I have some bumper stickers on the back of my car, for TWO years now. One says "Vaccines Kill", another says "Arrest Bill Gates", and another says "Arrest Fauci".

Gates is a threat to all humanity. He is pure evil, masquerading as a good guy who wants to save us. Nonsense.

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Trump has begun the ‘BLAME game’, blaming Fauci for following Trump&Pompeo’s “CIA GAME” with COVID, Fauci will be Blamed for running CIA ( Pompeo&Trumps War Games), doesn’t really matter the way its being handled is ‘fauci’ will mysteriously die like Epstein, and just be blamed and ‘go away’.

All partys should have their heads placed in cages and and be eaten alive by sand-fleas, like Fauci’s “Beagles”


Look today P-alex is bashing GATES, ok this is good, but even if Gates was put into a Fauci-Beagle cage tomorrow not fuck all with COVID would change

Because until US-MIL is removed from the hospitals, until US-MIL is removed from big-pharma, not fuck all is fixed in the USA;

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“Kill Bill” would be more…succinct. 😏

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Killing Bill wouldn't change a fucking thing; All of Bills stuff that he owns is on auto-pilot

Bill Gates is the ROCKEFELLER of our era, in 50 Years the "Gates Foundation" will be running Gates genocide program like he hadn't even left, just life Rockefellers "DEAGEL PROGRAM"

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Take all his assets, including from the 'Gates Foundation' and split between the 'vaccine' injured.

Then kill him.

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As if humanity could survive for 50 more years

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If man can survive, if women is still alive, in the year 2020 ...


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While I'm all for 'capitalism' there is something to be said for NOT letting men accumulate billions & trillions of USD so they can own all the patents, all the politicians and all the lawyers & cops in the USA;

Other than the 'money' problem I don't see a solution the Satanic USA has a money problem where just about all parents will sell their infants virginity to a pedophile for $1M USD ( they say in Atlanta some +60% of all parents actively prostitute their own children for cash )


But when you let MUSK, or SOROS, or GATES become "BILLIONAIRES" they can control the entire country, and the fact is GATES is not a functional human being as a child he was an autist, also he never actually completed any college, there is not proof that Gates ever read a 'book'

What is known is that GATES-III, is the sixth in line going back in generations an elite family of lawyers & bankers, agents of Rothschild London Banking;

Now they let an inbred psychopath who calls himself a virologist & a doctor without every even taking a high-school biology class ( gates dropped out of school at 14 went to harvard lasted 3 months and dropped out ), to let such a person buy all the worlds MEDICAL patents ( that can be horse traded in the west, in Africa you can patent your own shit ); To allow such a person to rule the CDC, WHO, ... et-al

The only god-damn solution is not to let individual men accumulate such financial power, or perhaps we have to simply stomp out all rich people, because its clear that all our RICH ELITES on earth are 100% for culling the herds of mankind;

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But even the money problem is not the problem in this case, here its the NSA itself the post 1952 National Security Act, which is what TRUMP-POMPEO did to activate COV19 in 2019, and fast-track in mar2020

In USA history there was never an NSA in the constitution where an un-elected 'deep state' ( secret government ) could run the show;

Today the NSA/CIA of course just print their own USD, its said that US-MIL cannot account for $10's of trillions of USD; They don't really need Gates money, but what they need is Microsoft technology which is in all your homes in the western earth you have 'windows' where NSA can plant "CHILD-PORN" on your PC and OWN you; That is the real power that Gates brings to the NSA;

Most of our man-children today MUSK, Gates, Lucky-Palmer, Peter Thiel, are all carefully build MK'd (ultra) products, figureheads to run these NSA/CIA high-tech AI machines; Like Bush or Biden, they don't make the real decisions, they are just the face of the 'machine'

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Wait….he appeared on INDIAN television? Don’t they have a bounty or something on him?

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Africa too has a bounty, and much of INDIA calls him a serial mass killer; They know;

Only in the USA where GATES holds a huge amount of big-pharma stock can they silence his crimes, but outside of the USA the MSM doesn't have a strangle-hold on news

Putin in his interview said "I don't even try to play the information war with the USA, they have 1000x the resources of Russia", that said 'information' is all the USA has, otherwise its a toothless tiger;

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Poison is still poison no matter how they want to put it in the body. I can't believe these people are murdering and getting away with it. Why are they above the law?

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What “law?”

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True What was I thinking.

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I pray that the supreme being of the universe, Jehovah God the Almighty "disciplines" him as needed. God says, Vengeance is mine, I will repay says Jehovah. Romans 12:17-19

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The satanic duo, Gates and Fauci shouldn't be the only ones behind bars. Pope Francis, the Holy See and spiritual leader to 1.4 billion Catholics around the world, pushed the vaccine as hard as Gates and Fauci calling it an "Act of Love" and a "Moral Obligation" to get vaccinated. Why should he escape justice?

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Amazing how his exposure as a regular on Epstein Island resulted in nothing more than his divorce.

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He didn’t actually divorce. That was just a ruse to split up his wealth Incase he ever was legally implicated in pedo evil. His sick wife need prison as well!

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How do you know this though?

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Deliver ALL who ordered, funded of mandated Bioweapons upon populations for profit to the International Criminal Court for Crimes Against Humanity now.

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That’s right. That bastard should be in prison waiting for his death date. He’s at the top of all this for profit and depopulation and all these scumbags in DC take his money and that’s why he’s living the good life. I have a friend that knows someone close to one of his body guards. He stated he has over 50 bodyguard men that protect him at all times. No surprise cause he knows he’s a walking dead man if he is ever in the public. He has killed so many sweet little babies. I hate this son of a bitch!

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Dear Bile,

Please just die already!



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We will mandate Bill Gates to take all his bloody vaccines all at once.

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Can someone please “off” this freak?

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While GATES is a popular poster-boy, he's certainly NOT the cause of the COV19 scam;

COV-19, like "SPANISH-FLU" is/was a US-MIL OP, now called CIA-DOD

Gates is just a small COG in the NSA machine;

anti-covid people waste much of their time arguing about how cov19 was made, but rarely spend anytime understand 'how the USA-MIL deployed' the COV19; How the US-MIL took ownership of all USA MD's and threatened to pull their licenses if they didn't frog-march to the COVID-mRNA music;


I don't think how they did it is really that important;

We must work in stages

1.) get the AMA out of the MD gate-keeper biz

2.) get the US-MIL out of the hospitals

3.) kill the prescription biz, let pharmacists help patients choose their drugs, the only dumb fucking country on earth that has a prescription system (enriching MD's) is USA, even CHINA&Mexico you just waltz into a pharmacy buy what you need

First stage is everybody understands that US-MIL ran the OP COV19 as a 'silent weapon' to destroy RUSSIA&CHINA economy, of course it failed, just like sanctions failed the problem is our 'secret government' is ran by MORONS

There is a reason that US-CONGRESS was supposed to declare wars, but now cockroaches hiding in dark-closets run the USA;


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