DO NOT COMPLY!!! PERIOD!!!!!! Thank you so much for all of your hard work!

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Did you know that behind closed doors they are planning to bring back the vaccine mandates? I hope I'm wrong but that's how it looks like. They must be really scared. We still have a control group big enough to prove their crimes against humanity. Unless they eliminate the control group, they know it very well that Nurmberg 2 is waiting for them. They won't hesitate to do whatever it takes to stop it from happening. But I believe that this time the odds are stacked against them. Because what they did this time is so atrocious and so evil that there is no more place to hide for them. Their time is coming. Let's all pray that it will be sooner than later.

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I’d like to believe their time is running out but I’m not so sure. They’ve captured government, medicine, media, entertainment, banks, corporations and education. I think our time is the time that’s running out.

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There are more of us then there are of them. Their biggest weapon is fear. Don’t let it consume you. Refuse masks, shut downs, shots and absurd social distancing. Everyone who took 1 shot and said no more and the unjabbed will say enough! Never again. The cabal is trying recreate the fear and regain their foothold over the masses. The sole reason why they are trying to whip up another “lethal” variant. I’ve noticed YouTube and FB censoring Covid information again. That had slowed down. Ignore it. It will fall apart.

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I never took the shot and rarely ever wore a mask. But I was in the minority. Personally I could give shit less what they do to me. But it isn’t all about me. Kids in school won’t be so lucky. Nor will those relying on employment for income. They have most everyone over a barrel. And they know it. Every time I see see the occasional asshole wearing a mask I resist the urge to become a murdering bastard.

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I’m just generalizing based on what I’m hearing and seeing. More of us here aren’t jabbed and that won’t change. But I am seeing many who are jabbed refusing more shots and the rest of it.

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I fear that also. It’s like a race to see who wins.

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Yep! 😑

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I am hearing they plan to start implementing this for government & airline workers around mid September to October , then come out with another fear campaign & say everyone must comply . Then a full lock down . Perfect timing for pre-election debates & even more reason for mail in ballots for next election ! They haven't murdered enough people - YET ! Supposedly this next strain is aimed @ killing more children . May GOD ALMIGHTY destroy every on of these demons .

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They are the ones who run the courts

It won't be done under the current system imo

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I think you're correct. There has to be another way as we have a totally corrupt system, IMO.

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It amazes me how many people still wear masks. How many of those sheep will be at the door for their shot. Magical thinking?

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Immunizations for children have not been tested for safety or effectiveness, yet, they are mandated for kids to be able to attend public schools. This also needs to end

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The parents should be fighting back. But...they’re not. That’s pretty damn bad.

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That's right, the Covid-19 injections were unnecessary medical interventions.

In many cases they were mandated, trashing voluntary informed consent.

No-one was properly informed about 'Covid-19' or the 'Covid-19' injections.

Everyone was coerced in some way to submit to the jabs.

For those who had the injections under coercion, they did not give voluntary informed consent.

No-one has given VALID CONSENT to these medical interventions.

Why did the practitioners administering the injections go along with this?

They should not have given any injections under coercion/mandates, because if they did, they did not have valid consent.

Why didn't the medical colleges and professional organisations call this out?

And now billions of people are injected...without VALID CONSENT.

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Because the medical field is corrupt and brainwashed. I am in the field. Ostracized by peers and family. We were taught to trust the FDA , CDC etc.

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This is very serious DF...the practitioners administering the injections did not obtain valid consent.

Impossible to get voluntary informed consent under mandates, impossible to get consent at all with these injections, because no-one was properly informed.

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Parents have the right to opt their children out of vaccine requirements and health data and consent forms are updated annually at the start of school . When the parent signs it, it now becomes a document of legal consent for the school as a healthcare provider. This is easily overlooked by parents. All of these documents are online and easily mistaken for something other than what they are designed for. Parents can also submit opt out letters and religious exemptions to vaccines for their kids.

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Are you talking about vaccinations generally Chelie, and in the USA?

In Australia, parents are expected to get all the vaccines for their children, including flu and Covid, and some vaccinations are mandated to access benefits.

Most people support children’s vaccination, but are not fully aware of how vaccination schedules have blown out with an increasing number of vaccinations and revaccinations - it’s a ‘womb to tomb’ schedule now.

We have no idea of the long-term consequences of the ever-increasing vaccine load.

And there are many conflicts of interest, the vaccine industry has captured vaccination policy and this must be subject to scrutiny.

Things have gone insane with Covid, way past time for the spotlight to be shone in this area, people have been forbidden to question vaccination policy for years.

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For medical or religious vaccine exemptions in the US one can go to their state or local health department’s website and search for religious or medical exemption forms to download.

Because true informed consent does not exist as far as I’ve seen on any vaccine.

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There shouldn't be 'exemptions' for vaccination Chelie...

People are supposed to be giving their voluntary informed consent for these medical interventions, if they choose to have them for themselves or their children...or not...

So how can there be 'exemptions' to NOT have a medical intervention, i.e. vaccination.

I really can't understand how 'exemptions' took hold in the US, and it's also been adopted in Australia.

I'm challenging this concept of 'exemptions' for vaccination.

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By design... people don’t pay attention.

