DOUG MASTRIANO: Our next speaker is Dr. Wheeler and she's board certified pediatrician and clinical assistant professor at Lewis Katz School of Medicine Temple University. She's a strong advocate of medical freedom and believes, and I quote, we have to give individuals the freedom to choose. Dr. Wheeler, please. Thank you for being here.
DR. CHAMINIE WHEELER: Hi, it is such an honor to stand before you today and to be united for medical freedom. I want to ask question. What happened? How are we even here at a point where we're at a rally for medical freedom? That is a right that is absolutely a must, and now we have to fight for it. We have to fight that our employers do not have access to our body. It is absolutely crazy that we are here. But the good news is, this is not where we're going to stay. We are going to establish and promote medical freedom and that ripple will have a lasting impact and we will have medical freedom in the commonwealth and in our nation.
[applause, cheers]
I am a, I'm a pediatric hospitalist. I worked for St. Luke Hospital network and I spoke on 69 News against this very mandate. And it aired at 6 o'clock news and 3 hours later I was told not to come back to the hospital ever again because I spoke up against the mandate.
During morning rounds in the hospital I was asked by my colleagues, are you really going to take a stand for this? Are you going to risk losing everything you worked for? You loved teaching medical students and residents, is that worth the risk? You're going to, are you going to die on this hill of a vaccine?
And at that time, right in our little nursery, during morning rounds, I said, no, I'm not willing to die on the hill of a vaccine, but I am willing to die on the hill of liberty.
Because we believe in choice.
[applause, cheers]
And because of that, many of my colleagues, who are good doctors who I have worked by side by side taking care of the same patients, have done the, taken care of people, and have worked together, have become silenced. And are my, my fellow colleagues, my, many of my physicians, have been bullied into silence. And I ask, how did this happen? How did where health care, the leaders of health care that are supposed to be physicians are being silenced?
And when I, since I am now without a job, I have had a lot of opportunity to think, and looking back at history, it is evident to me that our healthcare industry has gone from healthcare to ill care. And it has been become promoted by an establishment that's turned into the physician-patient covenant into a system where it is protocol-driven business, and there is no longer individualized patient care. Patients are all part of a system, everybody needs to have a specific blood pressure, specific parameters, and everybody fits into this group, and this group gets treated like this.
So I believe that philosophy, that underlying sore in medicine that has become and had triumphed in on the hospital systems that have become so large and so big, the insurance industries, the pharmaceutical industries that have become so strong, such strong lobbying forces that took away that individualized patient care. And that laid the groundwork to promote the one narrative, one covid narrative, and any physician who chose to rip open that bandaid and see that this is a sore that needs to be treated, was demonized at spreading misinformation, and silenced.
I don't blame many of my colleagues who have come up to me and said, I'm glad that you're speaking up, I wish I could, but I can't afford to lose everything.
I— yesterday was my last day at Children's Hospital Philadelphia. I have a permanent medical exemption at the hospital for the influenza vaccine. Year after year I am, because of my medical condition, but that courtesy was denied to me from Children's Hospital Philadelphia because, because that's what they believe was right. It's not right for my employer to tell me that what I need to do with my own body. And just like everybody else.
So I am, I am excited for this rally, I am thankful for each and every one of you that we united in our commonwealth that we can regain and work to reestablish the trust in our healthcare that has been lost, and that has to start at the basis of the the individualized patient care, the physician-patient covenant, and to turn healthcare from the business that is to compassionate care that it needs to be.
[cheers, applause]
And, and I am so sad to know so many fellow healthcare workers who are choosing to be silenced or losing their jobs and the fact that our patients in hospitals, all who are suffering right now today, our hospitals are more full, full of more sick people today not because of covid but because of all the lockdowns and shutdowns that we did where we changed the environment around us so that our bodies forgot, our immune systems forgot how to fight illness.
