I feel like the medical professionals have left me and I’m on my own. I pray for Jesus to give me direction every day. 🙏🏼

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They never were ‘with’ you. Rejoice and give thanks to be finally freed of predators and see with clarity. Personal power thrives with knowledge and self-reliance. Engage in investigative research and in networking with fellow explorers and truth seekers. Enjoy !

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Don't kid yourself. Just because Evil has been exposed, doesn't mean that they are finished. Anyone who wants to survive the ongoing Genocide, in the words of Ted Nugent, "Arm Yourself" to protect yourself. If you value your life, Arm yourself. America is a dangerous place to live today.

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No doubt. Nah, ’predator’ in this case relates to brainwashed whitecoat leeches, and good riddens to those in anyone’s life. It goes much beyond America’s borders.

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Is there anything you need addressing.....i could maybe help.

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Thanks. I’ve been managing pretty well. I’m relying on research and a lot of natural supplements and so far so good. ❤️🙏🏼

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That's great. I find that by far the best supplement is a good low-carb diet high in animal-based products. Nevertheless I do routinely take 4 vitamins and 1 mineral.

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Terrific….sounds as if you have things under control……Peace….God bless……🙏💙🙏

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If you look at VAERS, there were thousands who died the same day they got the shot!

VAERS ID: 0935815-1

Age 63.00 Sex Male California

Date Vaccinated 2021-01-05

Date Died 2021-01-05

VAERS ID: 0967830-1

Age 64.00 Sex Male

State / Territory California

Date Vaccinated 2021-01-21

Date Died 2021-01-21

VAERS ID: 0986901-1

Age 33.00 Sex Female

State / Territory North Carolina

Date Vaccinated 2021-01-28

Date Died 2021-01-29

Patient received vaccine uneventfully with no acute concerns. Left clinic and by report went out with friends. Spoke to father on phone at or around 9:00 pm. Failed to show up to work and was found dead at home.

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Take extra D, C, and zinc

Exercise your lungs, breathe deeply.

IMO, horse ivermectin works. Just sayin'.


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Ivermectin helps prophylactically prevent cancer but also cures it.....but it also helps the flu and other viruses....a friend just bought horse Ivermection and figured out the proportions.....when i took ivermectin in human form i was taking 9mg a day for 10 days.....in Africa people taking ivermectin for malaria never got Covid.....in India in the province Adar Pradesh, i think, they cured 1 million people of Covid with ivermectin....and yet this country, don’t get me started....

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Different size beings require different dosages. Horses are 1,200 pounds while the average Human is closer to 200 pounds instead of 175 thanks to jumbo, super-sized, large or mega portions.

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Yes…..wow….i never really thought about how much a horse weighs….now i know….thanks….peace….

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I was never jabbed and eat mostly organic and take all the right vitamins and supplements and live in the woods by the ocean, but in August while my husband was dying in the hospital, I got what everyone told me was covid. I've had the flu over the years, but this was the most ill I've felt in a very long time. Normally the sore throat would last about a day, this time it lasted days...I didn't have a high fever, and my phlegm was mostly white or clear, not green, but the cough lasted for weeks. Granted I was rundown from taking care of my husband for a year, he had a very bad form of dementia called micro-vascular and it gave him hallucinations and delusions. I also got the shingles. I've only started to feel better in the last couple of weeks. Before when I got the flu it always went through the same stages. But this was different. I had a couple of moments when I couldn't breathe, drinking seltzer and elderberry cough syrup cleared it up but it was scary and I was by myself, my husband passed on Aug 24. Everyone I know who got the flu since the whole covid thing started have described similar experiences, more or less depending on their health. Something is wrong here. But I also am 100% against all the mandates, the "vaccines", the masks, the separation, etc.

I'm just saying what I experienced. I also had a funny kind of chemical smell in my head I couldn't get rid of. Eventually my sense of smell returned to normal, my sense of taste never really changed apart from when I was congested. I think there WAS a terrible virus put out into the public.

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So very sorry for your loss. I had what was diagnosed as Flu B New Year’s Day 2020. They had no Covid, yet. I’ve suffered with the flu every year before although vaccinated but never had anything like this. No appetite or energy and a cough. After ten days I had to return to work so my doc gave me a B12 and prednisone shot. It did nothing. My Christmas tree didn’t come down until March and that was my husband’s doing. My sense of smell and appetite eventually returned but it took longer for my energy. I take lots of supplements including Vitamin D, zinc and probiotics. I didn’t take the jab thank God and will never again take a flu shot. I never had the flu again either which I had annually. I pray A LOT. ❤️🙏🏼

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thank you Marilyn

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No, it’s not over. First, there must be justice, compensation for those injured and for the families of the dead. And this will be ongoing as the deaths, injuries and genetic damage will go on. Probably for decades, if not centuries, to come.

