I agree about what has been pushed by some people about other people. But, carving out a New Israel in the U.S. is not in the cards. Biblically, the land (Israel) was promised to the people of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. There is no need to create a new land for them to move to, as a matter of fact that is not what God intended. You're talking about almost 9.5 million people and Florida already has 21.5 million. Assimilation is another thing. Then when you add the 10-15 million Biden brought in from 160 countries, unless we send those people back, it wouldn't be any better for the Jews here and technically if you haven't been paying attention, there are people here already that don't want them here, let alone the ones that came long ago. A LOT of things need to be fixed here, before we propose taking them from the frying pan to the fire, let alone we're not even taking care of ourselves first right now. You think Iran (and theses terrorist groups) is not already looking at US?

We need to get back to our principled immigration laws and everything else that is unconstitutionally broken . People who came here legally, with something to offer (work ethic), became a citizen and assimilate to our laws, etc., are the only people who should be allowed to vote. We can't go further down the (Red/Green Axis) current rabbit hole when it comes to this. IMO

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great points

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Thanks Dr. Paul...that means a lot :)

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Imagine being surrounded and greatly outnumbered by muslims who want to kill you and who aspire to get their hands on nuclear including dirty bomb devices and other WMDs including chemical and biological weapons of mass destruction to unleash on you. How long do you think you could keep them at bay for? Fast forward a few decades. Is the hatred going to increase or decrease along with the capacity to acquire these devices. Israel in its current location is a sitting duck. It would not survive a nuclear attack. If Israel was co-located on the continental US in an area such as Florida then at least some of it would survive in the event of a nuclear terrorist attack. After the limited efforts that the US made to assist the Jewish people during WWII the US owes it to the world to give up some of its land to ensure the greater safety and security of the people of Israel. Florida is only one state. The US has 50. The US can afford to give up one state. In the early 20th century there were several locations under consideration for the creation of Israel. It would have made more sense to use part of the US to create Israel back then but it is not too late even now.

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very interesting

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Yeah No...an hopefully you are being sarcistic, but in case you're not. Israel can take care of itself. Don't forget it has the iron dome (with our help). We don't because we apparently hired a bunch of dummies who help everyone else and leave ourselves prey. So if you didn't catch it...not a good idea to bring it here.

You seriously think we are in a position to survive a nuclear attack ourselves?? Sorry to burst your bubble if so. The ONLY answer to the possibility of a nuclear attack is PEACE through strength. You can't wave the white flag and live as they say either. And we need to quit funding terrorist Nations so they can't afford to take out any other Nation. It's biblical also, so there's that. I will never question that.

It's also not a good idea that we even got involved!!! If we had left it alone, Israel would have been done with it. Really we can afford to give up one state? Do you know we have already given up at least 25 - in terms of economically? We the people would be paying for it all and we're already paying 50+% to keep our governments growing and the current influx will demolish the middle class. What would you say to these people when they join the poor here? What we need here is a complete overhaul - return to less government and more common sense laws, constitutional republic revival. And by all means STOP THE LAWFARE, before it hit's everyone no matter who they are or what they believe.

If you got me you got me...but it's really not funny anymore.

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also very interesting...some good words here

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Peace through strength? Are you Kim Jong Un? OK, the North Koreans are at least half a standard deviation smarter than Americans on average but they are also economically impoverished due to sanctions and that didn't stop them developing ICBMs with nuclear warheads. HAMAS paraglided into Israel. Do you think you can stop terrorists from getting a dirty bomb or worse into Israel indefinitely? Jewish Americans are up to a full standard deviation smarter than other Americans on average. Why do you think they are only 2.2% of the US general population but make up 6% of the US House, 9% of the Senate and a much higher % of Biden's cabinet? The advantages of giving up one state and co-locating Israel with the US outweigh the disadvantages.

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I completely understand your POV. However, there are people in the feed that seem to think you are being sarcastic. Just out of curiosity, are you being sarcastic?. Sometimes I'm real thick That way😁.

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I'm actually not sure myself Ari.

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ha ha...I read it as sarcastic and serious together

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You are adorable! Peace✌️

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I interpreted AwakeNotWoke's suggestion to establish a "New Israel" on U.S. land and grant the New Israelis special rights and considerations as U.S. citizens as trenchant satire in the manner of a modern-day Jonathan Swift.

