I believe all the constant charges on Trump and court appearances are to ‘expose’ him for crazy people, I do. I think these people know exactly what they are doing. Its either prison or a coffin for Trump in their sick addled deranged minds, these CNN, MSNBC, ABC, deepstate, swamp legacy media, Biden officials, even some FOX sick crazy mindless dangerou…
Our “ deep state “ is always meddling in other countries especially lately, any of the many banana republics. We have our hands in everywhere in South America.. elsewhere too. Since President Kennedy, maybe longer.
We have murdered 63 million babies.
We have murdered thousands by a lethal “vaccine” injection.
We human traffic minors and in some horrific cases have Satanic rituals with minors often times sacrificing them to the Devil.
So yes, we are perfectly capable of murdering political opponents.