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I told my husband that the only good thing to come out of this entire nightmare was the lifting of the veil- separation of the wheat and chaff

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Sep 11 did that for me. This country's government has been a criminal organization for decades and decades. It has committed far too many crimes both domestically and abroad to recount here, most of which happen "off camera." Sep 11, OTOH, was caught on "camera" in front of God and everyone. The government told an utterly absurd story about it and went about doing what it does -- murdering, destroying, and spending billions doing it.

What did those of us who saw the obvious then get from our "fellow Americans?" What did those of us who had plenty of context to know that this crime -- Sep 11 -- was the most bold IQ test ever get for our efforts to share the obvious?

Stephanie, the wheat has been separated from the chaff for a long time in this country.

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Agree 1000%!

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And that, for me, has been the revelation.

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Yes. Sept.11 was truly the beginning of the Awakening of Humanity! We grew up being fed lie after lie after lie about our country and how things work in this world. The ILLUSIONS and LIES of: democracy, political parties, a government "For the People" that did things for OUR benefit and had employees who were "Civil Servants", school systems that educated children about history and government and the political system and social studies and money and the financial system, a medical system with doctors who did things for the benefit of their patients, news media that accurately reported important news, and an entertainment industry that presented just harmless diversion. Lies, EVERY BIT OF IT LIES, for our ENTIRE LIVES!!!!!!! Almost NOTHING we were ever told was the TRUTH! It was all "spin", all carefully-crafted Mind Control. Cherry-picked and sanitized and "Think Tanked" for how best to keep the Masses dumbed-down and asleep, and forever oblivious! Distracted with sports and stupid T.V. shows and video games. Glued to smart phones and social media. Poisoned with fluoridated water and mercury dental fillings and more mercury in vaccines. Poisoned with low-nutrition industral fake food full of sugar and high fructose corn syrup and hydrogenated fats and trans fats and Omega 6 industrial seed oils and additives and pesticides and glyphosate: foods guaranteed to slowly destroy the body and brain and CAUSE heart disease and cancer and obesity and diabetes and autoimmune disease. And never cure chronic diseases but make astronomical amounts of money for the Medical Industrial Complex, and to kill off the elderly after draining them dry of their money and dignity. And worst, to ALWAYS keep the disgusting, horrific underbelly of the world system hidden: the scheming and thievery and blackmail. The control by compromising prominent "influencers" with involvement into pedophilia and murdering children. The world "Elites" who practice Satanism and serve Pure Evil and work tirelessly to cause wars and famines and strife and misery for humanity and who profit from it handsomely. The Satanic Globalists colluding in a gigantic criminal Cabal to gain control of all resources and to effect mass depopulation and the total enslavement of humanity using AI and technology to surveill and control and crush the last hopes and vestage of any freedom or free will. Globalists who are less-than-human servants of EVIL who surrendered their humanity for the temporary Earthly rewards of wealth and power. Complete PSYCHOPATHS, disconnected from God, from spirit.

THIS IS THE REALITY OF OUR WORLD!!!! THIS is what we have AWOKEN TO!!!! And destroying them and reconnecting with REALITY and God/Spirit/Source Energy is now OUR MISSION!!!!

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