So everybody who's sick is getting sicker. We caused virulent pathogens to come— we've known this already as a scientific fact with antibiotic resistance that we can't powerhouse nature. And that is what we've tried to do. And that is that one narrative that's being promoted and anybody who speaks against that one narrative, saying that we cannot fight nature with, with whatever we think we got, that we have to individualize patient care, we have to risk stratify, and we have to give people choice to choose their medical care, is the way forward.
And I just wanted to give a big shout out to all those health care heroes who are standing united, who have chosen to stand the line—
[cheers, applause]
— who have, who have lost their jobs because they are men and women of integrity. The 19 months of the pandemic they chose to go to work and be the hero, as they were called, their their convictions didn't change, the type of individual, the character did not change. What changed was a narrative of a mandate, of medical tyranny.
And that is only thing that changed. So all of these healthcare workers who are being forced out of employment are the nurses that would give you the warm blanket in the middle of the night. They are the people who go beyond the call of duty, to go that extra mile to do those things. And who is going to suffer? It's our patients, our, our people.
And so we in the commonwealth, I just want to unite with you guys, do whatever we can to work together. I will probably have my second investigation for my medical license after this because after my first time on 69 News I had to fight for my medical license. So it will probably be reported again from, I'm not sure who the accuser is, but it doesn't matter, they can't take away the knowledge that is in my brain—
[applause, cheers]
— and they cannot take away my convictions. Whether the establishment says that I have a license or not because I spoke out against the narrative, it doesn't change the facts. Facts are facts, like Senator Mastriano said yesterday. And we do, I want to work with you guys united in our commonwealth
to regain the public trust to reestablish medical freedom and to help promote this Medical Freedom Act as a, as a keystone example to our nation of what medical freedom actually looks like. Thank you.
A brave pediatrician speaks out in 2021:
Live Medical Freedom Rally
Posted Nov 8, 2021, Front Capitol Steps, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
DOUG MASTRIANO: Our next speaker is Dr. Wheeler and she's board certified pediatrician and clinical assistant professor at Lewis Katz School of Medicine Temple University. She's a strong advocate of medical freedom and believes, and I quote, we have to give individuals the freedom to choose. Dr. Wheeler, please. Thank you for being here.
DR. CHAMINIE WHEELER: Hi, it is such an honor to stand before you today and to be united for medical freedom. I want to ask question. What happened? How are we even here at a point where we're at a rally for medical freedom? That is a right that is absolutely a must, and now we have to fight for it. We have to fight that our employers do not have access to our body. It is absolutely crazy that we are here. But the good news is, this is not where we're going to stay. We are going to establish and promote medical freedom and that ripple will have a lasting impact and we will have medical freedom in the commonwealth and in our nation.
[applause, cheers]
I am a, I'm a pediatric hospitalist. I worked for St. Luke Hospital network and I spoke on 69 News against this very mandate. And it aired at 6 o'clock news and 3 hours later I was told not to come back to the hospital ever again because I spoke up against the mandate.
During morning rounds in the hospital I was asked by my colleagues, are you really going to take a stand for this? Are you going to risk losing everything you worked for? You loved teaching medical students and residents, is that worth the risk? You're going to, are you going to die on this hill of a vaccine?
And at that time, right in our little nursery, during morning rounds, I said, no, I'm not willing to die on the hill of a vaccine, but I am willing to die on the hill of liberty.
Because we believe in choice.
[applause, cheers]
And because of that, many of my colleagues, who are good doctors who I have worked by side by side taking care of the same patients, have done the, taken care of people, and have worked together, have become silenced. And are my, my fellow colleagues, my, many of my physicians, have been bullied into silence. And I ask, how did this happen? How did where health care, the leaders of health care that are supposed to be physicians are being silenced?
And when I, since I am now without a job, I have had a lot of opportunity to think, and looking back at history, it is evident to me that our healthcare industry has gone from healthcare to ill care. And it has been become promoted by an establishment that's turned into the physician-patient covenant into a system where it is protocol-driven business, and there is no longer individualized patient care. Patients are all part of a system, everybody needs to have a specific blood pressure, specific parameters, and everybody fits into this group, and this group gets treated like this.
