This should be done to individual states to force them to adopt proper election standards and eliminate all electronics from the voting process.

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I love these truckers. I supported the Canadians during their protests over the mandates on vaccines and received a lovely shirt in response. Now I support our truckers in boycotting NYC over that ridiculous penalty for Pres Trump. That disgraceful Letitia Brown needs to lose her license. She’s biased and a racist (too pale, too stale…). If anyone said she’s “too darky, too snarky,” there would be protests all over. Trump organization has changed the skyline for NYC. The Trump organization has pail millions in taxes and has employed thousands of workers. What has that insipid Letitia done for humanity? Nothing. She’s a person who only got that job because George Soros put her there.

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Exactly right! ( by the way, you can edit a comment by clicking on the three tiny dots to the far lower right )

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Mine says “share, hide, and delete,” but I can’t find edit.

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Thank you!!!

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I don’t see EDIT? Just Share Hide & Report. I’ve often wished SS had an edit feature.

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"Edit" or "delete" appear on one's own comments only. If I click on your three dots I get "gift a sub" or "report".

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The mobile version of Substack App does NOT support edit. You have to use BROWSER to access Substack to edit your posts.

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I stand with the Truckers. My father was an independent trucker and I drove team with my x husband for a year. It will take the independents or cooperation with the company they drive for to accomplish this. We must stand together against this tyranny.

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The Freedom Truckers Convoy up here in Canuckistan ruled by Justin Stalin, son of the late and not great Pee Error Trudeau had criminal acts committed against them by turdo. He was taken to court and lost. Now the lying little puke is being sued. He is as bad or worse than biDUMB.

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You are very clever. I like your style. Kudos for your comedic language

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I haven't read the story because I know that the big trucking companies won't participate in any kind of strike or organized boycott. In the Canada truckers' protest, almost all the truckers worked for themselves. But most truck drivers are employed by big trucking companies - and these companies are all captured and part of the corrupt "club." These corporate-employed truckers will almost certainly NOT participate - as they would be instantly fired if they did.

Bottom-line: We are not going to get enough truckers to mobilize together to create real change ... but, if they ever did, they could bring the world to a stand-still and point out the rampant corruption.

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BINGO only private truckers can play this game, and today post COVID some 99% of all trucks in USA are big-corporate ran think AMAZON, WALMART, UPS that's probably 80%

All the small private contractor guys were driven out of biz during the covid years by trump

The other tell on this is Trump is calling for the truckers to anti-up and cover his $320 Million USD settlement in NYC for 'fraudi' on the TRUMP brand, and he wants his lemmings to pay his fines, there is now places you can donate to bail out trumps legal bills;

The thing is the 'fraud' of trump-univ et-all trump brands is/was very real indeed

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Personally, I am waiting for one of the lawyers to file disbarment papers and/ or write a scathing letter to ethics committee about this judge that recused himself from different TRUMP CASE BUT TOOK THIS ONE? The judge is looney, takes horrible shots of himself for Facebook, that alone is ethics violation, then we also know he has a deep hatred of TRUMP, SO TO SAY HE IS BIASED, PREJUDICED AGAINST TRUMP IS SAYING IT MILDLY! He should never have been allowed on this case.

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Amen. You got that straight

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I Love it too! Reading the posts from those truckers I am in total agreement. One said time to show the corrupt who really runs the country. One said this is the FO stage, lol.

I hope this is across the board in solidarity. Maybe that corrupt maggot Engoron will feel the heat.

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The reality is one trucker called the boycott and its not clear anybody signed-up

The problem is that refusing loads takes you off the job-list, the few remaining guys with owner-owned rigs have $10K USD a month payments to make, and you just can't refuse a load unless you want to have nobody asking you to haul

This is just a way to put the last solo operators out of biz;

Like trump said ""BIG BIZ is GOOD, small biz is bad"

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Bigger than this but same-same, BIDEN today just put "CUMMINS DIESEL" out of business, fined them $1.5 Billion USD for making 'diesels engines' they used to be the best on earth, and now being destroyed for doing what they do; Which is providing engines for all the big-rigs on the road;

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Actually probably $50k/month, cuz new rigs are close to $500K USD given that a shit-car is close to $100K USD

The ZOG would love to see the last of the white-independent Truckers fuck themselves and then only trucks driven in USA will be by the wetbacks;

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If True that is awesome!! I have family living in NY and the city is awful, dirty and full of illegals.

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This used to be the big apple. Under mayor Giuliani he cleaned up the porn and druggies and you could take your kids to Times Square. Thanks to weak and ineffective mayors, and now Eric Adams boasts about putting “chocolate” in his administration, he doesn’t even notice how racist that comment is. Meanwhile he’s letting crime ride free among the onslaught of migrants blaming Gov Abbott instead of Bribery Biden.

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I suspect that this trucker boycott is going to be used by intelligence agencies, similar to how the intelligence agencies used Jan 6th. So, I'm betting that the trucker boycott is going to shut down shipping in some locations, and cause food shortages, etc., and that Joe is going to have to step in and do some sort of executive order or something to get shipping back on track.

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But if Joe himself (read Obama) wants to create food shortages, well then, we'll all just suffer--except the Dems--they'll get special food shipments via USPS (in Joe's pocket)

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Your typical NYC Democrat who Depends on Biden will not appreciate the loads he delivers every day.

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If only people realized: Strength and power is in solidarity of the masses! The globalistes will move if they ain‘t no toilet paper to whipe their a.. and no one to clean their villas and no one to fixe their limousines and no body to fly their jets!!!

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*paid millions in taxes

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If they are really doing this "in support of Trump", it means that they either:

1. Hostile actors and not legitimate protestors; or

2. Complete and utter morons.

Not sure which one is worse...

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I love truckers! THE great big silent majority no more. Keep on trucking away from NEW YORK, DC, DEMOCRAT CITIES!

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