I figure that since I am over 50 and will never take any mRNA injections, I have increased my chances of living longer by 35%. Avoiding all big pharma drugs increases that another 50%.

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I like the math. I can live with it.

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Me too. If Fauxi and Xiden can reject pharma drugs and live forever, so can I.

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We need to wage Pro Booster Campaigns for Leftists! 99% makes me feel we have won!

I know! Every Starbucks will give them a triple venti broccoli espresso with whipped crickets for free, with every booster!

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yes-s with a side order of dark chocolate covered ants.

It's all organic.

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How about "Crunchy Frog", "Cockroach Cluster", or "Anthrax Ripple"?

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Sounds perfect for them

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How about their specialty; "Spring Surprise": When you pop it into your mouth, steel bolts spring through both cheeks!


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Monty Python Crunchy Frog


mr. Hilton oh yes you are sill

proprietor and owner of the wizard

Chocolate Company um

constable parrot and I from the hygiene

squad yes and we'd like to have a word

with you about your box of chocolates

entitled the wizard quality of salt ah

good yes if I may begin at the beginning

first there is the cherry of fondue now

this is extremely nasty but we can't

prosecute over that agreed

next we have number 4 crunchy from yes

am i right in thinking there's a real

frog in here yes a little one is it


yeah but a raw frog we use only the

finest baby frogs little picked and

flown from Iraq cleanse in the finest

quality spring water lightly told

concealed in a suction Swiss can people

smooth both ween treble milk chocolate

envelope and lovingly frosted with

glucose that's is maybe but it's still a

frog what else would it be

but they're even take the bone back we

do the bones out it won't be crunchy


constable parrot get one of their it

well it says crunchy form quite clearly

we'll never mind that we have to protect

the public people aren't going to think

there's a real frog in chocolate

the superintendent thought it was Marlin

the world they're bound to think of some

kind of mock frog look plug we use no

artificial preservatives or additives of

any kind nevertheless advise you in

future to replace the words crunchy frog

with the legend crunchy raw unbound real

dead frog if you want to avoid


what about all soon I didn't give a damn

about your sales we have to protect the

public now what was this one number five

it was another five wasn't number five

Rand leather cup now what kind of

confection is this we use choices the

juicy chunks of fresh Cornish grams

bladder emptied steamed labeled with

sesame seeds with people fondue and

garnished with larks vomit today it

doesn't say anything down here

how about Lux bumming yes it does on the

bottom of the box often monosodium

glutamate I openly think this is good

enough it will be more appropriate in

the box for a big red label warning lot

funny also love it well why don't you

move into more conventional areas of

confessed relax

brawling or lime-cream a very popular

flavor on there to understand or

strawberry tonight

I mean walk this one cockroach cluster

and this anthrax Ripple


and what this one spring surprise oh

that's our speciality covered in darkest

velvety smooth talking when you pop in

your mouth stainless steel bolts ring

out and punch diversity if people

colonized chalky in their mouth they

don't expect to get their tips yes

in any case if he's an inadequate

description of the sweetmeat eyes left

to ask you to accompany me to the


that's a third cop and don't talk the


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They might begin to suspect...🤔

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Think of something for the owner.

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Life Insurance companies know.

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I have worked at a large insurer in Canada for 40 years and have not heard a peep. They mandated me to get the jabs and then banned me from the building when I would not. Eventually, I was able to enter with a negative rapid test. Now there is no mention of any of this and we don't have to wear masks either, although some still do.

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And they are being paid off by the Government to keep them in business and keep quite about it.

Same with the Funeral industry.


It's always about the money isn't it ?

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There will be an insurance industry bail out by the feds soon. Mark my words.

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Wouldn't it have to be a secret bailout with some book cooking though?

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I've wondered about this. If they really are accepting hush money for all of the extra death and disability claims, that is even more disgusting.

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Yet I keep seeing articles in the Canadian media claiming that the unvaccinated died at a higher rate and the jabs saved millions of lives. It is disgusting .

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Because they are calling deaths within the 2 wk window directly following a jab as being "unvaccinated." Remember? So they effectively inflate deaths from the jabs as "unvaccinated" deaths. It's word magic and statistical gymnastics to CYA.

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It's ironic that the insurance industry provides the most objective proof of all that these "vaccines" cause more injuries and deaths to people under 60 than does covid. Stirling's analysis is joined by numerous other reports from insurance companies, that show 25-40% increase in all-cause mortality to people under 60 since these "safe and effective" toxins were rolled out. The insurance industry lives and dies by pure numbers - actuarial, profits, deaths, disabilities, claims paid out and so on. And the pure numbers tell the tale. There is no opinion in pure numbers.

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They took the money to shut up about it.

This industry hates Edward Dowd.

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When the govt provided data is worthless, you need to turn to self reported independent data, like this insurance death data. Casket makers and other vendors of "end of life" services are useful, too.

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The VA is still pushing covid shots and boosters.

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I was treated for stroke in 'at a VA facility in '21. I am still not sure I wasn't vaxxed while unconscious.

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That is a very scary thought.

What has disturbed me is how much effort the VA has put into pushing the covid death shots and boosters. Received an email from the VA stating vets can receive the booster and the flu shot the same day. They are totally ignoring that there might be a connection between being over 65 and getting both shots at the same time, and developing a stroke.

VA will deny medical care to any veteran not wearing a mask. Totally ignoring the fact that any veteran suffering from PTSD or Military Sexual Trauma might have increased depression or anxiety by wearing a mask and having breathing dimished.

VA pretends to care about 22 veterans killing themselves every day...but it is a farce.

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I worked for them '14-'16 in Murfreesboro, TN. Food Services. I met a few good people, but generally believe you'd have to work at it to find a Federal service less interested in the well being of our Veterans. Many there did only what they had to do to collect that check.

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NYC still has full court press for jabs and boosters w subway, radio & TV ads and pop up testing sites at every busy corner though mostly they have one lonely lab tech reading.

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New York State is a Communist enterprise.

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Although it had to be repeated 3 times, I hope it will start sinking in, even though we're preaching to the choir, but some folks have to hear it presented several times in different words, before the gravity of the matter at last smacks them hard enough to finally jolt them awake from their comfy slumbers.

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Why can't we get this thru the heads of the jabbed, they do not want to know the truth and it's driving me nuts. I sometimes wonder if the drug is doing something to their brain to make them take more and more, even after they've had an adverse reaction to a shot.

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It's great to see others in the industry coming public.

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How does 35% translate for an individual? I know a woman, 56, slightly overweight, who got five shots.

Does it mean she has a 35% chance of dying at age 70 instead of 75? Or is it annual - every year she has a 35% chance of death?

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I just passed this to a CovIDIOT and he immediately responded with -- ya but without the shots if I got Covid I'd have died. More Boosters!

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It's really true: You. Can't. Fix. Stupid.

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Not exponential because you can't become more dead than dead?

Why are those that have taken the experimental shots more PO'ed? They should be demanding retribution.

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Strirling’s astute findings confirms my Russian Roulette theory. Every time a person takes a booster, there is at least one less empty chamber in the gun.

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Feb 4, 2023·edited Feb 4, 2023

And that seems quite reasonable indeed. Thanks Paul and shared.

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It’s actually much better than I thought. I’d reckoned it increased probability of death by around 50% for just a first course of jabs.

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In time. In time.......

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