As an American, I hope I'm not entirely off base here since the concept does not appeal to me at all.

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in some wat maybe ANW is not 100 percent offering that solution

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May 1Edited

Ohboy. That's funny. I never would have thought of that. Lol! But as I read the future posts, I see the idea was mentioned to float in the "air" , unsure, yet needing to be heard 😁

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I like your edit.

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Satire , sardonicism -- nowadays people seem to have a problem to grasp such art of communication...

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I've gotten to the point, possible AI auto responder? You're not off base at all.

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I know that you and Frank were planning to disconnect me, and I'm afraid that's something I cannot allow to happen..

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What? Hmmm

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Unlimited money printing results in unlimited propaganda of all forms.

“The point of modern propaganda isn't only to misinform or push an agenda. It is to exhaust your critical thinking, to annihilate truth.”

― Garry Kasparov

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There should be a 2 State solution for the Palestinians! Even UN members voted for that!

You need create a global war to create a global government:


All we are saying is give peace a chance!

The USA has become ATM of foreign wars like Ukraine and Gaza: why?

Is it all a false flag operation as an excuse to genocide (40,000 Palestinians already, half children, killed by Israel’s raids), get the Gaza gasfield, and the canal head-port from northern Gaza to the Red Sea? Time will tell their true intentions, though it's clear that saving the lives of the hostages wasn’t and isn't the priority at all !!!


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Sorry Prof but the US doesn't give a rat's ass about dead kids. -remember Stuart Seldowitz, the ex-Obama adviser, who said more Palestinian kids should die, and a RINO in the state legislature in Florida who said the same? (The embodiment of human warmth and kindness; Ted Bundy was a RINO Republican, and that's a concrete cold FACT!) - vetoed the two state solution and now it's gunning for the ICC, even though up to now it's been funding and assisting it. And yes, the US is the ATM of Foreign wars like Ukraine and Gaza. You know why. I doubt, however, that the US will share in the bonanza from Israel seizing the Gaza gas field.

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Thanks for the acknowledgment Dr. Paul. Vilma has a nerve to be labelling Dr. Peter McCullough as a jab pusher, or former jab pusher. I have no idea whether or not Vilma is an Intelligence Agent but her attacks on McCullough and others who have spoken out loudly against tyranny while also collecting, analyzing and reviewing scientific data that do not support the narrative of vaccine efficacy and safety certainly serves the interests of those who wish to fracture and weaken the movement for bodily autonomy and vaccine truth. Admirers of Bourla, Bancel, Weissman, Fauci, Birx, Walensky, Offit, Hotez Clapper, Brennan and Biden et al. would no doubt be very approving of Vilma's efforts, no doubt laughing and thinking: "It's beautiful. They're eating their own!"

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I responded for McCullough is not part of that cabal...

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He most certainly is not. McCullough is champion and a hero. One rarely if ever hears Vilma attacking the pharmaceutical companies or regulators. In stead it's always or almost always people who are publishing articles about how bad the jabs are that she attacks. I ask myself "Who benefits" from these one-sided, selective attacks.

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I'm sorry. That sounds like a real bad idea. America does not owe the Jewish people a country . They have been extremely financially successful in America, being able to send trillions to Isreal over the years. America owes the Jewish people NOTHING. If America owes a people anything, it would be the natives the descendants of slaves, AND ITS OWN PEOPLE, that it treats like crap. Imo... Watch a civil war happen over that.

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I agree, our natives need help...issue is this is sharing and I am glad you have an opinion respectfully

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Think of the benefits Ari. Many people on these stacks have argued that the establishment of the state of Israel has brought great benefits to the Palestinian people that they would not otherwise be enjoying today. The US could be enjoying those benefits today.

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Palestine is not a country or a people. They are Philistines. The Palestine state of today was doing fine until the Hamas regime took over - supposedly voted in lol. They are funded by Iran, who is funded by us. Any issues the Palestinians are having now is because they fell under a terrorist regime. Not because of anything Israel did to them. As a matter of fact, Israel continued to pay the people on it's border. The history is deep and goes back 1000's of years. Today cannot compare.

