the global events. Why have the not even made mention of the WEF Young Global Leaders installed in nations globally? It isn’t a secret. Schwab has been quite vocal. Boasting. Gabbard has been the most vocal. She has named the WEF. Has been boldly warning.
I’m also disgusted by the candidates she’s been campaigning with. Not one of them has thanked her or even made mention. Not Kari Lake, Don Bolduc,Yesli Vega, all who’s numbers rose immediately when they didn’t seem to stand a chance. Tonight Bolduc was on one of the fox show and thanked Ronna McDaniels, the RNC, Matt and Mercedes Schlapp- no mention of Tulsi. It wasn’t Ronna, the Shlapps of RNC who boosted them. Might have even damaged his chances. Lowered my respect for him.She should have saved it for Joe Kent, Leora Levy, Lavern Spicer, Joe Collins and Jeremy Hunt. They’d have welcomed her and her messaging crosses all party lines. She’s very attractive and direct in her very popular stances. Won over my husband daughters, son in law, black, Latino, Jewish, Indian, veteran friends. She has a calming quality and doesn’t mince words, nor has she veered from her core beliefs, no matter which side of the aisle,
What does the GOP have to do with Brazil's election?
Thank you. It’s a curse. I can’t let anything go unanswered. There is always a pattern. Everything in life and beyond is pattern.
Even when things appear random. There is a cause and reaction . When nothing seems to make sense,that is the biggest clue.
The pattern we’re embroiled in is distraction.When people begin to emerge from a coma, I.e. Covid and become restless, start asking questions, demanding answers, a new catastrophe emerges-Jan 6 Inquisition, mass shooting, climate event, Ukraine/Russia, overturning R v. W, a “ White Supremacist” plans a synagogue shooting”, an unarmed “ innocent” black man is killed by a cop, the Queen has a two week funeral covered 24/7 on every media outlet- the latest of the imbecilic and very questionable “ events”- Paul Pelosi’s attack. The entire story is insane. And the 82 yr old victim of a hammer attack has already been released from the hospital. I’m not ashamed to admit not giving a damn about Paul Pelosi. Why does he deserve special treatment? How many innocent people have been violently assaulted, raped, murdered prior to and since Pelosi’s questionable attack? At least 200. And the supposed “ White Supremacist” attacker”? He has no history of violence, is nuts, but leftwing, no history of racism, antisemitism, espousing violent rhetoric, his supposed rants appeared on the 28th on a fake website that was taken down on the 28th. He was a nudist who wove hemp bracelets, fathered one of the crazy Gypsy Whatever’s children, was the best man at her nudist wedding in front of SF’s City Hall and lived in a bus emblazoned with BLM, Gay Pride and Love Not Hate placards.Fourteen miles from Pelosi’s home. Does that seem as though he was the victim of a set up? Was the plan for Pelosi to hit him and make it appear as a defensive tactic? Create a narrative to blame “ MAGA and White Supremacy driving him to attack Nancy? She wasn’t there, the cops weren’t watching, the window was shattered but no alarm was triggered, Pelosi’s phone was in the bathroom and the attacker let him go to the bathroom unescorted? He was equipped with zip ties, duct tape, 2 hammers and called out “ where’s Nancy?” And yelled that he was going to smash her kneecaps? How absolutely ridiculous does that sound. Did you see the poor guy? Isn’t it odd he was shuffled from Pelosi’s home to prison, has already been before a judge who has made a public statement attributing his action as a “ right wing politically motivated attack” and confessed? Confessed to what? If he confessed, he was coerced and likely in a drug induced state of psychosis. But not violent psychosis. Likely tripping. He was well known, not quite right, but nobody described him as aggressive, threatening or violent, just nuts of the same variety of his group of loons. He’s here illegally. Overstayed his visa.Canadian. Odd that with all the hoopla, we’ve not seen him, his hearing was private, nothing will be released publicly and he’s being deported back to Canada. Please tell me if anything about this seems on the up and up. The poor guy seems like a perfect patsy, likely led to Pelosi’s home and fed a narrative.I’m even wondering whether he was given some sort of psychedelic that he often partakes in. Maybe mescaline or psilocybin.
Pelosi was in a drunk driving collision in Napa just a few months ago hit a truck in the oncoming lave at 100 mph. He wasn’t given a breathy liver test until nearly 3 hours after. The other driver and passenger were injured Pelosi had a passenger who left the scene. The victims ofc crash remain unarmed, a friendly DA was brought in, replacing the DA who would have handled the prosecution. Pelosi gets a slap on the wrist. Leads one to believe the victims were illegal and likely pickers in one of the vineyards, paid off.
