Our “ deep state “ is always meddling in other countries especially lately, any of the many banana republics. We have our hands in everywhere in South America.. elsewhere too. Since President Kennedy, maybe longer.

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I asked a person I met recently in conversation if he thought the election had been stolen? He said no and 50 judges had said so. I said they all were corrupt like most of our politicians. He thought I was nuts to believe it the election had been stolen.

Strange this guy had voted for Biden but was unhappy with some of his decisions and extremely concerned about our financial status as well as future nuclear hit to America from Putin. Another thing I noticed the guy was a bit terrified that his considerable wealth he had worked hard to gain was in jeopardy. He also was concerned about having received 3 covid vaccines and his future health. Even with all these concerns of his, like so many, he failed to connect any dots and wasn’t interested in my view of things.

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Sounds like mainstream media brainwashed.

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We may never know who really won the 2020 presidential election; however, one thing we know with absolute certainty is that America lost.

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What is happening is too horrible to believe, so many won't. The thought that our medical doctors would be complicit in assuring the death of so many people w/ inappropriate protocols that were obviously killing patients, alone, is hard to comprehend. The FDA's participation in looking the other way as deaths from the experimental jabs mount, while the CDC continues to push the shots for pregnant moms, despite the many miscarriages. It is more comfortable to dismiss all this evidence than to address the facts that many are coldly being killed, knowingly, perhaps to save the state from formal bankruptcy. (Then, too, the guilty are desperate not to be brought before a Nuremberg-style tribunal, so they keep lying & denying.)

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i actually think cali went RED in 2020

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There is no pill or shot for stupidity.

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What is sad is this man I had the conversation with isn’t stupid nor are so many others. I believe it is what news station you listen to but even then, all the news stations on TV are owed by the Oligarchs with one being mostly “controlled opposition”. Unless people take the time to look outside the box, they are stuck in their beliefs which they get from constant manipulation & propaganda from TV, movies, and other.

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Fortunately I don’t watch tv or listen to political stations or news. I am simply older and realize that stupidity isn’t about how smart we are or aren’t. It’s the lack of ability to use critical thinking skills. I no longer excuse people for lacking common sense which seems to be another lost ability.

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He will be on the "died suddenly" list.

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What you don't mention is why he trusted he Dems more than the GOP. Your post has a built in bias that you promote.

Many people on the Right have abandonned the GOP/Trump as they are fed up with his fraud, racism and sexism, and his total hostility to democracy which many on the Right do trust as a political system. What they don't get, as most people of all persuasions, is that Capitalism is the problem. And people who have profited from this economic system cannot see how destructive it is to democracy. That is the dot they don't get. The Right, by the way, has no answer to the question of what sort of societal organzation they would propose if one based on democratic political principles. Trump stands for totalitarian hierarchical fascist control and I read yesterday of some people proposing doing away with the electoral system altogether with 'leaders' being chosen and appointed by a self-selected group of privileged people. That is fascism completely. They will have complete control including use of the military to quell any public disruption. If this is your interest, then read what societies under that system were like. You can start with Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy.

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Tanya, is it not so that 'democracy' really means "rule by the mob, the common herd"?

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Don't know how you arrived at that perspective. It implies mob rule which is actually antithetical to democracy. Democracy is about having principles and structures that organize how people can give voice to their opinions and make decisions collectively. it is not consensus in the US version which is based on a majority rule process. Consensus works but is slow and hard to do on a really massive scale as in a country this large. Mob rule is not about thinking but the opposite. Nothing in any writing about democracy has ever promoted unthinking, emotionally hysterical behavior which characterizes mob rule.

Referring to the 'common herd' is really a demeaning way of seeing the public. That is the attitude of many of the 'rulers.' Bush thought of the public as the 'consumers.' That is literally how he referred to the public, said in public! I found it quite stunning that this was probably his most honest personal opinion he ever uttered and then he also said the problems would all go away if he were 'king.' Said with a smile, but said nonetheless. He is a fascist. Trump is like that, too. He has no respect for people, especially if he can't get anything from them. What he demands is adoration and obedience and has stated if elected again he wanted loyalty oaths made to him. Like Bush, this is a fascist way of thinking and tells us that is who he is. Is that the kind of system you support? Do you support a Hitlerian rule here? That was a country trained to be a mob in total goose step obedience to a dictator.

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Are you even aware of the CENSORSHIP of Drs. Or others who spoke against the narrative of the vaccines & the damage they have caused to many people???? Do you call that a democratic Republic? Forcing wide-scale lockdowns, and mandating vaccines or lose your job….when vaccines are killing younger people in high numbers. Most people, or no one, didn’t needed these toxic EXPERIMENTAL vaccines which we were lied to about, and they really are GENE EDITING, damaging DNA perhaps permanently. Do you understand how critical this is to HUMANITY???