So I believe that philosophy, that underlying sore in medicine that has become and had triumphed in on the hospital systems that have become so large and so big, the insurance industries, the pharmaceutical industries that have become so strong, such strong lobbying forces that took away that individualized patient care. And that laid the groundwork to promote the one narrative, one covid narrative, and any physician who chose to rip open that bandaid and see that this is a sore that needs to be treated, was demonized at spreading misinformation, and silenced.
I don't blame many of my colleagues who have come up to me and said, I'm glad that you're speaking up, I wish I could, but I can't afford to lose everything.
I— yesterday was my last day at Children's Hospital Philadelphia. I have a permanent medical exemption at the hospital for the influenza vaccine. Year after year I am, because of my medical condition, but that courtesy was denied to me from Children's Hospital Philadelphia because, because that's what they believe was right. It's not right for my employer to tell me that what I need to do with my own body. And just like everybody else.
So I am, I am excited for this rally, I am thankful for each and every one of you that we united in our commonwealth that we can regain and work to reestablish the trust in our healthcare that has been lost, and that has to start at the basis of the the individualized patient care, the physician-patient covenant, and to turn healthcare from the business that is to compassionate care that it needs to be.
[cheers, applause]
And, and I am so sad to know so many fellow healthcare workers who are choosing to be silenced or losing their jobs and the fact that our patients in hospitals, all who are suffering right now today, our hospitals are more full, full of more sick people today not because of covid but because of all the lockdowns and shutdowns that we did where we changed the environment around us so that our bodies forgot, our immune systems forgot how to fight illness.
So everybody who's sick is getting sicker. We caused virulent pathogens to come— we've known this already as a scientific fact with antibiotic resistance that we can't powerhouse nature. And that is what we've tried to do. And that is that one narrative that's being promoted and anybody who speaks against that one narrative, saying that we cannot fight nature with, with whatever we think we got, that we have to individualize patient care, we have to risk stratify, and we have to give people choice to choose their medical care, is the way forward.
And I just wanted to give a big shout out to all those health care heroes who are standing united, who have chosen to stand the line—
[cheers, applause]
— who have, who have lost their jobs because they are men and women of integrity. The 19 months of the pandemic they chose to go to work and be the hero, as they were called, their their convictions didn't change, the type of individual, the character did not change. What changed was a narrative of a mandate, of medical tyranny.
And that is only thing that changed. So all of these healthcare workers who are being forced out of employment are the nurses that would give you the warm blanket in the middle of the night. They are the people who go beyond the call of duty, to go that extra mile to do those things. And who is going to suffer? It's our patients, our, our people.
And so we in the commonwealth, I just want to unite with you guys, do whatever we can to work together. I will probably have my second investigation for my medical license after this because after my first time on 69 News I had to fight for my medical license. So it will probably be reported again from, I'm not sure who the accuser is, but it doesn't matter, they can't take away the knowledge that is in my brain—
[applause, cheers]
— and they cannot take away my convictions. Whether the establishment says that I have a license or not because I spoke out against the narrative, it doesn't change the facts. Facts are facts, like Senator Mastriano said yesterday. And we do, I want to work with you guys united in our commonwealth
to regain the public trust to reestablish medical freedom and to help promote this Medical Freedom Act as a, as a keystone example to our nation of what medical freedom actually looks like. Thank you.
[cheers, applause]
# # #
Pennsylvania state Senator Doug Mastriano
"Pennsylvania Doctor Loses Job After Speaking Against Vaccine Mandates"
by Yosef Benari
Nov 19, 2021
See also
"Local doctor speaks out against hospital vaccine mandate: 'We have to give individuals freedom to choose'"
by Jamie Stover, August 31, 2021