Pelosi killed his brother in a separate DUI.
And the GOP, as per usual, capitulated an fell over themselves with well wishes and moral indignation. McConnell upped the ante, lavishing praise on the “ outstanding” Capitol Police.
I’ve no faith in the system I was trusted
Agreed 100%
I know that yopu are not responsible for the actions of your family but the whole Pelosi family seem like bad eggs.
I didn’t get it either.
The Architect is DEAD WRONG. We will never stop these people until we stop having anarcho-tyrrany and a two-tired justice system.
Do you think the Mafia would just call it quits because they realized they were the bad guys?
We don't need new laws, we need to enforce the laws that are already on the books. These people all deserve to be fried/hung/shot/lethal injected for what they have done, after a fair trial. It's as simple as that.
Now, if the judicial system is as corrupt and criminal as these people are, then he has a point. Then the judiciary get "the treatment" as well.
Judiciary is 98% gone too
In the US at least, I would say 60%. In Europe, I would tend to agree.
Judges need to be elected not appointed! In Canada even our senate is appointed by PM. These are the people who are supposed to be approving Bills for Royal assention. This is ridiculous! They need to be elected!
The only way to take them out is garnering a massive movement of people across the partisan spectrum who are putting personal ideology aside. Uniting in the realization this is bigger than politics. It is existential and nobody is exempt.
The most bizarre group is forming. People who would never have considered so much as engaging with one another have found a common bond. We are not each other’s enemy. We are people and with an open mind, exchange of thoughts, understanding each other, we can come to terms. And fight a common enemy.
Absolutely right. Enforce the laws on the books.
Have you read the books?
Most Americans think a tier is a step up.
The time for peaceful overthrow of governments was two years ago. I was advocating for peaceful resistance (Ghandi style) back then. Now it's up to the judiciary. If they can't do the do then yes, Sri Lanka it is.
And yes, all these people deserve death, it just needs to be done in a fair and legalistic fashion.
Because we have no organization. Please, by all means assassinate BG or GS or JB tomorrow.
As the 4Chan saying goes, you won't do shit.
And even if you do kill these people, it's a hydra, a lone wolf will just make someone even worse appear.
Flat Earth, demons, we need violence right now...ok. Nutcase/glowie detected.
Substack becomes more infiltrated by the day, stay sharp people.
It is hard to competently grasp something with hands full of petroleum jelly.
You are also not factoring in the fact that this has already been war-gamed. Herr Schwab predicted "a lot of anger", which leads me to think that many/most world leaders are selected due to some terminal illness and therefore are pure ideologues who care nothing for their mortality.
This is just a lazy hypothesis of course, but would explain a lot.
They’re unstoppable NOW. I believe divine intervention is needed, and perhaps is in motion as we speak.
As tempted as I was on occasion, I am never, ever going to hire a hammer-wielding prostitute after seeing what happened to Paul Pelosi last week.
In San Fransicko, all the prostitutes come with
San Francisco leading the way!
Pelosi: ‘San Francisco Values, That’s What We’re About’
Kamala Harris On Immigration: Sessions Wants To Roll Back The Clock, "California Represents The Future"
What these evil people do, there are no words for. But, that’s how evil works.
Are you their leader?
😆😆😆another important life lesson learned from a demonrat!🤣
Awww...shucks! 🤪
Every single one of these is right on the money.
I take issue with the one showing the "living on welfare" refrigerator.
Every time I am in a checkout with someone buying groceries using government assistance they are buying already cooked, processed, unhealthy crap. They aren't buying things like soy/almond milk or a dozens of eggs they would actually have to put in the effort to cook themselves.
You are very correct! --- And the working stiff needs to learn you don't put your potatoes on the 'fridge, unless they're already baked. 😉😊😋
The freak atop the scaffolding shouting into a bullhorn on Jan. 6 has been identified. He’s an outspoken leftwing journalist, well known and extensively covered the Bernie Sanders campaign
John Nichols
2-In the works; A treaty creating a single reunited American continent , removing the Mexican/US:/Canadian borders
The migrant invasion is NOT solely a “ Cartel” operation. The US taxpayer is funding it, unbeknownst to American citizens. The money is being funneled through the UN, distributed through NGOs, including Soros Open Society, Catholic Charities,the Archbishop of the Church Of Jesus, a fraudulent Jewish organization, USAID among them. The goal is to allow 100, 000, 000 undocumented immigrants entry.
Why are so many claiming “hardship”? Tucker exposed the fraudulent Brazilian election “ won” by convicted felon , Marxist former President Lula.
