Not only did I know that children were not spreaders, I also read some one theoriing that they were protective...kinda gave you an immune system boost against it...which is when I started hugging them in the bus lines and as soon as they allowed, went into the classrooms, took off the mandatory mask asked the children to take them off if they wanted, and played hairdresser and other fun things. Other times we built paper boats and raced them by blowing them off the desks.

Not one sniffle for this old lady. Not sick one day. I noticed early on kids only tested postivie for Covid if they had been with an adult at home with covid, or their teacher had it. They GOT it from adults, they never GAVE it.

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Paul, while the original dangers of SArsCOV2 were massively exaggerated as was correctly pointed out in the paper we did on SArscov2 and the pediatric population sadly the opposite is true of the dangers of the injections where these dangers have been massively understated by Goverments.

Conferences like those in Romania are incredibly important in shining light on the massive genocidal efforts our governments have undertaken against its own citizens and above all else what can be done to protect yourself.

A great example is the talk Dr. Chris Schumacher gave in Romania recently where he shows an astounding 20% of those vaccinated will get myocarditis and 50% of those will be dead within five years left undiagnosed and untreated which is the case now.

This is not "fear porn" bur a medical fact and a message that is crucial to spread far and wide. Dr. Howard Tennenbaum not so long ago published an amazing article in the 2SG sub stack that shows that Doxycycline down regulates the Matrix Metalloproteinase "MMP"enzymes that in excess cause tissue injury and scarring and indeed by down regulating these enzymes helps ameliorate injury and scarring of heart cells.

Not so long after an amazing success story was published in this 2sg sub stack of someone vaxxed with two heart attacks was able to show improvement by taking 100 mg of Doxycycline a day for a month and then reducing the dosa to subantimicrobial does (25 mg a day).

These repurposed compounds for everything from cancer to myocarditis induced by these injections is the crucial information that needs to be spread to counter the genocide.

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Dec 28
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Thank you for sharing this...I cannot imagine. How clever of you to have partly figured this out, if not all figured out. Best of luck. You already have courage.

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Dec 28
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You go girl. I am rooting for you. YOu are brave. you have courage.

You go. God be with you.

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