Accept no lockdown ever, no school closures, no business closures, none, no vaccine like this ever again! Trust your instincts and they have guided you fine so far…you warriors! You beautiful souls, you soldiers, vanguards of humanity…you will be remembered for holding firm!
I feel like the medical professionals have left me and I’m on my own. I pray for Jesus to give me direction every day. 🙏🏼
If you look at VAERS, there were thousands who died the same day they got the shot!
VAERS ID: 0935815-1
Age 63.00 Sex Male California
Date Vaccinated 2021-01-05
Date Died 2021-01-05
VAERS ID: 0967830-1
Age 64.00 Sex Male
State / Territory California
Date Vaccinated 2021-01-21
Date Died 2021-01-21
VAERS ID: 0986901-1
Age 33.00 Sex Female
State / Territory North Carolina
Date Vaccinated 2021-01-28
Date Died 2021-01-29
Patient received vaccine uneventfully with no acute concerns. Left clinic and by report went out with friends. Spoke to father on phone at or around 9:00 pm. Failed to show up to work and was found dead at home.