fake pandemics is a money making scheme...bring a fake pandemic out of nothing, drive fear...cause you to want cures and they then give you the antidote...making money at each step...these are evil criminals, money whore criminals. now coming with fake fraud H5 N1 avian bird flu...yes birds et al have colds and flus all the time, not an issue for us humans....but these bitches are ginning one up in lab to cause the bird flu to hit us so that they can offer a vaccine but even if a person if infected with a bird flu (and we do not know for sure, speculative still) the symptoms are mild and recover...this is all a scam, fraud.

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Election interference!

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They are doing this too so they can get more people to shove the adulterated nasal 'swabs' up their noses so more bad compounds are inserted into their bodies.

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Simple: DO NOT COMPLY....

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Agreed, but most people who say do not comply, are complying. We have to be clear on what that means. And we all have to work together.

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yes, hugs

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How much plainer does it have to be.? You either do it or don't. You might suffer consequences later, if you do.

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I agree. But most people who say they do not comply when they are complying.

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I guess we will have to leave them behind. After the Plandemic, you have to be either one way or the other. There is NO in between with these monsters.

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Then the majority will be left behind.

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Well, too bad for them.

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US scientist Xiao Wang, a chemical biologist at MIT is developing future mRNA vaccines for Americans to be injected with. US reporter Maggie Chen has more:

"mRNA gained a lot of attention after the introduction of modified RNA vaccines during the COVID-19 pandemic However, modified RNA is unstable and translates into protein inefficiently, making it necessary to deliver high doses that could be toxic to the patient when used therapeutically. To solve these problems, Wang and her team developed mRNA with multiple polyA tails instead of just one. Recently published in Nature Biotechnology, the scientists discovered that this branched mRNA lasts significantly longer and is more efficiently translated, paving the way for the next generation of mRNA vaccines and therapies."

A Twisted Secret that Extends mRNA Longevity in Cells. By tinkering with branched mRNA structures, scientists lay the groundwork to build better vaccines in the future.


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good sharing

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Build better vaccines in the future? You mean better to TRY and kill us. They never give up and we won't either! Thank YOU for the info :-)

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Yehh they did not finish off enuff with first found step right up,and suddenly fall right down! No way..Stay Pureblood n live longer.

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Quoting the article:

"Wang and her team are pushing the limits of mRNA modification in the hope that it one day can help build better vaccines or therapies. “We’re curious to find the different structures and modifications that can be tolerated by the cell,” she said. “It’s interesting to see how the translational machinery reacts to the mRNA it’s never seen before.” "

I have the impression that these perverse scientists tampering with the building blocks of life to, essentially, 'see what happens,' must have enjoyed torturing small animals as children.

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I agree: Do Not Comply.

However, some outcomes appear to be beyond our control such as the unnecessary, intentionally malicious destruction of millions of chickens and cows in our food supply due to fake testing which is as unreliable and manipulated for positive results as fake covid testing.

I don't know what can be done about that.

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I know. That's terrible. It sounds exactly like what they did with the people during the Plandemic. I don't know how the owners don't have a clue about who's setting the


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I know .

Imagine creating something out of nothing, to solve the problem of nothing.

It’s fucking genius.

Everyone on earth should feel disgusted for not thinking of it themselves.

Except once enough people figure that out, the “geniuses” begin to realize: “maybe we didn’t really think this thing all the way through”.

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boom, something out of nothing to solve nothing yet what they gave us harmed us...

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the entire COVID was a fraud, all of it...Trump was fooled big time...

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Everything the damned corrupt CYSTem says and does is corrupt.

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Please see BREAKING testimony from the world's only COVID inquiry that has revealled the truth to what happened during lockdown. Why isn't Dr.Alexander posting about this?


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You're batting 1000 right here Dr. Paul.

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thank you

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The CYSTem bastards never quit but all along the way the devil does get his dues. And I have 16 targeted for exposure over my last fight. The court of public opinion and exposure is where I fight.

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Dr Alexander, are you on X? I want to share your substacks there, unless you already are. Thank you.

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“What they did is, they said, ‘We’re going to inject into the arms of billions of people the instructions to turn each individual into a bioweapons factory’ … Every single person that took the shot became the manufacturer of a synthetic spike protein associated with the coronavirus model.

There are TWO elements to this Bio Weapon because the "Not natural mRNA - but ModRNA DNA synthetic, created in a laboratory and patented" has nothing to do with the "injected trillions of LNP viral vectors (or Carbon Oxide particles), does it"?

1) Biological Weapons: “The difference between this and everything that’s been done before is really simple.

Not natural mRNA - but ModRNA DNA synthetic, created in a laboratory and patented: there are two distinctions that are absolutely unique to the covid pandemic.

Number 1, we are actually creating the mechanism to instruct the body to manufacture a toxin …

Number 2, the response is actually a ‘hopeful’ response that failed to consider two very critical things: the lipid nanoparticle in which the shot is delivered actually is also a toxin … and then the worst part about it is that we introduced a thing called pseudouridine.”

Pseudouridine was published in 2018 to be a pro-cancer agent. What this means is that “it shuts down the body’s response to how we recognise tumours and suppress tumours,” Dr. Martin explained. Pseudouridine has been included in mRNA injections to stabilise the mRNA so it stays in the human body longer to achieve its effect, he said = MS40?

Dr. Masanori Fukushima, pointed out that “turbo cancers,” a kind “previously unseen by doctors” that progress extremely quickly and are typically in stage four by the time they are diagnosed, have started to appear after the jab rollouts. These “turbo cancers” are emerging along with excess mortality due to cancer in general, which Dr. Fukushima says cannot be explained only by lost opportunities for screenings or treatment during the COVID outbreak.