The same “ elections” ousting duly elected right of center leaders who stabilized their nations include Peru, Bolivia,Colombia,Honduras, Chile,Panama,Belize,Guatemala El SalvadorGreece, Italy’s Malvini,Greece,Great Britain,Czech Republic,Macedonia, Austria, Israel,Ukraine,Egypt
Italy just elected an outsider, Netanyahu just won back Israel,Al-Sisi ousted Morsi, Orban won in Hungary despite every foreign complicit effort to flip Hungary. I’ve no doubt the French election was bogus and perhaps Canada giving Trudeau a second term.
What do NZ, France,Scotland,Denmark,Norway, Germany, the Netherlands,Wales, , GB,Australia,Luxembourg, Brussels, Malaysia, Indonesia,Ukraine,Ireland, Canada, France, US,Cyprus, Spain, Portugal, Austria,Djbuti and all of the aforementioned have in common?
They are all “ graduates” of the WEF “ YOUNG GLOBAL LEADERS”
Biden’s entire admin is connected to the WEF and it’s affiliates- Carlyle, Bilderberg, Atlantic Council, Aspen,Institute,Quincy Foundation, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Bloomberg Philantropies, Clinton Foundation, Ford Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation, Soros Open Society, Carnegie Institute, Council of Foreign Affairs, Brookings Institute, Lincoln ,McKinsey,Teneo, Media Matters, JP Morgan and of course, BlackRock/Vanguard/StateStreet which own EVERYTHING, including every industry, pseudo competitor, the entire political establishment and each other. Who are they beholden to? CHINA!
3- Biden’s Transhumanist Executive Order, ceding our very being as humans to genetic engineering, including our food, land, energy resources to the UN/WEF conglomerate.
We will not only own nothing, have no privacy and be happy, but we will have no freedom, no privacy,no autonomy and will no longer be fully human. We may not even have the capacity to realize it.
AND NARY A PEEP! Nothing. Nothing from any of the political class left, right or unaffiliated. Nary a mention from the MSM, Fox or Newsmax. And not a fucking peep from our vaunted messiah, Trump Almighty!
However, Lara Logan has the chutzpah and integrity to call it out.Ditto Gateway Pundit, Epoch Times, Sharyl Atkisson, Rich Swier, Daniel Greenfield,Mark Steyn, Naomi Wolf, Lew Rockwell, the cancelled doctors,Kim Iversen Bret Weinstein, Neil Oliver and my gut instinct says Tulsi Gabbard is absolutely begging for the right opportunity to shout it from the hilltops. She’s got the powers that be very, very frightened. Both sides of the establishment elite UniParty Duopoly
This brave Bishop fought apostate Rome, Nuremberg code violator and idolator francis...
And since Mar 2020... The covid nazis.
He passed away but his sermons, bulletins live on. Fighting the evil Pfizer deathvax. Non stop. I heard him through it all
Most time I listen to him I start to cry because he left us...and went to Jesus and Mary.
Ill ask him to pray for your hope, Dr. Akexander
I’ve listened to him. Father Dolan...St. Gertrude. I thought I recognized that name! I listened to this, and he is right. I’m a “recovered” Catholic, but I adore God. I had Catholic school for 12 years. I’m very nostalgic about Catholicism. I had beautiful memories of Catholic school, all jokes aside. It gave me a basis for my FAITH IN GOD, which IS the world for me. I can do nothing without God my Father. God bless you John!
He became a Bishop.
He passed away.
God bless you Renee.
I was raised in fake church mocking Catholic Church... I was terrified for decades.
A true Catholic Church has given me help on all of it, very quickly.
I totally understand. So does God, I’m sure.
The truth about the border invasion:
Jackpot! Read the entire text.”The virus is not a virus. It is a PARASITE” A man made lab created Gain Of Function PARASITE!
Explains why HCQ and Ivermectin would have ended this atrocity. Destroyed the plan
Dr. Alexander, you can make excuses for Trump. I can’t. I did so for too long. He still continues to deny any responsibility and there’s no way he’s still unaware.
UPDATE: fElon Musk: New Globalist Boss Same as Old Globalist Boss
Romans 8:38,39 ♥️
will pray.. I am sorry I have a huge house and I have to deal with it now.. so.. enjoy I will pray and vote. ttyl on the other side of the election. yeah. furnace issues. real life. ya know
Why are we waiting for those we should have long ago deposed to resign?
Hey love the work but...
That tweet with Liz Truss isn’t true. Bother to read before spreading or it discredits you.
As a Brit I was intrigued to have missed this. Turns out I missed it because it is BS. The article doesn’t mention the text and some research shows her phone was hacked before the Nordstrom attack.
Please be more careful and maybe quit pounding out this many posts per day and focus on quality not quantity.