They don't even bother trying to hide it any more. I think the worst is Fauci's wife heading up bioethics for the NIH where he "worked".

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Absolutely disgusting greedy fraudulent murdering demons.

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The Dynamic Duo of Pseudo-Medical Profiteering. Scumbaggery of the highest order.

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The FDA has been thoroughly corrupt for over 60 years.

Dr. Herbert Ley, former Commisioner of the FDA, made this statement in the late 1960s: “The FDA protects the big drug companies, and is subsequently rewarded. Using the government’s police powers, they attack those who threaten the big drug companies. The thing that bugs me is that people think that the FDA is protecting them. It isn’t. What the FDA is doing, and what the public thinks it is doing are as different as night and day.”

This is even MORE true today.

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Using the government’s police powers, ...

That's a nice way to put it; Dr. Gerson was run down in the street. Not even necessary, they had destroyed his reputation already - pure hateful revenge.

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Pfollow the money!

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And, relatedly .".. bear to hear the truth you've spoken twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,"

Check out the good work by House Republicans in exposing how the intel agencies coordinated a censorship and smear campaign against Robert Malone and others to suck in the gullible

Deep State Censorship Exposed. How government tore my reputation apart piece by piece.


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All for immense profits,Culling the Human populations, Wordwide..

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I come here for my daily briefing on how the world has gone stark raving mad.

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Moderna is partnered with NIH. How much money is Moderna paying them?

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Bill Gates says the return on vaccines is 20:1.

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I have a current High Court case, where the lawyer on the other side - who is opposing my client's substantial claim - had been employed by my client a few years ago for the exact same subject matter.

I wouldn't stand for this shit and asked the judge to summarily remove this lawyer from the case. The judge stopped the case and ordered that this lawyer be investigated by the bar. However this lawyer has, of her own, still not yet resigned from the case.

Talk about a money whore.

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Ebola is in the COVID Vaccines! Respected Research Scientist Judy Mikovits Drops Massive Bombshell! (video 49 Minutes)


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The Covid19 HOAX was a Pentagon-CIA Operation designed to destroy the Presidency of their Arch-enemy Donald J Trump/ President Trump REFUSED to provoke Russia into attacking the CIA Colony known as Ukraine. They masterminded 2 FAKE impeachments, they stole the elction and now seek to prevent him from re-occupying the Whitehouse. In this CBS Interview former NSA director Matt Pottinger - UNBELIEVABLY brags about forcing former President Trump to accept Anthony Fauci and Deborak Birx as covid19 Czars. That my friend was a real insurrection - a MUTINY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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t telling anyone, and when FDA found out, instead of shutting things down for some kind of studies, they let it go. So YES, THE FDA IS IN BED WITH Pfizer, Moderna, probably J&J, all of big pharma. They all need to be investigated and the incestuous relationships of FDA, being on Pfizer and or Moderna's board and all of them being on FDA's board, should all be banned. There should not be that kind of crossover

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It will not end well for this corporate/bureaucratic house of cards. The willingness to be governed requires submission. In the end, they will wind up short very short on submission and presumably rely on the blunt tools of the trade. Therein lies the rub.

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Indeed, the foundation of the bureaucrat deep state has layers, but the primary factor is for NWO international cartels to place their assets INTO bureaucracies AND hire/re-hire ex-bureaucrats that are, in this case, NWO pharma 'team players.' Birx is the latest team player hire by Pfizer. Consultants, lobbyists, et al, are all DC court prostitutes, among others, that have totally corrupted our government as nicely framed by our Trump.

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