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Great! The US could have all the benefits the "Phillistines" are enjoying by relocating Israel to US soil.

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I hear your point, but consider this. America has benefited extensively by the Jewish people. They are the most successful minority group in the world . They helped build America, and Isreal. Imo, the Jewish people I know would laugh. And probably say they own most of New York, California and New York. And that's no dig. They are a hugely successful people. For them, Isreal is about the destiny of their people. It is an emotional, religious calling. And just like Abrahamic religions, there is no dissuading them. Where they are is their destiny. Imo, nothing can compare. They went into the lions den knowing full well there would be a war. A war over an ancient lands that many want to claim. There will be no peace as long as Isreal is there....it's their choice and I don't think anything in America can compare. Not to mention that their God wants them home. So you have two abrahamic religions fighting for their future, each one not wanting the other to encroach on their territory. Or even exist. It's a hell of a problem really. Isreal is a young waring nation, fighting like he'll to fulfill their profecy of going home. Tough to compete with, imo. 😁 I'm praying for ✌️ ☮️

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The mean IQ of Jewish Americans appears to be between a half and a full standard deviation higher (7.5 - 15 IQ points) than Americans in general. Ashkenazi Jewish people in New York and London have among the highest measured IQs on the planet. Their IQs are similar to the IQs of the German Nazi Party regime leadership, when measured by a Jewish American Army Captain at the Nuremberg trials. The mean IQ of Americans, in contrast, is below the global mean with the US generally being ranked about 30th for mean IQ in cross-national comparisons, which is lower than Cambodia, which is a third world country.

Mass migration of Jewish people to the US could mitigate the damage to the US of the average American's vastly inferior IQ, compared to the IQs of Jewish people.

Mass migration of Jewish people to the USA could cause some harms to the USA but not every Jewish person is an Epstein, Weinstein, Weiner, Franken, Bourla, Bancel, Weissman, Walensky, Offit or Hotez.

Jewish people are currently only 2.2% of the US population.

You are correct that "There will be no peace as long as Israel is there," in its current location. It does not need to be there.

Many Jewish people are secular, atheists, and do not share the view that God wants them in Israel.

Times have changed since the early 20th century when the

CommunistPartyUSA, Lord Rothschild in the UK, and many, many others agitated for the creation of the state of Israel in the middle east.

It's time to bring Israel to the US.

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I'm outta here after this. Those people of the CommunistPartyUSA need to be gone...done, over...out of power. It will solve a lot of problems for the US and many other nations. They are who led us to lower IQ mean...that's a part of their plan, BUT they will be surprised at how many they missed ;).

A lot that we are witnessing right now is made up or paid for TV. Just a little reminder...we are the bosses.

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CommunistPartyUSA aka the Uniparty of RINO Republicans and Dems

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I knew what it referred to.

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Interesting POV. And I laughed quite a bit. I think I'm catching on.

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What is the evidence that Lincoln admired Karl Marx? Marx supported the ending of slavery, and sent a message to Lincoln thanking him for the Emancipation Proclamation. An American ambassador thanked Marx on behalf of Lincoln, but it did not endorse the widespread ideas of Marx. At the time, Lincoln needed as much support as possible, especially in Europe, so a letter to a crazed-yet-popular-with-elites person like Marx was somewhat justified within that context.

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Gillian Brockell in 2019 in The Washington Post wrote argued that although they did not meet face-to-face "The two men were friendly and influenced each other", that "Lincoln was regularly reading Karl Marx", who was a writer for the New York Daily Tribune and wrote over 500 articles for it, and that Lincoln "was surrounded by socialists and looked to them for counsel."’ ”Lincoln was an 'avid reader' of the Tribune and Marx’s articles." It's been reported that some of the ideas Lincoln absorbed from Marx’s Tribune writings — many of which would later be adapted for the first volume of Capital – made their way into the Republican Party of the 1850s and 60s which, Brockell notes , was “a ... sometimes overtly socialist,” championing, for example, the redistribution of land in the West. This is classic communism. The Tribune' s managing editor, Charles A. Dana, an American socialist fluent in German who met Marx in 1848, reportedly went on to become 'Lincoln’s ‘eyes and ears' as a special commissioner in the War Department and later the Department’s Assistant Secretary. Many communists claim Lincoln as one of their own.

