observed for myocarditis or pericarditis after vaccination with Pfizer BNT in the age group 12 to 17 years across all 3 databases. Zachary Stieber's excellent reporting (risk of heart inflammation)
Thank-you for sharing. I appreciate reading the information you post. All the articles you post, should give people a serious wake-call. I have read many articles and watched numerous podcasts. Something is truly not right with the optics of this non-pandemic. I am truly tired of the lies. I am tired of the games that are being played. I have no faith in the pharmaceutical industry, politicans, public health and NGOs. The more I see of the World Health Organization and their ammendments and accords. The more I see how dangerous, nefarious and non-democratic they really are.
You really need to focus on the real monster....our Facist run Military Industrail Complex...which includes all our politicians....look at BlackRock, Statestreet and Vanguard ...they own the companies that call the tune...and they are INTERNATIONAL companies...and they have bought our country...and certainly our MIC...Darpa/Barda/DOD, etc etc. etc.
Years ago. We give them tax money, the government takes it and doles it back out to the Corporations, who give some to our representatives so they can get elected...rinse wash repeat.
Thank-you for sharing. I have some knowledge of Blackrock, Vanguard, and State Street. I do know that these asset and investment firms have shares in all multinational companies. I also know that Blackrock has made a deal with the Ukraine to help them after the conflict. I am in Canada and we are in a different part of the crazy plan.
You know and are aware of more than most people...and Canada has my heartfelt sympathy...we are really in the same boat, just being pushed downstream at different rates...
Your Trucker's protest lifted our hearts down here in the US more than you know. We were rooting for you, and devastated at what was done. They terrorized us with the Jan. 6 Reichstag fire...and we still have political prisoners and cannot get them out....
Hang in there...we will be two brothers/sisters again I hope.
PS...between the two countries....I hope and pray we can together think of something to do...even if it means deciding to form a few different cross border countries...or something....that they won't be able to stop/shutdown/turn off the money spigot/infiltrate and make violent. We really should be putting our heads together....you know...maybe leak out that the WEF and Elites want to combine us into one country....that would get both upset...or maybe we could figure out something cross border..?
I don't know...but in both countries there has to be someone smart who could figure out how to use both of us to the advantage of the ordinary people?
I want to thank-you for your post. I agree that both the United States and Canada are truly in strange positions. Like in many western countries, we have leadership that is working against the people. I see that there is a game being played with manipulation and propaganda. You mentioned the military in your post. I have read some of what has been going on. I will admit that much of my information has come from alternative non msm sources. In Canada, investigative journalism is a thing of the past. We have a bills about spreading misinformation and censoring information and sources that might not be acceptable. I have been aware that things were not right before covid. Covid pushed me to pay attention, learn more and ask questions. I found many people either do not see things are going wrong or see it as a temporary problem that is fixable. In the United States, I am also worried about the debt ceiling.
Lisa, we feel terribly for what is being foisted on you...and the propoganda/misinformation rule just passed is beyond the pale.
Get as many as you can on Substack...and be very careful....keep in touch and let us know if there is anything we can do...especially if they start tracking your speech.
Pharmas were fully aware of what the mRNA does, and that's why they went rogue Nazi. They tested mRNA on third world people, in all likelyhood. The Tdap was rigged to attack fetus' in Brazil, if I recall. About 2500 hundred pregnant women; year about 2015, babies born with microscopically; I don't know if mRNA was in the Tdap, but I can guess. My point is that Nazi pharmas know exactly what they are doing as planned.
The standing rule here is, 'if it's political, then it was planned.'
yes, and remember that CFR controls all fake mass media either by suppressing or lies or fake spins Fake media is one of the deep state bureaucrat legs.
Thank-you for sharing. I appreciate reading the information you post. All the articles you post, should give people a serious wake-call. I have read many articles and watched numerous podcasts. Something is truly not right with the optics of this non-pandemic. I am truly tired of the lies. I am tired of the games that are being played. I have no faith in the pharmaceutical industry, politicans, public health and NGOs. The more I see of the World Health Organization and their ammendments and accords. The more I see how dangerous, nefarious and non-democratic they really are.
