History will prove that Iran and the Iranian people are on the side of the American Republics. Whatever deals Trump has made with Israihell will be worth less than toilet paper.

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I love Trump but when he abandoned the JPOA and started crippling sanctions - then abetted the assasination of the Revolutionary Guard Corps General - I lost much respect for him.

On the latter - I think our Military took him out in order to box Trump in. And instead of realizing he had been had (like when he initiated an attack on the Syrian government over the false flag gas attack during the onset of his administration) and admitting it - he let his ego get in the way.

Thats why I believe there are people that DONT want him coming in for a second term. They know that he is mad about having gotten played and will be seeking revenge.

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Very based and red pilled.

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You don't think that Iran could have hacked it and landed it themselves?

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its always funny to me how the narrative is spun.

So with the Ukraine-Russian crisis we are told that Iranians are smart enough to manufacture drones that a Nuclear Power (Russia) deems worthy enough to purchase and employ on the battle field. But at the same time we are told the Iranians cant hack or signal jam a drone operating in or around their airspace

Its just laughable at this point

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That is the way that gaslighting and propaganda have always worked.

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Hmmm? Iran has had a drone making process since 1985 but Paul blames Obama and Biden for this--neither of whom had that ability to promote back then. Methinks Paul is doing his politicking without real information or decent analysis.

Personally, given the violence of Israel and its ongoing attacks of its neighbors with bombings and assassinations as well as surveillance and spying, I am quite happy to see Iran with equitable weaponry to protect itself. It is also true that the only thing that keeps 'bullies' controlled is having their adversaries equally weaponized. Russia having a strong nuclear program is what keeps the US from doing another Nagasaki and Hiroshima event which they did in Iraq. It you think that didn't inform the world of US violence, narcissistic hegemony and complete absence of ethics or humanity think again. The US is not seen as a peaceful country and its claim about democracy only fools delusional Americans who have bought the myth coupled with the racism of this country. Iran having such weaponry is what keeps you safe here!

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Hopefully they can strap a nuke onto that thing before they launch it into Israel. Payback for the USS Liberty and 9/11, among countless other sins.

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Also, Israel is most likely responsible for nuking Bruit in 2020, and the so-called mysterious Iranian shipyard explosion in 2020. Check out the huge radiation spikes detected in the Sicilian radiation monitor on the radmon dot org website https://mellano.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/radiation-1.jpg Before the Bruit explosion, Netanyahu gave a speech where he complained that Hezbollah has missile sites just blocks away from where the Bruit blast took place. I don't know how anyone can look at that blast and say it was anything other than a small nuclear explosion. Plus, with the radiation spike detected I would give it around 99.9% odds that it was a nuclear bomb. Trump even said that the pentagon told him that it was a bomb of some sort. If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck. It's probably a duck. Israel needs to be punished for this in my opinion, though I don't think they should be nuked. I think they should be forced to give up large chunks of their land back to the Palestinians. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5U0su4LiADk

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I wonder how many megabucks Biden was paid in exchange.

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They are both traitors.

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Guess who tried to sell Iran equipment to support the entire nuclear fuel cycle from ores to power reactors to weapons-grade materials? And guess when they tried to do that.

Iran is not the problem. The late NSA Director in the Reagan years, Gen. William Odom was a harsh critic of US policies towards Iran. He noted that our policies were pointless and counter-productive. He advised we mend relations and conduct trade. But whenever such an opportunity exists, the Israel lobby, lord and master of US foreign policy, sabotages it.

Israel seems bent on shaping the world to resemble the world of Ezekiel 38 so that, by prejudicing Americans with pro-zionist bigotry, the US can be used as a sort of Golem against all Israel’s present and future victims. This crap has worked swimmingly so far but is loathsome and treasonous. Why? Take an honest look at the attack on the USS Liberty, the murders of Forrestall, Jack & Bobby, and Lavon Affair, the 9/11 events, the King David Hotel and the menu of US wars outlined decades ago by Oded Yinon then installed as Pentagon planning after 9/11.... Israeli PMs and lobbyists bragged about controlling US foreign policy and this is a credible boast. Meanwhile, we beat up on Iran and treat them as if they are the problem. They are not. They are thoughtful and trustworthy. I’d rather be surrounded by Iranians than have a neighbor hell-bent on killing half my family and stealing my home, land, and water resources.


Cenk Uygar on Ehud Olmert, W Bush

Mark Bruzonsky


MJ Rosenberg


Stephanie Schriock


Glenn Greenwald


General Wesley Clark


French Foreign Minister Roland Dumas


Gonzalo Lira on Vicki Nuland


We are all Palestinians…


Lawrence Wilkerson on the dread lobby


John Kiriakou on Israel’s influence https://youtu.be/c5B-fzDvyO8

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>But whenever such an opportunity exists, the Israel lobby, lord and master of US foreign policy, sabotages it.

This is the key point. It took me a long time to realize this. It was an eye opener when I did.

Its often forgotten that - the Iranians were very helpful to us in pursing the Islamic Renegades in Afghanistan when we most needed the help

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Israel just wants peace in the middle east. A piece of Lebanon, piece of Egypt, a piece of Syria, and a big piece of Palestine.

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Obama killed more Muslims in drone strikes than any president in history. And, he also killed about 90% innocent bystanders in the process. However, I don't think Obama is responsible for the development of these drones. I suspect that Iran was able to copy US drones becuase US drones have likely been shot down over their air space. Putin has partnered with Iran and is purchasing Iranian drones and using them against the US-funded fighters in the Ukraine, which I think is smart of Putin, and I oppose spending anymore US taxpayer money on the war in the Ukraine. Also, Iran is likely going to be joining Russia's BRICS soon. It seems that Russia and Iran have each other's backs, and I doubt Iran would do any provocative action without the blessing of Putin. However, it the US provokes Iran, and Iran fights back, then I suspect that Putin will have Iran's back and would step in and give the US the a$$ whooping that they got coming to them. All evidence points to Israel as being the one responsible for nuking Iran's shipyard in the so-called mysterious Iranian shipyard explosion in 2020. Also, all evidence points to Israel as being the ones responsible for nuking Beirut in 2020 as well. If Israel keeps on doing these provocative actions then they are going to deserve an A$$ whooping. I think you should stick to COVID related issues Dr., becuase your fear and hatred of Iranians along with your overt-the-top support for Israel seems to be clouding your better judgment. https://mellano.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/radiation-1.jpg

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Probably the original drone was one of the American weapons arsenal that Biden left for the Taliban when America ran away from Afghanistan - reverse engineered - that is how these things are developed, presumably.

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They made it to attack Saudi Arabia probably, not Israel. But, there will be a fake operation soon against Israel which will launch a war against Iran. Irsrael wants to expand into Iran for the Great Israel Land. Saudi Arabia will probably join forces with Israel.

My guess.

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It's going to be a miracle if we get out of 2023 without a WWIII.

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Agree 💯.

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So which is it ?

Get off that nonsense. Iranians are very intelligent and VERY resourceful. 3 decades of crippling sanctions makes you turn inward - get creative.

For the record I am a Black American Patriot - not a supporter of Iran. I just happen to think we are fed so much propoganda about our perceived enemies - its getting downright tiresome

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