
It shocks me that people are so narrow minded. Decades? It’s been since the beginning. Since Islam was founded. Words matter. It’s not Hamas. It’s Muslims. It’s not decades it’s been 1400 years. Grab some history books.

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Thanks Doc for this very troubling and disturbing report. The mainstream media in Canada has been apparently instructed to refrain from referring to these folk as "terrorists". This news is very sad, but sadly not unexpected. All the dots are now connected...Armageddon is on it's way. Jesus saves, by His shed blood, by the grace of God...we only have to ask for His forgiveness...God bless you Doc.

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Dr. Alexander, what do you think about the US starting the wars in Viet Nam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, etc. Some people view the Americans as infidels, murdering and bombing innocent people, using napalm, white phosphorus, spent uranium, etc. How does that compare?

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Does following the legacy media news work when it is convenient? This is all fear porn and BS mostly. Most of the images I've seen are old or CGI etc. The zionist cabal masons want you to agree with WW3 so they can kill more people with your blessing. You are being lied to at all times. Wake to that. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yBumTNZvVvk

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I hate to like this because of the horrific contents but I have to like it because of the information being hidden which, as far as I’m concerned,

is also a crime.

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Now read about the invasion of India those that did not “convert” were castrated to prevent procreation.. it’s all written by one of islams historian... 400 million killed...Pakistan is an enclave of India ... the world biggest cause of murder and rape comes from the religion of peace...but the Koran has two books... just like the bible... a violent one .. and a peaceful one... trouble is... no one wants to admit that fundermental Islam.. instructs people to do such atrocities .... the Frenchvstopped the first Islamic invasion at the battle of Tours... now that country is over run by men sitting together in cafes where women are banned.. plotting and scheming... it’s a timebomb... and it’s not long left.

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People protesting all over the world is a disgrace to their countries. Obama's transformation of America. How many of these protestors are actually terrorist mingling in the crowds. It has been said they will friend you until they are called upon.

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So don't give me any sob stories about HAMAS getting shredded by bombs...they're SAVAGES...!!!

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Why tell us this? Why must you share these evil things? It is used for propaganda by the cabal through the controlled media outlets to enrage, and cause division.

The muslim cultists are of the medieval belief that they can enforce morality. So THEY commit murder and JUSTIFY it because it does not fit THEIR idea of morality.

They have a right to believe as they wish, and worship whatever "god" they choose, but they do NOT have a right to impose that on ANYONE ELSE.

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The French Gov't brought the Islamists and their Jihadists into France. The French gov't is doing the same thing in France that the Israeli Gov't did to southern Israel. How many now reside in England, Ireland, the USA, and all the former Western Democracies. This has been done with strategic importance. The NWO will use them to take total control.

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From a serious and major Israeli journalist.


1. You have no idea of the facts as this piece begins with 2nd hand accounts that are not verified. They sound like the same lies perpetrated in US press about beheadings when in fact that was/is a lie and Biden, and others had to walk it back. But as with all lies and propaganda the recinding is always done with whispers while the lie is sold with bull horns.

2. Not supporting any violence, anywhere, but simply put pay back is a bitch. You can't treat people with torment and torture and then act surprised when they return the treatment in kind. h

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Muslims have been doing this kind of stiff to the kafirs (infidels = non-Muslims) for 1300 years. The problem is not Hamas or Hezbollah or any other faction. The problem is ISLAM.

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Thank you for your stark and honest warning.

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It's my understanding that the coroner who examined the bodies testified that there were no signs of torture or mutilation, only bullet holes. As if the bullet holes weren't bad enough.

The inquiry can be found here...


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Beware the coming knock on our doors. We are so so brain addled. We don’t even consider who is being welcomed into our country.

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If it's about money and it usually is I dare say this is about funding the deep state military complex

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