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Whilst I believe anyone involved with the fraud should be stripped of every possession, but in my opinion the doctors (except for a handful) have been the worst, they could have stopped those in March 2020 yet they chose to hide behind their million dollar mortgages and BMW lease payments, scumbags, I will never trust one again after all my rabbit hole findings.

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I recently attended A&E to request an X ray, I suspected that I had broken my foot by accident, unfortunately. I was extremely reluctant to attend knowing the damage that they are inflicting on humanity. During a conversation with a "doctor" he knew that I knew, he couldn't look me in my eyes. I had my X ray & my suspicions were confirmed. "They" couldn't wait for me to leave the premises & I couldn't wait to get out myself. "They" make me physically sick. I hope & 🙏 that all the "Medical establishment" will be held accountable for Crimes against humanity. 🙏❤️🙏❤️

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What a horrible experience...brave of you..I am so disgusted with them I stopped going years ago for the same reason.

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This is why attending to our own health is so vitally important! Humans got by for hundreds of thousands of years without doctors except for herbalists and natural energy healers.

All chronic disease (at least 80% of what people seek medical care for) is caused by diet and lifestyle: poor nutrition, earting high-carb and too frequently, eating toxic devitalized foods, insufficient healthy exercise, insufficient deep restorative sleep, too much stress, AND being deficient in core nutrients required for health:

Vitamins A, C, D, K2, the B Complex and the vitamin E Complex, and the minerals magnesium, zinc, copper, iodine, selenium, and chromium. Without these, everything "falls apart" and oxidative stress ages and debilitates the body!

Most people have no idea how much vitamin C, magnesium, and vitamin D we need, and they don't even remotely get enough! For optimum health we need about 10 to 20 grams of vitamin C per day, 30,000 i.u. of D, and 800 to 1,200 milligrams of magnesium. Hardly anyone gets this much, but if they did, along with the other essential nutrients, the Medical Industrial Complex would be pretty much put out of business!!!!

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well I thought I was doing alright but those levels are way higher than mine! and I am doing amazingly well. Please tell me, where do you get those guideline measures/doses? this is what perterbs me the most, can't ever find out from anyone where is this bible of nutrient levels? Most of us knows that standards (gov) are a joke...but these nutritional doses are not to be guessed at. I jumped straight on the advice given online by a ND with a few levels and it made the most amazing difference I'd ever seen in "me". Then the only other thing I'm left doing is to look at what doses are indicated on many, many supplement products produced by those I have trust in as people.

Biggest issue too is our food/produce supplies are so damaged and denuded of the original measures of vitamins/minerals - too. I can easily allow for that defficit - but where do you get even base levels we ought to be maintaining - with all nutrition elements? What's your source?

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Dr. Linus Pauling (the "Father" of vitamin C) took 18,000 mg/day in divided doses (must not exceed "bowel tolerance" or it is wasted, except if one WANTS to use it as a clean-out!). Most animals make what would be the equivalent of 15,000 to 23,000mg/day if they were "human weight" and weighed 150 pounds or so. Of course they have the advantage of making it in their livers, continuously throughout the 24 hours, while we have to take it in "spurts" of swallowing it and then having to have to absorb it through the intestinal mucosa. So we won't get quite the same benefit as does an animal with its own built-in supply, but it sure beats the awful results from just getting the pathetic RDA!

Vitamin D— refer to the book "The Optimal Dose: Restore Your Health With the Power of Vitamin D3" by Judson Somerville, M.D., available on Amazon.

Magnesium— there are several very good books about it: "The Magnesium Miracle" by Carolyn Dean, M.D., N.D., "Magnesium Reversing Disease" by Thomas E. Levy, M.D., J.D. (also wrote a great book about vitamin C),  "The Magnesium Factor" by Mildred Seelig, M.D. MPH,  "Magnificent Magnesium" by Dennis Goodman, M.D. (all on Amazon). And there is also another magnesium book specifically about its use for reducing high blood pressure.

The only nutrient dosing that can be a problem is iron (VERY TOXIC and most people get too much, unless they have a bleeding problem (and women of reproductive age), or are pregnant or nursing, and calcium (again, unless pregnant or nursing). Most people get all the calcium they need from diet,  and virtually all chronic diseases are related to calcium overload in the cell messing up redox reactions and causing oxidative stress and inflammation. One of the primary benefits of magnesium is that it is a calcium channel blocker and helps protect cells from dangerous calcium excess.

Most people have serious undiagnosed vitamin B deficiencies or insufficiencies because of poor absorption due to eating a wheat/grain-based diet and too many carbs= Candida overgrowth/toxicity, etc. causing Leaky Gut Syndrome. Also, chronic infections in the teeth (abcesses, root-canals, or chronically-infected sockets after extractions) and/or gums, and/or tonsils continually seed the gut with bacteria and toxins, another cause of Leaky Gut and absorption problems.

Too much vitamin B6 can cause nerve damage, like over 500mg/day.  Too much vitamin B3 (niacin) may sometimes, in REALLY high doses, be liver toxic, like over 1,000 to 3,000 mg/day.

Other nutrients have possible toxicities heavily over-hyped: copper— 10 mg/day is safe (but it HAS TO be balanced with at least twice as much zinc), selenium is safe up to 600 mcg/day or a little more. Iodine is universally deficient. Every cell in the bidy needs it, and much more than the RDA, probably 12 to 50 milligrams per day.  High-dose iodine seems to cure fibrocystic breasts, and, along with zinc, probably cures benign prostatic hypertrophy. Breast and prostate tissues naturally contain high levels of iodine IF it is available. Iodine aggravating Hashimoto's Thyroiditis is probaby another over-hyped instance of paranoia, but monitoring the thyroid's response is important. The thyroid gland also needs lots of selenium.

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wow ! Faith, a tremendous thankyou for your time taken to share such vital information .So many doctors promote info on these topics but never respond to our Q's, when all we need are the most widely updated dosages/uses on these critical components. Even as a guide...every BODY is different. This resource is a gift, thankyou !

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:- )

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Same! 😑

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