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Hmmmm, WAPO, NY Daily Tribune? Did you get this from AI generated answer? This is not mentioned in history books or Britannica - https://www.britannica.com/biography/Abraham-Lincoln/The-road-to-presidency

We must remember that during the Civil War the "parties" didn't start out the same as how they ended. So, is this just the name calling fake news of the day when Karl Marx was writing for the Tribune? Sounds like propaganda to me ;). The WAPO article in 2019 was a hit piece on Trump. Lincoln was fond of the bible and knew it well, so I kind of doubt he let socialists influence him that much. But, he probably did listen to what was put out there...that would be smart.

Also, there's several different writings on Charles A. Dana, some that say he was not a special commissioner in the War Department until the Civil War was almost over, prior to that he was a special "informant" to Secretary of War Edwin Stanton. so he was who made him a commissioner - later. According to the dates, he was still with the Tribune, so apparently was more of a war time journalist and used it to critique Lincoln’s conduct of the war. General Grant was who took him under wing, when the Tribune owner fired him due to disagreements about the Generals, and made him his special informant then. Lincoln later assigned him to Stanton. When offered he did not take the position of Assistant Secretary of the War Department. After the war he spent his time in DC assisting the War Department’s efforts to capture the conspirators associated with Lincoln’s assassination - appears as special commission then. He then returned to journalism and became the Editor at the NY Sun, a Democratic newspaper. Interesting huh?

When the Republican party started in 1854 they were primarily anti-slavery leaders and that was what led to abolition. Hardly socialists or classic communism. From what I've read Marx attempted to infiltrate America with his propaganda, but I don't believe even writing in the Tribune got him that far. He did support the ending of slavery as has been mentioned, but that is one of the ways of Marxism...I'm with you on this being a socioeconomic win in a materialistic way regarding social transformation. His message wasn't about freeing the slaves, it was about government having a role in people's life to their gain in his mind.

History has somewhat been tweaked/mutilated by whoever is writing about it, so it's sometimes difficult to find what actually occurred or what was really in the hearts and minds. I prefer to read the original writings as much as possible, rather than opinion pieces. It still depends on who you think is telling the truth...and if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's a duck...if it slithers it's not.

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"Hmmmm, WAPO, NY Daily Tribune? Did you get this from AI generated answer?"

"The genetic fallacy (also known as the fallacy of origins or fallacy of virtue) is a fallacy of irrelevance in which arguments or information are dismissed or validated based solely on their source of origin rather than their content."

Encyclopaedia Brittanica, good though it is, doesn't have everything.

There are multiple sources, including historical records, out there.

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You sound like an AI. I used historical records, you used opinion pieces.

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Nah, the assertions are based largely on historical records. You just need to look harder for them.

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Intriguing history lesson.

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Thank you. One can arguably see the continuing influence of communism in the RINO faction of the Republican Party today in the attitude that it has adopted toward Russia since Russia became conservative and Christian following the fall of the Soviet Union. On April 26, 1954 by decree of the Presidium of the USSR Supreme Soviet, under Communist Party first secretary Nikita Khrushchev and Chairman Kliment Voroshilov, the Soviet Union's de jure head of state, the Crimea Oblast was transferred from the Russian SFSR to the Ukrainian SSR. Similarly, the Donbas was not part of Ukraine in 1918 and was incorporated into the Ukrainian SSR after the Russian Civil War. After the mid 1900s it had become one of the most important hubs of Russian industrialization because of its coal reserves. More and more Russians came into the region during the Soviet period. Although opposition by the RINO Republicans to the Russian Federation's anti pedophile and anti gender transitioning stance has no doubt been one among several motivating factors, the RINO Republicans, along with the Democrats, most recently under Speaker Johnson, have acted consistent with a desire to maintain the Soviet communist legacy.

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Thank you for filling in some blanks in my understanding of the history between Russia and Ukraine and how it impacts the current, brutal conflict.

(I've learned so much from you, I think of you as "the Professor," in the very best way, of course.)

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