An Investigator reprimanded for investigating?? A freakin' joke, right?! People okay with this have really lost their marbles. Totally out to lunch.

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Agreed, do anything but nothing that could possibly go against the narrative. I've been reading reports about childhood autoimmune problems for years, and everything the "scientists" speculate as possible causes ends with, "but it's nothing to do with vaccines". Huh.....I just realised what I said. It's a secret code. By saying "nothing to do with vaccines", they actually mean the opposite, they just can't say it. Should get them on the Joe Rogan show, he'd tease out the real meaning.

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And it will continue to go like this, until such time as the purveyors of these crimes are hung upside down in public squares, on meat hooks.

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Greetings brother,

Gone on any good hikes lately?

I got too excited running down a loose stones mountain pass last weekend and wiped out. Ripped my right knee and right hand to shreds.

There was a solid lawsuit success recently in South Africa, where the dept of health has to now open all their books and files on deals done with pfizer, j&j, et al.

Here's the link:


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Congrats to all of South Africa in regards to that open book lawsuit!

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Sorry to hear about the wipe out, kind of miss trail running, it is much more cerebral! Have to concentrate, especially on the descent!

It's interesting, that a few other African nations have also been thorns in the side of TPTB. They just do not like to follow orders, which offers up pros and cons as we try to learn to co-exist with our local savages!

I've been on a project, that should end soon, and the temps are finally below 40 degrees C here, so I have some weekend camping/hiking trips planned. My problem is, and I am sure you understand, I did what is a TOUGH 10k hike yesterday (for most people!), but it is so ordinary to me, it barely registered! 1:45 minutes, 400 meters of climbing, HR never got above 115!

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The Anti-Communist machine lives and breathes. Well impressed with your fitness and stamina. You could knock the shit out of athletes half your age ;))

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Not as much as a decade ago, but I do it for me. And, to try to be a role model for my friends and family. Trust me, I have moments where I would prefer to sit down with 2-3 great bottles of wine, instead!

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Well there's nothing wrong with wine and South African wines are top draw and well-priced compared to say French wines.

Try the coffee pinotage from:


And the sauvignon blanc from:


Both farms export.

Have a relaxing/gruelling physical weekend.


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I recall, back in the day (25 years ago!) when wine and the world both tasted better, finding some incredible South African varietals (well, the wife found them, I drank them!)! It was prior to idiots like Malena singing about killing the great Boers who founded the now faltering nation. One of my best friends married an SA lady whose dad had an apple orchard in Capetown, and another great work friend was from Durban, so between those guys and the wine, and despite the filthy ANC, I truly admire your nation! If not for that filthy Tribe, stirring up the ANC, it would still be, BY FAR, the only truly functional nation in the entire continent!

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Personally, for the sake of "amnesty" (these monsters should burned at the stake for what they've done) I'll settle for The Guillotine. Their executions must be public, and televised.

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And, as a very high quality live streamer (until most platforms figured out I despise the people mismanaging the white nations), I think we should use the AV1 codec, with a minimum of 100 Mbps upstream ingest, giving us a very smooth, 4k/60 view of their heads rolling! Hail Victory Captain!

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Alas, I have no idea what the "AV1 codec" is... 😐

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All you need to know is, if you are severing the heads of 6 gorillion "Globalists" AV1 will allow you to savor every slice!

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LOL Maybe a head cam? A PIP video showing the proceedings from a decapitated eye's view. Might help the ratings, though I guess they would anyway be through the roof.

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What a WONDERFUL idea!! 😂😂😂

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'Tis a consumption, devoutly to be wish'd"...

-- "Hamlet, Prince of Denmark"

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"consummation" but hell yes!

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That'll be precisely the moment I'll forgive them alright: When they're dangling or alternatively their heads are rolling

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As Stalin said: "Forgive your enemies. But first, destroy them."🤔 I personally prefer The Guillotine over The Gallows because:

1. No ambiguity and

2. No possibility of faking.

Thus forget hi-tech innovations like The Electric Chair or The Gas Chamber..

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Chinada. For now. But with an expected million person march on sept 20 across canadistan we will see just how far we let these Weffers mess with us, out kids, our way of life.

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Yeah, there was a million, according to organisers, people marching in London around the end of May. That is 1/60 of the population, and they stretched over 4 miles, which cannot be disputed. Right, likely the BBC etc. reported a couple of hundred or whatever, but facts are facts and truth is truth. If they don't own up soon, and like all criminals (unwitting or not) it is highly unlikely they will, it will be a damn sight more in a couple of months, and untold more numbers of young healthy people dropping dead, not waking up, being horribly sick, unable to procreate...

