In OWS, Operation Warp Speed, the so called vaccine trials by Pfizer, Moderna et al. were being run fraudulently & too fast, yet as they ran each day, all vaccines were produced at same time, same day
and logistically sent to where they were to be distributed on the other words, each day as the trials ran, vaccine were produced for all candidates, and shipped end of each day
Goal was as EUA given, the same day vaccine would be distributed, they were already in storage and trucks as produced each day….
the idea was most would be destroyed. those that failed.
but it was foregone conclusion.
Issue is whether it worked or not, FDA used the EUA as a political football, FDA told me, they will NOT grant Trump EUA before election so that he does not get a win…even if Trump knew what was going on, and even if the vaccine was needed which it was not and the Malone Bourla vaccine was deadly, even so, FDA was never giving him EAU before election and they had results and refused…also, they moved the goalpost, were never interested in safety, just to deny Trump victory…
my office was on 6th floor of HHS, OWS was on 7th…even if it worked, even if this was a real pandemic which it was not, even if Americans needed a working vaccine, FDA denied Trump the EUA before elections for political reasons…they could have given EUA before elections but FDA official told me confidentially that the decision was made up top FDA to not give him EUA…no victory for him…I know, I was there, was told direct to me.
and yes, OWS was 100% a military operation, 100% military…FDA, CDC, NIH etc. was a front. Military ran 100%, I know, I was there. but no one ask me on this for as they said, I sucked the oxygen out of Malone et al. so don’t interview him…
in the end, the American people lost for Malone, Weissman, Bourla, Bancel et al. brought something that killed.
If courts and tribunals try these people and find them guilty of causing death, if courts, not you or I, I say hang them all!
We do need Nuremberg 2.0 where doctors, scientists etc. dangle from rope once courts and judges rule such.
Key distinction, Paul;
- The substance used in trials was a carefully crafted concoction, and
- The bioweapons distributed around the world were materially different to the trial substances. The manufacturing process was different and they were riddled with Plasmid DNA plus other things. Which is going to cut growing swaths through our populations over the coming years.
The adulteration factor should shut this nightmare down overnight. But the horse has bolted. 5+B humans have been transfected with the bioweapons. Uptake rates now are a mere trickle. In other words, the damage is done.
They were always going to pass the trials. This is why the fact more died in the treatment arms than the placebo barely rated a mention, and it certainly didn't stop the juggernaut.
COVID was confected to get those jabs into deltoids. They literally murdered people to drum up the fear.
A criminal conspiracy hatched by psychopaths: They were never going to follow the laws/rules.
this goes a long way toward explaining the vast variety of shots and degrees of lethality.
slow kill, medium kill, fast kill, the works