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DF, please see my presentation: Considering jab mandates: Voluntary informed consent and mass population Covid-19 vaccination, presented to the international PANDA group in April this year: https://rumble.com/v3a28f6-considering-jab-mandates-elizabeth-hart.html

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Thank you for sharing.

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Now I respect lawyers more. That’s pretty bad.

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Because it is a death or injury agenda..population reduction.

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Well that's not legal Rose...

We need to pursue the perpetrators on the evidence - and the evidence is, the actual practitioners inserting the needle and the contents did not obtain valid consent before this medical intervention.

Quite something to think about considering how many people around the world have been pressured, coerced and manipulated, and even MANDATED, to have these injections.

The actual perpetrators have to be brought to account, looks like the practitioners are going to be thrown under the bus...

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If I hadn't studied microbiology, I may very well have swallowed the narrative... Learning what an important, fragile and delicate system controls natural cellular mRNA back in the 90s was the only thing that made me think WTF?? You want to mess with that system, are you insane?? Warned everyone I could, with some success (old university textbook came in handy to show why messing with cellular mRNA expression is a BAD idea).

I'm not angry at those who fell for it, I'm sad that they were tricked by those they should have been able to trust, some were manipulated to hate by propaganda tricks, I'm angry that good scientists who stepped forward to warn the public were censored and smeared... I have new heroes these days, all the good scientists, doctors and public figures who spoke up... Will never listen to a Neil Young song again or trust any health official...

It is a complex lie to decode for many still in the blue pill dream, it's an uneasy feeling for those of us awoken by whatever inconsistency that pulled us out of the lie...

I still treat those who can't grasp this with respect and a little pity, but they REALLY need to wake up... RIGHT NOW... Before the next manufactured crisis hits them again.

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Well said!

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Like I said! The 🐑'll ain't gonna. 😑

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Give me Liberty or give me Death!!!!

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Live Free or Die. I am not going to be a serf.

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We will not comply !!! They will be shut down . This next wave they will see that they will lose.

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If everyone would refuse to comply they would lose all their powers over us. And that would be a beautiful thing!

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So many stupid people.

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They have been brainwashed since birth to obey authority figures. Schools are regimented to enforce compliance and they have been taught to memorize facts, not evaluate anything or think critically.

AND residents of most big cities have been poisoned with fluoride to dumb them down. And then there are the mercury dental fillings, toxic root canals; food contaminated with glyphosate, aspartame, MSG, other food additives, toxic industrial seed oils, sugar, high fructose corn syrup, anti-nutrients, wheat. Nearly everyone has multiple nutrient deficiencies, vitamin D deficiency, and a lack of sunlight. And too much Caffine, tobacco, alcohol, drugs, pharmaceuticals, EMF radiation, and blue light screen exposure. And most aren't getting sufficient deep sleep or healthy exercise.

HOW can anyone's brain function with ALL THAT!? Of course people are screwed up, BY DESIGN!!!!! We are under ATTACK! Yes, the rich and powerful Globalist Controllers want to exterminate all of us Useless Eaters!

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🐑'll Ain't gonna. 😑

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Ran this scam 100 years ago

This time full depopulation + profits

Everytime the Kabal refined their proven methods

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The medical community only survives because it is effective at instilling the "fear of death" into its patients and prospective patients who to begin with are mostly brain dead. They, if they ever could, can no longer think for themselves or question much of anything.

It's the madness of crowds and going along with the majority. The majority is primed to ridicule and disrespect those who do not join the masses. Most people have no clue how to survive or live without following the Joneses or what others do.

They marvelously sail through life without ever knowing they are living it. In other words, they either live in the past where there is protection from fear since the past is already dead and gone or live in the future in order to escape the present. Most people are mentally and psychologically asleep. They live an entire life span in the state of being controlled by the thoughts that constantly rush through their minds. They have no mindfulness or self-awareness and cannot exist without following the crowd or engaging in the latest thing.

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Same as the DEI & Climate Change. They're all scams pushed by the same people & same companies for profit & control.

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Not me!! Thank goodness

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I did not comply before nor will I comply next time. I won’t go out on their evil plan ever

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In the midst of growing talk about new variants, new boosters and heavy-handed threats of more lockdowns and "vaccine" mandates, we must remember that even Anthony Fauci and Bill Gates admitted that COVID SHOTS DO NOT WORK and cashed out -- Fauci from his lucrative and powerful position in 'public health' and Gates from his huge windfall in vaccine investment.

Do not let them, their cronies, or their replacements play the same deadly tricks on us again.


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There has to be at least one country out there that hasn’t lost its mind isn’t there?

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Such a country will also have to proactively disengage from the WHO, which is set to automatically implement measures to change their role from "advisor" to policy dictator, completely usurping national sovereignty. See JamesRoguski.Substack.com for details.

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I have not complied with any of the BS, & appreciate your work very much! What I don’t understand are your attacks on Mattias Desmet regarding the mass formation theory he presented. I don’t see why what he presents is inaccurate or some sort of psyop...I’ve read his material & feel some, including you, are taking some part of it out of context or maybe not understanding when saying he’s blaming the victims. I don’t see that he’s doing anything other than offering an explanation about how a large group can be manipulated & not even realize it’s happening. Can someone clarify the reasoning for attacking him. Thank you.

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Please see my presentation: Considering jab mandates: Voluntary informed consent and mass population Covid-19 vaccination, presented to the international PANDA group in April 2023:


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