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From your keyboard to God's eyes...

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Covid is over as far as the virus being virulent any longer, it's mutated itself to death. as far as Covid lingering effects, that is still relevant, and to many. from businesses to long covid symptoms or PTSS over it all, it is still very much alive. ... and like Chew said, the elites are still at war with human kind, incl. the U.N. and their agenda caa-caa we will all have to put up with. sad days ahead possibly, unless people unite and start critically thinking, ... until critical thinking happens, people will allow their drama and baggage all over their character. super sad. peoples baggage = the pandemic. ugh.

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That hurricane in Acapulco was government planned .... we must get together....the dark ones are stepping up plans.......

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Paul and all,

Thank you for all you are doing to stand up for humanity!

We the People are being attacked on a thousand fronts everyday!

It is great that doctors like you Paul and other scientists are trying to right all the public health wrongs that have happened the last 3 years BUT…

There are MANY wrongs that must be righted in America (COVID, election, border messes, etc) and serious address of this 1 critical issue MUST happen BEFORE we have serious wins on all the other corruption fronts…Constitutional NATURAL BORN CITIZEN DEFINITION!

All serious patriotic citizens must learn about this because it will be critically important in the near future…


Writer, Lex Greene and I belong to the only strategic AMERICA FIRST organization in America…


Nothing else is more important than getting this NATURAL BORN CITIZEN issue right because of all the illegals pouring into our wide open borders and…because of unconstitutional GOP presidential candidates who do NOT fulfill 1 of 3 requirements to be president. You MUST be a natural born citizen to be president or VP!

Good always wins over evil…only if you UNITE and do something!

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Yes, wrong framing. One of the most difficult hurdles we realize in moving forward is the outing of opportunistic or expert shadow players and hang-outs while maintaining cohesion and trust.

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A tall order, but I am rooting for it.

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Marxism, a symptom of a democracy in decay ?

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- Luc

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Let’s go Canada !

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democracy, is a symptom of a Republic in Decay.

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"Get your COVID 19 booster and your annual flu shot together at the same time!" The Calgary Herald, Oct 28/23

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I just got back from a trip to Canada, and some parts that I visited reminded me of Wilmington, Delaware, i.e. Canada feels like a blue state suffering from terminal wokism.

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Trudeau is the definition of a woke POS...and Klaus likes to brag about his 'penetration' of the cabinet. No one voted for Klaus, but he's got our politicians by the balls for some reason

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Greed and wealth. A very bad combination. It has been going on for a long time. Anyone who thinks for a second that people from all of the countries the USA Bombed over the last 100 years are happy to be our global partners now are fucking delusional. Hate globally is real snowflakes.

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I spell its name Turdeau, Castreau, or Brandeau.

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Oct 28, 2023·edited Oct 28, 2023

Oh ya, Justin the Turd, Trudope, Blackface...there are towns in rural Alberta that have more Fuck Trudeau signs than maple leaf flags...there are at least 4 Fuck Trudeau signs on our street alone. One had to be replaced, it faded in the ☀️, itd been up for so long. It is Jagmeet 'traitor' sing that keeps the turd in power, via a backroom (WEF led) deal to keep him afloat. But the turd is going to get flushed, he stinks to high heaven and belongs in hell with the rest of his accomplices

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Doh! Canada!

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Thanks dr. Paul!

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Traitors in The USA participated directly in the PLANDEMIC. Each and EVERY one must be Charged, Tried, Convicted, and Sentenced to very public executions for their part in the GLOBAL Genocide that is ongoing. Find them. Grind them.

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"it was never a pandemic to begin with" WRONG. There was (and still is) a pandemic of metabolic disease and mental disease caused by big government, big pharma, big (and bug) farma, mainstream medical organizations, and lamestream media.

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As a retired RN of 70 yrs of age....I recognized this was a complete lie from day one. NO to swabs or shots. In lockdown I still visited my grandkids. No one would listen to me but 2 out of 3 sisters. Family members still took the killer shots and so did my 3 young grandkids. To this day I am so fearfull for them all. I prey to GOD that these monsters are all taken out and hung for what they knowingly have done !!!

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