You really need to focus on the real monster....our Facist run Military Industrail Complex...which includes all our politicians....look at BlackRock, Statestreet and Vanguard ...they own the companies that call the tune...and they are INTERNATIONAL companies...and they have bought our country...and certainly our MIC...Darpa/Barda/DOD, etc etc. etc.
Years ago. We give them tax money, the government takes it and doles it back out to the Corporations, who give some to our representatives so they can get elected...rinse wash repeat.
Thank-you for sharing. I have some knowledge of Blackrock, Vanguard, and State Street. I do know that these asset and investment firms have shares in all multinational companies. I also know that Blackrock has made a deal with the Ukraine to help them after the conflict. I am in Canada and we are in a different part of the crazy plan.
You know and are aware of more than most people...and Canada has my heartfelt sympathy...we are really in the same boat, just being pushed downstream at different rates...
Your Trucker's protest lifted our hearts down here in the US more than you know. We were rooting for you, and devastated at what was done. They terrorized us with the Jan. 6 Reichstag fire...and we still have political prisoners and cannot get them out....
Hang in there...we will be two brothers/sisters again I hope.
PS...between the two countries....I hope and pray we can together think of something to do...even if it means deciding to form a few different cross border countries...or something....that they won't be able to stop/shutdown/turn off the money spigot/infiltrate and make violent. We really should be putting our heads together....you know...maybe leak out that the WEF and Elites want to combine us into one country....that would get both upset...or maybe we could figure out something cross border..?
I don't know...but in both countries there has to be someone smart who could figure out how to use both of us to the advantage of the ordinary people?
I like the way you think
take even more action: James Roguski SilenceEqualsConsent.com
I want to thank-you for your post. I agree that both the United States and Canada are truly in strange positions. Like in many western countries, we have leadership that is working against the people. I see that there is a game being played with manipulation and propaganda. You mentioned the military in your post. I have read some of what has been going on. I will admit that much of my information has come from alternative non msm sources. In Canada, investigative journalism is a thing of the past. We have a bills about spreading misinformation and censoring information and sources that might not be acceptable. I have been aware that things were not right before covid. Covid pushed me to pay attention, learn more and ask questions. I found many people either do not see things are going wrong or see it as a temporary problem that is fixable. In the United States, I am also worried about the debt ceiling.
Lisa, we feel terribly for what is being foisted on you...and the propoganda/misinformation rule just passed is beyond the pale.
Get as many as you can on Substack...and be very careful....keep in touch and let us know if there is anything we can do...especially if they start tracking your speech.
take action .....see James Roguski's tireless efforts: SilenceEqualsConsent.com
Pharmas were fully aware of what the mRNA does, and that's why they went rogue Nazi. They tested mRNA on third world people, in all likelyhood. The Tdap was rigged to attack fetus' in Brazil, if I recall. About 2500 hundred pregnant women; year about 2015, babies born with microscopically; I don't know if mRNA was in the Tdap, but I can guess. My point is that Nazi pharmas know exactly what they are doing as planned.
The standing rule here is, 'if it's political, then it was planned.'
Doesn't matter even if 100,000 chidren died. The FDA was going to approve any mRNA poisons that the DoD and big pharma demanded they approve.
yes, and remember that CFR controls all fake mass media either by suppressing or lies or fake spins Fake media is one of the deep state bureaucrat legs.
Pretty much. Which tells you all you need to know. Our Deep State MIC wants us all dead.
“Eugenics has entered the chat...”
The JAMA has a completely BS conclusion of "Safety" and ll sweetness and goodness......
And the other 2 studies are behind the Epoch paywall.
Epoch. The publication that dissed on Dr Paul.
So glad I never gave them my money.
Me too. I do not like them at all.
But ..but...but they said it was rare and transient/mild...../s.