2) Weapons of Mass Destruction: Secondly there is the US Army Weapon which they are not telling anyone about, because it is a MILITARY SECRET. You don't want your enemy to know you can kill them with a 5G transmission, do you?

From Marc Giradots Substack post, those equate to:

50 billion viral vectors for AstraZeneca

40 billion LNPs for Moderna

and likely 10 to 12 billion for Pfizer

Due to a lack of good manufacturing process checks, there maybe a variable amount of intact messenger RNA in each LNP , “… but even if we agree to only 1 (modRNA strand), and that each one produces 1000 spike protein (due to the persistence of N1-methyl pseudouridine), we are talking your body having to deal with a minimum 30 trillion pathogenic spike proteins2 in a few months time”

When you say: 50 billion viral vectors for AstraZeneca 40 billion LNPs for Moderna and likely 10 to 12 billion for Pfizer I think there is a mistake by a factor of 1,000.

The Moderna contains 40*10^12 LNPs, to the best of my knowledge (Pfizer 12*10^12). This equates to 40/12 trillion in short scale. At first I thought you were using long scale (10^12=1 billion); however, that would not fit with the AZ numbers. AZ has 50*10^9, which would be 1 milliard in long scale. I believe these numbers to be correct (https://evolutionaryhealthplan.info/#_Ref83404023 )

"It is my thought" that the carbon particles are inert and that only by 5G transmission can they be activated, when the Trillions of inert Carbon Particles are changed into Carbon Hydroxide, which are minature razors, too small to see without an Electron Microscope, which in turn chop up your insides and inside your Organs shutting them down and killing you, possibly over 4 days and the reason for your new MAC address:

Find your MAC address with Apple: BT Explorer. Android: Inpersona - or both with Bluetooth.

SO - those behind these vaccines can implement them whenever they like and there is nothing we can do to stop them, except publish these bio weapons, their intention and hold those behind them to ransom - if you do this, we will do that to you, because we know who you are and where you live.

Thus the Great Reset was a huge success, because once in, the vaccine contents can't be taken out again can they?

President Trump declared a national emergency in March 2020, making the pandemic eligible for government action under the Defense Production Act.

President Trump said he invoked the Defense Production Act more than 100 times to facilitate Operation Warp Speed.

President Trump for the US Army, purchased Pfizer's vaccines on 21st July 2020. Trump was "the only person with the authority he gave himself", to be able to do that with his "Operation Warp Speed".

DOD-ATI-Pfizer-Technical-Direction-Letter-OTA-W15QKN-16-9-1002- 21 July2020 (7.86mb)


The Department Of The Army US Army Contracting Command – New Jersey Picatinny Arsenal, New Jersey 07806-5000 for a Large Scale Vaccine Manufacturing Demonstration (Pfizer, Inc) for the total approved cost to the Government for $1,950,097,500.00

You will find Operation Warp Speed mentioned in that contract, in the 3rd paragraph down.

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Dr. Paul and others, this is a 'must watch' video. Dr. David MArtin shares even more information that many in our movement don't even know yet, about how long the deception has been planned, and even more bad actors. Worth the full watch. https://mobile.x.com/RealAlexJones/status/1803472303206060482

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Man, these people are so twisted! Do they ever stop?

Oh, let’s not forget it’s Trump’s fault😂🤣

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Their saga of Pizer is now the bio missile to hunt down cancer. Wonder where it all started from the clot shot now reverse with another clot shot for cancer when they gave it to you in the first place. It was mandatory that I had to get the clot shot first 2 were ok the third at pharmacy a week after attacked me and still continues to this day have been taking stuff to reverse it it appears that I have to throw more on it like red light near in-between and far spectrum and toss in a rife machine that should work. I think it's about time to get the property owner where live held liable for my damages to my life along with the rest of them.

The whole premise of the fake shit came from Louis Pasteur if it can't be burnt into submission for a virus bacteria or anything else sterilize everything to death Anti bacterial soap used during the highlight of the supposed pandemic when where was none harmed many people beneficial bacteria.

Now we have fake bird flu tells us the animals have it especially if you have cats and dogs. You must vaccinate them against it while it gives them cancer that's why they inject in the back leg so it cancer no big deal just cut off the leg and hopefully the animal lives. Now they are attacking our animals that give heal benefit to humans and the humans to animals. I saw an experiment that was going to go down on cats and dogs as little puppies and kittens where they are shocked to death to fry their brains. Then the other one is tube feeding more bacteria and fungal infections and more parts from other animals. They just want to eliminate a bunch of chickens so we have less chickens drive cost up.


The pet food industry is quite sickening a animal euthanized, an animal with cancer, and animal that just died all get thrown into a vat with ear tags and all cooked down. Even the stomach and bile in the system is in there too. With the issue of plastic and forever plastics I would think that they would remove those things but not in any life time will they clean up the dead animals accessories. They all get cooked together until sludgy and then they add what ever nutrients to it call it cat and dog food wet and dry formats.


Ps Bravo packing plant (is not affiliated with Bravo Pet Food)


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These are not very bright nor creative people, and all they have in their bag of tricks is the same-old-same-old. PCR is not for general use diagnostic purposes even if it were cycled low <25. It is for a clean lab environment. But this is what happens when no one has been held accountable yet for the murders that have been committed based on stories they make up for money & murder.

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Covid was meant to kill and control the sheep.

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