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I am probably more aware than you can imagine. I just dont see everything as so neatly packed and black and white. There is much that is not democratic here. However, they gave us the mythology of democracy and gave us the mandate to fight for it. More importantly, it is written down in law which gives us the basis to fight for it legally. This is quite different than other systems that are organized around a dictator or single controlling monarch where demonstrations are not even legally allowed. The biggest problem in this country, as per your comment, is that people stopped fighting for their rights and trusted the leaders. Americans are lazy and want things done for them and then get pissed when their expectations are not met but t hey allowed these reactionary tendencies to take hold. There is a thing in law that operates, at least on a local level, that when people allow aberrations to occur they become de facto seen as community standards so become permissible as if law. This experiment in democracy was always a challenge as the powers that be have always known ways to control the public and the public has always been easily bought off with trinkets and distractions.

So now people are fighting from a weak position, coming from behind and very divided and fighting each other. If you are so concerned then what are you doing to close the divide and work with people with whom you differ on other issues?

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Well, if you trust who the leaders are nowadays, you have missed a lot. I recall things were running much smoother with Trump despite his personality issues. Although the very next day after he won, the Russia BS started. Hate 24-7 was thrown at him. I’m surprised he survived. Do you understand they are performing a military style psyop to manipulate the masses and you fell for it! You are thinking like a commie and have been brainwashed into believing capitalism is the problem. Capitalism isn’t perfect, but what they plan on forcing on us (globalists, elite oligarch, Deep State) is much WORSE I am afraid. Communism!! Are you familiar with that and what it means? Taking away our cars, no meat, force us into 15 minute cities and 24-7 surveillance of our every move based on a Social Credit Score that some unelected leaders/criminals get to decide. They say all this, I am not making it up!

Honestly, overall I am very unhappy with the Rino Republicans too and most Republicans. Seems they all have been corrupted or too weak and uncaring to fight for their constituents rights per the Constitution. Also, it seems politics is just another way to divide us and keep us from figuring out all the other things going on to cripple our country and take it over. But given only TWO choices, Trump was better. We didn’t have a Ukraine to deal with, the economy was running smoother and world relations improved. Now, inflation has gone nuts, and people are worried about NUCLEAR war!!!!! There is much more I could say, but…. Put your glasses on and stop being manipulated!!!

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I would say it definitely started with the Wilson administration, with him signing the federal reserve act and his cabinet being infiltrated with bolsheviks who pushed him into WW1. Outcome: league of nations and federal reserve. Roosevelt was infiltrated as a long with his socialist policies got us in WW2. Outcome: United Nations. And all of us here know why; a one world government control

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Nonsense. Your post is like listening to the rabid Joe McCarthy in the 1950's with his witchhunting HUAC committee that destroyed many people's life. FYI, those socialist policies are what have provided all the benefits you enjoy today including social security, job programs, environmental protections, labor protections, etc. This is the only developed country that is hysterical about Russia and socialism. Think about why that is? Russia was the 'invisible germ' that Capitalism created to scare people into submission. Russia was a country that Americans did not visit so it was easy to create hostile characterizations that it sold the American public. This began with their revolution against the feudal monarchy in 1917 and scared the burgeoning, fascist Capitalists in the US as it was a much more human ideology that people supported and it threatened their profiteering--not the people. Unions support workers so were attacked as socialism or communism but workers today realize how important collective bargaining is thru union organizing. Socialism did not get us into WWII--Capitalism did. The US didn't get into the war till the last year when it saw great profits to be made from involvement. In fact Russia won that war. It sacrificed 1/7 of its population. Every one of its cities was destroyed. It lost millions of people in that war. What the US did was sacrifice a few thousand men for Capitalist purposes. In fact the big corporations like Rockefeller Oil and ATT and IBM continued to do business with Hitler throughout the war even tho it was treasonous on paper. How much of that history did you ever learn. Every war the US began or was involved was always about Capitalism profiteering and power and never about democracy which is just the pitch to the public who are kept ignorant of the facts.

Your views are based on lies.

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Thank you for elaborating.

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We have murdered 63 million babies.

We have murdered thousands by a lethal “vaccine” injection.

We human traffic minors and in some horrific cases have Satanic rituals with minors often times sacrificing them to the Devil.

So yes, we are perfectly capable of murdering political opponents.

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There are a lot of banana republics who are insulted they were just compared to the US!

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Not only Prigozhin, but the co-founder and real military commander of Wagner, Dmitry Utkin was killed they say

Video said to be Prigozhin's jet going down after it was hit


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Why can't B.Hates and Soros have this kind of luck?

We need the W G or the like doing a billionaire oligarch cleansing.

Cartels where are you?

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No. Be very worried about both Joe and Kamala. Both are toxic for the party. To steal the race rightly both must go. An act of Terror by------ADL, yeah that's the ticket, Israeli passports are found of known Mossad suicide bombers.; :)

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I like the way you’re thinking; when the van explodes, their passports are blown clear.

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Only don't know. Everybody's sayin' sumthing. One hardly can be astonished if a curious body double is discovered peacefully growing blood red wine in Turkey.

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I think it is within the realm of possibilities. But, I don't think it is likely. Because I think Trump's foes realize that if Trump is killed, it will turn him into a martyr, which could potentially make the MAGA movement even stronger.