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Message to citizens from gov't: you and your kids are disposable. As for anyone who has any questions? Oh, ho ho, they're disposable, too.

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America is no better. We have people dropping dead all over and no one will even consider its the jabs unless its just whispers among those of us whose eyes are wide open. The fact that Dr. Tennpenny just had her license suspended indefinitely by the Ohio Medical Board comprised of primarily practicing doctors prove it!! She has been on the frontlines from the beginning and standing up to these tyrants. She testified to the legislature about what these jabs were doing the last couple of years and people and the media have been horrible to her. Thousands of us know differently, but things have not change as far as enlightenment by these people. Fortunately she has a great attorney who will not stand down! Plus one of the practicing doctors on the board is a OB/Gyn. If I knew it wouldn’t hurt her, I would raise the issue about how many pregnant women she has told to take the jab and how many of them or their babies have died. She would be directly responsible for their deaths or their babies.

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The Ottawa Police Department and all of her superiors are guilty of conspiracy to commit DEMOCIDE and of CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY.

It’s extremely foolish to believe these crimes will not catch up with everyone implicated - sooner or later. Tick tock, psychopaths.

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Reprimanded for talking to her supervisor about what she found out as a result of doing her job.

"Only in Canada you say? Pity."

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Hey, Canada, if you LIKE your crime, you can KEEP your crime! And your silence, your cultural delusions of moral superiority and your co-dependent, abusive government, too! Just keep sacrificing your kids to the WEF in the name of kindness, lest you anger those who have publicly admitted that they’re turning themselves into gods over you and they become angry, steal your souls, and torture you to death en masse with genetically engineered viruses and lung-popping ventilators.

Oh, wait.....

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isn't prime directive life especially for law enforcement?

Don't get me started.


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What are the coroners doing these days?! Is that even still a thing???

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In the land of maple trees, all reasonable investigations need to be done syruptitiously.

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I’m Canadian and Trudeau is disgusting and further more I’m so disappointed with all the weak minded people who do not have the balls to talk or do anything about this as a n country we need to stand up to this waste of skin

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What a brave, amazing woman. ❤

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Thank you Helen Grus, Ottawa Police Service Detective for standing up for defenceless Children & fellow workers. So few professionals, being mostly captured are doing their real jobs of serving the public. However its up to the rest of us to stand up in our own way, not in the captured Finance, Media, Religion, Education, Military-Industrial, Legislative, Judicial, Pharma-Med COMPLEX, but in our own 'economic' (Greek 'oikos' = 'home' + 'namein' = 'care-&-nurture') lives.

1) Natural Immunity as the 1st line of health, education, science, business, food, family sovereignty & much more.

2) Go beyond the last 7000 years of 'exogenous' (Latin 'self-generating') Oligarch controlled fake 'money' (Gk 'mnemosis' = 'memory') colonial empire indoctrination. Learn about all humanity's worldwide 'indigenous' (L 'self-generated') peaceful & abundant 'economic' & 'social' (L. 'socius' = 'friend') system. This system of governance is called the 'Great-good-way-of-kindness' whether among Turtle Island (N. America)'s ~110 nations joined into ~23 confederacies, S. America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia & all islands. Most don't go past the last 7000 years of 'exogenous' (L 'other-generated') fake 'money' facilitated indoctrination & colonial of our whole Finance, Media, Religion, Education, Military-Industrial, Legislative, Judicial & Pharma-med COMPLEX. However there are 10s of 1000s of years of humanity's indigenous heritage described here in the interdisciplinary Indigenous Circle-of-Life of vibrant, abundant, distributed wealth in loving societies. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/a-home/3-indigenous-circle-of-life

As a foundation for Political Democracy, which without is easily manipulated by hidden Campaign-Finance & Media Controls, all humanity's worldwide indigenous ancestors had a system of Economic Democracy with the: a) ~100 (50-150) person Multihome-Dwelling-Complex (Longhouse-apartment, Pueblo-townhouse & Kanata-village), b) within the specialized collective Domestic, Industrial & Commercial Production Society Guilds & through time-based equivalency accounting on the String-shell Value System (eg. Wampum on Turtle-Island, Quipu in S. America, Cowrie in indigenous Celtic-Slavic Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia & all islands) & c) Council Process for all with the right to raise issues & call for a formal both-sided, equal-time, witnessed & shared dialogue, for reaching formal agreement together as well as conflict-resolution. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/d-participatory-structure/1-both-sides-now-equal-time-recorded-dialogues https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/c-relational-economy/8-economic-democracy

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