Look how the deep state lauded Navalny after his death. And Hillary met with his wife at the Munich Security Summit. They all claim he was fighting against the big bad Putin.

The fact is Navalny was an operative for the bad guys. His expertise was putting together coalitions of activist groups to push a "color revolution" in Russia against Putin. His coalition was the same as antifa or blm - used to cause division and breakdown of society. He was an insurgent.

Navalny was friendly with the communist party of Russia. Putin is not a communist, he is a populist leader. Russia is no longer the Soviet Union. They are the Russian Federation.

The deep state globalists are warmongering. The US is warmongering. They want war. They are goading Putin.

Navalny was probably not murdered, and certainly not by Putin. It is more likely that the CIA/Biden had him killed to further their narrative and agenda.

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You said all the things I wanted to say Dave so I agree 100%

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I had stopped believing in the mainstream media as a source of reliable information as to what is really goes on in our crazy world even prior to 9/11. The mainstream "Mockingbird" media is only good for showing us what the deep state/"powers that be" want us to believe at any particular point in time.

The CIA's inflitration and propagandization of mainstream media known by the code name Project Mockingbird was exposed by the Congressional Church Committee back in the mid 70s. After exposure, the CIA promissed they would call a halt to this media subversion, but if you believe that I've got a spectacular, orange coloured bridge in San Francisco for sale and going cheap. German newspaper editor Udo Ulffkote authored in 2014 in German the book with the title tranlated from German as "Bought Journalists" (In 2017 it was published in English with the title Jounalists For HIre: How the CIA Buys the News).

In his book Ulfkkotte confesses he and other reporters were bribed or coerced into publishing stories the CIA and other intelligence agencies like Germany's BND wrote up and handed to them to be published under the reporters' own names. Unfortunately he died unexpectedly of a 'heart attack" at the age of 56 (and this was 4 years prior to COVID and the poisonous mRNA jabs). Co-incidentally 2017 was the year his book became available in its English translation. If you want to venture further down the rabbit hole, search for "CIA's heart attack gun."

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Navalny appears to have been a political opportunist. He was a neoliberal globalist who was described at one time as - what a joke - a "far right nationalist." He was loved by the same people who hate Trump, i.e.,the scum of the earth, e.g., Romney, Biden, Schumer, Stoltenberg, Pelosi, Schiff, Schwab, Lindsay Graham, Bezos, Zuckerberg, Bill Kristol, Victoria Nuland, Bolton, Nikki Haley, Boris Johnson, Macron. He will be greatly missed in Davos.

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Navalny wasn’t the man the west made him out to be. He was controlled by the west and globalists. He was a tool used by the western political and money machine to try to over throw the pro Russian patriot Putin. I don’t care for Putin but I care less for Navalny. Check out Glenn Greenwalds latest expose. I have know about Navalny for several years. Again I don’t agree with the way he was treated but Putin treats all people he sees as traitors this way. He’s killed many dissidents in the past. Navalny a saint though? I’m gonna say not! Here’s the link:


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Yes, Navalny was a tool of the globalists who want the destruction of a sovereign Russia. I for one do have much respect for Putin. I don't think he had a hand in Navalny's death. It only played into the hands of the west's propaganda.

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Hegave his life for what he believed in. Being anti-Russian and a puppet of the West he reportedly chose to be vaccinated against CONVID-19 with the safe and effective Pfizer jab. He reportedly died of a blood clot.

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He was not a nemesis of President Putin, he had zero influence in Russia.

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Concerning Navalny: Maybe soliciting funds to start a color revolution wasn't such a good idea after all.

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This man was a total tool of the Deep State. No tears for him!

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If the NYT is involved smell a big rat! It’s as simple as that it has the offensive odor of propaganda

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NYT… meh.

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It’s Bull propaganda. They are all WEF/China puppets putting a show on with a manufactured war to bring on the great reset.

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His condemnation of Trump is just more evidence that he was MI6/CIA right? 👇


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Any way they can try and keep Trump from the presidency they will do it. I don’t buy it for a second.

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I would say public, televised executions sound scary! So do guillotines! That's what Trump promises for 2 nd term.

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Navalny has no clue as since it hasn't happened. So why comment? Now?

Given he is in prison, only sources are regular media. And as we all know they lie.

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