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The killing of Wagner's top leadership on a plane as they returned from Africa, fits in to a theory about a major covert deal just made between Vladimir Putin and Emmanuel Macron

Russia's recently increased presence in Africa, where Wagner had been active for several years, was putting major pressure on the French economy, given:

French exploitation of one-sided mineral contracts, such as uranium for its nuclear plants

huge French profits from controlling the African franc currencies, used in 22 African nations and being the main currency in 14 of these countries

The theory is that Macron agreed to softly lead the EU and NATO out of supporting Ukraine, and into acknowledging Russia's victory and influence there ... and in return Putin would lessen activities in Africa that menaced French economic interests ... the wipe-out of Wagner's leadership active in Africa, fits this well-Belgium Anonymous

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Check his "early years!" Let me get this straight, Putin's jewish chef, who is also an "Oligarch," also known as the jews who raped the resources of the former Soviet Union after their drunk Premiere was "deposed," goes on to become the founder and leader of a massive group of mercenary's, leads a "coup" against Russia, and then dies as mysteriously as Epstein or "Bin Laden?"

Bueller? Bueller? Earth to Normies, hello Normies! Do YOU believe this agitprop shit? Do you believe a guy who became our Pres, and pushed the vaccine, didn't lock her up, hired EVIL assholes to run his revolving door admin, is now going to save us? WTF will it take to convince people NOTHING we are told is real.

At this very moment, Bin Laden, Epstein and Prigozhin are on some Israeli/Chinese island, surrounded by thousands of stolen (700k kids go missing in the USA alone) 3-15 year olds, sipping Mai Tais as they are pleasured by their gender unknown kids.

NOTHING is solved by speculation. There are no MESSIAHS. If you want to live in an honest world, you must take control of it, and destroy the dishonest.

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Maybe we should be worried that “Russia” will retaliate and take out Biden, Harris, McConnell, Romney, Gates, Soros, Zuckerberg, Newsome and others.

That would be awful.

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Yes we are fully bananas 🍌!

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I don't know how many people feel like I do but life as we knew it is over and I'm not playing these stupid games any longer going on as if life was normal.The matrix is for stupid lovers who refuse to wake up.Well I'm not playing.You can't fund the demolition of our society if we stop feeding the beast.

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They are certainly capable of that, but I believe, it would be a last resort. A civil war would erupt, which they may want, but it would be very destructive for any future reconciliation or restoration of civil order.

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Vince Foster, the first ? receiver of Clinton-appreciation.

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Oh stop this ridiculous promoting of hysteria. Trump is not any threat to the 'system' as he is the system. He is a criminal and provides lots of entertainment and emotional hysteria which keeps people divided. He serves a core purpose: a useful idiot!

I find your even raising this issue of his alleged safety part of the game which makes you part of the problem itself. And given Trumps massive support of the Drug corporations and the bioweapons labs why in the world are you even supporting him. Of course if your support of his racism and sexism is what drives you...........................

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Racist & sexist I don’t feel Trump was anymore than many men. He looked for the best people in his company. That was part of the 24-7 hate propaganda against him. Again, he wasn’t perfect, but if you think Biden is better……

Regarding wars, much of what we have been told is likely slanted or false. How do we know what’s really true just because it was in a history book? The Democrats of my parent’s generation are different today. Surely, you can see that. In fact, its very possible unbeknownst to the masses politicians were always controlled by bigger forces and not working for the good of their constituents. It just seems much worse nowadays.

Just wondering if you think Biden is in full grasp of his cognitive facilities and that he is the one really in charge? Do you believe our country is intentionally being torn down and already given away to forces who could care less about US?

Do you believe covid was really an intentional bioweapon unleashed to begin the “Great Reset” wherein many freedoms, capitalism and life as we knew it will become very different if something drastic doesn’t happen to change the current trajectory?

Do you believe serious harm has come to multitudes of people who took the covid gene editing therapy? Do you recognize MSM often does not cover much of what is going on that should be told to the people? Like Bric’s which could remove the US dollar status we have known?

Is not Biden a criminal? A career politician. What ever has he done after 50+ years? Lots of evidence he and son are.

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This joint has been a crime syndicate that has murdered, threatened, blackmailed, intimidated as its modus operandi for a very, very long time. For Pete's sake, the joint had a so-called President who decided that the "Union" must be preserved at all costs, which was a flat-out lie. The resulting war against the South brought unmitigated death, suffering, and destruction to millions and caused upwards of 600,000 deaths.

“If there is to be a separation [i.e., secession of New England], then God bless them [the two countries] both, & keep them in the union if it be for their good, but separate them if it be better.” Thomas Jefferson, Letter to John C. Breckenridge, Aug. 12, 1803, regarding the New England secession movement

“No state . . can lawfully get out of the union . . . acts against the authority of the United States are insurrectionary . . .” - Abraham Lincoln, First Inaugural Address

“Extermination, not of soldiers alone, that is the least of the trouble, but the people [of the South].”

Letter from General Sherman to his wife, July 31, 1862, explaining his purpose in the war

Banana republic "now?"

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Yes. They will be working on

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