Key distinction, Paul;

- The substance used in trials was a carefully crafted concoction, and

- The bioweapons distributed around the world were materially different to the trial substances. The manufacturing process was different and they were riddled with Plasmid DNA plus other things. Which is going to cut growing swaths through our populations over the coming years.

The adulteration factor should shut this nightmare down overnight. But the horse has bolted. 5+B humans have been transfected with the bioweapons. Uptake rates now are a mere trickle. In other words, the damage is done.

They were always going to pass the trials. This is why the fact more died in the treatment arms than the placebo barely rated a mention, and it certainly didn't stop the juggernaut.

COVID was confected to get those jabs into deltoids. They literally murdered people to drum up the fear.

A criminal conspiracy hatched by psychopaths: They were never going to follow the laws/rules.


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that is also true, I only in this post wanted to share the criminality of FDA

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this goes a long way toward explaining the vast variety of shots and degrees of lethality.

slow kill, medium kill, fast kill, the works

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yes, I am trying to give you information...from inside

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thank you! would love to know anything else you feel safe sharing

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Pharma is thrilled by the speed at which these are produced thus bypassing normal lengthy trials. They don’t care at all. Anyone questioning the tech is an obstacle to untold wealth and profit. Look at their websites and up and coming drugs

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This is all exactly true Dr Alexander! Each and every word you’ve written here, the problem is, nobody in the know, gives a flying rats behind! Not a single rotten soul! You, Dr Alexander hit the nail on the head when you said, “they wouldn’t interview you” for reasons you’ve explained here. So now what Dr? Do you really believe any tribunal and Judges will bring these murderers to trial? Do you honestly believe anyone will pay the price for “mass murder”? Honestly, I don’t! Additionally, the MSM and all their glory (so they feel) will continue to punt! The scientists and Doctors and all their glory ( so they believe) will punt! Nobody, no one will be held accountable, liable or face a single charge! Look at Mr Evil Gates latest statement where he said, “The explosion in AIDS cases is nature’s answer to overpopulation”! AYFKM? Really? How convenient? They inject billions of people worldwide with a “Death Shot” to the heart and now write it off as a success, they continue to “tow the line” and AH like Killer Gates has the balls to make a statement like this! What’s worse is, “SHORT-MAN SYNDROME FAUCI” spoke often about ADE or Antibody Dependent Enhancement! How he was concerned what might happen! He knew exactly what was going to happen and like clock work, it has happened! Disabilities are through the roof, death goes without saying and more and more people have depleted and or completely destroyed immune system’s! And “Evil Man Gates” calls is AIDS? Ok, if that’s true than the French Scientist who won the Pulitzer Prize for discovering HIV, and those two Indian Scientists who concurred with him that “HIV”

was a component inside the JABS, now make perfect sense, doesn’t it? Oh and how perfectly the EVIL BASTARDS came up with a new, non-scientific name, VAIDS and SADS? These evil monsters had one goal, well two goals, “KILL AS MANY AS THEY CAN” and “DISABLE THE

REST”! This is exactly what we’re witnessing today! “A Plan to kill with a plan that kills”! I don’t know much but what I do know is this, these evil monsters will not stop! They won’t be truthful and they certainly can’t be trusted! When Americans are now “SECOND CLASS CITIZENS” and “ILLEGALS RULE THE ROOST” on hardworking Americans, yes we have more than another mistake or incompetence! What we have is a deliberate attack on the collective collapse of America as we once knew it! When Yellen states how the Feds should force Walgreens in Boston to stay open and calls it racist for them to close, we have full blown fascism, socialism, communism, Maoism, all pretty much the same game played on different fields! When the US congress is looking to implement an Internet ID card or something like that to control the masses, the same “ISM’s” I wrote above are in play! This is where America is headed and like a “SLOW BOIL FROG” we Americans, “Aren’t Jumping out of the pot”! In all actuality, they’re doing right before our eyes and sadly by the time most people realize this, it’ll be too late! Game Set Match! May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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I wonder how many in the Biden admin were given injections of saline? All of them, likely. The PCR tests were a sham. The whole fucking thing was a sham. I wouldn’t be surprised if Trump was purposely infected with Covid.

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The Erinyes (/ɪˈrɪni.iːz/ ih-RIN-ee-eez; sing. Erinys /ɪˈrɪnɪs, ɪˈraɪnɪs/ ih-RIN-iss, ih-RY-niss;[1] Ancient Greek: Ἐρινύες, pl. of Ἐρινύς),[2] also known as the Eumenides (commonly known in English as the Furies), are chthonic goddesses of vengeance in ancient Greek religion and mythology. A formulaic oath in the Iliad invokes them as "the Erinyes, that under earth take vengeance on men, whosoever hath sworn a false oath".

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[...] they could have given EUA before elections but FDA official told me confidentially that the decision was made up top FDA to not give him EUA…no victory for him…I know, I was there, was told direct to me. [...]

Yes...and the RKI leaks this past July ALSO confirmed this... that they waited until after the elections in 2020 to grant EUA...exactly to prevent Trump from gaining votes and winning.

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Since it was 100% military, start there, get them to talk, who, what, when and where. Where are those whistleblower’s? I bet Miley had part since we know he is traitor already! Who the hell is FDA TO HOLD BACK FROM PRESIDENT OF USA! Get rid of those heads also, get more people that know and love this country to turn on those treasoness dogs! Let us investigate, jail them, take every bit of their ill gotten gains and destroy them from ground up, then into jail for the rest of their rotten lives. We have to start militarilily, and get to top FDA LIARS, GET PEOPLE TO SPILL THE BEANS, STOP PROTECTING KILLERS!

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Nuremberg 2.0? Please check out "Operation Paperclip" by Annie Jacobsen, and think again. https://youtu.be/HHs5M3pyd3Q?si=2lME0MVQ3Wt2elVt

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The more I learn, the more confused I am about what happened.

Obviously there was a lot of fraud, deceit, corruption, coercion, and misconduct. But will we ever know what happened?

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yes, there is lots I cannot say, bound by confidentiality...but know this, Trump was a good guy in this, misunderstood, stupid but good...he was rolled...they killed people...we need to give him a 2nd shot to hang them after his Justice tries them

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I object to the “hang the perps” thinking. Rather, they should be sentenced to spend each day caring for the persons injured by their vaccines. Every single day confronting their crimes in person. In this manner they may obtain understanding and perhaps even remorse.

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They should receive every shot ever manufactured and denied medical care as they have done

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