According to the Woke / Progressives controlling our fates, amongst other nonsense "Moral Values" are culturally dependent so we have no right to judge other cultures by our own Moral Values and are entirely relative anyway; there are no absolutes.. Oh.. and oh yeah, Morality is a tool of White Male Oppression and for us to judge violate…
According to the Woke / Progressives controlling our fates, amongst other nonsense "Moral Values" are culturally dependent so we have no right to judge other cultures by our own Moral Values and are entirely relative anyway; there are no absolutes.. Oh.. and oh yeah, Morality is a tool of White Male Oppression and for us to judge violates these creatures' "Intersectionality" or some such rubbish...🤔
According to the Woke / Progressives controlling our fates, amongst other nonsense "Moral Values" are culturally dependent so we have no right to judge other cultures by our own Moral Values and are entirely relative anyway; there are no absolutes.. Oh.. and oh yeah, Morality is a tool of White Male Oppression and for us to judge violates these creatures' "Intersectionality" or some such rubbish...🤔
To which I bluntly reply: "Fuck that shit."